mirror of https://github.com/qvacua/vimr.git synced 2024-12-28 08:13:17 +03:00

1605 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Cocoa
/// Contiguous piece of cells of a row that has the same attributes.
fileprivate struct RowRun: CustomStringConvertible {
var row: Int
var range: CountableClosedRange<Int>
var attrs: CellAttributes
var description: String {
return "RowRun<\(row): \(range)\n\(attrs)>"
public class NeoVimView: NSView, NeoVimUiBridgeProtocol, NSUserInterfaceValidations {
public struct Config {
var useInteractiveZsh: Bool
public init(useInteractiveZsh: Bool) {
self.useInteractiveZsh = useInteractiveZsh
public static let minFontSize = CGFloat(4)
public static let maxFontSize = CGFloat(128)
public static let defaultFont = NSFont.userFixedPitchFont(ofSize: 13)!
public static let defaultLinespacing = CGFloat(1)
public static let minLinespacing = CGFloat(0.5)
public static let maxLinespacing = CGFloat(8)
public let uuid = UUID().uuidString
public weak var delegate: NeoVimViewDelegate?
public fileprivate(set) var mode = CursorModeShape.normal
public var usesLigatures = false {
didSet {
self.drawer.usesLigatures = self.usesLigatures
self.needsDisplay = true
public var linespacing: CGFloat {
get {
return self._linespacing
set {
guard newValue >= NeoVimView.minLinespacing && newValue <= NeoVimView.maxLinespacing else {
self._linespacing = newValue
self.drawer.linespacing = self.linespacing
public var font: NSFont {
get {
return self._font
set {
guard newValue.isFixedPitch else {
let size = newValue.pointSize
guard size >= NeoVimView.minFontSize && size <= NeoVimView.maxFontSize else {
self._font = newValue
public var cwd: URL {
get {
guard let output = self.agent.vimCommandOutput("silent pwd") else {
self.ipcBecameInvalid("Reason: 'silent pwd' failed")
return URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory())
return URL(fileURLWithPath: output)
set {
let path = newValue.path
guard let escapedCwd = self.agent.escapedFileName(path) else {
// this happens when VimR is quitting with some main windows open...
NSLog("WARN \(#function): escaped file name returned nil")
self.agent.vimCommandOutput("cd \(escapedCwd)")
override public var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool {
return true
public fileprivate(set) var currentPosition = Position.beginning
fileprivate static let emojis: [UInt32] = [
].flatMap { $0 }
fileprivate var _font = NeoVimView.defaultFont
fileprivate var _linespacing = NeoVimView.defaultLinespacing
fileprivate let agent: NeoVimAgent
fileprivate let drawer: TextDrawer
fileprivate let fontManager = NSFontManager.shared()
fileprivate let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general()
fileprivate let grid = Grid()
fileprivate var markedText: String?
/// We store the last marked text because Cocoa's text input system does the following:
/// -> hanja popup -> insertText() -> attributedSubstring...() -> setMarkedText() -> ...
/// We want to return "" in attributedSubstring...()
fileprivate var lastMarkedText: String?
fileprivate var markedPosition = Position.null
fileprivate var keyDownDone = true
fileprivate var lastClickedCellPosition = Position.null
fileprivate var xOffset = CGFloat(0)
fileprivate var yOffset = CGFloat(0)
fileprivate var cellSize = CGSize.zero
fileprivate var descent = CGFloat(0)
fileprivate var leading = CGFloat(0)
fileprivate let maxScrollDeltaX = 30
fileprivate let maxScrollDeltaY = 30
fileprivate let scrollLimiterX = CGFloat(20)
fileprivate let scrollLimiterY = CGFloat(20)
fileprivate var scrollGuardCounterX = 5
fileprivate var scrollGuardCounterY = 5
fileprivate let scrollGuardYield = 5
fileprivate var isCurrentlyPinching = false
fileprivate var pinchTargetScale = CGFloat(1)
fileprivate var pinchBitmap: NSBitmapImageRep?
fileprivate var currentlyResizing = false
fileprivate var currentEmoji = "😎"
fileprivate let emojiAttrs = [
NSFontAttributeName: NSFont(name: "AppleColorEmoji", size: 72)!
fileprivate let resizeTextAttrs = [
NSFontAttributeName: NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18),
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: NSColor.darkGray
fileprivate let colorSpace = NSColorSpace.sRGB
public init(frame rect: NSRect, config: Config) {
self.drawer = TextDrawer(font: self._font)
self.agent = NeoVimAgent(uuid: self.uuid)
super.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
self.wantsLayer = true
self.cellSize = self.drawer.cellSize
self.descent = self.drawer.descent
self.leading = self.drawer.leading
// We cannot set bridge in init since self is not available before super.init()...
self.agent.bridge = self
self.agent.useInteractiveZsh = config.useInteractiveZsh
let noErrorDuringInitialization = self.agent.runLocalServerAndNeoVim()
// Neovim is ready now: resize neovim to bounds.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.agent.setBoolOption("title", to: true)
self.agent.setBoolOption("termguicolors", to: true)
if noErrorDuringInitialization == false {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.alertStyle = .warning
alert.messageText = "Error during initialization"
alert.informativeText = "There was an error during the initialization of NeoVim. "
+ "Use :messages to view the error messages."
self.resizeNeoVimUiTo(size: self.bounds.size)
override public func viewDidMoveToWindow() {
self.window?.colorSpace = self.colorSpace
convenience override init(frame rect: NSRect) {
self.init(frame: rect, config: Config(useInteractiveZsh: false))
required public init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
@IBAction public func debug1(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
NSLog("DEBUG 1 - Start")
self.agent.cursorGo(toRow: 10, column: 5)
NSLog("DEBUG 1 - End")
fileprivate func updateFontMetaData(_ newFont: NSFont) {
self.drawer.font = newFont
self.cellSize = self.drawer.cellSize
self.descent = self.drawer.descent
self.leading = self.drawer.leading
self.resizeNeoVimUiTo(size: self.bounds.size)
// MARK: - API
extension NeoVimView {
public func enterResizeMode() {
self.currentlyResizing = true
self.needsDisplay = true
public func exitResizeMode() {
self.currentlyResizing = false
self.needsDisplay = true
self.resizeNeoVimUiTo(size: self.bounds.size)
- returns: nil when for exampls a quickfix panel is open.
public func currentBuffer() -> NeoVimBuffer? {
return self.agent.buffers().first { $0.isCurrent }
public func allBuffers() -> [NeoVimBuffer] {
return self.agent.tabs().map { $0.allBuffers() }.flatMap { $0 }
public func hasDirtyDocs() -> Bool {
return self.agent.hasDirtyDocs()
public func isCurrentBufferDirty() -> Bool {
let curBuf = self.currentBuffer()
return curBuf?.isDirty ?? true
public func newTab() {
self.exec(command: "tabe")
public func open(urls: [URL]) {
let tabs = self.agent.tabs()
let buffers = self.allBuffers()
let currentBufferIsTransient = buffers.first { $0.isCurrent }?.isTransient ?? false
urls.enumerated().forEach { (idx, url) in
if buffers.filter({ $0.url == url }).first != nil {
for window in tabs.map({ $0.windows }).flatMap({ $0 }) {
if window.buffer.url == url {
if currentBufferIsTransient {
self.open(url, cmd: "e")
} else {
self.open(url, cmd: "tabe")
public func openInNewTab(urls: [URL]) {
urls.forEach { self.open($0, cmd: "tabe") }
public func openInCurrentTab(url: URL) {
self.open(url, cmd: "e")
public func openInHorizontalSplit(urls: [URL]) {
urls.forEach { self.open($0, cmd: "sp") }
public func openInVerticalSplit(urls: [URL]) {
urls.forEach { self.open($0, cmd: "vsp") }
public func select(buffer: NeoVimBuffer) {
for window in self.agent.tabs().map({ $0.windows }).flatMap({ $0 }) {
if window.buffer.handle == buffer.handle {
public func closeCurrentTab() {
self.exec(command: "q")
public func saveCurrentTab() {
self.exec(command: "w")
public func saveCurrentTab(url: URL) {
let path = url.path
guard let escapedFileName = self.agent.escapedFileName(path) else {
NSLog("WARN \(#function): escaped file name returned nil")
self.exec(command: "w \(escapedFileName)")
public func closeCurrentTabWithoutSaving() {
self.exec(command: "q!")
public func closeAllWindows() {
self.exec(command: "qa")
public func closeAllWindowsWithoutSaving() {
self.exec(command: "qa!")
public func vimOutput(of command: String) -> String {
return self.agent.vimCommandOutput(command) ?? ""
public func cursorGo(to position: Position) {
self.agent.cursorGo(toRow: Int32(position.row), column: Int32(position.column))
Does the following
- normal mode: `:command<CR>`
- else: `:<Esc>:command<CR>`
We don't use NeoVimAgent.vimCommand because if we do for example "e /some/file" and its swap file already exists,
then NeoVimServer spins and become unresponsive.
fileprivate func exec(command cmd: String) {
switch self.mode {
case .normal:
fileprivate func open(_ url: URL, cmd: String) {
let path = url.path
guard let escapedFileName = self.agent.escapedFileName(path) else {
NSLog("WARN \(#function): escaped file name returned nil")
self.exec(command: "\(cmd) \(escapedFileName)")
// MARK: - Resizing
extension NeoVimView {
override public func setFrameSize(_ newSize: NSSize) {
// initial resizing is done when grid has data
guard self.grid.hasData else {
if self.inLiveResize || self.currentlyResizing {
// TODO: Turn off live resizing for now.
// self.resizeNeoVimUiTo(size: newSize)
// There can be cases where the frame is resized not by live resizing, eg when the window is resized by window
// management tools. Thus, we make sure that the resize call is made when this happens.
self.resizeNeoVimUiTo(size: newSize)
override public func viewDidEndLiveResize() {
self.resizeNeoVimUiTo(size: self.bounds.size)
fileprivate func resizeNeoVimUiTo(size: CGSize) {
self.currentEmoji = self.randomEmoji()
// NSLog("\(#function): \(size)")
let discreteSize = self.discreteSize(size: size)
if discreteSize == self.grid.size {
self.xOffset = floor((size.width - self.cellSize.width * CGFloat(discreteSize.width)) / 2)
self.yOffset = floor((size.height - self.cellSize.height * CGFloat(discreteSize.height)) / 2)
self.agent.resize(toWidth: Int32(discreteSize.width), height: Int32(discreteSize.height))
fileprivate func discreteSize(size: CGSize) -> Size {
return Size(width: Int(floor(size.width / self.cellSize.width)),
height: Int(floor(size.height / self.cellSize.height)))
// MARK: - Drawing
extension NeoVimView {
override public func draw(_ dirtyUnionRect: NSRect) {
guard self.grid.hasData else {
if self.inLiveResize || self.currentlyResizing {
let boundsSize = self.bounds.size
let emojiSize = self.currentEmoji.size(withAttributes: self.emojiAttrs)
let emojiX = (boundsSize.width - emojiSize.width) / 2
let emojiY = (boundsSize.height - emojiSize.height) / 2
let discreteSize = self.discreteSize(size: boundsSize)
let displayStr = "\(discreteSize.width) × \(discreteSize.height)"
let size = displayStr.size(withAttributes: self.resizeTextAttrs)
let x = (boundsSize.width - size.width) / 2
let y = emojiY - size.height
self.currentEmoji.draw(at: CGPoint(x: emojiX, y: emojiY), withAttributes: self.emojiAttrs)
displayStr.draw(at: CGPoint(x: x, y: y), withAttributes: self.resizeTextAttrs)
// NSLog("\(#function): \(dirtyUnionRect)")
let context = NSGraphicsContext.current()!.cgContext
if self.isCurrentlyPinching {
let interpolationQuality = context.interpolationQuality
context.interpolationQuality = .none
let boundsSize = self.bounds.size
let targetSize = CGSize(width: boundsSize.width * self.pinchTargetScale,
height: boundsSize.height * self.pinchTargetScale)
self.pinchBitmap?.draw(in: CGRect(origin: self.bounds.origin, size: targetSize),
from: CGRect.zero,
operation: .sourceOver,
fraction: 1,
respectFlipped: true,
hints: nil)
context.interpolationQuality = interpolationQuality
// When both anti-aliasing and font smoothing is turned on, then the "Use LCD font smoothing when available" setting
// is used to render texts, cf. chapter 11 from "Programming with Quartz".
context.textMatrix = CGAffineTransform.identity;
let dirtyRects = self.rectsBeingDrawn()
// NSLog("\(dirtyRects)")
self.rowRunIntersecting(rects: dirtyRects).forEach { self.draw(rowRun: $0, context: context) }
self.drawCursor(context: context)
fileprivate func randomEmoji() -> String {
let idx = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(NeoVimView.emojis.count)))
guard let scalar = UnicodeScalar(NeoVimView.emojis[idx]) else {
return "😎"
return String(scalar)
fileprivate func draw(rowRun rowFrag: RowRun, context: CGContext) {
// For background drawing we don't filter out the put(0, 0)s: in some cases only the put(0, 0)-cells should be
// redrawn. => FIXME: probably we have to consider this also when drawing further down, ie when the range starts
// with '0'...
self.drawBackground(positions: rowFrag.range.map { self.pointInViewFor(row: rowFrag.row, column: $0) },
background: rowFrag.attrs.background)
let positions = rowFrag.range
// filter out the put(0, 0)s (after a wide character)
.filter { self.grid.cells[rowFrag.row][$0].string.characters.count > 0 }
.map { self.pointInViewFor(row: rowFrag.row, column: $0) }
if positions.isEmpty {
let string = self.grid.cells[rowFrag.row][rowFrag.range].reduce("") { $0 + $1.string }
let offset = self.drawer.baselineOffset
let glyphPositions = positions.map { CGPoint(x: $0.x, y: $0.y + offset) }
positions: UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: glyphPositions), positionsCount: positions.count,
highlightAttrs: rowFrag.attrs,
context: context)
fileprivate func cursorRegion() -> Region {
let cursorPosition = self.mode == .cmdline ? self.grid.putPosition : self.grid.screenCursor
// NSLog("\(#function): \(cursorPosition)")
let saneRow = max(0, min(cursorPosition.row, self.grid.size.height - 1))
let saneColumn = max(0, min(cursorPosition.column, self.grid.size.width - 1))
var cursorRegion = Region(top: saneRow, bottom: saneRow, left: saneColumn, right: saneColumn)
if self.grid.isNextCellEmpty(cursorPosition) {
cursorRegion = Region(top: cursorPosition.row,
bottom: cursorPosition.row,
left: cursorPosition.column,
right: min(self.grid.size.width - 1, cursorPosition.column + 1))
return cursorRegion
fileprivate func drawCursor(context: CGContext) {
let cursorRegion = self.cursorRegion()
let cursorRow = cursorRegion.top
let cursorColumnStart = cursorRegion.left
if self.mode == .insert {
var cursorRect = self.cellRectFor(row: cursorRow, column: cursorColumnStart)
cursorRect.size.width = 2
// FIXME: for now do some rudimentary cursor drawing
let attrsAtCursor = self.grid.cells[cursorRow][cursorColumnStart].attrs
let attrs = CellAttributes(fontTrait: attrsAtCursor.fontTrait,
foreground: self.grid.background,
background: self.grid.foreground,
special: self.grid.special)
// FIXME: take ligatures into account (is it a good idea to do this?)
let rowRun = RowRun(row: cursorRegion.top, range: cursorRegion.columnRange, attrs: attrs)
self.draw(rowRun: rowRun, context: context)
fileprivate func drawBackground(positions: [CGPoint], background: UInt32) {
// NSColor(calibratedRed: CGFloat(drand48()), green: CGFloat(drand48()), blue: CGFloat(drand48()), alpha: 1.0).set()
let backgroundRect = CGRect(
x: positions[0].x, y: positions[0].y,
width: CGFloat(positions.count) * self.cellSize.width, height: self.cellSize.height
fileprivate func rowRunIntersecting(rects: [CGRect]) -> [RowRun] {
return rects
.map { rect -> (CountableClosedRange<Int>, CountableClosedRange<Int>) in
// Get all Regions that intersects with the given rects. There can be overlaps between the Regions, but for the
// time being we ignore them; probably not necessary to optimize them away.
let region = self.regionFor(rect: rect)
return (region.rowRange, region.columnRange)
.map { self.rowRunsFor(rowRange: $0, columnRange: $1) } // All RowRuns for all Regions grouped by their row range.
.flatMap { $0 } // Flattened RowRuns for all Regions.
fileprivate func rowRunsFor(rowRange: CountableClosedRange<Int>, columnRange: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> [RowRun] {
return rowRange
.map { (row) -> [RowRun] in
let rowCells = self.grid.cells[row]
let startIdx = columnRange.lowerBound
var result = [RowRun(row: row, range: startIdx...startIdx, attrs: rowCells[startIdx].attrs)]
columnRange.forEach { idx in
if rowCells[idx].attrs == result.last!.attrs {
let last = result.popLast()!
result.append(RowRun(row: row, range: last.range.lowerBound...idx, attrs: last.attrs))
} else {
result.append(RowRun(row: row, range: idx...idx, attrs: rowCells[idx].attrs))
return result // All RowRuns for a row in a Region.
} // All RowRuns for all rows in a Region grouped by row.
.flatMap { $0 } // Flattened RowRuns for a Region.
fileprivate func regionFor(rect: CGRect) -> Region {
let cellWidth = self.cellSize.width
let cellHeight = self.cellSize.height
let rowStart = max(
Int(floor((self.bounds.height - self.yOffset - (rect.origin.y + rect.size.height)) / cellHeight)), 0
let rowEnd = min(
Int(ceil((self.bounds.height - self.yOffset - rect.origin.y) / cellHeight)) - 1, self.grid.size.height - 1
let columnStart = max(
Int(floor((rect.origin.x - self.xOffset) / cellWidth)), 0
let columnEnd = min(
Int(ceil((rect.origin.x - self.xOffset + rect.size.width) / cellWidth)) - 1, self.grid.size.width - 1
return Region(top: rowStart, bottom: rowEnd, left: columnStart, right: columnEnd)
fileprivate func pointInViewFor(position: Position) -> CGPoint {
return self.pointInViewFor(row: position.row, column: position.column)
fileprivate func pointInViewFor(row: Int, column: Int) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(
x: self.xOffset + CGFloat(column) * self.cellSize.width,
y: self.bounds.size.height - self.yOffset - CGFloat(row) * self.cellSize.height - self.cellSize.height
fileprivate func cellRectFor(row: Int, column: Int) -> CGRect {
return CGRect(origin: self.pointInViewFor(row: row, column: column), size: self.cellSize)
fileprivate func regionRectFor(region: Region) -> CGRect {
let top = CGFloat(region.top)
let bottom = CGFloat(region.bottom)
let left = CGFloat(region.left)
let right = CGFloat(region.right)
let width = right - left + 1
let height = bottom - top + 1
let cellWidth = self.cellSize.width
let cellHeight = self.cellSize.height
return CGRect(
x: self.xOffset + left * cellWidth,
y: self.bounds.size.height - self.yOffset - top * cellHeight - height * cellHeight,
width: width * cellWidth,
height: height * cellHeight
fileprivate func wrapNamedKeys(_ string: String) -> String {
return "<\(string)>"
fileprivate func vimPlainString(_ string: String) -> String {
return string.replacingOccurrences(of: "<", with: self.wrapNamedKeys("lt"))
// MARK: - NSUserInterfaceValidationsProtocol
extension NeoVimView {
public func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ item: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool {
let canUndoOrRedo = self.mode == .insert || self.mode == .replace || self.mode == .normal || self.mode == .visual
let canCopyOrCut = self.mode == .normal || self.mode == .visual
let canPaste = self.pasteboard.string(forType: NSPasteboardTypeString) != nil
let canDelete = self.mode == .visual || self.mode == .normal
let canSelectAll = self.mode == .insert || self.mode == .replace || self.mode == .normal || self.mode == .visual
guard let action = item.action else {
return true
switch action {
case #selector(undo(_:)), #selector(redo(_:)):
return canUndoOrRedo
case #selector(copy(_:)), #selector(cut(_:)):
return canCopyOrCut
case #selector(paste(_:)):
return canPaste
case #selector(delete(_:)):
return canDelete
case #selector(selectAll(_:)):
return canSelectAll
return true
// MARK: - Edit Menu Items
extension NeoVimView {
@IBAction func undo(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
switch self.mode {
case .insert, .replace:
case .normal, .visual:
@IBAction func redo(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
switch self.mode {
case .insert, .replace:
case .normal, .visual:
@IBAction func cut(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
switch self.mode {
case .visual, .normal:
@IBAction func copy(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
switch self.mode {
case .visual, .normal:
@IBAction func paste(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
guard let content = self.pasteboard.string(forType: NSPasteboardTypeString) else {
if self.mode == .cmdline || self.mode == .replace || self.mode == .termFocus {
guard let curPasteMode = self.agent.boolOption("paste") else {
self.ipcBecameInvalid("Reason: 'set paste' failed")
let pasteModeSet: Bool
if curPasteMode == false {
self.agent.setBoolOption("paste", to: true)
pasteModeSet = true
} else {
pasteModeSet = false
let resetPasteModeCmd = pasteModeSet ? ":set nopaste<CR>" : ""
switch self.mode {
case .insert:
case .normal, .visual:
@IBAction func delete(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
switch self.mode {
case .normal, .visual:
@IBAction public override func selectAll(_ sender: Any?) {
switch self.mode {
case .insert, .visual:
// MARK: - Font Menu Items
extension NeoVimView {
@IBAction func resetFontSize(_ sender: Any?) {
self.font = self._font
@IBAction func makeFontBigger(_ sender: Any?) {
let curFont = self.drawer.font
let font = self.fontManager.convert(curFont, toSize: min(curFont.pointSize + 1, NeoVimView.maxFontSize))
@IBAction func makeFontSmaller(_ sender: Any?) {
let curFont = self.drawer.font
let font = self.fontManager.convert(curFont, toSize: max(curFont.pointSize - 1, NeoVimView.minFontSize))
// MARK: - Key Events
extension NeoVimView: NSTextInputClient {
override public func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) {
self.keyDownDone = false
let context = NSTextInputContext.current()!
let cocoaHandledEvent = context.handleEvent(event)
if self.keyDownDone && cocoaHandledEvent {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(event)")
let modifierFlags = event.modifierFlags
let capslock = modifierFlags.contains(.capsLock)
let shift = modifierFlags.contains(.shift)
let chars = event.characters!
let charsIgnoringModifiers = shift || capslock
? event.charactersIgnoringModifiers!.lowercased()
: event.charactersIgnoringModifiers!
if KeyUtils.isSpecial(key: charsIgnoringModifiers) {
if let vimModifiers = self.vimModifierFlags(modifierFlags) {
self.agent.vimInput(self.wrapNamedKeys(vimModifiers + KeyUtils.namedKeyFrom(key: charsIgnoringModifiers)))
} else {
self.agent.vimInput(self.wrapNamedKeys(KeyUtils.namedKeyFrom(key: charsIgnoringModifiers)))
} else {
if let vimModifiers = self.vimModifierFlags(modifierFlags) {
self.agent.vimInput(self.wrapNamedKeys(vimModifiers + charsIgnoringModifiers))
} else {
self.keyDownDone = true
public func insertText(_ aString: Any, replacementRange: NSRange) {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(replacementRange): '\(aString)'")
switch aString {
case let string as String:
case let attributedString as NSAttributedString:
// unmarkText()
self.lastMarkedText = self.markedText
self.markedText = nil
self.markedPosition = Position.null
self.keyDownDone = true
public override func doCommand(by aSelector: Selector) {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aSelector)");
// FIXME: handle when -> delete
if self.responds(to: aSelector) {
Swift.print("\(#function): calling \(aSelector)")
self.perform(aSelector, with: self)
self.keyDownDone = true
// NSLog("\(#function): "\(aSelector) not implemented, forwarding input to vim")
self.keyDownDone = false
public func setMarkedText(_ aString: Any, selectedRange: NSRange, replacementRange: NSRange) {
if self.markedText == nil {
self.markedPosition = self.grid.putPosition
// eg -> hanja popup, cf comment for self.lastMarkedText
if replacementRange.length > 0 {
switch aString {
case let string as String:
self.markedText = string
case let attributedString as NSAttributedString:
self.markedText = attributedString.string
self.markedText = String(describing: aString) // should not occur
// NSLog("\(#function): \(self.markedText), \(selectedRange), \(replacementRange)")
self.keyDownDone = true
public func unmarkText() {
// NSLog("\(#function): ")
self.markedText = nil
self.markedPosition = Position.null
self.keyDownDone = true
// TODO: necessary?
self.markForRender(row: self.grid.putPosition.row, column: self.grid.putPosition.column)
/// Return the current selection (or the position of the cursor with empty-length range). For example when you enter
/// "Cmd-Ctrl-Return" you'll get the Emoji-popup at the rect by firstRectForCharacterRange(actualRange:) where the
/// first range is the result of this method.
public func selectedRange() -> NSRange {
// When the app starts and the Hangul input method is selected, this method gets called very early...
guard self.grid.hasData else {
// NSLog("\(#function): not found")
return NSRange(location: NSNotFound, length: 0)
let result = NSRange(location: self.grid.singleIndexFrom(self.grid.putPosition), length: 0)
// NSLog("\(#function): \(result)")
return result
public func markedRange() -> NSRange {
// FIXME: do we have to handle positions at the column borders?
if let markedText = self.markedText {
let result = NSRange(location: self.grid.singleIndexFrom(self.markedPosition),
length: markedText.characters.count)
// NSLog("\(#function): \(result)")
return result
NSLog("\(#function): returning empty range")
return NSRange(location: NSNotFound, length: 0)
public func hasMarkedText() -> Bool {
// NSLog("\(#function)")
return self.markedText != nil
// FIXME: take into account the "return nil"-case
// FIXME: just fix me, PLEASE...
public func attributedSubstring(forProposedRange aRange: NSRange, actualRange: NSRangePointer?) -> NSAttributedString? {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aRange), \(actualRange[0])")
if aRange.location == NSNotFound {
// NSLog("\(#function): range not found: returning nil")
return nil
guard let lastMarkedText = self.lastMarkedText else {
// NSLog("\(#function): no last marked text: returning nil")
return nil
// we only support last marked text, thus fill dummy characters when Cocoa asks for more characters than marked...
let fillCount = aRange.length - lastMarkedText.characters.count
guard fillCount >= 0 else {
return nil
let fillChars = Array(0..<fillCount).reduce("") { (result, _) in return result + " " }
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aRange), \(actualRange[0]): \(fillChars + lastMarkedText)")
return NSAttributedString(string: fillChars + lastMarkedText)
public func validAttributesForMarkedText() -> [String] {
return []
public func firstRect(forCharacterRange aRange: NSRange, actualRange: NSRangePointer?) -> NSRect {
let position = self.grid.positionFromSingleIndex(aRange.location)
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aRange),\(actualRange[0]) -> \(position.row):\(position.column)")
let resultInSelf = self.cellRectFor(row: position.row, column: position.column)
let result = self.window?.convertToScreen(self.convert(resultInSelf, to: nil))
return result!
public func characterIndex(for aPoint: NSPoint) -> Int {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aPoint)")
return 1
fileprivate func vimModifierFlags(_ modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlags) -> String? {
var result = ""
let control = modifierFlags.contains(.control)
let option = modifierFlags.contains(.option)
let command = modifierFlags.contains(.command)
if control {
result += "C-"
if option {
result += "M-"
if command {
result += "D-"
if result.characters.count > 0 {
return result
return nil
// MARK: - Gesture Events
extension NeoVimView {
override public func magnify(with event: NSEvent) {
let factor = 1 + event.magnification
let pinchTargetScale = self.pinchTargetScale * factor
let resultingFontSize = round(pinchTargetScale * self._font.pointSize)
if resultingFontSize >= NeoVimView.minFontSize && resultingFontSize <= NeoVimView.maxFontSize {
self.pinchTargetScale = pinchTargetScale
switch event.phase {
case NSEventPhase.began:
let pinchImageRep = self.bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplay(in: self.bounds)!
self.cacheDisplay(in: self.bounds, to: pinchImageRep)
self.pinchBitmap = pinchImageRep
self.isCurrentlyPinching = true
self.needsDisplay = true
case NSEventPhase.ended, NSEventPhase.cancelled:
self.isCurrentlyPinching = false
self.updateFontMetaData(self.fontManager.convert(self._font, toSize: resultingFontSize))
self.pinchTargetScale = 1
self.needsDisplay = true
// MARK: - Mouse Events
extension NeoVimView {
override public func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
// self.window?.makeFirstResponder(self)
self.mouse(event: event, vimName: "LeftMouse")
override public func mouseUp(with event: NSEvent) {
self.mouse(event: event, vimName: "LeftRelease")
override public func mouseDragged(with event: NSEvent) {
self.mouse(event: event, vimName: "LeftDrag")
override public func scrollWheel(with event: NSEvent) {
let (deltaX, deltaY) = (event.scrollingDeltaX, event.scrollingDeltaY)
if deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0 {
let isTrackpad = event.hasPreciseScrollingDeltas
let cellPosition = self.cellPositionFor(event: event)
let (vimInputX, vimInputY) = self.vimScrollInputFor(deltaX: deltaX, deltaY: deltaY,
modifierFlags: event.modifierFlags,
cellPosition: cellPosition)
// We patched neovim such that it scrolls only 1 line for each scroll input. The default is 3 and for mouse
// scrolling we restore the original behavior.
if isTrackpad == false {
(0..<3).forEach { _ in
let (absDeltaX, absDeltaY) = (abs(deltaX), abs(deltaY))
// The absolute delta values can get very very big when you use two finger scrolling on the trackpad:
// Cap them using heuristic values...
let numX = deltaX != 0 ? max(1, min(Int(absDeltaX / self.scrollLimiterX), self.maxScrollDeltaX)) : 0
let numY = deltaY != 0 ? max(1, min(Int(absDeltaY / self.scrollLimiterY), self.maxScrollDeltaY)) : 0
for i in 0..<max(numX, numY) {
if i < numX {
self.throttleScrollX(absDelta: absDeltaX, vimInput: vimInputX)
if i < numY {
self.throttleScrollY(absDelta: absDeltaY, vimInput: vimInputY)
fileprivate func cellPositionFor(event: NSEvent) -> Position {
let location = self.convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil)
let row = Int((location.x - self.xOffset) / self.cellSize.width)
let column = Int((self.bounds.size.height - location.y - self.yOffset) / self.cellSize.height)
let cellPosition = Position(row: min(max(0, row), self.grid.size.width - 1),
column: min(max(0, column), self.grid.size.height - 1))
return cellPosition
fileprivate func mouse(event: NSEvent, vimName: String) {
let cellPosition = self.cellPositionFor(event: event)
guard self.shouldFireVimInputFor(event: event, newCellPosition: cellPosition) else {
let vimMouseLocation = self.wrapNamedKeys("\(cellPosition.row),\(cellPosition.column)")
let vimClickCount = self.vimClickCountFrom(event: event)
let result: String
if let vimModifiers = self.vimModifierFlags(event.modifierFlags) {
result = self.wrapNamedKeys("\(vimModifiers)\(vimClickCount)\(vimName)") + vimMouseLocation
} else {
result = self.wrapNamedKeys("\(vimClickCount)\(vimName)") + vimMouseLocation
// NSLog("\(#function): \(result)")
fileprivate func shouldFireVimInputFor(event: NSEvent, newCellPosition: Position) -> Bool {
let type = event.type
guard type == .leftMouseDragged || type == .rightMouseDragged || type == .otherMouseDragged else {
self.lastClickedCellPosition = newCellPosition
return true
if self.lastClickedCellPosition == newCellPosition {
return false
self.lastClickedCellPosition = newCellPosition
return true
fileprivate func vimClickCountFrom(event: NSEvent) -> String {
let clickCount = event.clickCount
guard 2 <= clickCount && clickCount <= 4 else {
return ""
switch event.type {
case .leftMouseDown, .leftMouseUp, .rightMouseDown, .rightMouseUp:
return "\(clickCount)-"
return ""
fileprivate func vimScrollEventNamesFor(deltaX: CGFloat, deltaY: CGFloat) -> (String, String) {
let typeY: String
if deltaY > 0 {
typeY = "ScrollWheelUp"
} else {
typeY = "ScrollWheelDown"
let typeX: String
if deltaX < 0 {
typeX = "ScrollWheelRight"
} else {
typeX = "ScrollWheelLeft"
return (typeX, typeY)
fileprivate func vimScrollInputFor(deltaX: CGFloat, deltaY: CGFloat,
modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlags,
cellPosition: Position) -> (String, String) {
let vimMouseLocation = self.wrapNamedKeys("\(cellPosition.row),\(cellPosition.column)")
let (typeX, typeY) = self.vimScrollEventNamesFor(deltaX: deltaX, deltaY: deltaY)
let resultX: String
let resultY: String
if let vimModifiers = self.vimModifierFlags(modifierFlags) {
resultX = self.wrapNamedKeys("\(vimModifiers)\(typeX)") + vimMouseLocation
resultY = self.wrapNamedKeys("\(vimModifiers)\(typeY)") + vimMouseLocation
} else {
resultX = self.wrapNamedKeys("\(typeX)") + vimMouseLocation
resultY = self.wrapNamedKeys("\(typeY)") + vimMouseLocation
return (resultX, resultY)
fileprivate func throttleScrollX(absDelta absDeltaX: CGFloat, vimInput: String) {
if absDeltaX == 0 {
self.scrollGuardCounterX = self.scrollGuardYield - 1
} else if absDeltaX <= 2 {
// Poor man's throttle for scroll value = 1 or 2
if self.scrollGuardCounterX % self.scrollGuardYield == 0 {
self.scrollGuardCounterX = 1
} else {
self.scrollGuardCounterX += 1
} else {
fileprivate func throttleScrollY(absDelta absDeltaY: CGFloat, vimInput: String) {
if absDeltaY == 0 {
self.scrollGuardCounterY = self.scrollGuardYield - 1
} else if absDeltaY <= 2 {
// Poor man's throttle for scroll value = 1 or 2
if self.scrollGuardCounterY % self.scrollGuardYield == 0 {
self.scrollGuardCounterY = 1
} else {
self.scrollGuardCounterY += 1
} else {
// MARK: - NeoVimUiBridgeProtocol
extension NeoVimView {
public func resize(toWidth width: Int32, height: Int32) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(width):\(height)")
self.grid.resize(Size(width: Int(width), height: Int(height)))
public func clear() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
public func eolClear() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let putPosition = self.grid.putPosition
let region = Region(top: putPosition.row,
bottom: putPosition.row,
left: putPosition.column,
right: self.grid.region.right)
self.markForRender(region: region)
public func gotoPosition(_ position: Position, screenCursor: Position, currentPosition: Position) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.currentPosition = currentPosition
// NSLog("\(#function): \(position), \(screenCursor)")
let curScreenCursor = self.grid.screenCursor
// Because neovim fills blank space with "Space" and when we enter "Space" we don't get the puts, thus we have to
// redraw the put position.
if self.usesLigatures {
self.markForRender(region: self.grid.regionOfWord(at: self.grid.putPosition))
self.markForRender(region: self.grid.regionOfWord(at: curScreenCursor))
self.markForRender(region: self.grid.regionOfWord(at: position))
self.markForRender(region: self.grid.regionOfWord(at: screenCursor))
} else {
self.markForRender(cellPosition: self.grid.putPosition)
// Redraw where the cursor has been till now, ie remove the current cursor.
self.markForRender(cellPosition: curScreenCursor)
if self.grid.isPreviousCellEmpty(curScreenCursor) {
self.markForRender(cellPosition: self.grid.previousCellPosition(curScreenCursor))
if self.grid.isNextCellEmpty(curScreenCursor) {
self.markForRender(cellPosition: self.grid.nextCellPosition(curScreenCursor))
self.markForRender(cellPosition: position)
self.markForRender(cellPosition: screenCursor)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.delegate?.cursor(to: currentPosition)
public func updateMenu() {
public func busyStart() {
public func busyStop() {
public func mouseOn() {
public func mouseOff() {
public func modeChange(_ mode: CursorModeShape) {
// NSLog("mode changed to: %02x", mode.rawValue)
self.mode = mode
public func setScrollRegionToTop(_ top: Int32, bottom: Int32, left: Int32, right: Int32) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let region = Region(top: Int(top), bottom: Int(bottom), left: Int(left), right: Int(right))
public func scroll(_ count: Int32) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.markForRender(region: self.grid.region)
// Do not send msgs to agent -> neovim in the delegate method. It causes spinning when you're opening a file with
// existing swap file.
public func highlightSet(_ attrs: CellAttributes) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.grid.attrs = attrs
public func put(_ string: String, screenCursor: Position) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let curPos = self.grid.putPosition
// NSLog("\(#function): \(curPos) -> \(string)")
if self.usesLigatures {
if string == " " {
self.markForRender(cellPosition: curPos)
} else {
self.markForRender(region: self.grid.regionOfWord(at: curPos))
} else {
self.markForRender(cellPosition: curPos)
self.updateCursorWhenPutting(currentPosition: curPos, screenCursor: screenCursor)
public func putMarkedText(_ markedText: String, screenCursor: Position) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
NSLog("\(#function): '\(markedText)' -> \(screenCursor)")
let curPos = self.grid.putPosition
self.markForRender(position: curPos)
// When the cursor is in the command line, then we need this...
self.markForRender(cellPosition: self.grid.nextCellPosition(curPos))
if markedText.characters.count == 0 {
self.markForRender(position: self.grid.previousCellPosition(curPos))
self.updateCursorWhenPutting(currentPosition: curPos, screenCursor: screenCursor)
public func unmarkRow(_ row: Int32, column: Int32) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let position = Position(row: Int(row), column: Int(column))
// NSLog("\(#function): \(position)")
self.markForRender(position: position)
self.markForRender(screenCursor: self.grid.screenCursor)
public func bell() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
public func visualBell() {
public func flush() {
public func updateForeground(_ fg: Int32) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.grid.foreground = UInt32(bitPattern: fg)
// NSLog("\(ColorUtils.colorIgnoringAlpha(UInt32(fg)))")
public func updateBackground(_ bg: Int32) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.grid.background = UInt32(bitPattern: bg)
self.layer?.backgroundColor = ColorUtils.colorIgnoringAlpha(self.grid.background).cgColor
// NSLog("\(ColorUtils.colorIgnoringAlpha(UInt32(bg)))")
public func updateSpecial(_ sp: Int32) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.grid.special = UInt32(bitPattern: sp)
public func suspend() {
public func setTitle(_ title: String) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.delegate?.set(title: title)
public func setIcon(_ icon: String) {
public func stop() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
public func setDirtyStatus(_ dirty: Bool) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.delegate?.set(dirtyStatus: dirty)
public func autoCommandEvent(_ event: NeoVimAutoCommandEvent, bufferHandle: Int) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// NSLog("\(event.rawValue) with buffer \(bufferHandle)")
if (event == .TEXTCHANGED || event == .TEXTCHANGEDI || event == .BUFWRITEPOST || event == .BUFLEAVE) {
self.delegate?.set(dirtyStatus: self.hasDirtyDocs())
if event == .BUFWINENTER || event == .BUFWINLEAVE {
if event == .TABENTER {
if event == .CWDCHANGED {
if event == .BUFREADPOST || event == .BUFWRITEPOST {
public func ipcBecameInvalid(_ reason: String) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if self.agent.neoVimIsQuitting {
self.delegate?.ipcBecameInvalid(reason: reason)
NSLog("ERROR \(#function): force-quitting")
fileprivate func currentBufferChanged(_ handle: Int) {
guard let currentBuffer = self.currentBuffer() else {
guard currentBuffer.handle == handle else {
fileprivate func tabChanged() {
fileprivate func cwdChanged() {
fileprivate func bufferListChanged() {
fileprivate func updateCursorWhenPutting(currentPosition curPos: Position, screenCursor: Position) {
if self.mode == .cmdline {
// When the cursor is in the command line, then we need this...
self.markForRender(cellPosition: self.grid.previousCellPosition(curPos))
self.markForRender(cellPosition: self.grid.nextCellPosition(curPos))
self.markForRender(screenCursor: self.grid.screenCursor)
self.markForRender(screenCursor: screenCursor)
self.markForRender(cellPosition: self.grid.screenCursor)
fileprivate func markForRender(cellPosition position: Position) {
self.markForRender(position: position)
if self.grid.isCellEmpty(position) {
self.markForRender(position: self.grid.previousCellPosition(position))
if self.grid.isNextCellEmpty(position) {
self.markForRender(position: self.grid.nextCellPosition(position))
fileprivate func markForRender(position: Position) {
self.markForRender(row: position.row, column: position.column)
fileprivate func markForRender(screenCursor position: Position) {
self.markForRender(position: position)
if self.grid.isNextCellEmpty(position) {
self.markForRender(position: self.grid.nextCellPosition(position))
fileprivate func markForRenderWholeView() {
self.needsDisplay = true
fileprivate func markForRender(region: Region) {
self.setNeedsDisplay(self.regionRectFor(region: region))
fileprivate func markForRender(row: Int, column: Int) {
self.setNeedsDisplay(self.cellRectFor(row: row, column: column))