2024-07-15 15:26:09 +02:00

314 lines
7.4 KiB

* @import {PluginTuple, Plugin, Preset} from 'unified'
* @import {PackageJson} from 'type-fest'
* @typedef Check
* Check.
* @property {string} configuration
* Configuration.
* @property {boolean} directive
* Whether to use directives.
* @property {boolean} frontmatter
* Whether to use frontmatter.
* @property {boolean} gfm
* Whether to use GFM.
* @property {string} input
* Input.
* @property {boolean} math
* Whether to use math.
* @property {boolean} mdx
* Whether to use MDX.
* @property {string} name
* Name.
* @property {Array<string>} output
* Output.
* @property {boolean} positionless
* Whether this check also applies without positions.
* @typedef ExampleInfo
* Example.
* @property {unknown} [config]
* Configuration (optional).
* @property {boolean} [directive]
* Whether to use directives (optional).
* @property {boolean} [frontmatter]
* Whether to use frontmatter (optional).
* @property {boolean} [gfm]
* Whether to use GFM (optional).
* @property {'input' | 'output'} [label]
* Label (optional).
* @property {boolean} [math]
* Whether to use math.
* @property {boolean} [mdx]
* Whether to use MDX (optional).
* @property {boolean} [positionless]
* Whether this check also applies without positions (optional).
* @property {string} name
* Name.
* @typedef PluginInfo
* Plugin.
* @property {string} description
* Description.
* @property {string} name
* Name.
* @property {string | undefined} ruleId
* Rule ID.
* @property {Array<Check>} checks
* Checks.
* @typedef PresetInfo
* Preset.
* @property {string} name
* Name.
* @property {Array<[name: string, options: unknown]>} plugins
* Plugins and their configuration.
import assert from 'node:assert/strict'
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import {parse} from 'comment-parser'
import strip from 'strip-indent'
import {read} from 'to-vfile'
const packagesUrl = new URL('../packages/', import.meta.url)
/** @type {PackageJson} */
export const ancestorPackage = JSON.parse(
String(await read(new URL('../package.json', packagesUrl)))
export {packagesUrl}
* @type {Array<PluginInfo>}
* Plugins.
export const plugins = []
* @type {Array<PresetInfo>}
* Presets.
export const presets = []
const names = await fs.readdir(packagesUrl)
for (const name of names) {
if (name.startsWith('remark-preset-lint-')) {
await addPreset(name)
} else if (name === 'unified-lint-rule') {
// Empty.
} else {
await addPlugin(name)
* @param {string} name
* Plugin name.
* @returns {Promise<undefined>}
* Nothing.
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
async function addPlugin(name) {
const code = await fs.readFile(
new URL(name + '/index.js', packagesUrl),
const fileInfo = parse(code, {spacing: 'preserve'})[0]
const tags = fileInfo.tags
let description = ''
/** @type {string | undefined} */
let ruleId
if (name.startsWith('remark-lint-')) {
ruleId = name.slice('remark-lint-'.length)
const moduleTag = tags.find(function (d) {
return d.tag === 'module'
assert(moduleTag, 'expected `@module` in JSDoc')
assert.equal(, ruleId, 'expected correct `@module`')
description = fileInfo.description
assert(description, 'expected description')
description = strip(description).trim()
/** @type {PluginInfo} */
const result = {
checks: []
const examples = tags
.filter(function (d) {
return d.tag === 'example'
.map(function (d) {
return d.description.replace(/^\r?\n|\r?\n$/g, '')
let index = -1
while (++index < examples.length) {
const lines = examples[index].split('\n')
/** @type {ExampleInfo} */
let info
try {
info = JSON.parse(lines[0])
lines.splice(0, 1)
/* c8 ignore next 4 */
} catch (error) {
const cause = /** @type {Error} */ (error)
throw new Error('Could not parse example in `' + ruleId + '`', {cause})
const exampleValue = strip(
// Remove head.
.replace(/^\r?\n/g, '')
// Remove magic handling of `nul` control picture.
.replace(/␀/g, '')
const configuration = JSON.stringify({config: info.config || true})
const name =
if (!info.label) {
directive: info.directive || false,
frontmatter: info.frontmatter || false,
gfm: info.gfm || false,
input: exampleValue,
math: info.math || false,
mdx: info.mdx || false,
output: [],
positionless: info.positionless || false
assert(info.label === 'input' || info.label === 'output')
let found = result.checks.find(function (d) {
return d.configuration === configuration && === name
if (!found) {
found = {
directive: info.directive || false,
frontmatter: info.frontmatter || false,
gfm: info.gfm || false,
input: '',
math: info.math || false,
mdx: info.mdx || false,
output: [],
positionless: info.positionless || false
if (info.label === 'input') {
/* c8 ignore next 11 -- just to be sure */
if (found.input) {
'Duplicate input in `' +
ruleId +
'` for `' +
name +
'` w/ config `' +
info.config +
found.input = exampleValue
} else {
/* c8 ignore next 11 -- just to be sure */
if (found.output.length > 0) {
'Duplicate output in `' +
ruleId +
'` for `' +
name +
'` w/ config `' +
info.config +
found.output = exampleValue.split('\n')
* @param {string} name
* Preset name.
* @returns {Promise<undefined>}
* Nothing.
async function addPreset(name) {
/** @type {{default: Preset}} */
const presetModule = await import(
new URL(name + '/index.js', packagesUrl).href
const plugins = presetModule.default.plugins
assert(plugins, 'expected plugins in preset')
/** @type {PresetInfo} */
const presetInfo = {name, plugins: []}
let index = -1
while (++index < plugins.length) {
const plugin = plugins[index]
/** @type {Plugin<[unknown]>} */
let pluginFunction
/** @type {unknown} */
let option
if (Array.isArray(plugin)) {
;[pluginFunction, option] = /** @type {PluginTuple<[unknown]>} */ (plugin)
} else {
assert(typeof plugin === 'function')
pluginFunction = plugin
const name = /** @type {string} */ (
// @ts-expect-error: `displayName`s are fine.
pluginFunction.displayName ||
const pluginName = name
function (/** @type {string} */ _, /** @type {string} */ $1) {
return $1.toUpperCase()
.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (/** @type {string} */ $0) {
return '-' + $0.toLowerCase()
presetInfo.plugins.push([pluginName, option])