Transfer more pseudocode from graph_algs to GraphAlgorithms.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-11-15 15:19:05 -08:00
parent ea40294b93
commit 03fe52c155
2 changed files with 47 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import Types(SgNamedNode, Edge, SyntaxNode(..), sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode)
import Data.Maybe(listToMaybe)
import Data.List(foldl')
import Util(printSelf)
@ -38,19 +39,58 @@ filterNodes pred gr = ING.nodes $ ING.nfilter pred gr
isTreeRoot :: ING.Graph gr => SyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Bool
isTreeRoot graph node = graphNodeCanEmbed graph node && hasAParentThatCannotEmbed where
hasAParentThatCannotEmbed = not $ null parentsThatCannotEmbed
parentsThatCannotEmbed = filter (graphNodeCanEmbed graph) (findParents graph node)
parentsThatCannotEmbed = filter (not . graphNodeCanEmbed graph) (findParents graph node)
findParents :: ING.Graph gr => gr a b -> ING.Node -> [ING.Node]
-- TODO, may need to use ING.pre or ING.neighbors instead of ING.suc'
findParents = ING.suc
graphNodeCanEmbed :: SyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Bool
graphNodeCanEmbed graph node = syntaxNodeCanEmbed $ lookupSyntaxNode graph node
-- | graphNodeCanEmbed returns true if the label (SyntaxNode) associated with the
-- node can be embedded in other SyntaxNodes (i.e. nodeCanEmbed is True)
graphNodeCanEmbed :: ING.Graph gr => SyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Bool
graphNodeCanEmbed graph node = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap syntaxNodeCanEmbed (lookupSyntaxNode graph node)
lookupSyntaxNode :: SyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> SyntaxNode
lookupSyntaxNode = _
lookupSyntaxNode :: ING.Graph gr => SyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Maybe SyntaxNode
lookupSyntaxNode gr node = fmap sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode $ ING.lab gr node
collapseRoots = _
collapseRoots :: ING.Graph gr => [ING.Node] -> SyntaxGraph gr -> [ING.Node] -> SyntaxGraph gr
collapseRoots treeRoots = foldl' (collapseTree treeRoots)
collapseTree :: ING.Graph gr => [ING.Node] -> SyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> SyntaxGraph gr
collapseTree treeRoots oldGraph rootNode = case childrenToEmbed of
[] -> oldGraph
_ -> finalGraph
-- TODO Write pseudocode for subfunctions
childrenToEmbed = findChildrenToEmbed treeRoots rootNode oldGraph
-- Recursively collapse the children nodes
graphWithCollapsedChildren = collapseRoots treeRoots oldGraph childrenToEmbed
-- Transfer the edges of the children to rootNode
childEdgesToTransfer = findChildEdgesToTransfer childrenToEmbed graphWithCollapsedChildren
graphWithChildEdgesDeleted = deleteChildEdges childEdgesToTransfer graphWithCollapsedChildren
graphWithEdgesTransferred = addChildEdges rootNode childEdgesToTransfer graphWithChildEdgesDeleted
-- Modify the rootNode label (i.e. SyntaxNode) to incorporate the children it is embedding
graphWithChildrenCollapsed = embedChildSyntaxNodes rootNode childrenToEmbed graphWithEdgesTransferred
-- Delete the children that have been embedded
finalGraph = deleteChildren childrenToEmbed graphWithChildrenCollapsed
-- | findChildrenToEmbed returns a list of the node's children that can be embedded
-- A child can be embedded iff all of these conditions are true:
-- 1. The node is not a treeRoot (otherwise a cycle of embedding could occur)
-- 2. The SyntaxNode is embeddable (i.e. nodeIsEmbeddable is True)
-- 3. The node has exactly one parent that can embed (i.e. nodeCanEmbed is True for one parent)
findChildrenToEmbed :: ING.Graph gr => [ING.Node] -> ING.Node -> SyntaxGraph gr -> [ING.Node]
findChildrenToEmbed treeRoots node graph = if graphNodeCanEmbed graph node
then childrenToEmbed
else []
childrenToEmbed = _ -- TODO
findChildEdgesToTransfer = _
deleteChildEdges = _
addChildEdges = _
embedChildSyntaxNodes = _
deleteChildren = _
-- TODO Remove unneeded code after here
collapseNodes' initialGraph = ING.ufold folder ING.empty initialGraph where

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ graphNodeCanEmbed graph node = syntaxNodeCanEmbed $ lookupSyntaxNode graph node
lookupSyntaxNode :: SyntaxGraph -> Node -> SyntaxNode
collapseTree :: SyntaxGraph -> Node -> SyntaxGraph
collapseTree :: [Node] -> SyntaxGraph -> Node -> SyntaxGraph
collapseTree treeRoots oldGraph rootNode = case childrenToEmbed of
[] -> oldGraph
_ -> finalGraph