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synced 2025-01-07 06:33:19 +03:00
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263 lines
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* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Cocoa
import PureLayout
import CocoaFontAwesome
This class is the base class for inner toolbars for workspace tools. It's got two default buttons:
- Close button
- Cog button: not shown when there's no menu
class InnerToolBar: NSView, NSUserInterfaceValidations {
fileprivate static let separatorColor = NSColor.controlShadowColor
fileprivate static let separatorThickness = CGFloat(1)
fileprivate static let height = InnerToolBar.iconDimension + 2 + 2 + InnerToolBar.separatorThickness
static fileprivate let backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.899, green: 0.934, blue: 0.997, alpha: 1)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
fileprivate let titleField = NSTextField(forAutoLayout:())
fileprivate let closeButton = NSButton(forAutoLayout:())
fileprivate let cogButton = NSPopUpButton(forAutoLayout:())
fileprivate let locToSelector: [WorkspaceBarLocation: Selector] = [
.top: #selector(InnerToolBar.moveToTopAction(_:)),
.right: #selector(InnerToolBar.moveToRightAction(_:)),
.bottom: #selector(InnerToolBar.moveToBottomAction(_:)),
.left: #selector(InnerToolBar.moveToLeftAction(_:)),
// MARK: - API
static let toolbarHeight = InnerToolBar.iconDimension
static let iconDimension = CGFloat(19)
static let iconColor = NSColor.darkGray
static func configureToStandardIconButton(button: NSButton, image: NSImage?) {
button.imagePosition = .imageOnly
button.image = image
button.isBordered = false
// The following disables the square appearing when pushed.
let cell = button.cell as? NSButtonCell
cell?.highlightsBy = .contentsCellMask
let customMenuItems: [NSMenuItem]
var customToolbar: NSView?
weak var tool: WorkspaceTool? {
didSet {
self.titleField.stringValue = self.tool?.title ?? ""
let toolTitle = self.tool?.title ?? "Tool"
self.closeButton.toolTip = "Close \(toolTitle)"
self.cogButton.toolTip = "\(toolTitle) Settings"
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
if #available(macOS 10.11, *) {
return CGSize(width: NSViewNoIntrinsicMetric, height: InnerToolBar.height)
} else {
return CGSize(width: -1, height: InnerToolBar.height)
init(customToolbar: NSView? = nil, customMenuItems: [NSMenuItem] = []) {
self.customMenuItems = customMenuItems
self.customToolbar = customToolbar
super.init(frame: .zero)
// Because other views also want layer, this view also must want layer. Otherwise the z-index ordering is not set
// correctly: views w/ wantsLayer = false are behind views w/ wantsLayer = true even when added later.
self.wantsLayer = true
self.layer?.backgroundColor = InnerToolBar.backgroundColor.cgColor
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let bottomSeparatorRect = self.bottomSeparatorRect()
if dirtyRect.intersects(bottomSeparatorRect) {
let innerSeparatorRect = self.innerSeparatorRect()
if dirtyRect.intersects(innerSeparatorRect) {
fileprivate func addViews() {
let title = self.titleField
let close = self.closeButton
let cog = self.cogButton
title.isBezeled = false
title.drawsBackground = false
title.isEditable = false
title.isSelectable = false
title.controlSize = .small
let closeIcon = NSImage.fontAwesomeIcon(code: "fa-times-circle",
textColor: InnerToolBar.iconColor,
dimension: InnerToolBar.iconDimension)
InnerToolBar.configureToStandardIconButton(button: close, image: closeIcon)
close.target = self
close.action = #selector(InnerToolBar.closeAction)
let cogIcon = NSImage.fontAwesomeIcon(name: .cog,
textColor: InnerToolBar.iconColor,
dimension: InnerToolBar.iconDimension)
cog.imagePosition = .imageOnly
cog.pullsDown = true
cog.isBordered = false
let cogCell = cog.cell as? NSPopUpButtonCell
cogCell?.arrowPosition = .noArrow
let cogMenu = NSMenu()
let cogMenuItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Cog", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
cogMenuItem.image = cogIcon
let moveToMenu = NSMenu()
let topMenuItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Top",
action: #selector(InnerToolBar.moveToTopAction),
keyEquivalent: "")
topMenuItem.target = self
let rightMenuItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Right",
action: #selector(InnerToolBar.moveToRightAction),
keyEquivalent: "")
rightMenuItem.target = self
let bottomMenuItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Bottom",
action: #selector(InnerToolBar.moveToBottomAction),
keyEquivalent: "")
bottomMenuItem.target = self
let leftMenuItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Left",
action: #selector(InnerToolBar.moveToLeftAction),
keyEquivalent: "")
leftMenuItem.target = self
let moveToMenuItem = NSMenuItem(
title: "Move To",
action: nil,
keyEquivalent: ""
moveToMenuItem.submenu = moveToMenu
if self.customMenuItems.isEmpty == false {
cog.menu = cogMenu
if let customToolbar = self.customToolbar {
title.autoAlignAxis(toSuperviewAxis: .horizontal)
title.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .left, withInset: 4)
close.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .top, withInset: 2)
close.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .right, withInset: 2)
cog.autoPinEdge(.right, to: .left, of: close, withOffset: 5)
cog.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .top, withInset: -1)
if let customToolbar = self.customToolbar {
customToolbar.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .top, withInset: 2)
customToolbar.autoPinEdge(.right, to: .left, of: cog, withOffset: 5 - InnerToolBar.separatorThickness)
customToolbar.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .bottom, withInset: 2 + InnerToolBar.separatorThickness)
customToolbar.autoPinEdge(.left, to: .right, of: title, withOffset: 2)
fileprivate func bottomSeparatorRect() -> CGRect {
let bounds = self.bounds
return CGRect(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.minY, width: bounds.width, height: InnerToolBar.separatorThickness)
fileprivate func innerSeparatorRect() -> CGRect {
let cogBounds = self.cogButton.frame
let bounds = self.bounds
return CGRect(x: cogBounds.minX + 6, y: bounds.minY + 4, width: 1, height: bounds.height - 4 - 4)
// MARK: - Actions
extension InnerToolBar {
func closeAction(_ sender: Any?) {
func moveToTopAction(_ sender: Any?) {
self.move(to: .top)
func moveToRightAction(_ sender: Any?) {
self.move(to: .right)
func moveToBottomAction(_ sender: Any?) {
self.move(to: .bottom)
func moveToLeftAction(_ sender: Any?) {
self.move(to: .left)
fileprivate func move(to location: WorkspaceBarLocation) {
guard let tool = self.tool else {
tool.workspace?.move(tool: tool, to: location)
// MARK: - NSUserInterfaceValidations
extension InnerToolBar {
func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ item: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool {
guard let loc = self.tool?.location else {
return true
if item.action == self.locToSelector[loc] {
return false
return true