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synced 2024-11-27 14:14:19 +03:00
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303 lines
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* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Cocoa
extension NvimView {
override public func viewDidMoveToWindow() { self.window?.colorSpace = colorSpace }
override public func draw(_ dirtyUnionRect: NSRect) {
guard self.ugrid.hasData else { return }
guard let context = NSGraphicsContext.current?.cgContext else { return }
defer { context.restoreGState() }
if self.inLiveResize || self.currentlyResizing, !self.usesLiveResize {
self.drawResizeInfo(in: context, with: dirtyUnionRect)
if self.isCurrentlyPinching {
self.drawPinchImage(in: context)
// See chapter 11 from "Programming with Quartz".
switch self.fontSmoothing {
case .noAntiAliasing:
case .noFontSmoothing:
case .withFontSmoothing:
case .systemSetting:
let dirtyRects = self.rectsBeingDrawn()
self.draw(defaultBackgroundIn: dirtyRects, in: context)
self.draw(cellsIntersectingRects: dirtyRects, in: context)
self.draw(cursorIn: context)
// self.draw(cellGridIn: context)
private func draw(
cellsIntersectingRects dirtyRects: [CGRect], in context: CGContext
) {
self.runs(intersecting: dirtyRects),
defaultAttributes: self.cellAttributesCollection.defaultAttributes,
offset: self.offset,
in: context
private func draw(
defaultBackgroundIn dirtyRects: [CGRect], in context: CGContext
) {
private func draw(cursorIn context: CGContext) {
let cursorPosition = self.ugrid.cursorPositionWithMarkedInfo()
let defaultAttrs = self.cellAttributesCollection.defaultAttributes
let cursorRegion = self.cursorRegion(for: cursorPosition)
if cursorRegion.top < 0
|| cursorRegion.bottom > self.ugrid.size.height - 1
|| cursorRegion.left < 0
|| cursorRegion.right > self.ugrid.size.width - 1
self.log.error("\(cursorRegion) vs. \(self.ugrid.size)")
guard let cellAtCursorAttrs = self.cellAttributesCollection.attributes(
of: self.ugrid.cells[cursorPosition.row][cursorPosition.column].attrId
) else {
self.log.error("Could not get the attributes at cursor: \(cursorPosition)")
guard let modeInfo = modeInfos[self.mode.rawValue] else {
self.log.error("Could not get modeInfo for mode index \(self.mode.rawValue)")
guard let cursorAttrId = modeInfo.attrId,
let cursorShapeAttrs = self.cellAttributesCollection.attributes(
of: cursorAttrId,
withDefaults: cellAtCursorAttrs
else {
self.log.error("Could not get the attributes for cursor in mode: \(mode) \(modeInfo)")
// will be used for clipping
var cursorRect: CGRect
let cursorTextColor: Int
switch modeInfo.cursorShape {
case .block:
cursorRect = self.rect(for: cursorRegion)
cursorTextColor = cursorShapeAttrs.effectiveForeground
case let .horizontal(cellPercentage):
cursorRect = self.rect(for: cursorRegion)
cursorRect.size.height = (cursorRect.size.height * CGFloat(cellPercentage)) / 100
cursorTextColor = cellAtCursorAttrs.effectiveForeground
case let .vertical(cellPercentage):
cursorRect = self.rect(forRow: cursorPosition.row, column: cursorPosition.column)
cursorRect.size.width = (cursorRect.size.width * CGFloat(cellPercentage)) / 100
cursorTextColor = cellAtCursorAttrs.effectiveForeground
let cursorAttrs = CellAttributes(
fontTrait: cellAtCursorAttrs.fontTrait,
foreground: cursorTextColor,
background: cursorShapeAttrs.effectiveBackground,
special: cellAtCursorAttrs.special,
reverse: !cellAtCursorAttrs.reverse
// clip to cursor rect to support shapes like "ver25" and "hor50"
context.clip(to: cursorRect)
let attrsRun = AttributesRun(
location: self.pointInView(forRow: cursorPosition.row, column: cursorPosition.column),
cells: self.ugrid.cells[cursorPosition.row][cursorRegion.columnRange],
attrs: cursorAttrs
self.drawer.draw([attrsRun], defaultAttributes: defaultAttrs, offset: self.offset, in: context)
private func drawResizeInfo(
in context: CGContext, with dirtyUnionRect: CGRect
) {
let boundsSize = self.bounds.size
let emojiSize = self.currentEmoji.size(withAttributes: emojiAttrs)
let emojiX = (boundsSize.width - emojiSize.width) / 2
let emojiY = (boundsSize.height - emojiSize.height) / 2
let discreteSize = self.discreteSize(size: boundsSize)
let displayStr = "\(discreteSize.width) × \(discreteSize.height)"
let infoStr = "(You can turn on live resizing feature in the Advanced preferences)"
var (sizeAttrs, infoAttrs) = (resizeTextAttrs, infoTextAttrs)
sizeAttrs[.foregroundColor] = self.theme.foreground
infoAttrs[.foregroundColor] = self.theme.foreground
let size = displayStr.size(withAttributes: sizeAttrs)
let (x, y) = ((boundsSize.width - size.width) / 2, emojiY - size.height)
let infoSize = infoStr.size(withAttributes: infoAttrs)
let (infoX, infoY) = ((boundsSize.width - infoSize.width) / 2, y - size.height - 5)
self.currentEmoji.draw(at: CGPoint(x: emojiX, y: emojiY), withAttributes: emojiAttrs)
displayStr.draw(at: CGPoint(x: x, y: y), withAttributes: sizeAttrs)
infoStr.draw(at: CGPoint(x: infoX, y: infoY), withAttributes: infoAttrs)
private func drawPinchImage(in context: CGContext) {
context.interpolationQuality = .none
let boundsSize = self.bounds.size
let targetSize = CGSize(
width: boundsSize.width * self.pinchTargetScale,
height: boundsSize.height * self.pinchTargetScale
in: CGRect(origin: self.bounds.origin, size: targetSize),
from: CGRect.zero,
operation: .sourceOver,
fraction: 1,
respectFlipped: true,
hints: nil
private func runs(intersecting rects: [CGRect]) -> [AttributesRun] {
.map { rect in
// Get all Regions that intersects with the given rects.
// There can be overlaps between the Regions,
// but for the time being we ignore them;
// probably not necessary to optimize them away.
let region = self.region(for: rect)
return (region.rowRange, region.columnRange)
// All RowRuns for all Regions grouped by their row range.
.map { self.runs(forRowRange: $0, columnRange: $1) }
// Flattened RowRuns for all Regions.
.flatMap { $0 }
private func runs(
forRowRange rowRange: ClosedRange<Int>,
columnRange: ClosedRange<Int>
) -> [AttributesRun] {
rowRange.map { row in
groupedRanges(of: self.ugrid.cells[row][columnRange])
.compactMap { range in
let cells = self.ugrid.cells[row][range]
guard let firstCell = cells.first,
let attrs = self.cellAttributesCollection.attributes(of: firstCell.attrId)
else {
// GH-666: FIXME: correct error handling
"row: \(row), range: \(range): Could not get CellAttributes with ID " +
"\(String(describing: cells.first?.attrId))"
return nil
return AttributesRun(
location: self.pointInView(forRow: row, column: range.lowerBound),
cells: self.ugrid.cells[row][range],
attrs: attrs
.flatMap { $0 }
func updateFontMetaData(_ newFont: NSFont) {
self.drawer.font = newFont
self.drawer.linespacing = self.linespacing
self.drawer.characterspacing = self.characterspacing
self.cellSize = self.drawer.cellSize
self.baselineOffset = self.drawer.baselineOffset
self.resizeNeoVimUi(to: self.bounds.size)
private let emojiAttrs = [NSAttributedString.Key.font: NSFont(name: "AppleColorEmoji", size: 72)!]
private let resizeTextAttrs = [
NSAttributedString.Key.font: NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18),
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: NSColor.darkGray,
private let infoTextAttrs = [
NSAttributedString.Key.font: NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16),
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: NSColor.darkGray,
private let colorSpace = NSColorSpace.sRGB
/// When we use the following private function instead of the public extension function in
/// Commons.FoundationCommons.swift.groupedRanges(with:), then, according to Instruments
/// the percentage of the function is reduced from ~ 15% to 0%.
/// Keep the logic in sync with Commons.FoundationCommons.swift.groupedRanges(with:). Tests are
/// present in Commons lib.
private func groupedRanges(of cells: ArraySlice<UCell>) -> [ClosedRange<Int>] {
if cells.isEmpty { return [] }
if cells.count == 1 { return [cells.startIndex...cells.startIndex] }
var result = [ClosedRange<Int>]()
result.reserveCapacity(cells.count / 2)
let inclusiveEndIndex = cells.endIndex - 1
var lastStartIndex = cells.startIndex
var lastEndIndex = cells.startIndex
var lastMarker = cells.first!.attrId // cells is not empty!
for i in cells.startIndex..<cells.endIndex {
let currentMarker = cells[i].attrId
if lastMarker == currentMarker {
if i == inclusiveEndIndex { result.append(lastStartIndex...i) }
} else {
lastMarker = currentMarker
lastStartIndex = i
if i == inclusiveEndIndex { result.append(i...i) }
lastEndIndex = i
return result