Refactor mouse events.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2020-09-13 04:54:17 -07:00
parent b31e721b3f
commit 08dde11840

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@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ data InputEvent
(Double, Double) -- relative mouse position
Word32 -- mouse button
| AddNode (Double, Double) -- where to add the node
emptyAppState :: AppState
emptyAppState =
@ -202,6 +203,30 @@ getFps inputs =
then fromIntegral $ div (truncate fps) 100 * (100 :: Int)
else fps
-- | Add a node to the canvas at the given position.
addNode :: (Double, Double) -> AppState -> AppState
addNode addPosition s@AppState {_asElements} =
let biggestKey = maybe 0 fst (IntMap.lookupMax _asElements)
newNode =
{ _elPosition = addPosition,
_elSize = nodeSize,
_elZ = 0
newElements =
IntMap.insert (biggestKey + 1) newNode _asElements
in s {_asElements = newElements}
processInput :: InputEvent -> AppState -> AppState
processInput inputEvent oldState@AppState {_asMovingNode} =
case inputEvent of
ClickOnNode elemId _relativePosition _mouseBtn ->
let newMovingNodeId = case _asMovingNode of
Nothing -> Just elemId
Just _ -> Nothing
in oldState {_asMovingNode = newMovingNodeId}
AddNode addPosition -> addNode addPosition oldState
processInputs :: Inputs -> AppState -> AppState
Inputs {_inEvents}
@ -209,16 +234,6 @@ processInputs
let compose = foldr (.) id
in compose (fmap processInput _inEvents) oldState
processInput :: InputEvent -> AppState -> AppState
processInput inputEvent oldState@AppState {_asElements, _asMovingNode} =
case inputEvent of
-- TODO only change movingNode if mouseBtn is leftClick
ClickOnNode elemId _relativePosition _mouseBtn ->
let newMovingNodeId = case _asMovingNode of
Nothing -> Just elemId
Just _ -> Nothing
in oldState {_asMovingNode = newMovingNodeId}
-- | Update the state based on the old state and the mouse
-- position. Consider moving inputs like mouse position into a
-- separate input struct.
@ -277,7 +292,11 @@ timeoutCallback inputsRef stateRef gdkWindow device backgroundArea = do
Gtk.widgetQueueDraw backgroundArea
pure True
-- TODO NOW Refactor leftClickAction and rightClickAction
-- TODO NOW Refactor code to use this.
elementwiseOp :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, a) -> (b, b) -> (c, c)
elementwiseOp f (x0, x1) (y0, y1) =
(f x0 y0, f x1 y1)
leftClickAction ::
IORef Inputs ->
IORef AppState ->
@ -287,50 +306,39 @@ leftClickAction ::
leftClickAction inputsRef stateRef eventButton mouseBtn =
mousePosition <- getXandY eventButton
state <- readIORef stateRef
let mElem = findElementByPosition (_asElements state) mousePosition
addClickEvent inputs@Inputs {_inEvents} =
case mElem of
Nothing -> inputs
Just (elemId, element) ->
-- TODO NOW Make function to add to event queue.
{ _inEvents =
(ElemId elemId)
(elementwiseOp (-) mousePosition (_elPosition element))
mouseBtn :
( \s@Inputs {_inEvents} ->
let mElem =
findElementByPosition (_asElements state) mousePosition
in case mElem of
Nothing -> s
Just (elemId, element) ->
let (elementX, elementY) = _elPosition element
(mouseX, mouseY) = mousePosition
in s
{ _inEvents =
(ElemId elemId)
(mouseX - elementX, mouseY - elementY)
mouseBtn :
rightClickAction ::
IORef AppState ->
IORef Inputs ->
Gdk.EventButton ->
IO ()
rightClickAction stateRef eventButton =
rightClickAction inputsRef eventButton =
(x, y) <- getXandY eventButton
( \s@AppState {_asElements} ->
let key = maybe 0 fst (IntMap.lookupMax _asElements)
newNode =
{ _elPosition = (x, y),
_elSize = nodeSize,
_elZ = 0
newElements =
IntMap.insert (key + 1) newNode _asElements
in s {_asElements = newElements}
( \inputs@Inputs {_inEvents} ->
inputs {_inEvents = AddNode (x, y) : _inEvents}
pure ()
@ -344,7 +352,7 @@ backgroundPress inputsRef stateRef eventButton = do
let mouseButton = toMouseButton mouseBtnNum
putStrLn ("Background pressed by " <> show mouseButton)
case toMouseButton mouseBtnNum of
RightMouseButton -> rightClickAction stateRef eventButton
RightMouseButton -> rightClickAction inputsRef eventButton
LeftMouseButton ->
leftClickAction inputsRef stateRef eventButton mouseBtnNum
_ -> mempty