Remove coerceExpressionResult from evalPatAndRhs. This removes branch icons from cases.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-12-17 15:25:10 -08:00
parent d61c9bf6e9
commit 04787c62ff
3 changed files with 18 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -364,22 +364,23 @@ evalLet :: EvalContext -> Binds -> Exp -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, Reference)
evalLet context binds e = evalGeneralLet (`evalExp` e) context binds
-- TODO: Refactor this with evalPatBind
evalPatAndRhs :: EvalContext -> Pat -> Rhs -> Maybe Binds -> State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, NameAndPort)
evalPatAndRhs :: EvalContext -> Pat -> Rhs -> Maybe Binds -> State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, Reference)
evalPatAndRhs c pat rhs maybeWhereBinds = do
patternNames <- namesInPattern <$> evalPattern pat
let rhsContext = patternNames <> c
-- TODO: remove coerceExpressionResult
(rhsGraph, rhsRef) <- rhsWithBinds maybeWhereBinds rhs rhsContext >>= coerceExpressionResult
(rhsGraph, rhsRef) <- rhsWithBinds maybeWhereBinds rhs rhsContext
(patGraph, patRef) <- evalPattern pat
grWithEdges = makeEdges (rhsGraph <> patGraph)
-- The pattern and rhs are conneted if makeEdges added extra edges.
patRhsAreConnected =
lookedUpRhsRef = lookupReference (sgSources grWithEdges) rhsRef
-- The pattern and rhs are conneted if makeEdges added extra edges, or if the rhsRef refers to a source
-- in the pattern
patRhsAreConnected = (rhsRef /= lookedUpRhsRef) ||
length (sgEdges grWithEdges) > (length (sgEdges rhsGraph) + length (sgEdges patGraph))
pure (patRhsAreConnected, deleteBindings grWithEdges, patRef, rhsRef)
pure (patRhsAreConnected, deleteBindings grWithEdges, patRef, lookedUpRhsRef)
-- returns (combined graph, pattern reference, rhs reference)
evalAlt :: EvalContext -> Exts.Alt -> State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, NameAndPort)
evalAlt :: EvalContext -> Exts.Alt -> State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, Reference)
evalAlt c (Exts.Alt _ pat rhs maybeBinds) = evalPatAndRhs c pat rhs maybeBinds
evalCase :: EvalContext -> Exp -> [Alt] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
@ -399,12 +400,15 @@ evalCase c e alts = do
(connectedRhss, unConnectedRhss) = partition fst rhsEdges
resultIconNames <- replicateM numAlts (getUniqueName "caseResult")
makeCaseResult resultIconName rhsPort = syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges rhsNewIcons rhsNewEdges
makeCaseResult :: NodeName -> Reference -> SyntaxGraph
makeCaseResult resultIconName rhsRef = case rhsRef of
Left _ -> mempty
Right rhsPort -> syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges rhsNewIcons rhsNewEdges
rhsNewIcons = [(resultIconName, CaseResultNode)]
rhsNewEdges = [makeSimpleEdge (rhsPort, justName resultIconName)]
caseResultGraphs = mconcat $ zipWith makeCaseResult resultIconNames (fmap (fst . snd) connectedRhss)
filteredRhsEdges = mapFst Right $ fmap snd unConnectedRhss
filteredRhsEdges = fmap snd unConnectedRhss
patternEdgesGraph = edgesForRefPortList True patEdges
caseEdgeGraph = edgesForRefPortList False (expEdge : filteredRhsEdges)
finalGraph = mconcat [patternEdgesGraph, caseResultGraphs, expGraph, caseEdgeGraph, caseGraph, combindedAltGraph]

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@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ data Icon = ResultIcon | BranchIcon | TextBoxIcon String | GuardIcon Int
data LikeApplyFlavor = ApplyNodeFlavor | ComposeNodeFlavor deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- TODO remove Ints from SyntaxNode data constructors.
-- TODO Add NestedApplyNode, and NestedPatternApplyNode
data SyntaxNode =
LikeApplyNode LikeApplyFlavor Int -- Function application, composition, and applying to a composition
| NestedApplyNode LikeApplyFlavor Int [(SgNamedNode, Edge)]

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@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ caseTests = [
"y = case x of {Foo a -> f a; Bar a -> f a}",
"y = case x of {F x -> x; G x -> x}",
"y = case x of {F -> 0; G -> 1}",
"z = case x of {0 -> 1; y -> y}"
"z = case x of {0 -> 1; y -> y}",
"y x = case f x of {0 -> x; Foo x -> x}"
guardTests :: [String]