mirror of https://github.com/qvacua/vimr.git synced 2024-12-27 15:53:31 +03:00
Tae Won Ha d765351403
GH-296 Make WorkspaceBarLocation plain enum again
- We want to keep Workspace independent
2016-11-20 10:51:15 +01:00

110 lines
3.1 KiB

* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Foundation
class PrefUtils {
fileprivate static let whitespaceCharSet = CharacterSet.whitespaces
static func ignorePatterns(fromString str: String) -> Set<FileItemIgnorePattern> {
if str.trimmingCharacters(in: self.whitespaceCharSet).characters.count == 0 {
return Set()
let patterns: [FileItemIgnorePattern] = str
.components(separatedBy: ",")
.flatMap {
let trimmed = $0.trimmingCharacters(in: self.whitespaceCharSet)
if trimmed.characters.count == 0 {
return nil
return FileItemIgnorePattern(pattern: trimmed)
return Set(patterns)
static func ignorePatternString(fromSet set: Set<FileItemIgnorePattern>) -> String {
return Array(set)
.map { $0.pattern }
.joined(separator: ", ")
static func value<T>(from dict: [String: Any], for key: String) -> T? {
return dict[key] as? T
static func value<T>(from dict: [String: Any], for key: String, default defaultValue: T) -> T {
return dict[key] as? T ?? defaultValue
static func float(from dict: [String: Any], for key: String, default defaultValue: Float) -> Float {
return (dict[key] as? NSNumber)?.floatValue ?? defaultValue
static func float(from dict: [String: Any], for key: String) -> Float? {
guard let number = dict[key] as? NSNumber else {
return nil
return number.floatValue
static func bool(from dict: [String: Any], for key: String) -> Bool? {
guard let number = dict[key] as? NSNumber else {
return nil
return number.boolValue
static func bool(from dict: [String: Any], for key: String, default defaultValue: Bool) -> Bool {
return (dict[key] as? NSNumber)?.boolValue ?? defaultValue
static func saneFont(_ fontName: String, fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont {
var editorFont = NSFont(name: fontName, size: fontSize) ?? NeoVimView.defaultFont
if !editorFont.isFixedPitch {
editorFont = NSFontManager.shared().convert(NeoVimView.defaultFont, toSize: editorFont.pointSize)
if editorFont.pointSize < NeoVimView.minFontSize || editorFont.pointSize > NeoVimView.maxFontSize {
editorFont = NSFontManager.shared().convert(editorFont, toSize: NeoVimView.defaultFont.pointSize)
return editorFont
static func saneLinespacing(_ fLinespacing: Float) -> CGFloat {
let linespacing = CGFloat(fLinespacing)
guard linespacing >= NeoVimView.minLinespacing && linespacing <= NeoVimView.maxLinespacing else {
return NeoVimView.defaultLinespacing
return linespacing
static func location(from strValue: String) -> WorkspaceBarLocation? {
switch strValue {
case "top": return .top
case "right": return .right
case "bottom": return .bottom
case "left": return .left
default: return nil
static func locationAsString(for loc: WorkspaceBarLocation) -> String {
switch loc {
case .top: return "top"
case .right: return "right"
case .bottom: return "bottom"
case .left: return "left"