2023-11-09 14:45:02 +01:00

737 lines
20 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* @typedef {import('mdast').BlockContent} BlockContent
* @typedef {import('mdast').DefinitionContent} DefinitionContent
* @typedef {import('mdast').TableContent} TableContent
* @typedef {import('type-fest').PackageJson} PackageJson
* @typedef {BlockContent | DefinitionContent} BlockAndDefinitionContent
import fs from 'node:fs'
import path from 'node:path'
import process from 'node:process'
import {inspect} from 'node:util'
import {parse} from 'comment-parser'
import {unified} from 'unified'
import {remark} from 'remark'
import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm'
import {findAndReplace} from 'mdast-util-find-and-replace'
import strip from 'strip-indent'
import parseAuthor from 'parse-author'
import {presets} from './util/presets.js'
import {repoUrl} from './util/repo-url.js'
const remote = repoUrl('package.json')
const own = {}.hasOwnProperty
const root = path.join(process.cwd(), 'packages')
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-top-level-await
presets(root).then((presetObjects) => {
let index = -1
while (++index < presetObjects.length) {
const {name, packages} = presetObjects[index]
const base = path.resolve(root, name)
/** @type {PackageJson} */
const pack = JSON.parse(
String(fs.readFileSync(path.join(base, 'package.json')))
const version = (pack.version || '0').split('.')[0]
const doc = fs.readFileSync(path.join(base, 'index.js'), 'utf8')
// Note: To do: `comment-parser` types are wrong.
/** @type {import('comment-parser/primitives').Block} */
const fileInfo = parse(doc, {spacing: 'preserve'})[0]
const tags = fileInfo.tags
const summaryTag = tags.find((d) => d.tag === 'summary')
const author =
typeof === 'string' ? parseAuthor( :
const descriptionTree = unified()
const summaryTree = unified()
.parse(strip(summaryTag ? summaryTag.description : '').trim())
// Autolink `remark-lint`
/** @type {import('unified').Plugin<Array<void>, import('mdast').Root>} */
() => (tree) => {
findAndReplace(tree, [
() => {
return {
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'mono',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: 'remark-lint'}]
const camelcased = name.replace(/-(\w)/g, (_, /** @type {string} */ $1) =>
const org = remote.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')
const main = remote + '/blob/main'
const health = org + '/.github'
const hMain = health + '/blob/main'
const slug = remote.split('/').slice(-2).join('/')
if (name !== {
throw new Error(
'Expected package name (`' + +
'`) to be the same as ' +
'directory name (`' +
name +
const descriptionContent = /** @type {Array<BlockAndDefinitionContent>} */ (
const summaryContent = /** @type {Array<BlockAndDefinitionContent>} */ (
/** @type {Array<TableContent>} */
const rows = []
type: 'tableRow',
children: [
{type: 'tableCell', children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Rule'}]},
{type: 'tableCell', children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Setting'}]}
/** @type {string} */
let rule
for (rule in packages) {
if (, rule)) {
const url = remote + '/tree/main/packages/' + rule
const option = packages[rule]
if (rule === 'remark-lint') continue
type: 'tableRow',
children: [
type: 'tableCell',
children: [
type: 'link',
title: null,
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: rule}]
type: 'tableCell',
children: option
? [{type: 'inlineCode', value: inspect(option)}]
: []
/** @type {Array<BlockAndDefinitionContent>} */
const children = [
{type: 'html', value: '<!--This file is generated-->'},
type: 'heading',
depth: 1,
children: [{type: 'text', value: name}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'build',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'build-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Build'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'coverage',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'coverage-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Coverage'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'downloads',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'downloads-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Downloads'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'size',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'size-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Size'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'collective',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'sponsors-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Sponsors'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'collective',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'backers-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Backers'
{type: 'text', value: '\n'},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'chat',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [
type: 'imageReference',
identifier: 'chat-badge',
referenceType: 'full',
alt: 'Chat'
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Contents'}]
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'What is this?'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'This package is a '},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'unified',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'unified'}]
{type: 'text', value: ' ('},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'remark',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'remark'}]
type: 'text',
value: ') preset, specifically consisting of\n'
type: 'inlineCode',
value: 'remark-lint'
type: 'text',
value: ' rules.\nLint rules check markdown code style.'
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Rules'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'This preset configures '},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'mono',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: 'remark-lint'}]
{type: 'text', value: ' with the following rules:'}
{type: 'table', align: [], children: rows},
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Install'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'This package is '},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'esm',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'ESM only'}]
type: 'text',
'.\nIn Node.js (version 12.20+, 14.14+, or 16.0+), ' +
'install with '
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'npm',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'npm'}]
{type: 'text', value: ':'}
{type: 'code', lang: 'sh', value: 'npm install ' + name},
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'In Deno with '},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'esmsh',
label: 'esmsh',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: ''}]
{type: 'text', value: ':'}
type: 'code',
lang: 'js',
'import ' +
camelcased +
" from '" +
name +
'@' +
version +
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'In browsers with '},
type: 'linkReference',
identifier: 'esmsh',
label: 'esmsh',
referenceType: 'full',
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: ''}]
{type: 'text', value: ':'}
type: 'code',
lang: 'html',
'<script type="module">\n import ' +
camelcased +
" from '" +
name +
'@' +
version +
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Use'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'On the API:'}]
type: 'code',
lang: 'js',
value: [
"import {read} from 'to-vfile'",
"import {reporter} from 'vfile-reporter'",
"import {remark} from 'remark'",
'import ' + camelcased + " from '" + name + "'",
'async function main() {',
' const file = await remark()',
' .use(' + camelcased + ')',
" .process(await read(''))",
' console.error(reporter(file))',
type: 'paragraph',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'On the CLI:'}]
type: 'code',
lang: 'sh',
value: 'remark --use ' + name + ''
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
value: 'On the CLI in a config file (here a '
type: 'inlineCode',
value: 'package.json'
type: 'text',
value: '):'
type: 'code',
lang: 'diff',
value: [
' …',
' "remarkConfig": {',
' "plugins": [',
' …',
'+ "' + name + '",',
' …',
' ]',
' }',
' …'
{type: 'heading', depth: 2, children: [{type: 'text', value: 'API'}]},
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
'This package exports no identifiers.\nThe default export is '
{type: 'inlineCode', value: camelcased},
{type: 'text', value: '.'}
type: 'heading',
depth: 3,
children: [
{type: 'inlineCode', value: 'unified().use(' + camelcased + ')'}
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
'Use the preset.\nPresets dont have options.\nYou can reconfigure rules in them by using the afterwards with different\noptions.'
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Compatibility'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'text',
'Projects maintained by the unified collective are compatible with all maintained\nversions of Node.js.\nAs of now, that is Node.js 12.20+, 14.14+, and 16.0+.\nOur projects sometimes work with older versions, but this is not guaranteed.'
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Contribute'}]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'See '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'contributing',
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: ''}]
{type: 'text', value: ' in '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'health',
children: [
type: 'inlineCode',
value: health.split('/').slice(-2).join('/')
{type: 'text', value: ' for ways\nto get started.\nSee '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'support',
children: [{type: 'inlineCode', value: ''}]
{type: 'text', value: ' for ways to get help.'}
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'This project has a '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'coc',
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'code of conduct'}]
type: 'text',
'.\nBy interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to\nabide by its terms.'
{type: 'heading', depth: 2, children: [{type: 'text', value: 'License'}]},
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'license',
children: [{type: 'text', value: String(pack.license || '')}]
{type: 'text', value: ' © '},
type: 'linkReference',
referenceType: 'collapsed',
identifier: 'author',
children: [
{type: 'text', value: String((author && || '')}
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'build-badge',
url: '' + slug + '/workflows/main/badge.svg'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'build',
url: '' + slug + '/actions'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'coverage-badge',
url: '' + slug + '.svg'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'coverage',
url: '' + slug
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'downloads-badge',
url: '' + name + '.svg'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'downloads',
url: '' + name
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'size-badge',
url: '' + name + '.svg'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'size',
url: '' + name
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'sponsors-badge',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'backers-badge',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'collective',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'chat-badge',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'chat',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'unified',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'remark',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'mono',
url: '' + slug
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'esm',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'esmsh',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'npm',
url: ''
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'health',
url: health
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'contributing',
url: hMain + '/'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'support',
url: hMain + '/'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'coc',
url: hMain + '/'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'license',
url: main + '/license'
type: 'definition',
identifier: 'author',
url: String((author && author.url) || '')
path.join(base, ''),
// To do: change.
.use({settings: {listItemIndent: 'tab'}})
.stringify({type: 'root', children})
console.log('✓ wrote `` in `' + name + '`')