Implement undo for adding nodes. (Issue #12)

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2020-09-19 21:40:22 -07:00
parent 4bfbb4736a
commit 064aff1138

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@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ data AppState = AppState
_asEdges :: [(Element, Element)],
_asElements :: IntMap.IntMap Element,
-- | FPS rounded down to nearest hundred if over 200 fps.
_asFPSr :: Double
_asFPSr :: Double,
_asHistory :: [HistoryEvent]
data InputEvent
@ -96,6 +97,14 @@ data InputEvent
(Double, Double) -- relative mouse position
| AddNode (Double, Double) -- where to add the node
| Undo
-- | Records actions so that they can be undone.
data HistoryEvent
= MovedNode -- TODO Record which node, and where the node was moved
-- from (and to).
| AddedNode ElemId -- TODO Record which node was added.
deriving (Show, Eq)
emptyAppState :: AppState
emptyAppState =
@ -103,7 +112,8 @@ emptyAppState =
{ _asMovingNode = Nothing,
_asEdges = [],
_asElements = mempty,
_asFPSr = 0
_asFPSr = 0,
_asHistory = []
emptyInputs :: Inputs
@ -212,9 +222,19 @@ getFps inputs =
then fromIntegral $ div (truncate fps) 100 * (100 :: Int)
else fps
clickOnNode :: ElemId -> AppState -> AppState
clickOnNode elemId oldState@AppState {_asMovingNode, _asHistory} =
case _asMovingNode of
Nothing -> oldState {_asMovingNode = Just elemId}
Just _ ->
{ _asMovingNode = Nothing,
_asHistory = MovedNode : _asHistory
-- | Add a node to the canvas at the given position.
addNode :: (Double, Double) -> AppState -> AppState
addNode addPosition s@AppState {_asElements} =
addNode addPosition s@AppState {_asElements, _asHistory} =
let biggestKey = maybe 0 fst (IntMap.lookupMax _asElements)
newNode =
@ -222,19 +242,35 @@ addNode addPosition s@AppState {_asElements} =
_elSize = nodeSize,
_elZ = 0
nodeId = (biggestKey + 1)
newElements =
IntMap.insert (biggestKey + 1) newNode _asElements
in s {_asElements = newElements}
IntMap.insert nodeId newNode _asElements
in s
{ _asElements = newElements,
_asHistory = AddedNode (ElemId nodeId) : _asHistory
removeNode :: ElemId -> AppState -> AppState
removeNode nodeId oldState@AppState {_asElements} =
oldState {_asElements = IntMap.delete (_unElemId nodeId) _asElements}
undo :: AppState -> AppState
undo oldState@AppState {_asHistory} = newState
newState = case _asHistory of
[] -> oldState
historyEvent : restOfHistory -> undidState {_asHistory = restOfHistory}
undidState = case historyEvent of
MovedNode -> oldState -- TODO Implement undo move node.
AddedNode nodeId -> removeNode nodeId oldState
processInput :: InputEvent -> AppState -> AppState
processInput inputEvent oldState@AppState {_asMovingNode} =
processInput inputEvent oldState =
case inputEvent of
ClickOnNode elemId _relativePosition ->
let newMovingNodeId = case _asMovingNode of
Nothing -> Just elemId
Just _ -> Nothing
in oldState {_asMovingNode = newMovingNodeId}
ClickOnNode elemId _relativePosition -> clickOnNode elemId oldState
AddNode addPosition -> addNode addPosition oldState
Undo -> undo oldState
processInputs :: Inputs -> AppState -> AppState
@ -352,6 +388,24 @@ backgroundPress inputsRef stateRef eventButton = do
_ -> mempty
addUndoInputAction :: IORef Inputs -> IO ()
addUndoInputAction inputsRef = do
putStrLn "Adding Undo input action."
modifyIORef' inputsRef (addEvent Undo)
pure ()
keyPress :: IORef Inputs -> Gdk.EventKey -> IO Bool
keyPress inputsRef eventKey = do
-- TODO May want to check that ctrl is pressed by checking that
-- getEventKeyState is ModifierTypeControlMask. May also want to use
-- Gdk.KEY_?.
key <- Gdk.getEventKeyString eventKey
print key
case key of
Just "\SUB" -> addUndoInputAction inputsRef -- putStrLn "ctrl-z pressed"
_ -> pure ()
startApp :: Gtk.Application -> IO ()
startApp app = do
stateRef <- newIORef emptyAppState
@ -366,6 +420,7 @@ startApp app = do
#borderWidth := 0
backgroundArea <- new Gtk.DrawingArea []
Gtk.widgetAddEvents window [Gdk.EventMaskKeyPressMask]
[ Gdk.EventMaskPointerMotionMask,
@ -399,7 +454,8 @@ startApp app = do
(timeoutCallback inputsRef stateRef gdkWindow device backgroundArea)
_ <- on backgroundArea #buttonPressEvent (backgroundPress inputsRef stateRef)
_ <- Gtk.onWidgetButtonPressEvent backgroundArea (backgroundPress inputsRef stateRef)
_ <- Gtk.onWidgetKeyPressEvent window (keyPress inputsRef)
#showAll window
pure ()