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synced 2024-12-27 15:53:31 +03:00
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76 lines
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* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Foundation
extension NSURL {
/// Wrapper function for NSURL.getResourceValue for Bool values.
/// Returns also `false` when
/// - there is no value for the given `key` or
/// - the value cannot be converted to `NSNumber`.
/// - parameters:
/// - key: The `key`-parameter of `NSURL.getResourceValue`.
func resourceValue(key: String) -> Bool {
var rsrc: AnyObject?
do {
try self.getResourceValue(&rsrc, forKey: key)
} catch {
// FIXME error handling
print("\(#function): \(self) -> ERROR while getting \(key)")
return false
if let result = rsrc as? NSNumber {
return result.boolValue
return false
var dir: Bool {
return self.resourceValue(NSURLIsDirectoryKey)
var hidden: Bool {
return self.resourceValue(NSURLIsHiddenKey)
extension Array {
/// Concurrent and chunked version of `Array.map`.
/// - parameters:
/// - chunk: Batch size; defaults to `100`.
/// - queue: Defaults to `dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED, 0)`.
/// - transform: The transform function.
/// - returns: Transformed array of `self`.
func concurrentChunkMap<R>(
chunk: Int = 100,
queue: dispatch_queue_t = dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED, 0),
transform: (Element) -> R) -> [R]
let count = self.count
let chunkedCount = Int(ceil(Float(count) / Float(chunk)))
var result: [[R]] = []
let mutex = PThreadMutex()
dispatch_apply(chunkedCount, queue) { idx in
let startIndex = min(idx * chunk, count)
let endIndex = min(startIndex + chunk, count)
let mappedChunk = self[startIndex..<endIndex].map(transform)
mutex.sync { result.append(mappedChunk) }
return result.flatMap { $0 }