Add NameAndPort data type. Translate works with simple functions.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-02-04 21:53:21 -08:00
parent d3b38bb491
commit 009f7b0b30
5 changed files with 93 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -240,8 +240,9 @@ main2 = mainWith ((apply0NDia 3 # bgFrame 0.1 black) :: Diagram B)
main3 :: IO ()
main3 = do
(drawing, decl) = translateString "y2 = x1"
(drawing, decl) = translateString "y2 = f x1 x2 x3 x4"
print decl
print drawing
placedNodes <- renderDrawing drawing
mainWith ((placedNodes # bgFrame 1 (backgroundC colorScheme)) :: Diagram B)

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import Icons(colorScheme, Icon(..), iconToDiagram, nameDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..))
import Types(Edge(..), Connection, Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..))
import Types(Edge(..), Connection, Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..), NameAndPort(..))
-- If the inferred types for these functions becomes unweildy,
-- try using PartialTypeSignitures.
@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ makeNamedMap subDiagramMap =
map (\(name, icon) -> (name, iconToDiagram icon subDiagramMap # nameDiagram name))
-- | Make an inductive Graph from a list of node names, and a list of Connections.
edgesToGraph :: (Ord v) => [v] -> [(v, t, v , t1)] -> Gr v ()
edgesToGraph :: [Name] -> [(NameAndPort, NameAndPort)] -> Gr Name ()
edgesToGraph iconNames edges = mkGraph iconNames simpleEdges
simpleEdges = map (\(a, _, c, _) -> (a, c, ())) edges
simpleEdges = map (\(NameAndPort a _, NameAndPort c _) -> (a, c, ())) edges
-- | Custom arrow tail for the arg1 result circle.
-- The ArrowHT type does not seem to be documented.
@ -87,16 +87,16 @@ getArrowOpts (t, h) = arrowOptions
connectMaybePorts ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b) =>
Edge -> QDiagram b V2 n Any -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
connectMaybePorts (Edge (icon0, Just port0, icon1, Just port1) ends) =
connectMaybePorts (Edge (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1)) ends) =
(getArrowOpts ends)
(icon0 .> port0)
(icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts (Edge (icon0, Nothing, icon1, Just port1) ends) =
connectMaybePorts (Edge (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1)) ends) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends) icon0 (icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts (Edge (icon0, Just port0, icon1, Nothing) ends) =
connectMaybePorts (Edge (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 Nothing) ends) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends) (icon0 .> port0) icon1
connectMaybePorts (Edge (icon0, Nothing, icon1, Nothing) ends) =
connectMaybePorts (Edge (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 Nothing) ends) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends) icon0 icon1
makeConnections ::
@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ connectedPorts :: [Connection] -> Name -> [(Int, Name, Maybe Int)]
connectedPorts edges name = map edgeToPort $ filter nameInEdge edges
isPort = isJust
nameInEdge (name1, port1, name2, port2) = (name == name1 && isPort port1) || (name == name2 && isPort port2)
edgeToPort (name1, port1, name2, port2) =
nameInEdge (NameAndPort name1 port1, NameAndPort name2 port2) = (name == name1 && isPort port1) || (name == name2 && isPort port2)
edgeToPort (NameAndPort name1 port1, NameAndPort name2 port2) =
if name == name1
then (fromMaybeError "connectedPorts: port is Nothing" port1, name2, port2)
else (fromMaybeError "connectedPorts: port is Nothing" port2, name1, port1)

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@ -4,48 +4,86 @@ module Translate(
) where
import qualified Diagrams.Prelude as DIA
import Diagrams.Prelude((<>))
import Language.Haskell.Exts(Match(..), Decl(..), parseDecl, ParseResult(..),
import Language.Haskell.Exts(Decl(..), parseDecl,
Name(..), Pat(..), Rhs(..), Exp(..), QName(..), fromParseResult) --(parseFile, parse, ParseResult, Module)
import Types(Icon, Edge, Drawing(..))
import Util(toNames, iconToIcon)
import Types(Icon, Edge(..), Drawing(..), NameAndPort)
import Util(toNames, noEnds, nameAndPort, justName)
import Icons(Icon(..))
data IconGraph = IconGraph [(DIA.Name, Icon)] [Edge]
instance DIA.Semigroup IconGraph where
(IconGraph x1 y1) <> (IconGraph x2 y2) = IconGraph (x1 <> x2) (y1 <> y2)
instance Monoid IconGraph where
mempty = IconGraph [] []
mappend = (<>)
nameToString :: Language.Haskell.Exts.Name -> String
nameToString (Ident s) = s
nameToString (Symbol s) = s
evalPattern :: Pat -> String
evalPattern p = case p of
PVar n -> nameToString n
-- TODO other cases
evalMatch (Match _ name patterns _ _ _) = res where
patternStrings = map evalPattern patterns
matchName = nameToString name
res = (matchName, patternStrings)
-- evalMatch :: Match -> (String, [String])
-- evalMatch (Match _ name patterns _ _ _) = res where
-- patternStrings = map evalPattern patterns
-- matchName = nameToString name
-- res = (matchName, patternStrings)
evalQName (UnQual n) = nameToString n
evalQName :: QName -> (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalQName (UnQual n) = (graph, justName nameString) where
nameString = nameToString n
graph = IconGraph [(DIA.toName nameString, TextBoxIcon nameString)] []
-- TODO other cases
evalVar x = case x of
evalApp :: Int -> (IconGraph, NameAndPort) -> (IconGraph, NameAndPort) -> (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalApp uniqueInt (funGr, funNamePort) (argGr, argNamePort) =
(newGraph <> funGr <> argGr, nameAndPort applyIconName 2)
newGraph = IconGraph icons edges
-- TODO figure out unique names for the apply icons
applyIconString = "app0" ++ show uniqueInt
applyIconName = DIA.toName applyIconString
icons = [(applyIconName, Apply0Icon)]
edges = [
Edge (funNamePort, nameAndPort applyIconName 0) noEnds,
Edge (argNamePort, nameAndPort applyIconName 1) noEnds
evalExp :: Int -> Exp -> (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalExp uniqueInt x = case x of
Var n -> evalQName n
App exp1 exp2 -> evalApp uniqueInt (evalExp (uniqueInt + 1) exp1) (evalExp 0 exp2)
-- TODO other cases
evalRhs (UnGuardedRhs e) = evalVar e
evalRhs :: Rhs -> (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalRhs (UnGuardedRhs e) = evalExp 0 e
evalRhs (GuardedRhss _) = error "GuardedRhss not implemented"
evalPatBind :: Decl -> ([(DIA.Name, Icon)], [Edge])
evalPatBind (PatBind _ pat rhs binds) = (icons, edges) where
evalPatBind :: Decl -> IconGraph
evalPatBind (PatBind _ pat rhs binds) = graph <> rhsGraph where
patName = evalPattern pat
rhsName = evalRhs rhs
(rhsGraph, rhsNamePort) = evalRhs rhs
icons = toNames [
(patName, TextBoxIcon patName),
(rhsName, TextBoxIcon rhsName)
(patName, TextBoxIcon patName)
--(rhsName, TextBoxIcon rhsName)
edges = [
iconToIcon patName rhsName
-- TODO use port here
Edge (justName patName, rhsNamePort) noEnds
graph = IconGraph icons edges
evalDecl :: Decl -> IconGraph
evalDecl d = case d of
pat@PatBind{} -> evalPatBind pat
-- TODO other cases
@ -54,5 +92,5 @@ translateString :: String -> (Drawing, Decl)
translateString s = (drawing, decl) where
parseResult = parseDecl s -- :: ParseResult Module
decl = fromParseResult parseResult
(icons, edges) = evalDecl decl
IconGraph icons edges = evalDecl decl
drawing = Drawing icons edges []

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@ -12,15 +12,19 @@ import Diagrams.Prelude(Name)
-- subdrawing.
data Icon = Apply0Icon | ResultIcon | BranchIcon | TextBoxIcon String | GuardIcon Int
| LambdaRegionIcon Int Name | Apply0NIcon Int
deriving (Show)
type Connection = (Name, Maybe Int, Name, Maybe Int)
data NameAndPort = NameAndPort Name (Maybe Int) deriving (Show)
type Connection = (NameAndPort, NameAndPort)
-- | An Edge has an name of the source icon, and its optional port number,
-- and the name of the destination icon, and its optional port number.
data Edge = Edge {edgeConnection :: Connection, edgeEnds :: (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd)}
deriving (Show)
data EdgeEnd = EndAp1Result | EndAp1Arg | EndNone
data EdgeEnd = EndAp1Result | EndAp1Arg | EndNone deriving (Show)
-- | A drawing is a map from names to Icons, a list of edges,
-- and a map of names to subDrawings
data Drawing = Drawing [(Name, Icon)] [Edge] [(Name, Drawing)]
data Drawing = Drawing [(Name, Icon)] [Edge] [(Name, Drawing)] deriving (Show)

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@ -5,15 +5,18 @@ module Util (
import Control.Arrow(first)
import Diagrams.Prelude(IsName, toName, Name)
import Types(EdgeEnd(..), Edge(..))
import Types(EdgeEnd(..), Edge(..), NameAndPort(..))
mapFst :: (a -> b) -> [(a, c)] -> [(b, c)]
mapFst f = map (first f)
@ -24,24 +27,30 @@ toNames = mapFst toName
noEnds :: (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd)
noEnds = (EndNone, EndNone)
nameAndPort :: IsName a => a -> Int -> NameAndPort
nameAndPort n p = NameAndPort (toName n) (Just p)
justName :: IsName a => a -> NameAndPort
justName n = NameAndPort (toName n) Nothing
-- Edge constructors --
portToPort :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> Int -> b -> Int -> Edge
portToPort a b c d = Edge (toName a, Just b, toName c, Just d) noEnds
portToPort a b c d = Edge (nameAndPort a b, nameAndPort c d) noEnds
iconToPort :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> b -> Int -> Edge
iconToPort a c d = Edge (toName a, Nothing, toName c, Just d) noEnds
iconToPort a c d = Edge (justName a, nameAndPort c d) noEnds
iconToIcon :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> b -> Edge
iconToIcon a c = Edge (toName a, Nothing, toName c, Nothing) noEnds
iconToIcon a c = Edge (justName a, justName c) noEnds
-- If there are gaps between the arrow and the icon, try switching the first two arguments
-- with the last two arguments
iconToIconEnds :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> EdgeEnd -> b -> EdgeEnd -> Edge
iconToIconEnds a b c d = Edge (toName a, Nothing, toName c, Nothing) (b, d)
iconToIconEnds a b c d = Edge (justName a, justName c) (b, d)
iconHeadToPort :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> EdgeEnd -> b -> Int -> Edge
iconHeadToPort a endHead c d = Edge (toName a, Nothing, toName c, Just d) (EndNone, endHead)
-- iconHeadToPort :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> EdgeEnd -> b -> Int -> Edge
-- iconHeadToPort a endHead c d = Edge (justName a, nameAndPort c d) (EndNone, endHead)
iconTailToPort :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> EdgeEnd -> b -> Int -> Edge
iconTailToPort a endTail c d = Edge (toName a, Nothing, toName c, Just d) (endTail, EndNone)
iconTailToPort a endTail c d = Edge (justName a, nameAndPort c d) (endTail, EndNone)