2020-03-24 14:47:16 +01:00

118 lines
2.7 KiB

* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
* @module fenced-code-flag
* @fileoverview
* Check fenced code block flags.
* Options: `Array.<string>` or `Object`, optional.
* Providing an array is as passing `{flags: Array}`.
* The object can have an array of `'flags'` which are allowed: other flags
* will not be allowed.
* An `allowEmpty` field (`boolean`, default: `false`) can be set to allow
* code blocks without language flags.
* @example {"name": ""}
* ```alpha
* bravo();
* ```
* @example {"name": "", "label": "input"}
* ```
* alpha();
* ```
* @example {"name": "", "label": "output"}
* 1:1-3:4: Missing code language flag
* @example {"name": "", "setting": {"allowEmpty": true}}
* ```
* alpha();
* ```
* @example {"name": "", "setting": {"allowEmpty": false}, "label": "input"}
* ```
* alpha();
* ```
* @example {"name": "", "setting": {"allowEmpty": false}, "label": "output"}
* 1:1-3:4: Missing code language flag
* @example {"name": "", "setting": ["alpha"]}
* ```alpha
* bravo();
* ```
* @example {"name": "", "setting": ["charlie"], "label": "input"}
* ```alpha
* bravo();
* ```
* @example {"name": "", "setting": ["charlie"], "label": "output"}
* 1:1-3:4: Incorrect code language flag
'use strict'
var rule = require('unified-lint-rule')
var visit = require('unist-util-visit')
var position = require('unist-util-position')
var generated = require('unist-util-generated')
module.exports = rule('remark-lint:fenced-code-flag', fencedCodeFlag)
var start = position.start
var end = position.end
var fence = /^ {0,3}([~`])\1{2,}/
var reasonIncorrect = 'Incorrect code language flag'
var reasonMissing = 'Missing code language flag'
function fencedCodeFlag(tree, file, option) {
var contents = String(file)
var allowEmpty = false
var allowed = []
var flags = option
if (typeof flags === 'object' && !('length' in flags)) {
allowEmpty = Boolean(flags.allowEmpty)
flags = flags.flags
if (typeof flags === 'object' && 'length' in flags) {
allowed = String(flags).split(',')
visit(tree, 'code', visitor)
function visitor(node) {
var value
if (!generated(node)) {
if (node.lang) {
if (allowed.length !== 0 && allowed.indexOf(node.lang) === -1) {
file.message(reasonIncorrect, node)
} else {
value = contents.slice(start(node).offset, end(node).offset)
if (!allowEmpty && fence.test(value)) {
file.message(reasonMissing, node)