mirror of https://github.com/qvacua/vimr.git synced 2024-12-01 18:39:52 +03:00
2017-06-05 16:10:24 +02:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Cocoa
extension NeoVimView {
override public func viewDidMoveToWindow() {
self.window?.colorSpace = colorSpace
override public func draw(_ dirtyUnionRect: NSRect) {
guard self.grid.hasData else {
let context = NSGraphicsContext.current()!.cgContext
defer { context.restoreGState() }
if self.inLiveResize || self.currentlyResizing {
self.drawResizeInfo(in: context, with: dirtyUnionRect)
if self.isCurrentlyPinching {
self.drawPinchImage(in: context)
// When both anti-aliasing and font smoothing is turned on, then the "Use LCD font smoothing
// when available" setting is used to render texts,
// cf. chapter 11 from "Programming with Quartz".
context.textMatrix = CGAffineTransform.identity;
let dirtyRects = self.rectsBeingDrawn()
self.rowRunIntersecting(rects: dirtyRects).forEach { self.draw(rowRun: $0, in: context) }
self.drawCursor(context: context)
fileprivate func draw(rowRun rowFrag: RowRun, in context: CGContext) {
defer { context.restoreGState() }
// For background drawing we don't filter out the put(0, 0)s:
// in some cases only the put(0, 0)-cells should be redrawn.
// => FIXME: probably we have to consider this also when drawing further down,
// ie when the range starts with '0'...
self.drawBackground(rowRun: rowFrag, in: context)
let positions = rowFrag.range
// filter out the put(0, 0)s (after a wide character)
.filter { self.grid.cells[rowFrag.row][$0].string.characters.count > 0 }
.map { self.pointInView(forRow: rowFrag.row, column: $0) }
if positions.isEmpty {
let string = self.grid.cells[rowFrag.row][rowFrag.range].reduce("") { $0 + $1.string }
let offset = self.drawer.baselineOffset
let glyphPositions = positions.map { CGPoint(x: $0.x, y: $0.y + offset) }
positions: UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: glyphPositions), positionsCount: positions.count,
highlightAttrs: rowFrag.attrs,
context: context
fileprivate func cursorRegion() -> Region {
let cursorPosition = self.grid.position
let saneRow = max(0, min(cursorPosition.row, self.grid.size.height - 1))
let saneColumn = max(0, min(cursorPosition.column, self.grid.size.width - 1))
var cursorRegion = Region(top: saneRow, bottom: saneRow, left: saneColumn, right: saneColumn)
if self.grid.isNextCellEmpty(cursorPosition) {
cursorRegion = Region(top: cursorPosition.row,
bottom: cursorPosition.row,
left: cursorPosition.column,
right: min(self.grid.size.width - 1, cursorPosition.column + 1))
return cursorRegion
fileprivate func drawCursor(context: CGContext) {
guard self.shouldDrawCursor else {
defer { context.restoreGState() }
let cursorRegion = self.cursorRegion()
let cursorRow = cursorRegion.top
let cursorColumnStart = cursorRegion.left
if self.mode == .insert {
var cursorRect = self.rect(forRow: cursorRow, column: cursorColumnStart)
cursorRect.size.width = 2
// FIXME: for now do some rudimentary cursor drawing
let attrsAtCursor = self.grid.cells[cursorRow][cursorColumnStart].attrs
let attrs = CellAttributes(fontTrait: attrsAtCursor.fontTrait,
foreground: self.grid.background,
background: self.grid.foreground,
special: self.grid.special)
// FIXME: take ligatures into account (is it a good idea to do this?)
let rowRun = RowRun(row: cursorRegion.top, range: cursorRegion.columnRange, attrs: attrs)
self.draw(rowRun: rowRun, in: context)
self.shouldDrawCursor = false
fileprivate func drawBackground(rowRun: RowRun, in context: CGContext) {
defer { context.restoreGState() }
// To use random color use the following
// NSColor(calibratedRed: CGFloat(drand48()),
// green: CGFloat(drand48()),
// blue: CGFloat(drand48()),
// alpha: 1.0).set()
let firstCellOrigin = self.pointInView(forRow: rowRun.row, column: rowRun.range.lowerBound)
let backgroundRect = CGRect(
x: firstCellOrigin.x, y: firstCellOrigin.y,
width: CGFloat(rowRun.range.count) * self.cellSize.width, height: self.cellSize.height
fileprivate func drawResizeInfo(in context: CGContext, with dirtyUnionRect: CGRect) {
let boundsSize = self.bounds.size
let emojiSize = self.currentEmoji.size(withAttributes: emojiAttrs)
let emojiX = (boundsSize.width - emojiSize.width) / 2
let emojiY = (boundsSize.height - emojiSize.height) / 2
let discreteSize = self.discreteSize(size: boundsSize)
let displayStr = "\(discreteSize.width) × \(discreteSize.height)"
let size = displayStr.size(withAttributes: resizeTextAttrs)
let x = (boundsSize.width - size.width) / 2
let y = emojiY - size.height
self.currentEmoji.draw(at: CGPoint(x: emojiX, y: emojiY), withAttributes: emojiAttrs)
displayStr.draw(at: CGPoint(x: x, y: y), withAttributes: resizeTextAttrs)
fileprivate func drawPinchImage(in context: CGContext) {
context.interpolationQuality = .none
let boundsSize = self.bounds.size
let targetSize = CGSize(width: boundsSize.width * self.pinchTargetScale,
height: boundsSize.height * self.pinchTargetScale)
self.pinchBitmap?.draw(in: CGRect(origin: self.bounds.origin, size: targetSize),
from: CGRect.zero,
operation: .sourceOver,
fraction: 1,
respectFlipped: true,
hints: nil)
fileprivate func rowRunIntersecting(rects: [CGRect]) -> [RowRun] {
return rects
.map { rect -> (CountableClosedRange<Int>, CountableClosedRange<Int>) in
// Get all Regions that intersects with the given rects.
// There can be overlaps between the Regions, but for the time being we ignore them;
// probably not necessary to optimize them away.
let region = self.regionFor(rect: rect)
return (region.rowRange, region.columnRange)
// All RowRuns for all Regions grouped by their row range.
.map { self.rowRunsFor(rowRange: $0, columnRange: $1) }
// Flattened RowRuns for all Regions.
.flatMap { $0 }
fileprivate func rowRunsFor(rowRange: CountableClosedRange<Int>,
columnRange: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> [RowRun] {
return rowRange
.map { (row) -> [RowRun] in
let rowCells = self.grid.cells[row]
let startIdx = columnRange.lowerBound
var result: [RowRun] = []
var last = RowRun(row: row, range: startIdx...startIdx, attrs: rowCells[startIdx].attrs)
columnRange.forEach { idx in
if last.attrs == rowCells[idx].attrs {
last.range = last.range.lowerBound...idx
} else {
last = RowRun(row: row, range: idx...idx, attrs: rowCells[idx].attrs)
if idx == columnRange.upperBound {
return result // All RowRuns for a row in a Region.
} // All RowRuns for all rows in a Region grouped by row.
.flatMap { $0 } // Flattened RowRuns for a Region.
fileprivate func regionFor(rect: CGRect) -> Region {
let cellWidth = self.cellSize.width
let cellHeight = self.cellSize.height
let rowStart = max(
(self.bounds.height - self.yOffset - (rect.origin.y + rect.size.height)) / cellHeight)
), 0
let rowEnd = min(
Int(ceil((self.bounds.height - self.yOffset - rect.origin.y) / cellHeight)) - 1,
self.grid.size.height - 1
let columnStart = max(
Int(floor((rect.origin.x - self.xOffset) / cellWidth)), 0
let columnEnd = min(
Int(ceil((rect.origin.x - self.xOffset + rect.size.width) / cellWidth)) - 1,
self.grid.size.width - 1
return Region(top: rowStart, bottom: rowEnd, left: columnStart, right: columnEnd)
fileprivate func pointInViewFor(position: Position) -> CGPoint {
return self.pointInView(forRow: position.row, column: position.column)
fileprivate func pointInView(forRow row: Int, column: Int) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(
x: self.xOffset + CGFloat(column) * self.cellSize.width,
y: self.bounds.size.height - self.yOffset - CGFloat(row) * self.cellSize.height
- self.cellSize.height
func rect(forRow row: Int, column: Int) -> CGRect {
return CGRect(origin: self.pointInView(forRow: row, column: column), size: self.cellSize)
func rect(for region: Region) -> CGRect {
let top = CGFloat(region.top)
let bottom = CGFloat(region.bottom)
let left = CGFloat(region.left)
let right = CGFloat(region.right)
let width = right - left + 1
let height = bottom - top + 1
let cellWidth = self.cellSize.width
let cellHeight = self.cellSize.height
return CGRect(
x: self.xOffset + left * cellWidth,
y: self.bounds.size.height - self.yOffset - top * cellHeight - height * cellHeight,
width: width * cellWidth,
height: height * cellHeight
func wrapNamedKeys(_ string: String) -> String {
return "<\(string)>"
func vimPlainString(_ string: String) -> String {
return string.replacingOccurrences(of: "<", with: self.wrapNamedKeys("lt"))
func updateFontMetaData(_ newFont: NSFont) {
self.drawer.font = newFont
self.cellSize = self.drawer.cellSize
self.descent = self.drawer.descent
self.leading = self.drawer.leading
self.resizeNeoVimUi(to: self.bounds.size)
fileprivate let emojiAttrs = [ NSFontAttributeName: NSFont(name: "AppleColorEmoji", size: 72)! ]
fileprivate let resizeTextAttrs = [
NSFontAttributeName: NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18),
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: NSColor.darkGray
fileprivate let colorSpace = NSColorSpace.sRGB