(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.mdastLint = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o latest) { return; } if (isGap) { gaps.push({ 'start': offset, 'end': latest }); isGap = false; } offset = latest; } visit(ast, function (node) { var start = position.start(node); var end = position.end(node); update(start && start.offset); if (!node.children) { update(end && end.offset); } }); if (offset === position.end(lastNode).offset) { update(); update(file.toString().length - 1); } file.messages = file.messages.filter(function (message) { var ranges = scope[message.ruleId]; var index = ranges && ranges.length; var gapIndex = gaps.length; var length = -1; var pos; var range; if (!message.line) { message.line = 1; } if (!message.column) { message.column = 1; } pos = file.positionToOffset(message); while (gapIndex--) { if ( gaps[gapIndex].start <= pos && gaps[gapIndex].end > pos ) { return false; } } while (--index > length) { range = ranges[index]; if ( range.position.line < message.line || ( range.position.line === message.line && range.position.column < message.column ) ) { return range.state === true; } } /* xistanbul ignore next - Just to be safe */ return true; }); } /** * Return `transformer`. * * @return {Function} - See `transformer`. */ function attacher() { return transformer; } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = attacher; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module mdast:lint:library * @fileoverview mdast plug-in providing warnings when * detecting style violations. */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var decamelize = require('decamelize'); var sort = require('vfile-sort'); var range = require('mdast-range'); var zone = require('mdast-zone'); var internals = require('./rules'); var filter = require('./filter'); /* * Needed for plug-in resolving. */ var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var exists = fs && fs.existsSync; var resolve = path && path.resolve; var cwd = process && process.cwd(); /** * Factory to create a plugin from a rule. * * @example * attachFactory('foo', console.log, false)() // null * attachFactory('foo', console.log, {})() // plugin * * @param {string} id - Identifier. * @param {Function} rule - Rule * @param {*} options - Options for respective rule. * @return {Function} - See `attach` below. */ function attachFactory(id, rule, options) { /** * Attach the rule to an mdast instance, unless `false` * is passed as an option. * * @return {Function?} - See `plugin` below. */ function attach() { /** * Attach the rule to an mdast instance, unless `false` * is passed as an option. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} [file] - Virtual file. * @param {Function} next - Signal end. */ function plugin(ast, file, next) { var scope = file.namespace('mdast-lint'); /* * Track new messages per file. */ if (scope.index === undefined || scope.index === null) { scope.index = file.messages.length; } /** * Add `ruleId` to each new message. * * @param {Error?} err - Optional failure. */ function done(err) { var messages = file.messages; while (scope.index < messages.length) { messages[scope.index].ruleId = id; scope.index++; } next(err); } /* * Invoke `rule`, with `options` */ rule(ast, file, options, done); } return options === false ? null : plugin; } return attach; } /** * Require an external. Checks, in this order: * * - `$cwd/$pathlike`; * - `$cwd/$pathlike.js`; * - `$cwd/node_modules/$pathlike`; * - `$pathlike`. * * Where `$cwd` is the current working directory. * * @example * var plugin = findPlugin('foo'); * * @throws {Error} - Fails when `pathlike` cannot be * resolved. * @param {string} pathlike - Reference to external. * @return {Object} - Result of `require`ing external. */ function loadExternal(pathlike) { var local = resolve(cwd, pathlike); var current = resolve(cwd, 'node_modules', pathlike); var plugin; if (exists(local) || exists(local + '.js')) { plugin = local; /* istanbul ignore else - for globals */ } else if (exists(current)) { plugin = current; } else { plugin = pathlike; } return require(plugin); } /** * Load all externals. Merges them into a single rule * object. * * In node, accepts externals as strings, otherwise, * externals should be a list of objects. * * @param {Array.} externals - List of * paths to look for externals (only works in Node), * or a list of rule objects. * @return {Array.} - Rule object. * @throws {Error} - When an external cannot be resolved. */ function loadExternals(externals) { var index = -1; var rules = {}; var external; var ruleId; var mapping = externals ? externals.concat() : []; var length; mapping.push(internals); length = mapping.length; while (++index < length) { external = mapping[index]; if (typeof external === 'string') { external = loadExternal(external); } for (ruleId in external) { rules[ruleId] = external[ruleId]; } } return rules; } /** * Helper to ensure ruleId’s are dash-cased instead of * camel-cased. * * @param {Object} source - Original settings. * @return {Object} - Dash-cased settings. */ function decamelizeSettings(source) { var result = {}; var key; for (key in source) { result[decamelize(key, '-')] = source[key]; } return result; } /** * Lint attacher. * * By default, all rules are turned on unless explicitly * set to `false`. When `reset: true`, the opposite is * true: all rules are turned off, unless when given * a non-nully and non-false value. * * @example * var processor = lint(mdast, { * 'html': false // Ignore HTML warnings. * }); * * @param {MDAST} mdast - Host object. * @param {Object?} options - Hash of rule names mapping to * rule options. */ function lint(mdast, options) { var settings = decamelizeSettings(options || {}); var reset = settings.reset; var rules = loadExternals(settings.external); var id; var setting; /* * Ensure offset information is added. */ mdast.use(range); /** * Get the latest state of a rule. * * @param {string} ruleId - Unique rule name. * @param {File} [file] - File (optional) */ function getState(ruleId, file) { var scope = file && file.namespace('mdast-lint'); var ranges = scope && scope.ranges && scope.ranges[ruleId]; if (ranges) { return ranges[ranges.length - 1].state; } setting = settings[ruleId]; if (setting === false) { return false; } return !reset || (setting !== null && setting !== undefined); } /** * Store settings on `file`. * * @param {File} file - Virtual file. */ function store(file) { var scope = file.namespace('mdast-lint'); var ranges = scope.ranges; var ruleId; if (!ranges) { ranges = {}; for (ruleId in rules) { ranges[ruleId] = [{ 'state': getState(ruleId), 'position': { 'line': 0, 'column': 0 } }]; } scope.ranges = ranges; } } mdast.use(function () { return function (ast, file) { store(file); }; }); /* * Add each rule as a seperate plugin. */ for (id in rules) { mdast.use(attachFactory(id, rules[id], settings[id])); } /** * Handle a rule. * * @param {VFile} file - Virtual file. * @param {Object} marker - Marker context. * @param {string} type - Type to toggle to. * @param {*} ruleId - Rule to toggle. */ function toggle(file, marker, type, ruleId) { var scope = file.namespace('mdast-lint'); var markers; var currentState; var previousState; if (!(ruleId in rules)) { file.fail('Unknown rule: cannot ' + type + ' `\'' + ruleId + '\'`', marker.node); return; } markers = scope.ranges[ruleId]; previousState = getState(ruleId, file); currentState = type === 'enable'; if (currentState !== previousState) { markers.push({ 'state': currentState, 'position': marker.node.position.start }); } } /** * Handle a new-found marker. * * @param {Object} marker - Marker context. * @param {Object} parser - Parser instance. */ function onparse(marker, parser) { var file = parser.file; var attributes = marker.attributes.split(' '); var type = attributes[0]; var ids = attributes.slice(1); var length = ids.length; var index = -1; if (type !== 'disable' && type !== 'enable') { file.fail('Unknown lint keyword `' + type + '`: use either `\'enable\'` or `\'disable\'`', marker.node); return; } store(file); while (++index < length) { toggle(file, marker, type, ids[index]); } } mdast.use(zone({ 'name': 'lint', 'onparse': onparse })); /* * Filter. */ mdast.use(filter); /** * Transformer sort messages. */ return function (node, file, next) { sort(file); next(); }; } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = lint; },{"./filter":2,"./rules":20,"decamelize":60,"fs":undefined,"mdast-range":61,"mdast-zone":65,"path":undefined,"vfile-sort":68}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module blockquote-indentation * @fileoverview * Warn when blockquotes are either indented too much or too little. * * Options: `number`, default: `'consistent'`. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used indentation * and will warn when other blockquotes use a different indentation. * @example * * > Hello * ... * > World * * * > Hello * ... * > World * * * > Hello * ... * > World */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var toString = require('mdast-util-to-string'); var plural = require('plur'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Get the indent of a blockquote. * * @param {Node} node - Node to test. * @return {number} - Indentation. */ function check(node) { var head = node.children[0]; var indentation = position.start(head).column - position.start(node).column; var padding = toString(head).match(/^ +/); if (padding) { indentation += padding[0].length; } return indentation; } /** * Warn when a blockquote has a too large or too small * indentation. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {number?} [preferred='consistent'] - Preferred * indentation between a blockquote and its content. * When not a number, defaults to the first found * indentation. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function blockquoteIndentation(ast, file, preferred, done) { preferred = isNaN(preferred) || typeof preferred !== 'number' ? null : preferred; visit(ast, 'blockquote', function (node) { var indent; var diff; var word; if (position.generated(node) || !node.children.length) { return; } if (preferred) { indent = check(node); diff = preferred - indent; word = diff > 0 ? 'Add' : 'Remove'; diff = Math.abs(diff); if (diff !== 0) { file.warn( word + ' ' + diff + ' ' + plural('space', diff) + ' between blockquote and content', position.start(node.children[0]) ); } } else { preferred = check(node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = blockquoteIndentation; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"mdast-util-to-string":64,"plur":66,"unist-util-visit":67}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module checkbox-character-style * @fileoverview * Warn when list item checkboxes violate a given style. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used checked * and unchecked checkbox styles, and will warn when a subsequent * checkboxes uses a different style. * * These values can also be passed in as an object, such as: * * ```json * { * "checked": 'x', * "unchecked": ' ' * } * ``` * @example * * * * - [x] List item * - [x] List item * * * - [X] List item * - [X] List item * * * - [ ] List item * - [ ] List item * * * - [»···] List item * - [»···] List item * * * - [x] List item * - [X] List item * - [ ] List item * - [»···] List item */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; var CHECKED = { 'x': true, 'X': true }; var UNCHECKED = { ' ': true, ' ': true }; /** * Warn when list item checkboxes violate a given style. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {Object?} preferred - An object with `checked` * and `unchecked` properties, each set to null to default to * the first found style, or set to `'x'` or `'X'` for checked, * or `' '` (space) or `'\t'` (tab) for unchecked. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function checkboxCharacterStyle(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); if (preferred === 'consistent' || typeof preferred !== 'object') { preferred = {}; } if (!preferred.unchecked) { preferred.unchecked = null; } if (!preferred.checked) { preferred.checked = null; } if ( preferred.unchecked !== null && UNCHECKED[preferred.unchecked] !== true ) { file.fail( 'Invalid unchecked checkbox marker `' + preferred.unchecked + '`: use either `\'\\t\'`, or `\' \'`' ); } if ( preferred.checked !== null && CHECKED[preferred.checked] !== true ) { file.fail( 'Invalid checked checkbox marker `' + preferred.checked + '`: use either `\'x\'`, or `\'X\'`' ); } visit(ast, 'listItem', function (node) { var type; var initial; var final; var stop; var value; var style; var character; /* * Exit early for items without checkbox. */ if ( node.checked !== Boolean(node.checked) || position.generated(node) ) { return; } type = node.checked ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'; initial = start(node).offset; final = (node.children.length ? start(node.children[0]) : end(node)).offset; /* * For a checkbox to be parsed, it must be followed * by a white space. */ value = contents.slice(initial, final).trimRight().slice(0, -1); /* * The checkbox character is behind a square * bracket. */ character = value.charAt(value.length - 1); style = preferred[type]; if (style === null) { preferred[type] = character; } else if (character !== style) { stop = initial + value.length; file.warn( type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1) + ' checkboxes should use `' + style + '` as a marker', { 'start': file.offsetToPosition(stop - 1), 'end': file.offsetToPosition(stop) } ); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = checkboxCharacterStyle; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module checkbox-content-indent * @fileoverview * Warn when list item checkboxes are followed by too much white-space. * @example * * - [ ] List item * + [x] List item * * [X] List item * - [ ] List item * * * - [ ] List item * + [x] List item * * [X] List item * - [ ] List item */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Warn when list item checkboxes are followed by too much white-space. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function checkboxContentIndent(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); visit(ast, 'listItem', function (node) { var initial; var final; var value; /* * Exit early for items without checkbox. */ if ( node.checked !== Boolean(node.checked) || position.generated(node) ) { return; } initial = start(node).offset; final = (node.children.length ? start(node.children[0]) : end(node)).offset; while (/[^\S\n]/.test(contents.charAt(final))) { final++; } /* * For a checkbox to be parsed, it must be followed * by a white space. */ value = contents.slice(initial, final); value = value.slice(value.indexOf(']') + 1); if (value.length === 1) { return; } file.warn('Checkboxes should be followed by a single character', { 'start': file.offsetToPosition(final - value.length + 1), 'end': file.offsetToPosition(final) }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = checkboxContentIndent; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module code-block-style * @fileoverview * Warn when code-blocks do not adhere to a given style. * * Options: `string`, either `'consistent'`, `'fences'`, or `'indented'`, * default: `'consistent'`. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used code-block * style, and will warn when a subsequent code-block uses a different * style. * @example * * Hello * * ... * * World * * * ``` * Hello * ``` * ... * ```bar * World * ``` * * * Hello * ... * ``` * World * ``` */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /* * Valid styles. */ var STYLES = { 'null': true, 'fenced': true, 'indented': true }; /** * Warn for violating code-block style. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='consistent'] - Preferred * code block style. Defaults to `'consistent'` when * not a a string. Otherwise, should be one of * `'fenced'` or `'indented'`. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function codeBlockStyle(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' || preferred === 'consistent' ? null : preferred; if (STYLES[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid code block style `' + preferred + '`: use either `\'consistent\'`, `\'fenced\'`, or `\'indented\'`'); return; } /** * Get the style of `node`. * * @param {Node} node - Node. * @return {string?} - `'fenced'`, `'indented'`, or * `null`. */ function check(node) { var initial = start(node).offset; var final = end(node).offset; if (position.generated(node)) { return null; } if ( node.lang || /^\s*([~`])\1{2,}/.test(contents.slice(initial, final)) ) { return 'fenced'; } return 'indented'; } visit(ast, 'code', function (node) { var current = check(node); if (!current) { return; } if (!preferred) { preferred = current; } else if (preferred !== current) { file.warn('Code blocks should be ' + preferred, node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = codeBlockStyle; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module definition-case * @fileoverview * Warn when definition labels are not lower-case. * @example * * [example] http://example.com "Example Domain" * * * ![Example] http://example.com/favicon.ico "Example image" */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Expressions. */ var LABEL = /^\s*\[((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\[\]])+)\]/; /** * Warn when definitions are not placed at the end of the * file. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function definitionCase(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); /** * Validate a node, either a normal definition or * a footnote definition. * * @param {Node} node - Node. */ function validate(node) { var start = position.start(node).offset; var end = position.end(node).offset; var label; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } label = contents.slice(start, end).match(LABEL)[1]; if (label !== label.toLowerCase()) { file.warn('Do not use upper-case characters in definition labels', node); } } visit(ast, 'definition', validate); visit(ast, 'footnoteDefinition', validate); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = definitionCase; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module definition-spacing * @fileoverview * Warn when consecutive white space is used in a definition. * @example * * [example domain] http://example.com "Example Domain" * * * ![example image] http://example.com/favicon.ico "Example image" */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Expressions. */ var LABEL = /^\s*\[((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\[\]])+)\]/; /** * Warn when consecutive white space is used in a * definition. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function definitionSpacing(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); /** * Validate a node, either a normal definition or * a footnote definition. * * @param {Node} node - Node. */ function validate(node) { var start = position.start(node).offset; var end = position.end(node).offset; var label; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } label = contents.slice(start, end).match(LABEL)[1]; if (/[ \t\n]{2,}/.test(label)) { file.warn('Do not use consecutive white-space in definition labels', node); } } visit(ast, 'definition', validate); visit(ast, 'footnoteDefinition', validate); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = definitionSpacing; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module emphasis-marker * @fileoverview * Warn for violating emphasis markers. * * Options: `string`, either `'consistent'`, `'*'`, or `'_'`, * default: `'consistent'`. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used emphasis * style, and will warn when a subsequent emphasis uses a different * style. * @example * * *foo* * *bar* * * * _foo_ * _bar_ */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Map of valid markers. */ var MARKERS = { '*': true, '_': true, 'null': true }; /** * Warn when an `emphasis` node has an incorrect marker. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='consistent'] - Preferred * marker, either `'*'` or `'_'`, or `'consistent'`. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function emphasisMarker(ast, file, preferred, done) { preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' || preferred === 'consistent' ? null : preferred; if (MARKERS[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid emphasis marker `' + preferred + '`: use either `\'consistent\'`, `\'*\'`, or `\'_\'`'); return; } visit(ast, 'emphasis', function (node) { var marker = file.toString().charAt(position.start(node).offset); if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (preferred) { if (marker !== preferred) { file.warn('Emphasis should use `' + preferred + '` as a marker', node); } } else { preferred = marker; } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = emphasisMarker; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module fenced-code-flag * @fileoverview * Warn when fenced code blocks occur without language flag. * * Options: `Array.` or `Object`. * * Providing an array, is a shortcut for just providing the `flags` * property on the object. * * The object can have an array of flags which are deemed valid. * In addition it can have the property `allowEmpty` (`boolean`) * which signifies whether or not to warn for fenced code-blocks without * languge flags. * @example * * ```hello * world(); * ``` * * * Hello * * * ``` * world(); * ``` * * * ``` * world(); * ``` * * * ```hello * world(); * ``` */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Warn for fenced code blocks without language flag. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {Object|Array.} [preferred] - List * of flags deemed valid. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function fencedCodeFlag(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); var allowEmpty = false; var flags = []; if (typeof preferred === 'object' && !('length' in preferred)) { allowEmpty = Boolean(preferred.allowEmpty); preferred = preferred.flags; } if (typeof preferred === 'object' && 'length' in preferred) { flags = String(preferred).split(','); } visit(ast, 'code', function (node) { var value = contents.slice(start(node).offset, end(node).offset); if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (node.lang) { if (flags.length && flags.indexOf(node.lang) === -1) { file.warn('Invalid code-language flag', node); } } else if (/^\ {0,3}([~`])\1{2,}/.test(value) && !allowEmpty) { file.warn('Missing code-language flag', node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = fencedCodeFlag; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module fenced-code-marker * @fileoverview * Warn for violating fenced code markers. * * Options: `string`, either `` '`' ``, or `'~'`, default: `'consistent'`. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used fenced code * marker style, and will warn when a subsequent fenced code uses a * different style. * @example * * ```foo * bar(); * ``` * * ``` * baz(); * ``` * * * ~~~foo * bar(); * ~~~ * * ~~~ * baz(); * ~~~ * * * ~~~foo * bar(); * ~~~ * * ``` * baz(); * ``` */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Map of valid markers. */ var MARKERS = { '`': true, '~': true, 'null': true }; /** * Warn for violating fenced code markers. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='consistent'] - Preferred * marker, either `` '`' `` or `~`, or `'consistent'`. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function fencedCodeMarker(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' || preferred === 'consistent' ? null : preferred; if (MARKERS[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid fenced code marker `' + preferred + '`: use either `\'consistent\'`, `` \'\`\' ``, or `\'~\'`'); return; } visit(ast, 'code', function (node) { var marker = contents.substr(position.start(node).offset, 4); if (position.generated(node)) { return; } marker = marker.trimLeft().charAt(0); /* * Ignore unfenced code blocks. */ if (MARKERS[marker] !== true) { return; } if (preferred) { if (marker !== preferred) { file.warn('Fenced code should use ' + preferred + ' as a marker', node); } } else { preferred = marker; } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = fencedCodeMarker; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module file-extension * @fileoverview * Warn when the document’s extension differs from the given preferred * extension. * * Does not warn when given documents have no file extensions (such as * `AUTHORS` or `LICENSE`). * * Options: `string`, default: `'md'` — Expected file extension. * @example * Invalid (when `'md'`): readme.mkd, readme.markdown, etc. * Valid (when `'md'`): readme, readme.md */ 'use strict'; /** * Check file extensions. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='md'] - Expected file * extension. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function fileExtension(ast, file, preferred, done) { var ext = file.extension; preferred = typeof preferred === 'string' ? preferred : 'md'; if (ext !== '' && ext !== preferred) { file.warn('Invalid extension: use `' + preferred + '`'); } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = fileExtension; },{}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module final-definition * @fileoverview * Warn when definitions are not placed at the end of the file. * @example * * ... * * [example] http://example.com "Example Domain" * * * ... * * [example] http://example.com "Example Domain" * * A trailing paragraph. */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; /** * Warn when definitions are not placed at the end of * the file. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function finalDefinition(ast, file, preferred, done) { var last = null; visit(ast, function (node) { var line = start(node).line; /* * Ignore generated nodes. */ if (node.type === 'root' || position.generated(node)) { return; } if (node.type === 'definition') { if (last !== null && last > line) { file.warn('Move definitions to the end of the file (after the node at line `' + last + '`)', node); } } else if (last === null) { last = line; } }, true); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = finalDefinition; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module final-newline * @fileoverview * Warn when a newline at the end of a file is missing. * * See [StackExchange](http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/18743) for * why. */ 'use strict'; /** * Warn when the list-item marker style of unordered lists * violate a given style. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function finalNewline(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); var last = contents.length - 1; if (last > 0 && contents.charAt(last) !== '\n') { file.warn('Missing newline character at end of file'); } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = finalNewline; },{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module first-heading-level * @fileoverview * Warn when the first heading has a level other than `1`. * @example * * # Foo * * ## Bar * * * ## Foo * * # Bar */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when the first heading has a level other than `1`. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function firstHeadingLevel(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'heading', function (node) { if (position.generated(node)) { return null; } if (node.depth !== 1) { file.warn('First heading level should be `1`', node); } return false; }); done(); } module.exports = firstHeadingLevel; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module hard-break-spaces * @fileoverview * Warn when too many spaces are used to create a hard break. * @example * * * * Lorem ipsum·· * dolor sit amet * * * Lorem ipsum··· * dolor sit amet. */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when too many spaces are used to create a * hard break. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function hardBreakSpaces(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); visit(ast, 'break', function (node) { var start = position.start(node).offset; var end = position.end(node).offset; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (contents.slice(start, end).length > 3) { file.warn('Use two spaces for hard line breaks', node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = hardBreakSpaces; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module heading-increment * @fileoverview * Warn when headings increment with more than 1 level at a time. * @example * * # Foo * * ## Bar * * * # Foo * * ### Bar */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when headings increment with more than 1 level at * a time. * * Never warns for the first heading. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function headingIncrement(ast, file, preferred, done) { var prev = null; visit(ast, 'heading', function (node) { var depth = node.depth; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (prev && depth > prev + 1) { file.warn('Heading levels should increment by one level at a time', node); } prev = depth; }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = headingIncrement; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module heading-style * @fileoverview * Warn when a heading does not conform to a given style. * * Options: `string`, either `'consistent'`, `'atx'`, `'atx-closed'`, * or `'setext'`, default: `'consistent'`. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used heading * style, and will warn when a subsequent heading uses a different * style. * @example * * # Foo * * ## Bar * * ### Baz * * * # Foo # * * ## Bar # * * ### Baz ### * * * Foo * === * * Bar * --- * * ### Baz * * * Foo * === * * ## Bar * * ### Baz ### */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var style = require('mdast-util-heading-style'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Types. */ var TYPES = ['atx', 'atx-closed', 'setext']; /** * Warn when a heading does not conform to a given style. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string} [preferred='consistent'] - Preferred * style, one of `atx`, `atx-closed`, or `setext`. * Other values default to `'consistent'`, which will * detect the first used style. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function headingStyle(ast, file, preferred, done) { preferred = TYPES.indexOf(preferred) === -1 ? null : preferred; visit(ast, 'heading', function (node) { if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (preferred) { if (style(node, preferred) !== preferred) { file.warn('Headings should use ' + preferred, node); } } else { preferred = style(node, preferred); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = headingStyle; },{"mdast-util-heading-style":62,"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module Rules * @fileoverview Map of rule id’s to rules. */ 'use strict'; /* * Expose. */ module.exports = { 'no-auto-link-without-protocol': require('./no-auto-link-without-protocol'), 'no-literal-urls': require('./no-literal-urls'), 'no-consecutive-blank-lines': require('./no-consecutive-blank-lines'), 'no-missing-blank-lines': require('./no-missing-blank-lines'), 'blockquote-indentation': require('./blockquote-indentation'), 'no-blockquote-without-caret': require('./no-blockquote-without-caret'), 'code-block-style': require('./code-block-style'), 'checkbox-content-indent': require('./checkbox-content-indent'), 'checkbox-character-style': require('./checkbox-character-style'), 'definition-case': require('./definition-case'), 'definition-spacing': require('./definition-spacing'), 'no-emphasis-as-heading': require('./no-emphasis-as-heading'), 'emphasis-marker': require('./emphasis-marker'), 'fenced-code-flag': require('./fenced-code-flag'), 'fenced-code-marker': require('./fenced-code-marker'), 'file-extension': require('./file-extension'), 'final-newline': require('./final-newline'), 'no-file-name-articles': require('./no-file-name-articles'), 'no-file-name-consecutive-dashes': require('./no-file-name-consecutive-dashes'), 'no-file-name-irregular-characters': require('./no-file-name-irregular-characters'), 'no-file-name-mixed-case': require('./no-file-name-mixed-case'), 'no-file-name-outer-dashes': require('./no-file-name-outer-dashes'), 'final-definition': require('./final-definition'), 'hard-break-spaces': require('./hard-break-spaces'), 'heading-increment': require('./heading-increment'), 'no-heading-content-indent': require('./no-heading-content-indent'), 'no-heading-indent': require('./no-heading-indent'), 'first-heading-level': require('./first-heading-level'), 'maximum-heading-length': require('./maximum-heading-length'), 'no-heading-punctuation': require('./no-heading-punctuation'), 'heading-style': require('./heading-style'), 'no-multiple-toplevel-headings': require('./no-multiple-toplevel-headings'), 'no-duplicate-headings': require('./no-duplicate-headings'), 'no-duplicate-definitions': require('./no-duplicate-definitions'), 'no-html': require('./no-html'), 'no-inline-padding': require('./no-inline-padding'), 'maximum-line-length': require('./maximum-line-length'), 'link-title-style': require('./link-title-style'), 'list-item-bullet-indent': require('./list-item-bullet-indent'), 'list-item-content-indent': require('./list-item-content-indent'), 'list-item-indent': require('./list-item-indent'), 'list-item-spacing': require('./list-item-spacing'), 'ordered-list-marker-style': require('./ordered-list-marker-style'), 'ordered-list-marker-value': require('./ordered-list-marker-value'), 'no-shortcut-reference-image': require('./no-shortcut-reference-image'), 'no-shortcut-reference-link': require('./no-shortcut-reference-link'), 'rule-style': require('./rule-style'), 'no-shell-dollars': require('./no-shell-dollars'), 'strong-marker': require('./strong-marker'), 'no-table-indentation': require('./no-table-indentation'), 'table-pipe-alignment': require('./table-pipe-alignment'), 'table-cell-padding': require('./table-cell-padding'), 'table-pipes': require('./table-pipes'), 'no-tabs': require('./no-tabs'), 'unordered-list-marker-style': require('./unordered-list-marker-style') }; },{"./blockquote-indentation":4,"./checkbox-character-style":5,"./checkbox-content-indent":6,"./code-block-style":7,"./definition-case":8,"./definition-spacing":9,"./emphasis-marker":10,"./fenced-code-flag":11,"./fenced-code-marker":12,"./file-extension":13,"./final-definition":14,"./final-newline":15,"./first-heading-level":16,"./hard-break-spaces":17,"./heading-increment":18,"./heading-style":19,"./link-title-style":21,"./list-item-bullet-indent":22,"./list-item-content-indent":23,"./list-item-indent":24,"./list-item-spacing":25,"./maximum-heading-length":26,"./maximum-line-length":27,"./no-auto-link-without-protocol":28,"./no-blockquote-without-caret":29,"./no-consecutive-blank-lines":30,"./no-duplicate-definitions":31,"./no-duplicate-headings":32,"./no-emphasis-as-heading":33,"./no-file-name-articles":34,"./no-file-name-consecutive-dashes":35,"./no-file-name-irregular-characters":36,"./no-file-name-mixed-case":37,"./no-file-name-outer-dashes":38,"./no-heading-content-indent":39,"./no-heading-indent":40,"./no-heading-punctuation":41,"./no-html":42,"./no-inline-padding":43,"./no-literal-urls":44,"./no-missing-blank-lines":45,"./no-multiple-toplevel-headings":46,"./no-shell-dollars":47,"./no-shortcut-reference-image":48,"./no-shortcut-reference-link":49,"./no-table-indentation":50,"./no-tabs":51,"./ordered-list-marker-style":52,"./ordered-list-marker-value":53,"./rule-style":54,"./strong-marker":55,"./table-cell-padding":56,"./table-pipe-alignment":57,"./table-pipes":58,"./unordered-list-marker-style":59}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module link-title-style * @fileoverview * Warn when link and definition titles occur with incorrect quotes. * * Options: `string`, either `'consistent'`, `'"'`, `'\''`, or * `'()'`, default: `'consistent'`. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used quote * style, and will warn when a subsequent titles use a different * style. * @example * * [Example](http://example.com "Example Domain") * [Example](http://example.com "Example Domain") * * * [Example](http://example.com 'Example Domain') * [Example](http://example.com 'Example Domain') * * * [Example](http://example.com (Example Domain)) * [Example](http://example.com (Example Domain)) * * * [Example](http://example.com "Example Domain") * [Example](http://example.com 'Example Domain') * [Example](http://example.com (Example Domain)) */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Map of valid markers. */ var MARKERS = { '"': true, '\'': true, ')': true, 'null': true }; /* * Methods. */ var end = position.end; /** * Warn for fenced code blocks without language flag. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='consistent'] - Preferred * marker, either `'"'`, `'\''`, `'()'`, or `'consistent'`. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function linkTitleStyle(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' || preferred === 'consistent' ? null : preferred; if (preferred === '()' || preferred === '(') { preferred = ')'; } if (MARKERS[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid link title style marker `' + preferred + '`: use either `\'consistent\'`, `\'"\'`, `\'\\\'\'`, or `\'()\'`'); return; } /** * Validate a single node. * * @param {Node} node - Node. */ function validate(node) { var last = end(node).offset - 1; var character; var pos; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (node.type !== 'definition') { last--; } while (last) { character = contents.charAt(last); if (/\s/.test(character)) { last--; } else { break; } } /* * Not a title. */ if (!(character in MARKERS)) { return; } if (!preferred) { preferred = character; } else if (preferred !== character) { pos = file.offsetToPosition(last + 1); file.warn('Titles should use `' + (preferred === ')' ? '()' : preferred) + '` as a quote', pos); } } visit(ast, 'link', validate); visit(ast, 'image', validate); visit(ast, 'definition', validate); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = linkTitleStyle; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module list-item-bullet-indent * @fileoverview * Warn when list item bullets are indented. * @example * * * List item * * List item * * * * List item * * List item */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); var plural = require('plur'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; /** * Warn when list item bullets are indented. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function listItemBulletIndent(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); visit(ast, 'list', function (node) { var items = node.children; items.forEach(function (item) { var head = item.children[0]; var initial = start(item).offset; var final = start(head).offset; var indent; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } indent = contents.slice(initial, final).match(/^\s*/)[0].length; if (indent !== 0) { initial = start(head); file.warn('Incorrect indentation before bullet: remove ' + indent + ' ' + plural('space', indent), { 'line': initial.line, 'column': initial.column - indent }); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = listItemBulletIndent; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"plur":66,"unist-util-visit":67}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module list-item-content-indent * @fileoverview * Warn when the content of a list item has mixed indentation. * @example * * * List item * * * Nested list item indented by 4 spaces * * * * List item * * * Nested list item indented by 3 spaces */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); var plural = require('plur'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; /** * Warn when the content of a list item has mixed * indentation. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function listItemContentIndent(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); visit(ast, 'listItem', function (node) { var style; node.children.forEach(function (item, index) { var begin = start(item); var column = begin.column; var char; var diff; var word; if (position.generated(item)) { return; } /* * Get indentation for the first child. * Only the first item can have a checkbox, * so here we remove that from the column. */ if (index === 0) { if (Boolean(node.checked) === node.checked) { char = begin.offset; while (contents.charAt(char) !== '[') { char--; } column -= begin.offset - char; } style = column; return; } /* * Warn for violating children. */ if (column !== style) { diff = style - column; word = diff > 0 ? 'add' : 'remove'; diff = Math.abs(diff); file.warn( 'Don’t use mixed indentation for children, ' + word + ' ' + diff + ' ' + plural('space', diff), { 'line': start(item).line, 'column': column } ); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = listItemContentIndent; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"plur":66,"unist-util-visit":67}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module list-item-indent * @fileoverview * Warn when the spacing between a list item’s bullet and its content * violates a given style. * * Options: `string`, either `'tab-size'`, `'mixed'`, or `'space'`, * default: `'tab-size'`. * @example * * * List * item. * * 11. List * item. * * * * List item. * * 11. List item * * * List * item. * * 11. List * item. * * * * List item. * * 11. List item * * * List * item. * * 11. List * item. */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); var plural = require('plur'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; /* * Styles. */ var STYLES = { 'tab-size': true, 'mixed': true, 'space': true }; /** * Warn when the spacing between a list item’s bullet and * its content violates a given style. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='tab-size'] - Either * `'tab-size'`, `'space'`, or `'mixed'`, defaulting * to the first. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function listItemIndent(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' ? 'tab-size' : preferred; if (STYLES[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid list-item indent style `' + preferred + '`: use either `\'tab-size\'`, `\'space\'`, or `\'mixed\'`'); return; } visit(ast, 'list', function (node) { var items = node.children; var isOrdered = node.ordered; var offset = node.start || 1; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } items.forEach(function (item, index) { var head = item.children[0]; var bulletSize = isOrdered ? String(offset + index).length + 1 : 1; var tab = Math.ceil(bulletSize / 4) * 4; var initial = start(item).offset; var final = start(head).offset; var marker; var shouldBe; var diff; var word; marker = contents.slice(initial, final); /* * Support checkboxes. */ marker = marker.replace(/\[[x ]?\]\s*$/i, ''); if (preferred === 'tab-size') { shouldBe = tab; } else if (preferred === 'space') { shouldBe = bulletSize + 1; } else { shouldBe = node.loose ? tab : bulletSize + 1; } if (marker.length !== shouldBe) { diff = shouldBe - marker.length; word = diff > 0 ? 'add' : 'remove'; diff = Math.abs(diff); file.warn( 'Incorrect list-item indent: ' + word + ' ' + diff + ' ' + plural('space', diff), start(head) ); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = listItemIndent; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"plur":66,"unist-util-visit":67}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module list-item-spacing * @fileoverview * Warn when list looseness is incorrect, such as being tight * when it should be loose, and vice versa. * @example * * - Wrapped * item * * - item 2 * * - item 3 * * * - item 1 * - item 2 * - item 3 * * * - Wrapped * item * - item 2 * - item 3 * * * - item 1 * * - item 2 * * - item 3 */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Warn when list items looseness is incorrect, such as * being tight when it should be loose, and vice versa. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function listItemSpacing(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'list', function (node) { var items = node.children; var isTightList = true; var indent = start(node).column; var type; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } items.forEach(function (item) { var content = item.children; var head = content[0]; var tail = content[content.length - 1]; var isLoose = (end(tail).line - start(head).line) > 0; if (isLoose) { isTightList = false; } }); type = isTightList ? 'tight' : 'loose'; items.forEach(function (item, index) { var next = items[index + 1]; var isTight = end(item).column > indent; /* * Ignore last. */ if (!next) { return; } /* * Check if the list item's state does (not) * match the list's state. */ if (isTight !== isTightList) { file.warn('List item should be ' + type + ', isn’t', { 'start': end(item), 'end': start(next) }); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = listItemSpacing; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module maximum-heading-length * @fileoverview * Warn when headings are too long. * * Options: `number`, default: `60`. * * Ignores markdown syntax, only checks the plain text content. * @example * * # Alpha bravo charlie delta echo * # ![Alpha bravo charlie delta echo](http://example.com/nato.png) * * * # Alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var toString = require('mdast-util-to-string'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when headings are too long. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {number?} [preferred=60] - Maximum content * length. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function maximumHeadingLength(ast, file, preferred, done) { preferred = isNaN(preferred) || typeof preferred !== 'number' ? 60 : preferred; visit(ast, 'heading', function (node) { if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (toString(node).length > preferred) { file.warn('Use headings shorter than `' + preferred + '`', node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = maximumHeadingLength; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"mdast-util-to-string":64,"unist-util-visit":67}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module maximum-line-length * @fileoverview * Warn when lines are too long. * * Options: `number`, default: `80`. * * Ignores nodes which cannot be wrapped, such as heasings, tables, * code, link, images, and definitions. * @example * * Alpha bravo charlie delta echo. * * Alpha bravo charlie delta echo [foxtrot](./foxtrot.html). * * # Alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel. * * # Alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel. * * | A | B | C | D | E | F | F | H | * | ----- | ----- | ------- | ----- | ---- | ------- | ---- | ----- | * | Alpha | bravo | charlie | delta | echo | foxtrot | golf | hotel | * * * Alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf. * * Alpha bravo charlie delta echo [foxtrot](./foxtrot.html) golf. */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Check if `node` is applicable, as in, if it should be * ignored. * * @param {Node} node - Node to test. * @return {boolean} - Whether or not `node` should be * ignored. */ function isIgnored(node) { return node.type === 'heading' || node.type === 'table' || node.type === 'code' || node.type === 'definition'; } /** * Warn when lines are too long. This rule is forgiving * about lines which cannot be wrapped, such as code, * tables, and headings, or links at the enc of a line. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {number?} [preferred=80] - Maximum line length. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function maximumLineLength(ast, file, preferred, done) { var style = preferred && preferred !== true ? preferred : 80; var content = file.toString(); var matrix = content.split('\n'); var index = -1; var length = matrix.length; var lineLength; /** * Whitelist from `initial` to `final`, zero-based. * * @param {number} initial - Start. * @param {number} final - End. */ function whitelist(initial, final) { initial--; while (++initial < final) { matrix[initial] = ''; } } /* * Next, white list nodes which cannot be wrapped. */ visit(ast, function (node) { var applicable = isIgnored(node); var initial = applicable && start(node).line; var final = applicable && end(node).line; if (!applicable || position.generated(node)) { return; } whitelist(initial - 1, final); }); /** * Finally, whitelist URLs, but only if they occur at * or after the wrap. However, when they do, and * there’s white-space after it, they are not * whitelisted. * * @param {Node} node - Node. * @param {number} pos - Position of `node` in `parent`. * @param {Node} parent - Parent of `node`. */ function validateLink(node, pos, parent) { var next = parent.children[pos + 1]; var initial = start(node); var final = end(node); /* * Nothing to whitelist when generated. */ if (position.generated(node)) { return; } /* * No whitelisting when starting after the border, * or ending before it. */ if (initial.column > style || final.column < style) { return; } /* * No whitelisting when there’s white-space after * the link. */ if ( next && start(next).line === initial.line && (!next.value || /^(.+?[ \t].+?)/.test(next.value)) ) { return; } whitelist(initial.line - 1, final.line); } visit(ast, 'link', validateLink); visit(ast, 'image', validateLink); /* * Iterate over every line, and warn for * violating lines. */ while (++index < length) { lineLength = matrix[index].length; if (lineLength > style) { file.warn('Line must be at most ' + style + ' characters', { 'line': index + 1, 'column': lineLength + 1 }); } } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = maximumLineLength; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-auto-link-without-protocol * @fileoverview * Warn for angle-bracketed links without protocol. * @example * * * * * * * */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var toString = require('mdast-util-to-string'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Protocol expression. * * @type {RegExp} * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme#Generic_syntax */ var PROTOCOL = /^[a-z][a-z+.-]+:\/?/i; /** * Assert `node`s reference starts with a protocol. * * @param {Node} node - Node to test. * @return {boolean} */ function hasProtocol(node) { return PROTOCOL.test(toString(node)); } /** * Warn for angle-bracketed links without protocol. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noAutoLinkWithoutProtocol(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'link', function (node) { var head = start(node.children[0]).column; var tail = end(node.children[node.children.length - 1]).column; var initial = start(node).column; var final = end(node).column; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (initial === head - 1 && final === tail + 1 && !hasProtocol(node)) { file.warn('All automatic links must start with a protocol', node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noAutoLinkWithoutProtocol; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"mdast-util-to-string":64,"unist-util-visit":67}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-blockquote-without-caret * @fileoverview * Warn when blank lines without carets are found in a blockquote. * @example * * > Foo... * > * > ...Bar. * * * > Foo... * * > ...Bar. */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when blank lines without carets are found in a * blockquote. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noBlockquoteWithoutCaret(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); var last = contents.length; visit(ast, 'blockquote', function (node) { var start = position.start(node).line; var indent = node.position && node.position.indent; if (position.generated(node) || !indent || !indent.length) { return; } indent.forEach(function (column, n) { var character; var line = start + n + 1; var offset = file.positionToOffset({ 'line': line, 'column': column }) - 1; while (++offset < last) { character = contents.charAt(offset); if (character === '>') { return; } /* istanbul ignore else - just for safety */ if (character !== ' ' && character !== '\t') { break; } } file.warn('Missing caret in blockquote', { 'line': line, 'column': column }); }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noBlockquoteWithoutCaret; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-consecutive-blank-lines * @fileoverview * Warn for too many consecutive blank lines. Knows about the extra line * needed between a list and indented code, and two lists. * @example * * Foo... * * ...Bar. * * * Foo... * * * ...Bar. */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); var plural = require('plur'); /* * Constants. */ var MAX = 2; /** * Warn for too many consecutive blank lines. Knows * about the extra line needed between a list and * indented code, and two lists. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noConsecutiveBlankLines(ast, file, preferred, done) { /** * Compare the difference between `start` and `end`, * and warn when that difference exceeds `max`. * * @param {Position} start - Initial. * @param {Position} end - Final. */ function compare(start, end, max) { var diff = end.line - start.line; var word = diff > 0 ? 'before' : 'after'; diff = Math.abs(diff) - max; if (diff > 0) { file.warn('Remove ' + diff + ' ' + plural('line', diff) + ' ' + word + ' node', end); } } visit(ast, function (node) { var children = node.children; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (children && children[0]) { /* * Compare parent and first child. */ compare(position.start(node), position.start(children[0]), 0); /* * Compare between each child. */ children.forEach(function (child, index) { var prev = children[index - 1]; var max = MAX; if ( !prev || position.generated(prev) || position.generated(child) ) { return; } if ( ( prev.type === 'list' && child.type === 'list' ) || ( child.type === 'code' && prev.type === 'list' && !child.lang ) ) { max++; } compare(position.end(prev), position.start(child), max); }); /* * Compare parent and last child. */ compare(position.end(node), position.end(children[children.length - 1]), 1); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noConsecutiveBlankLines; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"plur":66,"unist-util-visit":67}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-duplicate-definitions * @fileoverview * Warn when duplicate definitions are found. * @example * * [foo]: bar * [baz]: qux * * * [foo]: bar * [foo]: qux */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var position = require('mdast-util-position'); var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); /** * Warn when definitions with equal content are found. * * Matches case-insensitive. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noDuplicateDefinitions(ast, file, preferred, done) { var map = {}; /** * Check `node`. * * @param {Node} node - Node. */ function validate(node) { var duplicate = map[node.identifier]; var pos; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (duplicate && duplicate.type) { pos = position.start(duplicate); file.warn( 'Do not use definitions with the same identifier (' + pos.line + ':' + pos.column + ')', node ); } map[node.identifier] = node; } visit(ast, 'definition', validate); visit(ast, 'footnoteDefinition', validate); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noDuplicateDefinitions; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-duplicate-headings * @fileoverview * Warn when duplicate headings are found. * @example * * # Foo * * ## Bar * * * # Foo * * ## Foo * * ## [Foo](http://foo.com/bar) */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var position = require('mdast-util-position'); var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var toString = require('mdast-util-to-string'); /** * Warn when headings with equal content are found. * * Matches case-insensitive. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noDuplicateHeadings(ast, file, preferred, done) { var map = {}; visit(ast, 'heading', function (node) { var value = toString(node).toUpperCase(); var duplicate = map[value]; var pos; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (duplicate && duplicate.type === 'heading') { pos = position.start(duplicate); file.warn( 'Do not use headings with similar content (' + pos.line + ':' + pos.column + ')', node ); } map[value] = node; }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noDuplicateHeadings; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"mdast-util-to-string":64,"unist-util-visit":67}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-emphasis-as-heading * @fileoverview * Warn when emphasis (including strong), instead of a heading, introduces * a paragraph. * * Currently, only warns when a colon (`:`) is also included, maybe that * could be omitted. * @example * * # Foo: * * Bar. * * * *Foo:* * * Bar. */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var toString = require('mdast-util-to-string'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when a section (a new paragraph) is introduced * by emphasis (or strong) and a colon. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noEmphasisAsHeading(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'paragraph', function (node, index, parent) { var children = node.children; var child = children[0]; var prev = parent.children[index - 1]; var next = parent.children[index + 1]; var value; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if ( (!prev || prev.type !== 'heading') && next && next.type === 'paragraph' && children.length === 1 && (child.type === 'emphasis' || child.type === 'strong') ) { value = toString(child); /* * TODO: See if removing the punctuation * necessity is possible? */ if (value.charAt(value.length - 1) === ':') { file.warn('Don’t use emphasis to introduce a section, use a heading', node); } } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noEmphasisAsHeading; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"mdast-util-to-string":64,"unist-util-visit":67}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-file-name-articles * @fileoverview * Warn when file name start with an article. * @example * Valid: article.md * Invalid: an-article.md, a-article.md, , the-article.md */ 'use strict'; /** * Warn when file name start with an article. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noFileNameArticles(ast, file, preferred, done) { var match = file.filename && file.filename.match(/^(the|an?)\b/i); if (match) { file.warn('Do not start file names with `' + match[0] + '`'); } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noFileNameArticles; },{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-file-name-consecutive-dashes * @fileoverview * Warn when file names contain consecutive dashes. * @example * Invalid: docs/plug--ins.md * Valid: docs/plug-ins.md */ 'use strict'; /** * Warn when file names contain consecutive dashes. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noFileNameConsecutiveDashes(ast, file, preferred, done) { if (file.filename && /-{2,}/.test(file.filename)) { file.warn('Do not use consecutive dashes in a file name'); } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noFileNameConsecutiveDashes; },{}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-file-name-irregular-characters * @fileoverview * Warn when file names contain irregular characters: characters other * than alpha-numericals, dashes, and dots (full-stops). * @example * Invalid: plug_ins.md, plug ins.md. * Valid: plug-ins.md, plugins.md. */ 'use strict'; /** * Warn when file names contain characters other than * alpha-numericals, dashes, and dots (full-stops). * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noFileNameIrregularCharacters(ast, file, preferred, done) { var match = file.filename && file.filename.match(/[^.a-zA-Z0-9-]/); if (match) { file.warn('Do not use `' + match[0] + '` in a file name'); } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noFileNameIrregularCharacters; },{}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-file-name-mixed-case * @fileoverview * Warn when a file name uses mixed case: both upper- and lower case * characters. * @example * Invalid: Readme.md * Valid: README.md, readme.md */ 'use strict'; /** * Warn when a file name uses mixed case: both upper- and * lower case characters. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noFileNameMixedCase(ast, file, preferred, done) { var name = file.filename; if (name && !(name === name.toLowerCase() || name === name.toUpperCase())) { file.warn('Do not mix casing in file names'); } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noFileNameMixedCase; },{}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-file-name-outer-dashes * @fileoverview * Warn when file names contain initial or final dashes. * @example * Invalid: -readme.md, readme-.md * Valid: readme.md */ 'use strict'; /** * Warn when file names contain initial or final dashes. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noFileNameOuterDashes(ast, file, preferred, done) { if (file.filename && /^-|-$/.test(file.filename)) { file.warn('Do not use initial or final dashes in a file name'); } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noFileNameOuterDashes; },{}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-heading-content-indent * @fileoverview * Warn when a heading’s content is indented. * @example * * * #··Foo * * ## Bar··## * * ##··Baz * * * #·Foo * * ## Bar·## * * ##·Baz */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var style = require('mdast-util-heading-style'); var plural = require('plur'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Warn when a (closed) ATX-heading has too much space * between the initial hashes and the content, or the * content and the final hashes. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noHeadingContentIndent(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); visit(ast, 'heading', function (node) { var depth = node.depth; var children = node.children; var type = style(node, 'atx'); var initial; var final; var diff; var word; var index; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (type === 'atx' || type === 'atx-closed') { initial = start(node); index = initial.offset; while (contents.charAt(index) !== '#') { index++; } index = depth + (index - initial.offset); diff = start(children[0]).column - initial.column - 1 - index; if (diff) { word = diff > 0 ? 'Remove' : 'Add'; diff = Math.abs(diff); file.warn( word + ' ' + diff + ' ' + plural('space', diff) + ' before this heading’s content', start(children[0]) ); } } /* * Closed ATX-heading always must have a space * between their content and the final hashes, * thus, there is no `add x spaces`. */ if (type === 'atx-closed') { final = end(children[children.length - 1]); diff = end(node).column - final.column - 1 - depth; if (diff) { file.warn( 'Remove ' + diff + ' ' + plural('space', diff) + ' after this heading’s content', final ); } } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noHeadingContentIndent; },{"mdast-util-heading-style":62,"mdast-util-position":63,"plur":66,"unist-util-visit":67}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-heading-indent * @fileoverview * Warn when a heading is indented. * @example * * * ···# Hello world * * ·Foo * ----- * * ·# Hello world # * * ···Bar * ===== * * * # Hello world * * Foo * ----- * * # Hello world # * * Bar * ===== */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var plural = require('plur'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; /** * Warn when a heading has too much space before the * initial hashes. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noHeadingIndent(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); var length = contents.length; visit(ast, 'heading', function (node) { var initial = start(node); var begin = initial.offset; var index = begin - 1; var character; var diff; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } while (++index < length) { character = contents.charAt(index); if (character !== ' ' && character !== '\t') { break; } } diff = index - begin; if (diff) { file.warn( 'Remove ' + diff + ' ' + plural('space', diff) + ' before this heading', { 'line': initial.line, 'column': initial.column + diff } ); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noHeadingIndent; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"plur":66,"unist-util-visit":67}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-heading-punctuation * @fileoverview * Warn when a heading ends with a a group of characters. * Defaults to `'.,;:!?'`. * * Options: `string`, default: `'.,;:!?'`. * * Note that these are added to a regex, in a group (`'[' + char + ']'`), * be careful for escapes and dashes. * @example * * # Hello: * * # Hello? * * # Hello! * * # Hello, * * # Hello; * * * # Hello */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); var toString = require('mdast-util-to-string'); /** * Warn when headings end in some characters. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='\\.,;:!?'] - Group of characters. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noHeadingPunctuation(ast, file, preferred, done) { preferred = typeof preferred === 'string' ? preferred : '\\.,;:!?'; visit(ast, 'heading', function (node) { var value = toString(node); if (position.generated(node)) { return; } value = value.charAt(value.length - 1); if (new RegExp('[' + preferred + ']').test(value)) { file.warn('Don’t add a trailing `' + value + '` to headings', node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noHeadingPunctuation; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"mdast-util-to-string":64,"unist-util-visit":67}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-html * @fileoverview * Warn when HTML nodes are used. * * Ignores comments, because they are used by this tool, mdast, and * because markdown doesn’t have native comments. * @example * *


* * * # Hello */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when HTML nodes are used. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function html(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'html', function (node) { if (!position.generated(node) && !/^\s* * * Hello *, [ world ](http://foo.bar/baz) * * * *Hello*, [world](http://foo.bar/baz) */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); var toString = require('mdast-util-to-string'); /** * Warn when inline nodes are padded with spaces between * markers and content. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noInlinePadding(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, function (node) { var type = node.type; var contents; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if ( type === 'emphasis' || type === 'strong' || type === 'delete' || type === 'image' || type === 'link' ) { contents = toString(node); if (contents.charAt(0) === ' ' || contents.charAt(contents.length - 1) === ' ') { file.warn('Don’t pad `' + type + '` with inner spaces', node); } } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noInlinePadding; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"mdast-util-to-string":64,"unist-util-visit":67}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-literal-urls * @fileoverview * Warn when URLs without angle-brackets are used. * @example * * http://foo.bar/baz * * * */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Warn for literal URLs without angle-brackets. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noLiteralURLs(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'link', function (node) { var head = start(node.children[0]).column; var tail = end(node.children[node.children.length - 1]).column; var initial = start(node).column; var final = end(node).column; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (initial === head && final === tail) { file.warn('Don’t use literal URLs without angle brackets', node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noLiteralURLs; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-missing-blank-lines * @fileoverview * Warn for missing blank lines before a block node. * @example * * # Foo * ## Bar * * * # Foo * * ## Bar */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Check if `node` is an applicable block-level node. * * @param {Node} node - Node to test. * @return {boolean} - Whether or not `node` is applicable. */ function isApplicable(node) { return [ 'paragraph', 'blockquote', 'heading', 'code', 'yaml', 'html', 'list', 'table', 'horizontalRule' ].indexOf(node.type) !== -1; } /** * Warn when there is no empty line between two block * nodes. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noMissingBlankLines(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, function (node, index, parent) { var next = parent && parent.children[index + 1]; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if ( next && isApplicable(node) && isApplicable(next) && position.start(next).line === position.end(node).line + 1 ) { file.warn('Missing blank line before block node', next); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noMissingBlankLines; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-multiple-toplevel-headings * @fileoverview * Warn when multiple top-level headings are used. * @example * * # Foo * * # Bar * * * # Foo * * ## Bar */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when multiple top-level headings are used. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noMultipleToplevelHeadings(ast, file, preferred, done) { var topLevelheading = false; visit(ast, 'heading', function (node) { var pos; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (node.depth === 1) { if (topLevelheading) { pos = position.start(node); file.warn('Don’t use multiple top level headings (' + pos.line + ':' + pos.column + ')', node); } topLevelheading = node; } }); done(); } module.exports = noMultipleToplevelHeadings; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-shell-dollars * @fileoverview * Warn when shell code is prefixed by dollar-characters. * * Ignored indented code blocks and fenced code blocks without language * flag. * @example * * ```bash * $ echo a * $ echo a > file * ``` * * * ```sh * echo a * echo a > file * ``` * * * ```zsh * $ echo a * a * $ echo a > file * ``` */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * List of shell script file extensions (also used as code * flags for syntax highlighting on GitHub): * * @see https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/5bf8cf5/lib/linguist/languages.yml#L3002 */ var flags = [ 'sh', 'bash', 'bats', 'cgi', 'command', 'fcgi', 'ksh', 'tmux', 'tool', 'zsh' ]; /** * Warn when shell code is prefixed by dollar-characters. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noShellDollars(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'code', function (node) { var language = node.lang; var value = node.value; var warn; if (!language || position.generated(node)) { return; } /* * Check both known shell-code and unknown code. */ if (flags.indexOf(language) !== -1) { warn = value.length && value.split('\n').every(function (line) { return Boolean(!line.trim() || line.match(/^\s*\$\s*/)); }); if (warn) { file.warn('Do not use dollar signs before shell-commands', node); } } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noShellDollars; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-shortcut-reference-image * @fileoverview * Warn when shortcut reference images are used. * @example * * ![foo] * * [foo]: http://foo.bar/baz.png * * * ![foo][] * * [foo]: http://foo.bar/baz.png */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when shortcut reference images are used. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noShortcutReferenceImage(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'imageReference', function (node) { if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (node.referenceType === 'shortcut') { file.warn('Use the trailing [] on reference images', node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noShortcutReferenceImage; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],49:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-shortcut-reference-link * @fileoverview * Warn when shortcut reference links are used. * @example * * [foo] * * [foo]: http://foo.bar/baz * * * [foo][] * * [foo]: http://foo.bar/baz */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when shortcut reference links are used. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noShortcutReferenceLink(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'linkReference', function (node) { if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (node.referenceType === 'shortcut') { file.warn('Use the trailing [] on reference links', node); } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noShortcutReferenceLink; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],50:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-table-indentation * @fileoverview * Warn when tables are indented. * @example * * | A | B | * | ----- | ----- | * | Alpha | Bravo | * * * | A | B | * | ----- | ----- | * | Alpha | Bravo | */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /** * Warn when a table has a too much indentation. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noTableIndentation(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'table', function (node) { var contents = file.toString(); if (position.generated(node)) { return; } node.children.forEach(function (row) { var fence = contents.slice(position.start(row).offset, position.start(row.children[0]).offset); if (fence.indexOf('|') > 1) { file.warn('Do not indent table rows', row); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noTableIndentation; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],51:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module no-tabs * @fileoverview * Warn when hard-tabs instead of spaces * @example * * * Foo»Bar * * »···Foo * * * Foo Bar * * Foo */ 'use strict'; /** * Warn when hard-tabs instead of spaces are used. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function noTabs(ast, file, preferred, done) { var content = file.toString(); var index = -1; var length = content.length; while (++index < length) { if (content.charAt(index) === '\t') { file.warn('Use spaces instead of hard-tabs', file.offsetToPosition(index)); } } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = noTabs; },{}],52:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module ordered-list-marker-style * @fileoverview * Warn when the list-item marker style of ordered lists violate a given * style. * * Options: `string`, either `'consistent'`, `'.'`, or `')'`, * default: `'consistent'`. * * Note that `)` is only supported in CommonMark. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used list * style, and will warn when a subsequent list uses a different * style. * @example * * 1. Foo * * 2. Bar * * * 1) Foo * * 2) Bar */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; /* * Valid styles. */ var STYLES = { ')': true, '.': true, 'null': true }; /** * Warn when the list-item marker style of ordered lists * violate a given style. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='consistent'] - Ordered list * marker style, either `'.'` or `')'`, defaulting to the * first found style. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function orderedListMarkerStyle(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' || preferred === 'consistent' ? null : preferred; if (STYLES[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid ordered list-item marker style `' + preferred + '`: use either `\'.\'` or `\')\'`'); return; } visit(ast, 'list', function (node) { var items = node.children; if (!node.ordered) { return; } items.forEach(function (item) { var head = item.children[0]; var initial = start(item).offset; var final = start(head).offset; var marker; if (position.generated(item)) { return; } marker = contents.slice(initial, final).replace(/\s|\d/g, ''); /* * Support checkboxes. */ marker = marker.replace(/\[[x ]?\]\s*$/i, ''); if (!preferred) { preferred = marker; } else if (marker !== preferred) { file.warn('Marker style should be `' + preferred + '`', item); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = orderedListMarkerStyle; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],53:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module ordered-list-marker-value * @fileoverview * Warn when the list-item marker values of ordered lists violate a * given style. * * Options: `string`, either `'single'`, `'one'`, or `'ordered'`, * default: `'ordered'`. * * When set to `'ordered'`, list-item bullets should increment by one, * relative to the starting point. When set to `'single'`, bullets should * be the same as the relative starting point. When set to `'one'`, bullets * should always be `1`. * @example * * 1. Foo * 1. Bar * 1. Baz * * 1. Alpha * 1. Bravo * 1. Charlie * * * 1. Foo * 1. Bar * 1. Baz * * 3. Alpha * 3. Bravo * 3. Charlie * * * 1. Foo * 2. Bar * 3. Baz * * 3. Alpha * 4. Bravo * 5. Charlie */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; /* * Valid styles. */ var STYLES = { 'ordered': true, 'single': true, 'one': true }; /** * Warn when the list-item markers values of ordered lists * violate a given style. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='ordered'] - Ordered list * marker value, either `'one'` or `'ordered'`, * defaulting to the latter. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function orderedListMarkerValue(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' ? 'ordered' : preferred; if (STYLES[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid ordered list-item marker value `' + preferred + '`: use either `\'ordered\'` or `\'one\'`'); return; } visit(ast, 'list', function (node) { var items = node.children; var shouldBe = (preferred === 'one' ? 1 : node.start) || 1; /* * Ignore unordered lists. */ if (!node.ordered) { return; } items.forEach(function (item, index) { var head = item.children[0]; var initial = start(item).offset; var final = start(head).offset; var marker; /* * Ignore first list item. */ if (index === 0) { return; } /* * Increase the expected line number when in * `ordered` mode. */ if (preferred === 'ordered') { shouldBe++; } /* * Ignore generated nodes. */ if (position.generated(item)) { return; } marker = contents.slice(initial, final).replace(/[\s\.\)]/g, ''); /* * Support checkboxes. */ marker = Number(marker.replace(/\[[x ]?\]\s*$/i, '')); if (marker !== shouldBe) { file.warn('Marker should be `' + shouldBe + '`, was `' + marker + '`', item); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = orderedListMarkerValue; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],54:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module rule-style * @fileoverview * Warn when the horizontal rules violate a given or detected style. * * Options: `string`, either a valid markdown rule, or `consistent`, * default: `'consistent'`. * @example * * * * * * * * * * * * * _______ * * _______ */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Warn when a given style is invalid. * * @param {*} style - `*`, `_`, ` ` (space), or `-`. * @return {boolean} - Whether or not `style` is a * valid rule style. */ function validateRuleStyle(style) { return style === null || !/[^-_* ]/.test(style); } /** * Warn when the horizontal rules violate a given or * detected style. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='consistent'] - A valid * horizontal rule, defaulting to the first found style. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function ruleStyle(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' || preferred === 'consistent' ? null : preferred; if (validateRuleStyle(preferred) !== true) { file.fail('Invalid preferred rule-style: provide a valid markdown rule, or `\'consistent\'`'); return; } visit(ast, 'horizontalRule', function (node) { var initial = start(node).offset; var final = end(node).offset; var hr; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } hr = contents.slice(initial, final); if (preferred) { if (hr !== preferred) { file.warn('Horizontal rules should use `' + preferred + '`', node); } } else { preferred = hr; } }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = ruleStyle; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module blockquote-indentation * @fileoverview * Warn for violating strong markers. * * Options: `string`, either `'consistent'`, `'*'`, or `'_'`, * default: `'consistent'`. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used strong * style, and will warn when a subsequent strong uses a different * style. * @example * * **foo** * **bar** * * * __foo__ * __bar__ */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Map of valid markers. */ var MARKERS = { '*': true, '_': true, 'null': true }; /** * Warn when a `strong` node has an incorrect marker. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='consistent'] - Preferred * marker, either `"*"` or `"_"`, or `"consistent"`. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function strongMarker(ast, file, preferred, done) { preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' || preferred === 'consistent' ? null : preferred; if (MARKERS[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid strong marker `' + preferred + '`: use either `\'consistent\'`, `\'*\'`, or `\'_\'`'); } else { visit(ast, 'strong', function (node) { var marker = file.toString().charAt(position.start(node).offset); if (position.generated(node)) { return; } if (preferred) { if (marker !== preferred) { file.warn('Strong should use `' + preferred + '` as a marker', node); } } else { preferred = marker; } }); } done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = strongMarker; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module table-cell-padding * @fileoverview * Warn when table cells are incorrectly padded. * * Options: `string`, either `'consistent'`, `'padded'`, or `'compact'`, * default: `'consistent'`. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used cell padding * style, and will warn when a subsequent cells uses a different * style. * @example * * | A | B | * | ----- | ----- | * | Alpha | Bravo | * * * |A |B | * |-----|-----| * |Alpha|Bravo| * * * | A | B | * | -----| -----| * | Alpha| Bravo| */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /* * Valid styles. */ var STYLES = { 'null': true, 'padded': true, 'compact': true }; /** * Warn when table cells are incorrectly padded. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} preferred - Either `padded` (for * at least a space), `compact` (for no spaces when * possible), or `consistent`, which defaults to the * first found style. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function tableCellPadding(ast, file, preferred, done) { preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' || preferred === 'consistent' ? null : preferred; if (STYLES[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid table-cell-padding style `' + preferred + '`'); } visit(ast, 'table', function (node) { var children = node.children; var contents = file.toString(); var starts = []; var ends = []; var locations; var positions; var style; var type; var warning; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } /** * Check a fence. Checks both its initial spacing * (between a cell and the fence), and its final * spacing (between the fence and the next cell). */ function check(initial, final, cell, next, index) { var fence = contents.slice(initial, final); var pos = fence.indexOf('|'); if ( cell && pos !== -1 && ( ends[index] === undefined || pos < ends[index] ) ) { ends[index] = pos; } if (next && pos !== -1) { pos = fence.length - pos - 1; if (starts[index + 1] === undefined || pos < starts[index + 1]) { starts[index + 1] = pos; } } } children.forEach(function (row) { var cells = row.children; check(start(row).offset, start(cells[0]).offset, null, cells[0], -1); cells.forEach(function (cell, index) { var next = cells[index + 1] || null; var final = start(next).offset || end(row).offset; check(end(cell).offset, final, cell, next, index); }); }); positions = starts.concat(ends); style = preferred === 'padded' ? 1 : preferred === 'compact' ? 0 : null; if (preferred === 'padded') { style = 1; } else if (preferred === 'compact') { style = 0; } else { positions.some(function (pos) { /* * `some` skips non-existant indices, so * there's no need to check for `!isNaN`. */ style = Math.min(pos, 1); return true; }); } locations = children[0].children.map(function (cell) { return start(cell); }).concat(children[0].children.map(function (cell) { return end(cell); })); type = style === 1 ? 'padded' : 'compact'; warning = 'Cell should be ' + type + ', isn’t'; positions.forEach(function (diff, index) { if (diff !== style && diff !== undefined && diff !== null) { file.warn(warning, locations[index]); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = tableCellPadding; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module table-pipe-alignment * @fileoverview * Warn when table pipes are not aligned. * @example * * | A | B | * | ----- | ----- | * | Alpha | Bravo | * * * | A | B | * | -- | -- | * | Alpha | Bravo | */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Warn when table pipes are not aligned. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function tablePipeAlignment(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'table', function (node) { var contents = file.toString(); var indices = []; var offset; var line; if (position.generated(node)) { return; } /** * Check all pipes after each column are at * aligned. */ function check(initial, final, index) { var pos = initial + contents.slice(initial, final).indexOf('|') - offset + 1; if (indices[index] === undefined || indices[index] === null) { indices[index] = pos; } else if (pos !== indices[index]) { file.warn('Misaligned table fence', { 'start': { 'line': line, 'column': pos }, 'end': { 'line': line, 'column': pos + 1 } }); } } node.children.forEach(function (row) { var cells = row.children; line = start(row).line; offset = start(row).offset; check(start(row).offset, start(cells[0]).offset, 0); row.children.forEach(function (cell, index) { var next = start(cells[index + 1]).offset || end(row).offset; check(end(cell).offset, next, index + 1); }); }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = tablePipeAlignment; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module table-pipes * @fileoverview * Warn when table rows are not fenced with pipes. * @example * * | A | B | * | ----- | ----- | * | Alpha | Bravo | * * * A | B * ----- | ----- * Alpha | Bravo */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; var end = position.end; /** * Warn when a table rows are not fenced with pipes. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {*} preferred - Ignored. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function tablePipes(ast, file, preferred, done) { visit(ast, 'table', function (node) { var contents = file.toString(); node.children.forEach(function (row) { var cells = row.children; var head = cells[0]; var tail = cells[cells.length - 1]; var initial = contents.slice(start(row).offset, start(head).offset); var final = contents.slice(end(tail).offset, end(row).offset); if (position.generated(row)) { return; } if (initial.indexOf('|') === -1) { file.warn('Missing initial pipe in table fence', start(row)); } if (final.indexOf('|') === -1) { file.warn('Missing final pipe in table fence', end(row)); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = tablePipes; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module unordered-list-marker-style * @fileoverview * Warn when the list-item marker style of unordered lists violate a given * style. * * Options: `string`, either `'consistent'`, `'-'`, `'*'`, or `'*'`, * default: `'consistent'`. * * The default value, `consistent`, detects the first used list * style, and will warn when a subsequent list uses a different * style. * @example * * - Foo * - Bar * * * * Foo * * Bar * * * + Foo * + Bar * * * + Foo * - Bar */ 'use strict'; /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); var position = require('mdast-util-position'); /* * Methods. */ var start = position.start; /* * Valid styles. */ var STYLES = { '-': true, '*': true, '+': true, 'null': true }; /** * Warn when the list-item marker style of unordered lists * violate a given style. * * @param {Node} ast - Root node. * @param {File} file - Virtual file. * @param {string?} [preferred='consistent'] - Unordered * list marker style, either `'-'`, `'*'`, or `'+'`, * defaulting to the first found style. * @param {Function} done - Callback. */ function unorderedListMarkerStyle(ast, file, preferred, done) { var contents = file.toString(); preferred = typeof preferred !== 'string' || preferred === 'consistent' ? null : preferred; if (STYLES[preferred] !== true) { file.fail('Invalid unordered list-item marker style `' + preferred + '`: use either `\'-\'`, `\'*\'`, or `\'+\'`'); return; } visit(ast, 'list', function (node) { var items = node.children; if (node.ordered) { return; } items.forEach(function (item) { var head = item.children[0]; var initial = start(item).offset; var final = start(head).offset; var marker; if (position.generated(item)) { return; } marker = contents.slice(initial, final).replace(/\s/g, ''); /* * Support checkboxes. */ marker = marker.replace(/\[[x ]?\]\s*$/i, ''); if (!preferred) { preferred = marker; } else if (marker !== preferred) { file.warn('Marker style should be `' + preferred + '`', item); } }); }); done(); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = unorderedListMarkerStyle; },{"mdast-util-position":63,"unist-util-visit":67}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; module.exports = function (str, sep) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Expected a string'); } return str.replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1' + (sep || '_') + '$2').toLowerCase(); }; },{}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module mdast:range * @fileoverview Patch index-based range on mdast nodes. */ 'use strict'; /* eslint-env commonjs */ /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); /** * Calculate offsets for `lines`. * * @param {Array.} lines - Lines to compile. * @return {Array.} */ function toOffsets(lines) { var total = 0; var index = -1; var length = lines.length; var result = []; while (++index < length) { result[index] = total += lines[index].length + 1; } return result; } /** * Add an offset based on `offsets` to `position`. * * @param {Object} position - Position. */ function addRange(position, fn) { position.offset = fn(position); } /** * Factory to reverse an offset into a line--column * tuple. * * @param {Array.} offsets - Offsets, as returned * by `toOffsets()`. * @return {Function} - Bound method. */ function positionToOffsetFactory(offsets) { /** * Calculate offsets for `lines`. * * @param {Object} position - Position. * @return {Object} - Object with `line` and `colymn` * properties based on the bound `offsets`. */ function positionToOffset(position) { var line = position && position.line; var column = position && position.column; if (!isNaN(line) && !isNaN(column)) { return ((offsets[line - 2] || 0) + column - 1) || 0; } return -1; } return positionToOffset; } /** * Factory to reverse an offset into a line--column * tuple. * * @param {Array.} offsets - Offsets, as returned * by `toOffsets()`. * @return {Function} - Bound method. */ function offsetToPositionFactory(offsets) { /** * Calculate offsets for `lines`. * * @param {number} offset - Offset. * @return {Object} - Object with `line` and `colymn` * properties based on the bound `offsets`. */ function offsetToPosition(offset) { var index = -1; var length = offsets.length; if (offset < 0) { return {}; } while (++index < length) { if (offsets[index] > offset) { return { 'line': index + 1, 'column': (offset - (offsets[index - 1] || 0)) + 1 }; } } return {}; } return offsetToPosition; } /** * Add ranges for `ast`. * * @param {Node} ast - Context to patch. * @param {VFile} file - Virtual file. */ function transformer(ast, file) { var contents = String(file).split('\n'); var positionToOffset; /* * Invalid. */ if (!file || typeof file.contents !== 'string') { throw new Error('Missing `file` for mdast-range'); } /* * Construct. */ contents = toOffsets(contents); positionToOffset = positionToOffsetFactory(contents); /* * Expose methods. */ file.offsetToPosition = offsetToPositionFactory(contents); file.positionToOffset = positionToOffset; /* * Add `offset` on both `start` and `end`. */ visit(ast, function (node) { var position = node.position; if (position && position.start) { addRange(position.start, positionToOffset); } if (position && position.end) { addRange(position.end, positionToOffset); } }); } /** * Attacher. * * @return {Function} - `transformer`. */ function attacher() { return transformer; } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = attacher; },{"unist-util-visit":67}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer. All rights reserved. * @module mdast:util:heading-style * @fileoverview Utility to get the style of an mdast heading. */ 'use strict'; /** * Get the probable style of an atx-heading, depending on * preferred style. * * @example * consolidate(1, 'setext') // 'atx' * consolidate(1, 'atx') // 'atx' * consolidate(3, 'setext') // 'setext' * consolidate(3, 'atx') // 'atx' * * @private * @param {number} depth - Depth of heading. * @param {string?} relative - Preferred style. * @return {string?} - Type. */ function consolidate(depth, relative) { return depth < 3 ? 'atx' : relative === 'atx' || relative === 'setext' ? relative : null; } /** * Check the style of a heading. * * @example * style(); // null * * style(mdast.parse('# foo').children[0]); // 'atx' * * style(mdast.parse('# foo #').children[0]); // 'atx-closed' * * style(mdast.parse('foo\n===').children[0]); // 'setext' * * @param {Node} node - Node to check. * @param {string?} relative - Heading type which we'd wish * this to be. * @return {string?} - Type, either `'atx-closed'`, * `'atx'`, or `'setext'`. */ function style(node, relative) { var last = node.children[node.children.length - 1]; var depth = node.depth; var pos = node && node.position && node.position.end; var final = last && last.position && last.position.end; if (!pos) { return null; } /* * This can only occur for atx and `'atx-closed'` * headings. This might incorrectly match `'atx'` * headings with lots of trailing white space as an * `'atx-closed'` heading. */ if (!last) { if (pos.column - 1 <= depth * 2) { return consolidate(depth, relative); } return 'atx-closed'; } if (final.line + 1 === pos.line) { return 'setext'; } if (final.column + depth < pos.column) { return 'atx-closed'; } return consolidate(depth, relative); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = style; },{}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer. All rights reserved. * @module mdast:util:position * @fileoverview Utility to get either the starting or the * ending position of a node, and if its generated or not. */ 'use strict'; /** * Factory to get a position at `type`. * * @example * positionFactory('start'); // Function * * positionFactory('end'); // Function * * @param {string} type - Either `'start'` or `'end'`. * @return {function(Node): Object} */ function positionFactory(type) { /** * Get a position in `node` at a bound `type`. * * @example * // When bound to `start`. * start({ * start: { * line: 1, * column: 1 * } * }); // {line: 1, column: 1} * * // When bound to `end`. * end({ * end: { * line: 1, * column: 2 * } * }); // {line: 1, column: 2} * * @param {Node} node - Node to check. * @return {Object} - Position at `type` in `node`, or * an empty object. */ return function (node) { var pos = (node && node.position && node.position[type]) || {}; return { 'line': pos.line || null, 'column': pos.column || null, 'indent': pos.indent || null, 'offset': isNaN(pos.offset) ? null : pos.offset }; }; } /* * Getters. */ var position = { 'start': positionFactory('start'), 'end': positionFactory('end') }; /** * Detect if a node was available in the original document. * * @example * generated(); // true * * generated({ * start: { * line: 1, * column: 1 * }, * end: { * line: 1, * column: 2 * } * }); // false * * @param {Node} node - Node to test. * @return {boolean} - Whether or not `node` is generated. */ function generated(node) { var initial = position.start(node); var final = position.end(node); return initial.line === null || initial.column === null || final.line === null || final.column === null; } position.generated = generated; /* * Expose. */ module.exports = position; },{}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer. All rights reserved. * @module mdast:util:to-string * @fileoverview Utility to get the text value of a node. */ 'use strict'; /** * Get the value of `node`. Checks, `value`, * `alt`, and `title`, in that order. * * @param {Node} node - Node to get the internal value of. * @return {string} - Textual representation. */ function valueOf(node) { return node && (node.value ? node.value : (node.alt ? node.alt : node.title)) || ''; } /** * Returns the text content of a node. If the node itself * does not expose plain-text fields, `toString` will * recursivly try its children. * * @param {Node} node - Node to transform to a string. * @return {string} - Textual representation. */ function toString(node) { return valueOf(node) || (node.children && node.children.map(toString).join('')) || ''; } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = toString; },{}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module mdast:zone * @fileoverview HTML comments as ranges or markers in mdast. */ 'use strict'; /* eslint-env commonjs */ /* * Dependencies. */ var visit = require('unist-util-visit'); /* * Methods. */ var splice = [].splice; /* * Expression for parsing parameters. */ var PARAMETERS = new RegExp( '\\s*' + '(' + '[-a-z09_]+' + ')' + '(?:' + '=' + '(?:' + '"' + '(' + '(?:' + '\\\\[\\s\\S]' + '|' + '[^"]' + ')+' + ')' + '"' + '|' + '\'' + '(' + '(?:' + '\\\\[\\s\\S]' + '|' + '[^\']' + ')+' + ')' + '\'' + '|' + '(' + '(?:' + '\\\\[\\s\\S]' + '|' + '[^"\'\\s]' + ')+' + ')' + ')' + ')?' + '\\s*', 'gi' ); /** * Create an expression which matches a marker. * * @param {string} name - Plug-in name. * @return {RegExp} */ function marker(name) { return new RegExp( '(' + '\\s*' + '' + '\\s*' + ')' ); } /** * Parse `value` into an object. * * @param {string} value - HTML comment. * @return {Object} */ function parameters(value) { var attributes = {}; value.replace(PARAMETERS, function ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) { var result = $2 || $3 || $4 || ''; if (result === 'true' || result === '') { result = true; } else if (result === 'false') { result = false; } else if (!isNaN(result)) { result = Number(result); } attributes[$1] = result; return ''; }); return attributes; } /** * Factory to test if `node` matches `settings`. * * @param {Object} settings - Configuration. * @param {Function} callback - Invoked iwht a matching * HTML node. * @return {Function} */ function testFactory(settings, callback) { var name = settings.name; var expression = marker(name); /** * Test if `node` matches the bound settings. * * @param {MDASTNode} node - Node to check. * @param {Parser|Compiler} [context] - Context class. * @return {Object?} */ function test(node, context) { var value = node.value; var match; var result; if (node.type !== 'html') { return null; } match = value.match(expression); if ( !match || match[1].length !== value.length || match[2] !== settings.name ) { return null; } result = { 'type': match[3] || 'marker', 'attributes': match[4] || '', 'parameters': parameters(match[4] || ''), 'node': node }; if (callback) { callback(result, context); } return result; } return test; } /** * Parse factory. * * @param {Function} tokenize - Previous parser. * @param {Object} settings - Configuration. */ function parse(tokenize, settings) { var callback = settings.onparse; var test = testFactory(settings, function (result, context) { if (result.type === 'marker') { callback(result, context); } }); /** * Parse HTML. * * @return {Node} */ return function () { var node = tokenize.apply(this, arguments); test(node, this); return node; }; } /** * Stringify factory. * * @param {Function} compile - Previous compiler. * @param {Object} settings - Configuration. */ function stringify(compile, settings) { var callback = settings.onstringify; var test = testFactory(settings, function (result, context) { if (result.type === 'marker') { callback(result, context); } }); /** * Stringify HTML. * * @param {MDASTHTMLNode} node - HTML node. * @return {string} */ return function (node) { test(node, this); return compile.apply(this, arguments); }; } /** * Run factory. * * @param {Object} settings - Configuration. */ function run(settings) { var callback = settings.onrun; var test = testFactory(settings); var nodes = []; var start = null; var scope = null; var level = 0; var position; /** * Gather one dimensional zones. * * Passed intto `visit`. * * @param {MDASTNode} node - node to check. * @param {number} index - Position of `node` in * `parent`. * @param {MDASTNode} parent - Parent of `node`. */ function gather(node, index, parent) { var result = test(node); var type = result && result.type; if (scope && parent === scope) { if (type === 'start') { level++; } if (type === 'end') { level--; } if (type === 'end' && level === 0) { nodes = callback(start, nodes, result, { 'start': index - nodes.length - 1, 'end': index, 'parent': scope }); if (nodes) { splice.apply( scope.children, [position, index + 1].concat(nodes) ); } start = null; scope = null; position = null; nodes = []; } else { nodes.push(node); } } if (!scope && type === 'start') { level = 1; position = index; start = result; scope = parent; } } /** * Modify AST. * * @param {MDASTNode} node - Root node. */ return function (node) { visit(node, gather); }; } /** * Modify mdast to invoke callbacks when HTML commnts are * found. * * @param {MDAST} mdast - Instance. * @param {Object?} [options] - Configuration. * @return {Function?} */ function attacher(mdast, options) { var blockTokenizers = mdast.Parser.prototype.blockTokenizers; var inlineTokenizers = mdast.Parser.prototype.inlineTokenizers; var stringifiers = mdast.Compiler.prototype; if (options.onparse) { blockTokenizers.html = parse(blockTokenizers.html, options); inlineTokenizers.tag = parse(inlineTokenizers.tag, options); } if (options.onstringify) { stringifiers.html = stringify(stringifiers.html, options); } if (options.onrun) { return run(options); } return null; } /** * Wrap `zone` to be passed into `mdast.use()`. * * Reason for this is that **mdast** only allows a single * function to be `use`d once. * * @param {Object} options - Plugin configuration. * @return {Function} */ function wrapper(options) { if (!options || !options.name) { throw new Error('Missing `name` in `options`'); } return function (mdast) { return attacher(mdast, options); }; } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = wrapper; },{"unist-util-visit":67}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; module.exports = function (str, plural, count) { if (typeof plural === 'number') { count = plural; plural = (str.replace(/(?:s|x|z|ch|sh)$/i, '$&e').replace(/y$/i, 'ie') + 's') .replace(/i?e?s$/i, function (m) { var isTailLowerCase = str.slice(-1) === str.slice(-1).toLowerCase(); return isTailLowerCase ? m.toLowerCase() : m.toUpperCase(); }); } return count === 1 ? str : plural; }; },{}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer. All rights reserved. * @module unist:util:visit * @fileoverview Utility to recursively walk over unist nodes. */ 'use strict'; /** * Walk forwards. * * @param {Array.<*>} values - Things to iterate over, * forwards. * @param {function(*, number): boolean} callback - Function * to invoke. * @return {boolean} - False if iteration stopped. */ function forwards(values, callback) { var index = -1; var length = values.length; while (++index < length) { if (callback(values[index], index) === false) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Walk backwards. * * @param {Array.<*>} values - Things to iterate over, * backwards. * @param {function(*, number): boolean} callback - Function * to invoke. * @return {boolean} - False if iteration stopped. */ function backwards(values, callback) { var index = values.length; var length = -1; while (--index > length) { if (callback(values[index], index) === false) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Visit. * * @param {Node} tree - Root node * @param {string} [type] - Node type. * @param {function(node): boolean?} callback - Invoked * with each found node. Can return `false` to stop. * @param {boolean} [reverse] - By default, `visit` will * walk forwards, when `reverse` is `true`, `visit` * walks backwards. */ function visit(tree, type, callback, reverse) { var iterate; var one; var all; if (typeof type === 'function') { reverse = callback; callback = type; type = null; } iterate = reverse ? backwards : forwards; /** * Visit `children` in `parent`. */ all = function (children, parent) { return iterate(children, function (child, index) { return child && one(child, index, parent); }); }; /** * Visit a single node. */ one = function (node, index, parent) { var result; index = index || (parent ? 0 : null); if (!type || node.type === type) { result = callback(node, index, parent || null); } if (node.children && result !== false) { return all(node.children, node); } return result; }; one(tree); } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = visit; },{}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @author Titus Wormer * @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer * @license MIT * @module vfile:sort * @fileoverview Sort VFile messages by line/column. */ 'use strict'; /** * Compare a single property. * * @param {VFileMessage} a - Original. * @param {VFileMessage} b - Comparison. * @param {string} property - Property to compare. * @return {number} */ function check(a, b, property) { return (a[property] || 0) - (b[property] || 0); } /** * Comparator. * * @param {VFileMessage} a - Original. * @param {VFileMessage} b - Comparison. * @return {number} */ function comparator(a, b) { return check(a, b, 'line') || check(a, b, 'column') || -1; } /** * Sort all `file`s messages by line/column. * * @param {VFile} file - Virtual file. * @return {VFile} - `file`. */ function sort(file) { file.messages.sort(comparator); return file; } /* * Expose. */ module.exports = sort; },{}]},{},[1])(1) });