Titus 014fca79e0
Add improved docs
Closes GH-276.
2021-12-03 10:06:36 +01:00

959 lines
27 KiB

* @typedef {import('type-fest').PackageJson} PackageJson
* @typedef {import('mdast').BlockContent|import('mdast').DefinitionContent} BlockContent
* @typedef {import('mdast').TableContent} TableContent
import fs from 'node:fs'
import path from 'node:path'
import process from 'node:process'
import {inspect} from 'node:util'
import {unified} from 'unified'
import {remark} from 'remark'
import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm'
import {findAndReplace} from 'mdast-util-find-and-replace'
import {toString} from 'mdast-util-to-string'
import GitHubSlugger from 'github-slugger'
import parseAuthor from 'parse-author'
import {rules} from './util/rules.js'
import {rule} from './util/rule.js'
import {presets} from './util/presets.js'
import {repoUrl} from './util/repo-url.js'
import {characters} from './characters.js'
const own = {}.hasOwnProperty
const remote = repoUrl('package.json')
const root = path.join(process.cwd(), 'packages')
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
presets(root).then((presetObjects) => {
const allRules = rules(root)
let index = -1
while (++index < allRules.length) {
const basename = allRules[index]
const base = path.resolve(root, basename)
/** @type {PackageJson} */
const pack = JSON.parse(
String(fs.readFileSync(path.join(base, 'package.json')))
const version = (pack.version || '0').split('.')[0]
const info = rule(base)
const tests = info.tests
const author =
typeof === 'string' ? parseAuthor( :
const camelcased = basename.replace(
(_, /** @type {string} */ $1) => $1.toUpperCase()
const org = remote.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')
const main = remote + '/blob/main'
const health = org + '/.github'
const hMain = health + '/blob/main'
const slug = remote.split('/').slice(-2).join('/')
let hasGfm = false
const descriptionTree = unified().use(remarkParse).parse(info.description)
const summaryTree = unified()
.parse(info.summary || '')
// Autolink `remark-lint`
/** @type {import('unified').Plugin<Array<void>, import('mdast').Root>} */
() => (tree) => {
findAndReplace(tree, /remark-lint/g, () => {
return {
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'mono',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: 'remark-lint'}]
const descriptionContent = /** @type {Array<BlockContent>} */ (
const summaryContent = /** @type {Array<BlockContent>} */ (
if (basename !== {
throw new Error(
'Expected package name (`' + +
'`) to be the same as directory name (`' +
basename +
/** @type {Record<string, Array<BlockContent>>} */
const categories = {}
let category = 'Intro'
let contentIndex = -1
while (++contentIndex < descriptionContent.length) {
const node = descriptionContent[contentIndex]
if (node.type === 'heading' && node.depth === 2) {
category = GitHubSlugger.slug(toString(node))
if (!(category in categories)) {
categories[category] = []
const includes = presetObjects.filter(
(preset) => basename in preset.packages
/** @type {Array<BlockContent>} */
const children = [
{type: 'html', value: '<!--This file is generated-->'},
type: 'heading',
depth: 1,
children: [{type: 'text', value: basename}]
if (info.deprecated) {
} else {
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'build',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'build-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Build'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'coverage',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'coverage-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Coverage'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'downloads',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'downloads-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Downloads'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'size',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'size-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Size'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'collective',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'sponsors-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Sponsors'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'collective',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'backers-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Backers'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'chat',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'chat-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Chat'
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Contents'}]
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'What is this?'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'This package is a '},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'unified',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'unified'}]
{type: 'text', value: ' ('},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'remark',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'remark'}]
type: 'text',
value: ') plugin, specifically a '
type: 'inlineCode',
value: 'remark-lint'
type: 'text',
value: '\nrule.\nLint rules check markdown code style.'
...(categories['when-should-i-use-this'] || []),
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Presets'}]
if (includes.length === 0) {
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
value: 'This rule is not included in a preset maintained here.'
} else {
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
value: 'This rule is included in the following presets:'
type: 'table',
align: [],
children: [
type: 'tableRow',
children: [
type: 'tableCell',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Preset'}]
type: 'tableCell',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Setting'}]
}, => {
const option = preset.packages[basename]
/** @type {TableContent} */
const row = {
type: 'tableRow',
children: [
type: 'tableCell',
children: [
type: 'link',
url: remote + '/tree/main/packages/' +,
title: null,
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value:}]
type: 'tableCell',
children: option
? [{type: 'inlineCode', value: inspect(option)}]
: []
return row
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Install'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'This package is '},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'esm',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'ESM only'}]
type: 'text',
'.\nIn Node.js (version 12.20+, 14.14+, or 16.0+), ' +
'install with '
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'npm',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'npm'}]
{type: 'text', value: ':'}
{type: 'code', lang: 'sh', value: 'npm install ' + basename},
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'In Deno with '},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'skypack',
label: 'Skypack',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Skypack'}]
{type: 'text', value: ':'}
type: 'code',
lang: 'js',
'import ' +
camelcased +
" from '" +
basename +
'@' +
version +
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'In browsers with '},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'skypack',
label: 'Skypack',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Skypack'}]
{type: 'text', value: ':'}
type: 'code',
lang: 'html',
'<script type="module">\n import ' +
camelcased +
" from '" +
basename +
'@' +
version +
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Use'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'On the API:'}]
type: 'code',
lang: 'js',
value: [
"import {read} from 'to-vfile'",
"import {reporter} from 'vfile-reporter'",
"import {remark} from 'remark'",
"import remarkLint from 'remark-lint'",
'import ' + camelcased + " from '" + basename + "'",
'async function main() {',
' const file = await remark()',
' .use(remarkLint)',
' .use(' + camelcased + ')',
" .process(await read(''))",
' console.error(reporter(file))',
type: 'paragraph',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'On the CLI:'}]
type: 'code',
lang: 'sh',
value: 'remark --use remark-lint --use ' + basename + ''
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
value: 'On the CLI in a config file (here a '
type: 'inlineCode',
value: 'package.json'
type: 'text',
value: '):'
type: 'code',
lang: 'diff',
value: [
' …',
' "remarkConfig": {',
' "plugins": [',
' …',
' "remark-lint",',
'+ "' + basename + '",',
' …',
' ]',
' }',
' …'
if ('api' in categories) {
const [apiHeading, ...apiBody] = categories.api
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
'This package exports no identifiers.\nThe default export is '
{type: 'inlineCode', value: camelcased},
{type: 'text', value: '.'}
type: 'heading',
depth: 3,
children: [
type: 'inlineCode',
value: 'unified().use(' + camelcased + '[, config])'
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
'This rule supports standard configuration that all remark lint rules accept\n(such as '
{type: 'inlineCode', value: 'false'},
{type: 'text', value: ' to turn it off or '},
{type: 'inlineCode', value: '[1, options]'},
{type: 'text', value: ' to configure it).'}
...(categories.recommendation || []),
...(categories.fix || []),
...(categories.example || [])
let first = true
/** @type {string} */
let setting
for (setting in tests) {
if (, setting)) {
const fixtures = tests[setting]
if (first) {
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Examples'}]
first = false
/** @type {string} */
let fileName
for (fileName in fixtures) {
if (, fileName)) {
const fixture = fixtures[fileName]
const label = inspect(JSON.parse(setting))
let clean = fixture.input
type: 'heading',
depth: 5,
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: fileName}]
if (label !== 'true') {
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'When configured with '},
{type: 'inlineCode', value: label},
{type: 'text', value: '.'}
if (
fixture.input !== null &&
fixture.input !== undefined &&
fixture.input.trim() !== ''
) {
type: 'heading',
depth: 6,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'In'}]
if (fixture.gfm) {
hasGfm = true
type: 'blockquote',
children: [
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: '👉 '},
type: 'strong',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Note'}]
{type: 'text', value: ': this example uses GFM ('},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'gfm',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
{type: 'inlineCode', value: 'remark-gfm'}
{type: 'text', value: ').'}
let index = -1
while (++index < characters.length) {
const char = characters[index]
const next = clean.replace(, char.out)
if (clean !== next) {
type: 'blockquote',
children: [
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: '👉 '},
type: 'strong',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Note'}]
{type: 'text', value: ': '},
{type: 'inlineCode', value: char.char},
type: 'text',
value: ' represents ' + + '.'
clean = next
type: 'code',
lang: 'markdown',
value: fixture.input
type: 'heading',
depth: 6,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Out'}]
if (fixture.output.length === 0) {
type: 'paragraph',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'No messages.'}]
} else {
type: 'code',
lang: 'text',
value: fixture.output.join('\n')
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Compatibility'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
'Projects maintained by the unified collective are compatible with all maintained\nversions of Node.js.\nAs of now, that is Node.js 12.20+, 14.14+, and 16.0+.\nOur projects sometimes work with older versions, but this is not guaranteed.'
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Contribute'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'See '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'contributing',
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: ''}]
{type: 'text', value: ' in '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'health',
children: [
type: 'inlineCode',
value: health.split('/').slice(-2).join('/')
{type: 'text', value: ' for ways\nto get started.\nSee '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'support',
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: ''}]
{type: 'text', value: ' for ways to get help.'}
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'This project has a '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'coc',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'code of conduct'}]
type: 'text',
'.\nBy interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to\nabide by its terms.'
{type: 'heading', depth: 2, children: [{type: 'text', value: 'License'}]},
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'license',
children: [{type: 'text', value: String(pack.license || '')}]
{type: 'text', value: ' © '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'author',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: String((author && || '')}
if (!info.deprecated) {
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'build-badge',
url: '' + slug + '/workflows/main/badge.svg'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'build',
url: '' + slug + '/actions'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'coverage-badge',
url: '' + slug + '.svg'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'coverage',
url: '' + slug
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'downloads-badge',
url: '' + basename + '.svg'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'downloads',
url: '' + basename
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'size-badge',
url: '' + basename + '.svg'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'size',
url: '' + basename
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'sponsors-badge',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'backers-badge',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'collective',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'chat-badge',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'chat',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'unified',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'remark',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'mono',
url: '' + slug
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'esm',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'skypack',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'npm',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'health',
url: health
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'contributing',
url: hMain + '/'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'support',
url: hMain + '/'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'coc',
url: hMain + '/'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'license',
url: main + '/license'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'author',
url: String((author && author.url) || '')
if (hasGfm) {
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'gfm',
url: ''
path.join(base, ''),
remark().use(remarkGfm).stringify({type: 'root', children})
console.log('✓ wrote `` in `' + basename + '`')