2017-08-17 15:18:04 +02:00

187 lines
5.5 KiB

'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var inspect = require('util').inspect;
var u = require('unist-builder');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var remark = require('remark');
var parseAuthor = require('parse-author');
var remote = require('../package.json').repository;
var rules = require('./util/rules');
var rule = require('./util/rule');
var presets = require('./util/presets');
var chars = require('./characters');
var root = path.join(process.cwd(), 'packages');
presets = presets(root).map(function (name) {
var doc = fs.readFileSync(path.join(root, name, 'index.js'), 'utf8');
var packages = {};
doc.replace(/require\('(remark-lint-[^']+)'\)(?:, ([^\]]+)])?/g, function ($0, rule, option) {
packages[rule] = option || null;
return '';
return {
name: name,
packages: packages
rules(root).forEach(function (basename) {
var base = path.resolve(root, basename);
var pack = require(path.join(base, 'package.json'));
var info = rule(base);
var tests = info.tests;
var author = parseAuthor(;
var short = basename.replace(/^remark-/, '');
var includes;
var children = [
u('html', '<!--This file is generated-->'),
u('heading', {depth: 1}, [u('text', basename)])
if (basename !== {
throw new Error(
'Expected package name (`' + + '`) to be the same as ' +
'directory name (`' + basename + '`)'
includes = presets.filter(function (preset) {
return basename in preset.packages;
children.push(u('heading', {depth: 2}, [u('text', 'Presets')]));
if (includes.length === 0) {
children.push(u('paragraph', [
u('text', 'This rule is not included in any default preset')
} else {
u('paragraph', [u('text', 'This rule is included in the following presets:')]),
u('table', {align: []}, [
u('tableRow', [
u('tableCell', [u('text', 'Preset')]),
u('tableCell', [u('text', 'Setting')])
].concat( (preset) {
var url = remote + '/tree/master/packages/' +;
var option = preset.packages[];
return u('tableRow', [
u('tableCell', [
u('link', {url: url, title: null}, [u('inlineCode',])
u('tableCell', option ? [u('inlineCode', option)] : [])
Object.keys(tests).forEach(function (setting, index) {
var fixtures = tests[setting];
if (index === 0) {
children.push(u('heading', {depth: 2}, [u('text', 'Example')]));
Object.keys(fixtures).forEach(function (fileName) {
var fixture = fixtures[fileName];
var label = inspect(JSON.parse(setting));
var clean = fixture.input;
children.push(u('heading', {depth: 5}, [u('inlineCode', fileName)]));
if (label !== 'true') {
u('paragraph', [
u('text', 'When configured with '),
u('inlineCode', label),
u('text', '.')
if (fixture.input != null && fixture.input.trim() !== '') {
children.push(u('heading', {depth: 6}, [u('text', 'In')]));
chars.forEach(function (char) {
var next = clean.replace(, char.out);
if (clean !== next) {
children.push(u('paragraph', [
u('text', 'Note: '),
u('inlineCode', char.char),
u('text', ' represents ' + + '.')
clean = next;
children.push(u('code', {lang: 'markdown'}, fixture.input));
children.push(u('heading', {depth: 6}, [u('text', 'Out')]));
if (fixture.output.length === 0) {
children.push(u('paragraph', [u('text', 'No messages.')]));
} else {
children.push(u('code', {lang: 'text'}, fixture.output.join('\n')));
children = children.concat([
u('heading', {depth: 2}, [u('text', 'Install')]),
u('code', {lang: 'sh'}, 'npm install ' + basename),
u('heading', {depth: 2}, [u('text', 'Usage')]),
u('paragraph', [u('text', 'You probably want to use it on the CLI through a config file:')]),
u('code', {lang: 'diff'}, [
' ...',
' "remarkConfig": {',
' "plugins": [',
' ...',
' "lint",',
'+ "' + short + '",',
' ...',
' ]',
' }',
' ...'
u('paragraph', [u('text', 'Or use it on the CLI directly')]),
u('code', {lang: 'sh'}, 'remark -u lint -u ' + short + ''),
u('paragraph', [u('text', 'Or use this on the API:')]),
u('code', {lang: 'diff'}, [
' var remark = require(\'remark\');',
' var report = require(\'vfile-reporter\');',
' remark()',
' .use(require(\'remark-lint\'))',
'+ .use(require(\'' + basename + '\'))',
' .process(\'_Emphasis_ and **importance**\', function (err, file) {',
' console.error(report(err || file));',
' });'
u('heading', {depth: 2}, [u('text', 'License')]),
u('paragraph', [
u('link', {url: remote + '/blob/master/LICENSE'}, [u('text', pack.license)]),
u('text', ' © '),
u('link', {url: author.url}, [u('text',])
path.join(base, ''),
remark().stringify(u('root', children))
console.log('✓') + ' wrote `` in `' + basename + '`'