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synced 2025-01-05 12:24:30 +03:00
324 lines
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324 lines
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* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Cocoa
import RxSwift
import EonilFileSystemEvents
enum FileItemServiceChange {
case childrenChanged(root: URL, fileItem: FileItem)
class FileItemService: StandardFlow {
/// Used to cache fnmatch calls in `FileItem`.
fileprivate var ignoreToken = Token()
/// When at least this much of non-directory and visible files are scanned, they are emitted.
fileprivate let emitChunkSize = 1000
fileprivate let scanDispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: DispatchQoS.QoSClass.userInitiated)
fileprivate let monitorDispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: DispatchQoS.QoSClass.userInitiated)
fileprivate let root = FileItem(URL(fileURLWithPath: "/", isDirectory: true))
fileprivate let fileSystemEventsLatency = Double(2)
fileprivate var monitors = [URL: FileSystemEventMonitor]()
fileprivate var monitorCounter = [URL: Int]()
fileprivate let workspace = NSWorkspace.shared()
fileprivate let iconsCache = NSCache<NSURL, NSImage>()
fileprivate var spinLock = OS_SPINLOCK_INIT
// MARK: - API
fileprivate(set) var ignorePatterns: Set<FileItemIgnorePattern> = [] {
didSet {
self.ignoreToken = Token()
override init(source: Observable<Any>) {
super.init(source: source)
self.iconsCache.countLimit = 2000
self.iconsCache.name = "icon-cache"
func set(ignorePatterns patterns: Set<FileItemIgnorePattern>) {
self.ignorePatterns = patterns
func icon(forType type: String) -> NSImage {
return self.workspace.icon(forFileType: type)
func icon(forUrl url: URL) -> NSImage? {
if let cached = self.iconsCache.object(forKey: url as NSURL) {
return cached
let path = url.path
let icon = workspace.icon(forFile: path)
icon.size = CGSize(width: 16, height: 16)
self.iconsCache.setObject(icon, forKey: url as NSURL)
return icon
func monitor(url: URL) {
let path = url.path
// FIXME: Handle EonilFileSystemEventFlag.RootChanged, ie watchRoot: true
let monitor = FileSystemEventMonitor(pathsToWatch: [path],
latency: self.fileSystemEventsLatency,
watchRoot: false,
queue: self.monitorDispatchQueue)
{ [unowned self] events in
let urls = events.map { URL(fileURLWithPath: $0.path) }
let parent = FileUtils.commonParent(of: urls)
guard let parentItem = self.fileItem(for: parent) else {
parentItem.needsScanChildren = true
self.publish(event: FileItemServiceChange.childrenChanged(root: url, fileItem: parentItem))
self.monitors[url] = monitor
if let counter = self.monitorCounter[url] {
self.monitorCounter[url] = counter + 1
} else {
self.monitorCounter[url] = 1
func unmonitor(url: URL) {
guard let counter = self.monitorCounter[url] else {
let newCounter = counter - 1
if newCounter > 0 {
self.monitorCounter[url] = newCounter
} else {
self.monitorCounter.removeValue(forKey: url)
self.monitors.removeValue(forKey: url)
// TODO Remove cached items more aggressively?
let hasRelations = self.monitors.keys.reduce(false) { (result, monitoredUrl) in
return result ? result : monitoredUrl.isParent(of: url) || url.isParent(of: monitoredUrl)
if hasRelations {
self.parentFileItem(of: url).remove(childWith: url)
func flatFileItems(ofUrl url: URL) -> Observable<[FileItem]> {
guard url.isFileURL else {
return Observable.empty()
guard FileUtils.fileExists(at: url) else {
return Observable.empty()
let pathComponents = url.pathComponents
return Observable.create { [unowned self] observer in
let cancel = Disposables.create {
// noop
self.scanDispatchQueue.async { [unowned self] in
guard let targetItem = self.fileItem(for: pathComponents) else {
var flatNewFileItems: [FileItem] = []
var dirStack: [FileItem] = [targetItem]
while let curItem = dirStack.popLast() {
if cancel.isDisposed {
if !curItem.childrenScanned || curItem.needsScanChildren {
.filter { item in
if item.isHidden || item.isPackage {
return false
// This item already has been fnmatch'ed, thus return the cached value.
if item.ignoreToken == self.ignoreToken {
return !item.ignore
item.ignoreToken = self.ignoreToken
item.ignore = false
let path = item.url.path
for pattern in self.ignorePatterns {
// We don't use `String.FnMatchOption.leadingDir` (`FNM_LEADING_DIR`) for directories since we do not
// scan ignored directories at all when filtering. For example "*/.git" would create a `FileItem`
// for `/some/path/.git`, but not scan its children when we filter.
if pattern.match(absolutePath: path) {
item.ignore = true
return false
return true
.forEach { $0.isDir ? dirStack.append($0) : flatNewFileItems.append($0) }
if flatNewFileItems.count >= self.emitChunkSize {
flatNewFileItems = []
if !cancel.isDisposed {
return cancel
/// Returns the `FileItem` corresponding to the `url` parameter with children. This is like mkdir -p, i.e. it
/// instantiates the intermediate `FileItem`s.
/// - returns: `FileItem` corresponding to `url` with children. `nil` if the file does not exist.
func fileItemWithChildren(for url: URL) -> FileItem? {
guard let fileItem = self.fileItem(for: url) else {
return nil
if !fileItem.childrenScanned || fileItem.needsScanChildren {
return fileItem
func sortedChildren(for url: URL) -> [FileItem] {
guard let fileItem = self.fileItem(for: url) else {
return []
if !fileItem.childrenScanned || fileItem.needsScanChildren {
self.scanChildren(fileItem, sorted: true)
return fileItem.children
return fileItem.children.sorted()
// FIXME: what if root?
fileprivate func parentFileItem(of url: URL) -> FileItem {
return self.fileItem(for: Array(url.pathComponents.dropLast()))!
/// Returns the `FileItem` corresponding to the `url` parameter. This is like mkdir -p, i.e. it
/// instantiates the intermediate `FileItem`s. The children of the result may be empty.
/// - returns: `FileItem` corresponding to `pathComponents`. `nil` if the file does not exist.
func fileItem(for url: URL) -> FileItem? {
let pathComponents = url.pathComponents
return self.fileItem(for: pathComponents)
/// Returns the `FileItem` corresponding to the `pathComponents` parameter. This is like mkdir -p, i.e. it
/// instantiates the intermediate `FileItem`s. The children of the result may be empty.
/// - returns: `FileItem` corresponding to `pathComponents`. `nil` if the file does not exist.
fileprivate func fileItem(for pathComponents: [String]) -> FileItem? {
let result = pathComponents.dropFirst().reduce(self.root) { (resultItem, childName) -> FileItem? in
guard let parent = resultItem else {
return nil
return self.child(withName: childName, ofParent: parent, create: true)
return result
/// Even when the result is nil it does not mean that there's no child with the given name. It could well be that
/// it's not been scanned yet. However, if `create` parameter was true and `nil` is returned, the requested
/// child does not exist.
/// - parameters:
/// - name: name of the child to get.
/// - parent: parent of the child.
/// - create: whether to create the child `FileItem` if it's not scanned yet.
/// - returns: child `FileItem` or nil.
fileprivate func child(withName name: String, ofParent parent: FileItem, create: Bool = false) -> FileItem? {
let filteredChildren = parent.children.filter { $0.url.lastPathComponent == name }
if filteredChildren.isEmpty && create {
let childUrl = parent.url.appendingPathComponent(name)
guard FileUtils.fileExists(at: childUrl) else {
return nil
let child = FileItem(childUrl)
self.syncAddChildren { parent.children.append(child) }
return child
return filteredChildren.first
fileprivate func scanChildren(_ item: FileItem, sorted: Bool = false) {
let children = FileUtils.directDescendants(of: item.url).map(FileItem.init)
self.syncAddChildren {
if sorted {
item.children = children.sorted()
} else {
item.children = children
item.childrenScanned = true
item.needsScanChildren = false
fileprivate func syncAddChildren(_ fn: () -> Void) {
override func subscription(source: Observable<Any>) -> Disposable {
return source
.filter { $0 is PrefData }
.map { $0 as! PrefData }
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] data in
if data.general.ignorePatterns == self.ignorePatterns {
self.set(ignorePatterns: data.general.ignorePatterns)