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synced 2024-12-01 18:39:52 +03:00
- this avoids the strange delay which occurs sometimes when we call it in the mach port server thread
203 lines
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203 lines
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* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Cocoa
public class NeoVimView: NSView,
NSTextInputClient {
// MARK: - Public
public struct Config {
var useInteractiveZsh: Bool
var cwd: URL
var nvimArgs: [String]?
public init(useInteractiveZsh: Bool,
cwd: URL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory()),
nvimArgs: [String]? = nil) {
self.useInteractiveZsh = useInteractiveZsh
self.cwd = cwd
self.nvimArgs = nvimArgs
public static let minFontSize = CGFloat(4)
public static let maxFontSize = CGFloat(128)
public static let defaultFont = NSFont.userFixedPitchFont(ofSize: 12)!
public static let defaultLinespacing = CGFloat(1)
public static let minLinespacing = CGFloat(0.5)
public static let maxLinespacing = CGFloat(8)
public let uuid = UUID().uuidString
public weak var delegate: NeoVimViewDelegate?
public internal(set) var mode = CursorModeShape.normal
public var usesLigatures = false {
didSet {
self.drawer.usesLigatures = self.usesLigatures
self.needsDisplay = true
public var linespacing: CGFloat {
get {
return self._linespacing
set {
guard newValue >= NeoVimView.minLinespacing && newValue <= NeoVimView.maxLinespacing else {
self._linespacing = newValue
self.drawer.linespacing = self.linespacing
public var font: NSFont {
get {
return self._font
set {
guard newValue.isFixedPitch else {
let size = newValue.pointSize
guard size >= NeoVimView.minFontSize && size <= NeoVimView.maxFontSize else {
self._font = newValue
public var cwd: URL {
get {
return self._cwd
set {
let path = newValue.path
guard let escapedCwd = self.agent.escapedFileName(path) else {
// this happens when VimR is quitting with some main windows open...
self.logger.fault("Escaped file name returned nil.")
self.agent.vimCommandOutput("cd \(escapedCwd)")
override public var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool {
return true
public internal(set) var currentPosition = Position.beginning
public init(frame rect: NSRect, config: Config) {
self.drawer = TextDrawer(font: self._font)
self.agent = NeoVimAgent(uuid: self.uuid)
super.init(frame: .zero)
self.wantsLayer = true
self.cellSize = self.drawer.cellSize
self.descent = self.drawer.descent
self.leading = self.drawer.leading
// We cannot set bridge in init since self is not available before super.init()...
self.agent.bridge = self
self.agent.useInteractiveZsh = config.useInteractiveZsh
self.agent.cwd = config.cwd
self.agent.nvimArgs = config.nvimArgs
convenience override public init(frame rect: NSRect) {
self.init(frame: rect, config: Config(useInteractiveZsh: false))
required public init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
@IBAction public func debug1(_ sender: Any?) {
self.logger.debug("DEBUG 1 - Start")
self.logger.debug("DEBUG 1 - End")
// MARK: - Internal
/// Contiguous piece of cells of a row that has the same attributes.
struct RowRun: CustomStringConvertible {
var row: Int
var range: CountableClosedRange<Int>
var attrs: CellAttributes
var description: String {
return "RowRun<\(row): \(range)\n\(attrs)>"
let logger = FileLogger(as: NeoVimView.self, with: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/nvv.log"))
let bridgeLogger = FileLogger(as: NeoVimView.self,
with: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/nvv-bridge.log"),
shouldLogDebug: nil)
let agent: NeoVimAgent
let grid = Grid()
let drawer: TextDrawer
var markedText: String?
/// We store the last marked text because Cocoa's text input system does the following:
/// 하 -> hanja popup -> insertText(하) -> attributedSubstring...() -> setMarkedText(下) -> ...
/// We want to return "하" in attributedSubstring...()
var lastMarkedText: String?
var markedPosition = Position.null
var keyDownDone = true
var lastClickedCellPosition = Position.null
var xOffset = CGFloat(0)
var yOffset = CGFloat(0)
var cellSize = CGSize.zero
var descent = CGFloat(0)
var leading = CGFloat(0)
var scrollGuardCounterX = 5
var scrollGuardCounterY = 5
var isCurrentlyPinching = false
var pinchTargetScale = CGFloat(1)
var pinchBitmap: NSBitmapImageRep?
var currentlyResizing = false
var currentEmoji = "😎"
var _font = NeoVimView.defaultFont
var _cwd = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory())
var shouldDrawCursor = false
let quitNeoVimCondition = NSCondition()
var isNeoVimQuitSuccessful = false
var isInitialResize = true
// MARK: - Private
fileprivate var _linespacing = NeoVimView.defaultLinespacing