mirror of https://github.com/qvacua/vimr.git synced 2025-01-04 20:02:04 +03:00
2018-04-22 10:35:18 +02:00

446 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import msgpack
from string import Template
import re
import textwrap
import os
import io
void_func_template = Template('''\
public func ${func_name}(${args}
expectsReturnValue: Bool = true,
checkBlocked: Bool = true
) -> NvimApi.Response<Void> {
if expectsReturnValue && checkBlocked {
guard let blocked = self.getMode().value?["blocking"]?.boolValue else {
return .failure(NvimApi.Error.blocked)
if blocked {
return .failure(NvimApi.Error.blocked)
let params: [NvimApi.Value] = [
let response = self.rpc(method: "${nvim_func_name}", params: params, expectsReturnValue: expectsReturnValue)
if let error = response.error {
return .failure(error)
return .success(())
get_mode_func_template = Template('''\
public func ${func_name}(${args}
) -> NvimApi.Response<${result_type}> {
let params: [NvimApi.Value] = [
let response = self.rpc(method: "${nvim_func_name}", params: params, expectsReturnValue: true)
guard let value = response.value else {
return .failure(response.error!)
guard let result = (${return_value}) else {
return .failure(NvimApi.Error.conversion(type: ${result_type}.self))
return .success(result)
func_template = Template('''\
public func ${func_name}(${args}
checkBlocked: Bool = true
) -> NvimApi.Response<${result_type}> {
if checkBlocked {
guard let blocked = self.getMode().value?["blocking"]?.boolValue else {
return .failure(NvimApi.Error.blocked)
if blocked {
return .failure(NvimApi.Error.blocked)
let params: [NvimApi.Value] = [
let response = self.rpc(method: "${nvim_func_name}", params: params, expectsReturnValue: true)
guard let value = response.value else {
return .failure(response.error!)
guard let result = (${return_value}) else {
return .failure(NvimApi.Error.conversion(type: ${result_type}.self))
return .success(result)
extension_template = Template('''\
// Auto generated for nvim version ${version}.
// See bin/generate_api_methods.py
import MsgPackRpc
extension NvimApi {
public enum Error: Swift.Error {
case exception(message: String)
case validation(message: String)
case blocked
case conversion(type: Any.Type)
case unknown
// array([uint(0), string(Wrong number of arguments: expecting 2 but got 0)])
init(_ value: NvimApi.Value?) {
let array = value?.arrayValue
guard array?.count == 2 else {
self = .unknown
guard let rawValue = array?[0].unsignedIntegerValue, let message = array?[1].stringValue else {
self = .unknown
switch rawValue {
default: self = .unknown
public extension NvimApi {
extension NvimApi.Buffer {
init?(_ value: NvimApi.Value) {
guard let (type, data) = value.extendedValue else {
return nil
guard type == ${buffer_type} else {
return nil
guard let handle = (try? unpack(data))?.value.integerValue else {
return nil
self.handle = Int(handle)
extension NvimApi.Window {
init?(_ value: NvimApi.Value) {
guard let (type, data) = value.extendedValue else {
return nil
guard type == ${window_type} else {
return nil
guard let handle = (try? unpack(data))?.value.integerValue else {
return nil
self.handle = Int(handle)
extension NvimApi.Tabpage {
init?(_ value: NvimApi.Value) {
guard let (type, data) = value.extendedValue else {
return nil
guard type == ${tabpage_type} else {
return nil
guard let handle = (try? unpack(data))?.value.integerValue else {
return nil
self.handle = Int(handle)
fileprivate func msgPackDictToSwift(_ dict: Dictionary<NvimApi.Value, NvimApi.Value>?) -> Dictionary<String, NvimApi.Value>? {
return dict?.compactMapToDict { k, v in
guard let strKey = k.stringValue else {
return nil
return (strKey, v)
fileprivate func msgPackArrayDictToSwift(_ array: [NvimApi.Value]?) -> [Dictionary<String, NvimApi.Value>]? {
return array?
.compactMap { v in v.dictionaryValue }
.compactMap { d in msgPackDictToSwift(d) }
extension Dictionary {
fileprivate func mapToDict<K, V>(_ transform: ((key: Key, value: Value)) throws -> (K, V)) rethrows -> Dictionary<K, V> {
let array = try self.map(transform)
return tuplesToDict(array)
fileprivate func compactMapToDict<K, V>(_ transform: ((key: Key, value: Value)) throws -> (K, V)?) rethrows -> Dictionary<K, V> {
let array = try self.compactMap(transform)
return tuplesToDict(array)
fileprivate func tuplesToDict<K:Hashable, V, S:Sequence>(_ sequence: S)
-> Dictionary<K, V> where S.Iterator.Element == (K, V) {
var result = Dictionary<K, V>(minimumCapacity: sequence.underestimatedCount)
for (key, value) in sequence {
result[key] = value
return result
def snake_to_camel(snake_str):
components = snake_str.split('_')
return components[0] + "".join(x.title() for x in components[1:])
def nvim_type_to_swift(nvim_type):
if nvim_type == 'Boolean':
return 'Bool'
if nvim_type == 'Integer':
return 'Int'
if nvim_type == 'Float':
return nvim_type
if nvim_type == 'void':
return 'Void'
if nvim_type == 'String':
return 'String'
if nvim_type == 'Array':
return 'NvimApi.Value'
if nvim_type == 'Dictionary':
return 'Dictionary<String, NvimApi.Value>'
if nvim_type == 'Buffer':
return 'NvimApi.Buffer'
if nvim_type == 'Window':
return 'NvimApi.Window'
if nvim_type == 'Tabpage':
return 'NvimApi.Tabpage'
if nvim_type == 'Object':
return 'NvimApi.Value'
if nvim_type.startswith('ArrayOf('):
match = re.match(r'ArrayOf\((.*?)(?:, \d+)*\)', nvim_type)
return '[{}]'.format(nvim_type_to_swift(match.group(1)))
return 'NvimApi.Value'
def msgpack_to_swift(msgpack_value_name, type):
if type == 'Bool':
return f'{msgpack_value_name}.boolValue'
if type == 'Int':
return f'({msgpack_value_name}.integerValue == nil ? nil : Int({msgpack_value_name}.integerValue!))'
if type == 'Float':
return f'{msgpack_value_name}.floatValue'
if type == 'Void':
return f'()'
if type == 'String':
return f'{msgpack_value_name}.stringValue'
if type == 'NvimApi.Value':
return f'Optional({msgpack_value_name})'
if type in 'NvimApi.Buffer':
return f'NvimApi.Buffer({msgpack_value_name})'
if type in 'NvimApi.Window':
return f'NvimApi.Window({msgpack_value_name})'
if type in 'NvimApi.Tabpage':
return f'NvimApi.Tabpage({msgpack_value_name})'
if type.startswith('Dictionary<'):
return f'msgPackDictToSwift({msgpack_value_name}.dictionaryValue)'
if type.startswith('[Dictionary<'):
return f'msgPackArrayDictToSwift({msgpack_value_name}.arrayValue)'
if type.startswith('['):
element_type = re.match(r'\[(.*)\]', type).group(1)
return f'{msgpack_value_name}.arrayValue?.compactMap({{ v in {msgpack_to_swift("v", element_type)} }})'
return 'NvimApi.Value'
def swift_to_msgpack_value(name, type):
if type == 'Bool':
return f'.bool({name})'
if type == 'Int':
return f'.int(Int64({name}))'
if type == 'Float':
return f'.float({name})'
if type == 'Void':
return f'.nil()'
if type == 'String':
return f'.string({name})'
if type == 'Dictionary<String, NvimApi.Value>':
return f'.map({name}.mapToDict({{ (Value.string($0), $1) }}))'
if type == 'NvimApi.Value':
return name
if type in ['NvimApi.Buffer', 'NvimApi.Window', 'NvimApi.Tabpage']:
return f'.int(Int64({name}.handle))'
if type.startswith('['):
match = re.match(r'\[(.*)\]', type)
test = '$0'
return f'.array({name}.map {{ {swift_to_msgpack_value(test, match.group(1))} }})'
def parse_args(raw_params):
types = [nvim_type_to_swift(p[0]) for p in raw_params]
names = [p[1] for p in raw_params]
params = dict(zip(names, types))
result = '\n'.join([n + ': ' + t + ',' for n, t in params.items()])
if not result:
return ''
return '\n' + textwrap.indent(result, ' ')
def parse_params(raw_params):
types = [nvim_type_to_swift(p[0]) for p in raw_params]
names = [p[1] for p in raw_params]
params = dict(zip(names, types))
result = '\n'.join([swift_to_msgpack_value(n, t) + ',' for n, t in params.items()])
return textwrap.indent(result, ' ').strip()
def parse_function(f):
args = parse_args(f['parameters'])
template = void_func_template if f['return_type'] == 'void' else func_template
template = get_mode_func_template if f['name'] == 'nvim_get_mode' else template
result = template.substitute(
return_value=msgpack_to_swift('value', nvim_type_to_swift(f['return_type']))
return result
def parse_version(version):
return '.'.join([str(v) for v in [version['major'], version['minor'], version['patch']]])
def parse_error_types(error_types):
return textwrap.indent(
[f'private static let {t.lower()}RawValue = UInt64({v["id"]})' for t, v in error_types.items()]
' '
def parse_error_cases(error_types):
return textwrap.indent(
[f'case Error.{t.lower()}RawValue: self = .{t.lower()}(message: message)' for t, v in error_types.items()]
' '
if __name__ == '__main__':
result_file_path = './NvimMsgPack/NvimApiMethods.generated.swift'
if 'CONFIGURATION' in os.environ and os.environ['CONFIGURATION'] == 'Debug':
if os.path.isfile(result_file_path):
print("Files already there and DEBUG, exiting...")
nvim_path = os.environ['NVIM_PATH'] if 'NVIM_PATH' in os.environ else 'nvim'
nvim_output = subprocess.run([nvim_path, '--api-info'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
api = msgpack.unpackb(nvim_output.stdout, encoding='utf-8')
version = parse_version(api['version'])
functions = [f for f in api['functions'] if 'deprecated_since' not in f]
body = '\n'.join([parse_function(f) for f in functions])
result = extension_template.substitute(
with io.open(result_file_path, 'w') as api_methods_file: