Update stackage, fix warnings and format some app files with Ormolu.

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Robbie Gleichman 2020-12-25 22:35:24 -08:00
parent a6a9fb988c
commit 0b3efb0262
4 changed files with 723 additions and 575 deletions

View File

@ -1,44 +1,85 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, TupleSections #-}
module Translate(
-- This file is formatted with Ormolu
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Translate
( translateStringToSyntaxGraph,
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude((<>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Data.List(unzip5, partition, intercalate)
import Data.List (intercalate, partition, unzip5)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GraphAlgorithms (annotateGraph, collapseAnnotatedGraph)
import Icons
( argumentPorts,
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Pretty as PExts
import GraphAlgorithms(annotateGraph, collapseAnnotatedGraph)
import Icons(inputPort, resultPort, argumentPorts, caseRhsPorts,
import SimplifySyntax(SimpAlt(..), stringToSimpDecl, SimpExp(..), SimpPat(..)
, qNameToString, nameToString, customParseDecl
, SimpDecl(..), hsDeclToSimpDecl, SelectorAndVal(..))
import TranslateCore(Reference, SyntaxGraph(..), EvalContext, GraphAndRef(..)
, SgSink(..), syntaxGraphFromNodes
, syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges, getUniqueName
, edgesForRefPortList, makeApplyGraph, makeMultiIfGraph
, combineExpressions, namesInPattern, lookupReference
, deleteBindings, makeEdges, makeBox, syntaxGraphToFglGraph
, getUniqueString, bindsToSyntaxGraph, SgBind(..)
, graphAndRefToGraph, initialIdState)
import Types(AnnotatedGraph, Labeled(..), NameAndPort(..), IDState,
Edge, SyntaxNode(..), NodeName, SgNamedNode,
LikeApplyFlavor(..), CaseOrMultiIfTag(..), Named(..)
, mkEmbedder)
import Util(makeSimpleEdge, nameAndPort, justName)
import SimplifySyntax
( SelectorAndVal (..),
SimpAlt (..),
SimpDecl (..),
SimpExp (..),
SimpPat (..),
import TranslateCore
( EvalContext,
GraphAndRef (..),
SgBind (..),
SgSink (..),
SyntaxGraph (..),
import Types
( AnnotatedGraph,
CaseOrMultiIfTag (..),
Labeled (..),
LikeApplyFlavor (..),
NameAndPort (..),
Named (..),
SyntaxNode (..),
import Util (justName, makeSimpleEdge, nameAndPort)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use record patterns" #-}
@ -52,8 +93,8 @@ import Util(makeSimpleEdge, nameAndPort, justName)
-- | Make a syntax graph that has the bindings for a list of "as pattern" (@)
-- names.
makeAsBindGraph :: Reference -> [Maybe String] -> SyntaxGraph
makeAsBindGraph ref asNames
= bindsToSyntaxGraph $ mapMaybe makeBind asNames
makeAsBindGraph ref asNames =
bindsToSyntaxGraph $ mapMaybe makeBind asNames
makeBind mName = case mName of
Nothing -> Nothing
@ -63,21 +104,21 @@ grNamePortToGrRef :: (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort) -> GraphAndRef
grNamePortToGrRef (graph, np) = GraphAndRef graph (Right np)
-- TODO Find a better name for bindOrAltHelper
bindOrAltHelper :: Show l =>
-> SimpPat l
-> SimpExp l
-> State IDState ((GraphAndRef, Maybe String), GraphAndRef)
bindOrAltHelper ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
SimpPat l ->
SimpExp l ->
State IDState ((GraphAndRef, Maybe String), GraphAndRef)
bindOrAltHelper c pat e = do
patGraphAndRef <- evalPattern pat
rhsContext = namesInPattern patGraphAndRef <> c
let rhsContext = namesInPattern patGraphAndRef <> c
rhsGraphAndRef <- evalExp rhsContext e
pure (patGraphAndRef, rhsGraphAndRef)
patternName :: (GraphAndRef, Maybe String) -> String
patternName (GraphAndRef _ ref, mStr) = fromMaybe
patternName (GraphAndRef _ ref, mStr) =
( case ref of
Left str -> str
Right _ -> ""
@ -118,10 +159,10 @@ asNameBind (GraphAndRef _ ref, mAsName) = case mAsName of
Just asName -> Just $ SgBind asName ref
patternArgumentMapper ::
((GraphAndRef, Maybe String), t)
-> (String, Either (GraphAndRef, t) (SgNamedNode, SyntaxGraph))
patternArgumentMapper (asGraphAndRef@(graphAndRef, _), port)
= (patName, eitherVal)
((GraphAndRef, Maybe String), t) ->
(String, Either (GraphAndRef, t) (SgNamedNode, SyntaxGraph))
patternArgumentMapper (asGraphAndRef@(graphAndRef, _), port) =
(patName, eitherVal)
graph = graphAndRefToGraph graphAndRef
patName = patternName asGraphAndRef
@ -130,38 +171,37 @@ patternArgumentMapper (asGraphAndRef@(graphAndRef, _), port)
(SyntaxGraph [namedNode] [] _ _ _) -> Right (namedNode, graph)
_ -> Left (graphAndRef, port)
graphToTuple ::
-> ([SgNamedNode], [Edge], [SgSink], [SgBind], Map.Map NodeName NodeName)
SyntaxGraph ->
([SgNamedNode], [Edge], [SgSink], [SgBind], Map.Map NodeName NodeName)
graphToTuple (SyntaxGraph a b c d e) = (a, b, c, d, e)
graphsToComponents ::
-> ([SgNamedNode], [Edge], [SgSink], [SgBind], Map.Map NodeName NodeName)
graphsToComponents graphs
= (mconcat a, mconcat b, mconcat c, mconcat d, mconcat e)
[SyntaxGraph] ->
([SgNamedNode], [Edge], [SgSink], [SgBind], Map.Map NodeName NodeName)
graphsToComponents graphs =
(mconcat a, mconcat b, mconcat c, mconcat d, mconcat e)
(a, b, c, d, e) = unzip5 $ fmap graphToTuple graphs
makeNestedPatternGraph ::
-> String
-> [(GraphAndRef, Maybe String)]
-> (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
NodeName ->
String ->
[(GraphAndRef, Maybe String)] ->
(SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeNestedPatternGraph applyIconName funStr argVals = nestedApplyResult
dummyNode = PatternApplyNode "" []
= zip argVals $ map (nameAndPort applyIconName) $ argumentPorts dummyNode
argsAndPorts =
zip argVals $ map (nameAndPort applyIconName) $ argumentPorts dummyNode
mappedArgs = fmap patternArgumentMapper argsAndPorts
(unnestedArgsAndPort, nestedNamedNodesAndGraphs)
= partitionEithers (fmap snd mappedArgs)
(unnestedArgsAndPort, nestedNamedNodesAndGraphs) =
partitionEithers (fmap snd mappedArgs)
(nestedArgs, _, nestedSinks, nestedBinds, nestedEMaps)
= graphsToComponents $ fmap snd nestedNamedNodesAndGraphs
(nestedArgs, _, nestedSinks, nestedBinds, nestedEMaps) =
graphsToComponents $ fmap snd nestedNamedNodesAndGraphs
argListMapper (str, arg) = case arg of
Left _ -> Labeled Nothing str
@ -177,24 +217,28 @@ makeNestedPatternGraph applyIconName funStr argVals = nestedApplyResult
asNameBinds = mapMaybe asNameBind argVals
allBinds = nestedBinds <> asNameBinds
newEMap = Map.fromList
newEMap =
((\(Named n _) -> (n, applyIconName)) <$> nestedArgs)
<> nestedEMaps
newGraph = SyntaxGraph
newGraph =
nestedApplyResult = (newGraph <> combinedGraph
, nameAndPort applyIconName (resultPort pAppNode))
nestedApplyResult =
( newGraph <> combinedGraph,
nameAndPort applyIconName (resultPort pAppNode)
evalPApp :: Show l =>
Exts.QName l
-> [SimpPat l]
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalPApp ::
Show l =>
Exts.QName l ->
[SimpPat l] ->
State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalPApp name patterns = case patterns of
[] -> makeBox constructorName
_ -> do
@ -226,22 +270,29 @@ evalPLit ::
evalPLit sign l = case sign of
Exts.Signless _ -> evalLit l
Exts.Negative _ -> makeBox ('-' : showLiteral l)
-- END evalPLit
evalPAsPat :: Show l =>
Exts.Name l -> SimpPat l -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, Maybe String)
evalPAsPat ::
Show l =>
Exts.Name l ->
SimpPat l ->
State IDState (GraphAndRef, Maybe String)
evalPAsPat n p = do
(GraphAndRef evaledPatGraph evaledPatRef, mInnerName) <- evalPattern p
outerName = nameToString n
let outerName = nameToString n
asBindGraph = makeAsBindGraph (Left outerName) [mInnerName]
pure (GraphAndRef (asBindGraph <> evaledPatGraph) evaledPatRef
, Just outerName)
( GraphAndRef (asBindGraph <> evaledPatGraph) evaledPatRef,
Just outerName
makePatternResult :: Functor f =>
f (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort) -> f (GraphAndRef, Maybe String)
= fmap (\(graph, namePort) -> (GraphAndRef graph (Right namePort), Nothing))
makePatternResult ::
Functor f =>
f (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort) ->
f (GraphAndRef, Maybe String)
makePatternResult =
fmap (\(graph, namePort) -> (GraphAndRef graph (Right namePort), Nothing))
evalPattern :: Show l => SimpPat l -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, Maybe String)
evalPattern p = case p of
@ -250,6 +301,7 @@ evalPattern p = case p of
SpApp _ name patterns -> makePatternResult $ evalPApp name patterns
SpAsPat _ name pat -> evalPAsPat name pat
SpWildCard _ -> makePatternResult $ makeBox "_"
-- _ -> error ("evalPattern todo: " <> show p)
-- END evalPattern
@ -258,8 +310,10 @@ evalPattern p = case p of
-- strToGraphRef is not in TranslateCore, since it is only used by evalQName.
strToGraphRef :: EvalContext -> String -> State IDState GraphAndRef
strToGraphRef c str = fmap mapper (makeBox str) where
mapper gr = if str `elem` c
strToGraphRef c str = fmap mapper (makeBox str)
mapper gr =
if str `elem` c
then GraphAndRef mempty (Left str)
else grNamePortToGrRef gr
@ -267,28 +321,33 @@ strToGraphRef c str = fmap mapper (makeBox str) where
-- BEGIN apply and compose helper functions
evalFunExpAndArgs :: Show l =>
-> LikeApplyFlavor
-> (SimpExp l, [SimpExp l])
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalFunExpAndArgs ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
LikeApplyFlavor ->
(SimpExp l, [SimpExp l]) ->
State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalFunExpAndArgs c flavor (funExp, argExps) = do
funVal <- evalExp c funExp
argVals <- mapM (evalExp c) argExps
applyIconName <- getUniqueName
$ makeApplyGraph (length argExps) flavor False applyIconName funVal argVals
pure $
makeApplyGraph (length argExps) flavor False applyIconName funVal argVals
-- END apply and compose helper functions
evalFunctionComposition :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [SimpExp l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalFunctionComposition ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
[SimpExp l] ->
State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalFunctionComposition c functions = do
let reversedFunctios = reverse functions
evaluatedFunctions <- mapM (evalExp c) reversedFunctios
neverUsedPort <- Left <$> getUniqueString "unusedArgument"
applyIconName <- getUniqueName
pure $ makeApplyGraph
pure $
(length evaluatedFunctions)
@ -299,8 +358,8 @@ evalFunctionComposition c functions = do
-- | Turn (a . b . c) into [a, b, c]
compositionToList :: SimpExp l -> [SimpExp l]
compositionToList e = case e of
(SeApp _ (SeApp _ (SeName _ ".") f1) f2)
-> f1 : compositionToList f2
(SeApp _ (SeApp _ (SeName _ ".") f1) f2) ->
f1 : compositionToList f2
x -> [x]
-- BEGIN evaluateAppExpression
@ -309,7 +368,8 @@ compositionToList e = case e of
-- return the nesting depth if (f x) is rendered with
-- the (normal apply icon, compose apply icon)
applyComposeScoreHelper :: SimpExp l -> SimpExp l -> (Int, Int)
applyComposeScoreHelper exp1 exp2 = (appScore, compScore) where
applyComposeScoreHelper exp1 exp2 = (appScore, compScore)
(e1App, e1Comp) = applyComposeScore exp1
(e2App, e2Comp) = applyComposeScore exp2
@ -323,8 +383,8 @@ applyComposeScoreHelper exp1 exp2 = (appScore, compScore) where
compScore = max leftComp rightComp
-- TODO Consider putting this logic in a separate "simplifyExpression" function.
-- | Returns the amount of nesting if the App is converted to
-- (applyNode, composeNode)
applyComposeScore :: SimpExp l -> (Int, Int)
@ -333,6 +393,7 @@ applyComposeScore e = case e of
_ -> (0, 0)
-- Todo add test for this function
-- | Given an App expression, return
-- (function, list of arguments)
appExpToFuncArgs :: SimpExp l -> (SimpExp l, [SimpExp l])
@ -351,16 +412,18 @@ appExpToArgFuncs e = case e of
(argExp, funcs) = appExpToArgFuncs exp2
simpleExp -> (simpleExp, [])
-- TODO Refactor this and all sub-expressions
evalApp :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> SimpExp l
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalApp ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
SimpExp l ->
State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalApp c expr = case expr of
-- TODO This pattern for "." appears at least twice in this file. Refactor?
(SeApp _ (SeApp _ (SeName _ ".") _) _)
-> evalFunctionComposition c (compositionToList expr)
_ -> if appScore <= compScore
(SeApp _ (SeApp _ (SeName _ ".") _) _) ->
evalFunctionComposition c (compositionToList expr)
_ ->
if appScore <= compScore
then evalFunExpAndArgs c ApplyNodeFlavor (appExpToFuncArgs expr)
else evalFunExpAndArgs c ComposeNodeFlavor (appExpToArgFuncs expr)
@ -372,93 +435,104 @@ evalApp c expr = case expr of
getBoundVarName :: Show l => SimpDecl l -> [String]
getBoundVarName d = case d of
SdPatBind _ pat _ -> namesInPattern
SdPatBind _ pat _ ->
-- TODO Should evalState be used here?
$ evalState (evalPattern pat) initialIdState
evalState (evalPattern pat) initialIdState
SdTypeSig _ _ _ -> []
SdCatchAll _ -> []
evalDecls :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [SimpDecl l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, EvalContext)
evalDecls ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
[SimpDecl l] ->
State IDState (SyntaxGraph, EvalContext)
evalDecls c decls =
boundNames = concatMap getBoundVarName decls
let boundNames = concatMap getBoundVarName decls
augmentedContext = boundNames <> c
(,augmentedContext) . mconcat <$> mapM (evalDecl augmentedContext) decls
in (,augmentedContext) . mconcat <$> mapM (evalDecl augmentedContext) decls
evalLet :: Show l =>
-> [SimpDecl l]
-> SimpExp l
-> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalLet ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
[SimpDecl l] ->
SimpExp l ->
State IDState GraphAndRef
evalLet c decls expr = do
(bindGraph, bindContext) <- evalDecls c decls
expVal <- evalExp bindContext expr
GraphAndRef expGraph expResult = expVal
let GraphAndRef expGraph expResult = expVal
newGraph = deleteBindings . makeEdges $ expGraph <> bindGraph
bindings = sgBinds bindGraph
pure $ GraphAndRef newGraph (lookupReference bindings expResult)
-- END evalGeneralLet
evalSelectorAndVal :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> SelectorAndVal l -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, GraphAndRef)
evalSelectorAndVal c SelectorAndVal{svSelector=sel, svVal=val}
= (,) <$> evalExp c sel <*> evalExp c val
evalSelectorAndVal ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
SelectorAndVal l ->
State IDState (GraphAndRef, GraphAndRef)
evalSelectorAndVal c SelectorAndVal {svSelector = sel, svVal = val} =
(,) <$> evalExp c sel <*> evalExp c val
evalMultiIf :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [SelectorAndVal l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalMultiIf c selectorsAndVals = let
evaledRhss = unzip <$> mapM (evalSelectorAndVal c) selectorsAndVals
makeMultiIfGraph (length selectorsAndVals)
fmap fst evaledRhss
fmap snd evaledRhss
evalMultiIf ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
[SelectorAndVal l] ->
State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalMultiIf c selectorsAndVals =
let evaledRhss = unzip <$> mapM (evalSelectorAndVal c) selectorsAndVals
in makeMultiIfGraph (length selectorsAndVals)
<$> getUniqueName
<*> fmap fst evaledRhss
<*> fmap snd evaledRhss
-- BEGIN evalCase
-- TODO patRhsAreConnected is sometimes incorrectly true if the pat is just a
-- name
-- returns (combined graph, pattern reference, rhs reference)
evalAlt :: Show l =>
-> SimpAlt l
-> State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, Reference, Maybe String)
evalAlt ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
SimpAlt l ->
State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, Reference, Maybe String)
evalAlt c (SimpAlt pat rhs) = do
((GraphAndRef patGraph patRef, mPatAsName), GraphAndRef rhsGraph rhsRef) <-
bindOrAltHelper c pat rhs
grWithEdges = makeEdges (rhsGraph <> patGraph)
let grWithEdges = makeEdges (rhsGraph <> patGraph)
lookedUpRhsRef = lookupReference (sgBinds grWithEdges) rhsRef
-- The pattern and rhs are conneted if makeEdges added extra edges, or if
-- the rhsRef refers to a source in the pattern.
= (rhsRef /= lookedUpRhsRef)
patRhsAreConnected =
(rhsRef /= lookedUpRhsRef)
|| ( length (sgEdges grWithEdges)
(length (sgEdges rhsGraph) + length (sgEdges patGraph)))
pure (patRhsAreConnected
, deleteBindings grWithEdges
, patRef
, lookedUpRhsRef
, mPatAsName)
> (length (sgEdges rhsGraph) + length (sgEdges patGraph))
( patRhsAreConnected,
deleteBindings grWithEdges,
evalCaseHelper ::
-> NodeName
-> [NodeName]
-> GraphAndRef
-> [(Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, Reference, Maybe String)]
-> (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalCaseHelper numAlts caseIconName resultIconNames
(GraphAndRef expGraph expRef) evaledAlts
= result
Int ->
NodeName ->
[NodeName] ->
GraphAndRef ->
[(Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, Reference, Maybe String)] ->
(SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
(GraphAndRef expGraph expRef)
evaledAlts =
(patRhsConnected, altGraphs, patRefs, rhsRefs, asNames) = unzip5 evaledAlts
combindedAltGraph = mconcat altGraphs
@ -467,8 +541,10 @@ evalCaseHelper numAlts caseIconName resultIconNames
caseGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons
expEdge = (expRef, nameAndPort caseIconName (inputPort caseNode))
patEdges = zip patRefs $ map (nameAndPort caseIconName) casePatternPorts
rhsEdges = zip patRhsConnected $ zip rhsRefs
$ map (nameAndPort caseIconName) caseRhsPorts
rhsEdges =
zip patRhsConnected $
zip rhsRefs $
map (nameAndPort caseIconName) caseRhsPorts
(connectedRhss, unConnectedRhss) = partition fst rhsEdges
makeCaseResult :: NodeName -> Reference -> SyntaxGraph
@ -480,40 +556,41 @@ evalCaseHelper numAlts caseIconName resultIconNames
rhsNewEdges = [makeSimpleEdge (rhsPort, justName resultIconName)]
caseResultGraphs =
$ zipWith makeCaseResult resultIconNames (fmap (fst . snd) connectedRhss)
mconcat $
zipWith makeCaseResult resultIconNames (fmap (fst . snd) connectedRhss)
filteredRhsEdges = fmap snd unConnectedRhss
patternEdgesGraph = edgesForRefPortList True patEdges
caseEdgeGraph = edgesForRefPortList False (expEdge : filteredRhsEdges)
bindGraph = makeAsBindGraph expRef asNames
finalGraph = deleteBindings $ makeEdges $ mconcat [bindGraph
, patternEdgesGraph
, caseResultGraphs
, expGraph
, caseEdgeGraph
, caseGraph
, combindedAltGraph]
finalGraph =
deleteBindings $
makeEdges $
[ bindGraph,
result = (finalGraph, nameAndPort caseIconName (resultPort caseNode))
evalCase :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> SimpExp l -> [SimpAlt l]
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalCase ::
Show l =>
EvalContext ->
SimpExp l ->
[SimpAlt l] ->
State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalCase c e alts =
numAlts = length alts
evalCaseHelper (length alts)
replicateM numAlts getUniqueName
evalExp c e
mapM (evalAlt c) alts
let numAlts = length alts
in evalCaseHelper (length alts)
<$> getUniqueName
<*> replicateM numAlts getUniqueName
<*> evalExp c e
<*> mapM (evalAlt c) alts
-- END evalCase
@ -524,22 +601,21 @@ asBindGraphZipper :: Maybe String -> NameAndPort -> SyntaxGraph
asBindGraphZipper asName nameNPort = makeAsBindGraph (Right nameNPort) [asName]
-- TODO Refactor evalLambda
evalLambda :: Show l
=> l
-> EvalContext
-> [SimpPat l]
-> SimpExp l
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalLambda ::
Show l =>
l ->
EvalContext ->
[SimpPat l] ->
SimpExp l ->
State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalLambda _ context patterns expr = do
lambdaName <- getUniqueName
patternValsWithAsNames <- mapM evalPattern patterns
patternVals = fmap fst patternValsWithAsNames
let patternVals = fmap fst patternValsWithAsNames
patternStrings = concatMap namesInPattern patternValsWithAsNames
rhsContext = patternStrings <> context
GraphAndRef rhsRawGraph rhsRef <- evalExp rhsContext expr
paramNames = fmap patternName patternValsWithAsNames
let paramNames = fmap patternName patternValsWithAsNames
enclosedNodeNames = Set.fromList $ naName <$> sgNodes combinedGraph
lambdaNode = FunctionDefNode paramNames enclosedNodeNames
lambdaPorts = map (nameAndPort lambdaName) $ argumentPorts lambdaNode
@ -556,12 +632,15 @@ evalLambda _ context patterns expr = do
(makeSimpleEdge (rhsPort, returnPort) : patternEdges, mempty)
finalGraph = SyntaxGraph icons newEdges newSinks newBinds mempty
asBindGraph = mconcat $ zipWith
asBindGraph =
mconcat $
(fmap snd patternValsWithAsNames)
combinedGraph = deleteBindings . makeEdges
$ (asBindGraph <> rhsRawGraph <> patternGraph <> finalGraph)
combinedGraph =
deleteBindings . makeEdges $
(asBindGraph <> rhsRawGraph <> patternGraph <> finalGraph)
pure (combinedGraph, nameAndPort lambdaName (resultPort lambdaNode))
@ -584,18 +663,22 @@ evalExp c x = case x of
SeLambda l patterns e -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalLambda l c patterns e
SeLet _ decls expr -> evalLet c decls expr
SeCase _ expr alts -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalCase c expr alts
SeMultiIf _ selectorsAndVals
-> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalMultiIf c selectorsAndVals
SeMultiIf _ selectorsAndVals ->
grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalMultiIf c selectorsAndVals
-- BEGIN evalDecl
evalPatBind :: Show l =>
l -> EvalContext -> SimpPat l -> SimpExp l -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalPatBind ::
Show l =>
l ->
EvalContext ->
SimpPat l ->
SimpExp l ->
State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalPatBind _ c pat e = do
((GraphAndRef patGraph patRef, mPatAsName), GraphAndRef rhsGraph rhsRef) <-
bindOrAltHelper c pat e
(newEdges, newSinks, bindings) = case patRef of
let (newEdges, newSinks, bindings) = case patRef of
(Left s) -> (mempty, mempty, [SgBind s rhsRef])
(Right patPort) -> case rhsRef of
(Left rhsStr) -> (mempty, [SgSink rhsStr patPort], mempty)
@ -606,13 +689,17 @@ evalPatBind _ c pat e = do
-- Pretty printing the entire type sig results in extra whitespace in the middle
-- TODO May want to trim whitespace from (prettyPrint typeForNames)
evalTypeSig :: Show l =>
[Exts.Name l] -> Exts.Type l
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalTypeSig names typeForNames = makeBox
evalTypeSig ::
Show l =>
[Exts.Name l] ->
Exts.Type l ->
State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalTypeSig names typeForNames =
( intercalate "," (fmap prettyPrintWithoutNewlines names)
++ " :: "
++ prettyPrintWithoutNewlines typeForNames)
++ prettyPrintWithoutNewlines typeForNames
-- TODO Make custom version of prettyPrint for type signitures.
-- Use (unwords . words) to convert consecutive whitspace characters to one
@ -631,13 +718,11 @@ evalDecl c d = case d of
showTopLevelBinds :: SyntaxGraph -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
showTopLevelBinds gr = do
binds = sgBinds gr
let binds = sgBinds gr
addBind (SgBind _ (Left _)) = pure mempty
addBind (SgBind patName (Right port)) = do
uniquePatName <- getUniqueName
icons = [Named uniquePatName $ mkEmbedder (BindNameNode patName)]
let icons = [Named uniquePatName $ mkEmbedder (BindNameNode patName)]
edges = [makeSimpleEdge (port, justName uniquePatName)]
edgeGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges icons edges
pure edgeGraph
@ -645,7 +730,8 @@ showTopLevelBinds gr = do
pure $ newGraph <> gr
translateDeclToSyntaxGraph :: Show l => SimpDecl l -> SyntaxGraph
translateDeclToSyntaxGraph d = graph where
translateDeclToSyntaxGraph d = graph
evaluatedDecl = evalDecl mempty d >>= showTopLevelBinds
graph = evalState evaluatedDecl initialIdState
@ -654,27 +740,32 @@ translateStringToSyntaxGraph :: String -> SyntaxGraph
translateStringToSyntaxGraph = translateDeclToSyntaxGraph . stringToSimpDecl
syntaxGraphToCollapsedGraph :: SyntaxGraph -> AnnotatedGraph FGR.Gr
= collapseAnnotatedGraph . annotateGraph . syntaxGraphToFglGraph
syntaxGraphToCollapsedGraph =
collapseAnnotatedGraph . annotateGraph . syntaxGraphToFglGraph
-- = annotateGraph . syntaxGraphToFglGraph
translateDeclToCollapsedGraph :: Show l => Exts.Decl l -> AnnotatedGraph FGR.Gr
= syntaxGraphToCollapsedGraph . translateDeclToSyntaxGraph . hsDeclToSimpDecl
translateDeclToCollapsedGraph =
syntaxGraphToCollapsedGraph . translateDeclToSyntaxGraph . hsDeclToSimpDecl
-- Profiling: At one point, this was about 1.5% of total time.
translateStringToCollapsedGraphAndDecl ::
String -> (AnnotatedGraph FGR.Gr, Exts.Decl Exts.SrcSpanInfo)
translateStringToCollapsedGraphAndDecl s = (drawing, decl) where
translateStringToCollapsedGraphAndDecl s = (drawing, decl)
decl = customParseDecl s -- :: ParseResult Module
drawing = translateDeclToCollapsedGraph decl
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs :: Show l =>
Exts.Module l -> [AnnotatedGraph FGR.Gr]
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs (Exts.Module _ _ _ _ decls)
= fmap translateDeclToCollapsedGraph decls
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs moduleSyntax
= error $ "Unsupported syntax in translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs: "
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs ::
Show l =>
Exts.Module l ->
[AnnotatedGraph FGR.Gr]
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs (Exts.Module _ _ _ _ decls) =
fmap translateDeclToCollapsedGraph decls
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs moduleSyntax =
error $
"Unsupported syntax in translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs: "
<> show moduleSyntax
-- END Exported functions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module TranslateCore(
-- This file is formatted with Ormolu
module TranslateCore
( Reference,
SyntaxGraph (..),
GraphAndRef (..),
@ -25,8 +26,9 @@ module TranslateCore(
) where
import Control.Monad.State (State, state)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
@ -34,18 +36,39 @@ import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Data.List (find)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup(Semigroup, (<>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Icons(inputPort, resultPort, argumentPorts, multiIfRhsPorts
, multiIfBoolPorts)
import Types(Labeled(..), Icon(..), SyntaxNode(..), Edge(..), EdgeOption(..)
, NameAndPort(..), IDState, SgNamedNode, NodeName(..), Port
, LikeApplyFlavor(..), CaseOrMultiIfTag(..), IDState(..)
, Embedder(..), mkEmbedder, Named(..)
, EmbedderSyntaxNode)
import Util(nameAndPort, makeSimpleEdge, justName, maybeBoolToBool
, nodeNameToInt)
import Icons
( argumentPorts,
import Types
( CaseOrMultiIfTag (..),
Edge (..),
EdgeOption (..),
Embedder (..),
IDState (..),
Icon (..),
Labeled (..),
LikeApplyFlavor (..),
NameAndPort (..),
Named (..),
NodeName (..),
SyntaxNode (..),
import Util
( justName,
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use list comprehension" #-}
@ -63,23 +86,25 @@ data SgBind = SgBind String Reference deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data SgSink = SgSink String NameAndPort deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- TODO Replace lists with sets
-- | A SyntaxGraph is an abstract representation of Haskell syntax. SyntaxGraphs
-- are generated from the Haskell syntax tree and are used to generate Drawings.
data SyntaxGraph = SyntaxGraph {
sgNodes :: [SgNamedNode],
data SyntaxGraph = SyntaxGraph
{ sgNodes :: [SgNamedNode],
sgEdges :: [Edge],
sgSinks :: [SgSink],
sgBinds :: [SgBind],
-- sgEmbedMap keeps track of nodes embedded in other nodes. If (child, parent)
-- is in the Map, then child is embedded inside parent.
sgEmbedMap :: Map.Map NodeName NodeName
} deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup SyntaxGraph where
(SyntaxGraph icons1 edges1 sinks1 sources1 map1)
(SyntaxGraph icons2 edges2 sinks2 sources2 map2)
= SyntaxGraph
(SyntaxGraph icons2 edges2 sinks2 sources2 map2) =
(icons1 <> icons2)
(edges1 <> edges2)
(sinks1 <> sinks2)
@ -104,8 +129,8 @@ syntaxGraphFromNodes :: [SgNamedNode] -> SyntaxGraph
syntaxGraphFromNodes icons = SyntaxGraph icons mempty mempty mempty mempty
syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges :: [SgNamedNode] -> [Edge] -> SyntaxGraph
syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges icons edges
= SyntaxGraph icons edges mempty mempty mempty
syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges icons edges =
SyntaxGraph icons edges mempty mempty mempty
bindsToSyntaxGraph :: [SgBind] -> SyntaxGraph
bindsToSyntaxGraph binds = SyntaxGraph mempty mempty mempty binds mempty
@ -127,10 +152,13 @@ initialIdState :: IDState
initialIdState = IDState 0
getId :: State IDState Int
getId = state incrementer where
incrementer (IDState x) = (x, IDState checkedIncrement) where
getId = state incrementer
incrementer (IDState x) = (x, IDState checkedIncrement)
xPlusOne = x + 1
checkedIncrement = if xPlusOne > x
checkedIncrement =
if xPlusOne > x
then xPlusOne
else error "getId: the ID state has overflowed."
@ -145,63 +173,68 @@ getUniqueString base = fmap ((base ++). show) getId
-- TODO: Refactor with combineExpressions
edgesForRefPortList :: Bool -> [(Reference, NameAndPort)] -> SyntaxGraph
edgesForRefPortList inPattern portExpPairs
= mconcat $ fmap makeGraph portExpPairs
edgesForRefPortList inPattern portExpPairs =
mconcat $ fmap makeGraph portExpPairs
edgeOpts = if inPattern then [EdgeInPattern] else []
makeGraph (ref, port) = case ref of
Left str -> if inPattern
Left str ->
if inPattern
then bindsToSyntaxGraph [SgBind str (Right port)]
else sinksToSyntaxGraph [SgSink str port]
Right resPort -> edgesToSyntaxGraph [Edge edgeOpts connection]
connection = if inPattern
-- If in a pattern, then the port on the case icon is
connection =
if inPattern
then -- If in a pattern, then the port on the case icon is
-- the data source.
then (port, resPort)
(port, resPort)
else (resPort, port)
combineExpressions :: Bool -> [(GraphAndRef, NameAndPort)] -> SyntaxGraph
combineExpressions inPattern portExpPairs
= mconcat $ fmap makeGraph portExpPairs
combineExpressions inPattern portExpPairs =
mconcat $ fmap makeGraph portExpPairs
edgeOpts = if inPattern then [EdgeInPattern] else []
makeGraph (GraphAndRef graph ref, port) = graph <> case ref of
Left str -> if inPattern
makeGraph (GraphAndRef graph ref, port) =
graph <> case ref of
Left str ->
if inPattern
then bindsToSyntaxGraph [SgBind str (Right port)]
else sinksToSyntaxGraph [SgSink str port]
Right resPort -> edgesToSyntaxGraph [Edge edgeOpts (resPort, port)]
makeApplyGraph ::
-> LikeApplyFlavor
-> Bool
-> NodeName
-> GraphAndRef
-> [GraphAndRef]
-> (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeApplyGraph numArgs applyFlavor inPattern applyIconName funVal argVals
= (newGraph <> combinedGraph
, nameAndPort applyIconName (resultPort applyNode)
Int ->
LikeApplyFlavor ->
Bool ->
NodeName ->
GraphAndRef ->
[GraphAndRef] ->
(SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeApplyGraph numArgs applyFlavor inPattern applyIconName funVal argVals =
( newGraph <> combinedGraph,
nameAndPort applyIconName (resultPort applyNode)
applyNode = ApplyNode applyFlavor numArgs
= map (nameAndPort applyIconName) (argumentPorts applyNode)
argumentNamePorts =
map (nameAndPort applyIconName) (argumentPorts applyNode)
functionPort = nameAndPort applyIconName (inputPort applyNode)
combinedGraph = combineExpressions inPattern
$ zip (funVal:argVals) (functionPort:argumentNamePorts)
combinedGraph =
combineExpressions inPattern $
zip (funVal : argVals) (functionPort : argumentNamePorts)
icons = [Named applyIconName (mkEmbedder applyNode)]
newGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons
makeMultiIfGraph ::
-> NodeName
-> [GraphAndRef]
-> [GraphAndRef]
-> (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeMultiIfGraph numPairs multiIfName bools exps
= (newGraph, nameAndPort multiIfName (resultPort multiIfNode))
Int ->
NodeName ->
[GraphAndRef] ->
[GraphAndRef] ->
(SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeMultiIfGraph numPairs multiIfName bools exps =
(newGraph, nameAndPort multiIfName (resultPort multiIfNode))
multiIfNode = CaseOrMultiIfNode MultiIfTag numPairs
expsWithPorts = zip exps $ map (nameAndPort multiIfName) multiIfRhsPorts
@ -226,7 +259,8 @@ namesInPattern (graphAndRef, mName) = case mName of
-- TODO: Might want to present some indication if there is a reference cycle.
lookupReference :: [SgBind] -> Reference -> Reference
lookupReference _ ref@(Right _) = ref
lookupReference bindings ref@(Left originalS) = lookupHelper ref where
lookupReference bindings ref@(Left originalS) = lookupHelper ref
lookupHelper newRef@(Right _) = newRef
lookupHelper newRef@(Left s) = case lookup s (fmap sgBindToTuple bindings) of
Just r -> failIfCycle r $ lookupHelper r
@ -242,23 +276,24 @@ makeEdgesCore :: [SgSink] -> [SgBind] -> ([SgSink], [Edge])
makeEdgesCore sinks bindings = partitionEithers $ fmap renameOrMakeEdge sinks
renameOrMakeEdge :: SgSink -> Either SgSink Edge
renameOrMakeEdge orig@(SgSink s destPort)
= case lookup s (fmap sgBindToTuple bindings) of
renameOrMakeEdge orig@(SgSink s destPort) =
case lookup s (fmap sgBindToTuple bindings) of
Just ref -> case lookupReference bindings ref of
Right sourcePort -> Right $ makeSimpleEdge (sourcePort, destPort)
Left newStr -> Left $ SgSink newStr destPort
Nothing -> Left orig
makeEdges :: SyntaxGraph -> SyntaxGraph
makeEdges (SyntaxGraph icons edges sinks bindings eMap) = newGraph where
makeEdges (SyntaxGraph icons edges sinks bindings eMap) = newGraph
(newSinks, newEdges) = makeEdgesCore sinks bindings
newGraph = SyntaxGraph icons (newEdges <> edges) newSinks bindings eMap
makeBox :: String -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeBox str = do
name <- getUniqueName
let graph
= syntaxGraphFromNodes [Named name (mkEmbedder (LiteralNode str))]
let graph =
syntaxGraphFromNodes [Named name (mkEmbedder (LiteralNode str))]
pure (graph, justName name)
nTupleString :: Int -> String
@ -266,16 +301,17 @@ nTupleString n = '(' : replicate (n -1) ',' ++ ")"
-- TODO Unit tests for this
nTupleSectionString :: [Bool] -> String
nTupleSectionString bools = '(' : (commas ++ ")") where
nTupleSectionString bools = '(' : (commas ++ ")")
commas = case concatMap trueToUnderscore bools of
[] -> []
(_ : xs) -> xs
trueToUnderscore x = if x
trueToUnderscore x =
if x
then ",_"
else ","
nListString :: Int -> String
-- TODO: Use something better than [_]
nListString 1 = "[_]"
@ -283,24 +319,26 @@ nListString n = '[' : replicate (n -1) ',' ++ "]"
nodeToIcon :: EmbedderSyntaxNode -> Icon
nodeToIcon (Embedder embeddedNodes node) = case node of
(ApplyNode flavor x)
-> nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor x embeddedNodes
(PatternApplyNode s children)
-> nestedPatternNodeToIcon s children
(ApplyNode flavor x) ->
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor x embeddedNodes
(PatternApplyNode s children) ->
nestedPatternNodeToIcon s children
(NameNode s) -> TextBoxIcon s
(BindNameNode s) -> BindTextBoxIcon s
(LiteralNode s) -> TextBoxIcon s
(FunctionDefNode labels bodyNodes)
-> nestedLambdaToIcon labels embeddedNodes bodyNodes
(FunctionDefNode labels bodyNodes) ->
nestedLambdaToIcon labels embeddedNodes bodyNodes
CaseResultNode -> CaseResultIcon
(CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x)
-> nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon tag x embeddedNodes
(CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x) ->
nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon tag x embeddedNodes
-- | Helper for makeArg
findArg :: Port -> (NodeName, Edge) -> Bool
findArg currentPort
, Edge _ (NameAndPort fromName fromPort, NameAndPort toName toPort))
( argName,
Edge _ (NameAndPort fromName fromPort, NameAndPort toName toPort)
| argName == fromName = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap (== currentPort) toPort
| argName == toName = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap (== currentPort) fromPort
| otherwise = False -- This case should never happen
@ -308,10 +346,11 @@ findArg currentPort
makeArg :: Set.Set (NodeName, Edge) -> Port -> Maybe NodeName
makeArg args port = fst <$> find (findArg port) args
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon :: LikeApplyFlavor
-> Int
-> Set.Set (NodeName, Edge)
-> Icon
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon ::
LikeApplyFlavor ->
Int ->
Set.Set (NodeName, Edge) ->
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor numArgs args =
NestedApply flavor headIcon argList
@ -320,10 +359,11 @@ nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor numArgs args =
headIcon = makeArg args (inputPort dummyNode)
argList = fmap (makeArg args) argPorts
nestedLambdaToIcon :: [String] -- labels
-> Set.Set (NodeName, Edge) -- embedded icons
-> Set.Set NodeName -- body nodes
-> Icon
nestedLambdaToIcon ::
[String] -> -- labels
Set.Set (NodeName, Edge) -> -- embedded icons
Set.Set NodeName -> -- body nodes
nestedLambdaToIcon labels embeddedNodes =
LambdaIcon labels embeddedBodyNode
@ -331,10 +371,10 @@ nestedLambdaToIcon labels embeddedNodes =
embeddedBodyNode = makeArg embeddedNodes (inputPort dummyNode)
nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon ::
-> Int
-> Set.Set (NodeName, Edge)
-> Icon
CaseOrMultiIfTag ->
Int ->
Set.Set (NodeName, Edge) ->
nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon tag numArgs args = case tag of
CaseTag -> NestedCaseIcon argList
MultiIfTag -> NestedMultiIfIcon argList
@ -344,7 +384,8 @@ nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon tag numArgs args = case tag of
argList = fmap (makeArg args) (inputPort dummyNode : argPorts)
nestedPatternNodeToIcon :: String -> [Labeled (Maybe SgNamedNode)] -> Icon
nestedPatternNodeToIcon str children = NestedPApp
nestedPatternNodeToIcon str children =
(pure (Just (Named (NodeName (-1)) (TextBoxIcon str))))
-- Why so many fmaps?
((fmap . fmap . fmap . fmap) nodeToIcon children)
@ -353,20 +394,28 @@ makeLNode :: SgNamedNode -> ING.LNode SgNamedNode
makeLNode namedNode@(Named (NodeName name) _) = (name, namedNode)
lookupInEmbeddingMap :: NodeName -> Map.Map NodeName NodeName -> NodeName
lookupInEmbeddingMap origName eMap = lookupHelper origName where
lookupInEmbeddingMap origName eMap = lookupHelper origName
lookupHelper name = case Map.lookup name eMap of
Nothing -> name
Just parent -> if parent == origName
then error $ "lookupInEmbeddingMap: Found cycle. Node = "
++ show origName ++ "\nEmbedding Map = " ++ show eMap
Just parent ->
if parent == origName
error $
"lookupInEmbeddingMap: Found cycle. Node = "
++ show origName
++ "\nEmbedding Map = "
++ show eMap
else lookupHelper parent
syntaxGraphToFglGraph :: SyntaxGraph -> FGR.Gr SgNamedNode Edge
syntaxGraphToFglGraph (SyntaxGraph nodes edges _ _ eMap) =
ING.mkGraph (fmap makeLNode nodes) labeledEdges where
ING.mkGraph (fmap makeLNode nodes) labeledEdges
labeledEdges = fmap makeLabeledEdge edges
makeLabeledEdge e@(Edge _ (NameAndPort name1 _, NameAndPort name2 _)) =
(nodeNameToInt $ lookupInEmbeddingMap name1 eMap
, nodeNameToInt $ lookupInEmbeddingMap name2 eMap
, e)
( nodeNameToInt $ lookupInEmbeddingMap name1 eMap,
nodeNameToInt $ lookupInEmbeddingMap name2 eMap,

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, ConstraintKinds #-}
-- This file is formatted with Ormolu
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Types (
module Types
( Named (..),
Icon (..),
@ -30,18 +33,18 @@ module Types (
Embedder (..),
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude(QDiagram, V2, Any, Renderable, Path, IsName)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text(Text)
import Control.Applicative(Applicative(..))
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as ING
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Set (Set, empty)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Diagrams.Prelude (Any, IsName, Path, QDiagram, Renderable, V2)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text (Text)
newtype NodeName = NodeName Int deriving (Typeable, Eq, Ord, Show)
instance IsName NodeName
data Named a = Named {naName :: NodeName, naVal :: a}
@ -63,7 +66,8 @@ type IconInfo = IM.IntMap Icon
-- | A datatype that represents an icon.
-- The TextBoxIcon's data is the text that appears in the text box.
data Icon = TextBoxIcon String
data Icon
= TextBoxIcon String
| MultiIfIcon
Int -- Number of alternatives
| LambdaIcon
@ -90,9 +94,10 @@ data LikeApplyFlavor = ApplyNodeFlavor | ComposeNodeFlavor
data CaseOrMultiIfTag = CaseTag | MultiIfTag deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- TODO The full edge does not need to be included, just the port.
data Embedder a = Embedder {
emEmbedded :: Set (NodeName, Edge) -- ^ Set of embedded nodes
, emNode :: a
data Embedder a = Embedder
{ -- | Set of embedded nodes
emEmbedded :: Set (NodeName, Edge),
emNode :: a
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor)
@ -104,8 +109,8 @@ type EmbedderSyntaxNode = Embedder SyntaxNode
type SgNamedNode = Named EmbedderSyntaxNode
-- TODO remove Ints from SyntaxNode data constructors.
data SyntaxNode =
-- Function application, composition, and applying to a composition
data SyntaxNode
= -- Function application, composition, and applying to a composition
-- The list of nodes is unordered (replace with a map?)
ApplyNode LikeApplyFlavor Int
| PatternApplyNode String [Labeled (Maybe SgNamedNode)]
@ -120,6 +125,7 @@ data SyntaxNode =
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype Port = Port Int deriving (Typeable, Eq, Ord, Show)
instance IsName Port
data NameAndPort = NameAndPort NodeName (Maybe Port) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -131,8 +137,10 @@ data EdgeOption = EdgeInPattern deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | An Edge has an name of the source icon, and its optional port number,
-- and the name of the destination icon, and its optional port number.
data Edge = Edge { edgeOptions :: [EdgeOption]
, edgeConnection :: Connection}
data Edge = Edge
{ edgeOptions :: [EdgeOption],
edgeConnection :: Connection
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | A drawing is a map from names to Icons, a list of edges,
@ -143,19 +151,19 @@ data Drawing = Drawing [NamedIcon] [Edge] deriving (Show, Eq)
-- unique id.
newtype IDState = IDState Int deriving (Eq, Show)
type SpecialNum n
= (Floating n, RealFrac n, RealFloat n, Typeable n, Show n, Enum n)
type SpecialNum n =
(Floating n, RealFrac n, RealFloat n, Typeable n, Show n, Enum n)
-- Note that SpecialBackend is a constraint synonym, not a type synonym.
type SpecialBackend b n
= (SpecialNum n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b, Renderable (Text n) b)
type SpecialBackend b n =
(SpecialNum n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b, Renderable (Text n) b)
type SpecialQDiagram b n = QDiagram b V2 n Any
type IngSyntaxGraph gr = gr SgNamedNode Edge
data EmbedDirection =
EdEmbedFrom -- The tail
data EmbedDirection
= EdEmbedFrom -- The tail
| EdEmbedTo -- The head
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -165,8 +173,8 @@ data EmbedInfo a = EmbedInfo {eiEmbedDir :: Maybe EmbedDirection, eiVal :: a}
type AnnotatedGraph gr = gr (NodeInfo SgNamedNode) (EmbedInfo Edge)
data NodeInfo a = NodeInfo {
niParent :: Maybe ING.Node
, niVal :: a
data NodeInfo a = NodeInfo
{ niParent :: Maybe ING.Node,
niVal :: a
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Ord)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# For more information, see: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/blob/release/doc/yaml_configuration.md
# Specifies the GHC version and set of packages available (e.g., lts-3.5, nightly-2015-09-21, ghc-7.10.2)
resolver: lts-16.18
resolver: lts-16.27
# Local packages, usually specified by relative directory name