Simplify types.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-03-27 16:49:58 -07:00
parent f331e8dca8
commit 287b477d1b
6 changed files with 118 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -22,9 +22,12 @@ import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text(Text)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import Types(Icon(..), Edge)
import Types(Icon(..), SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend)
import Util(fromMaybeError)
-- TYPES --
type TransformableDia b = (Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)
-- COLO(U)RS --
colorScheme :: (Floating a, Ord a) => ColorStyle a
colorScheme = colorOnBlackScheme
@ -109,19 +112,12 @@ randomColorScheme = ColorStyle {
lineCol :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Colour a
lineCol = lineC colorScheme
type TransformableDia a b c d = (Bool -> Double -> QDiagram a b c d)
-- Optimization: The apply0NDia's can be memoized.
-- iconToDiagram ::
-- (RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b,
-- Renderable (Text n) b) =>
-- Icon -> [(Name, QDiagram b V2 n Any)] -> TransformableDia b V2 n Any
iconToDiagram ::_ =>
Icon -> [(Name, QDiagram b V2 Double Any)] -> Bool -> Double -> QDiagram b V2 Double Any
iconToDiagram :: SpecialBackend b => Icon -> [(Name, SpecialQDiagram b)] -> Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b
iconToDiagram (ApplyAIcon n) _ = identDiaFunc $ applyADia n
iconToDiagram (PAppIcon n str) _ = diaFunc $ pAppDia n str
iconToDiagram (TextApplyAIcon n str) _ = diaFunc $ textApplyADia n str
iconToDiagram (PAppIcon n str) _ = pAppDia n str
iconToDiagram (TextApplyAIcon n str) _ = textApplyADia n str
iconToDiagram ResultIcon _ = identDiaFunc resultIcon
iconToDiagram BranchIcon _ = identDiaFunc branchIcon
iconToDiagram (TextBoxIcon s) _ = identDiaFunc $ textBox s
@ -135,41 +131,22 @@ iconToDiagram (LambdaRegionIcon n diagramName) nameToSubdiagramMap =
dia = fromMaybeError "iconToDiagram: subdiagram not found" $ lookup diagramName nameToSubdiagramMap
--Get the decimal part of a float
--reduceAngleRange :: Double -> Double
reduceAngleRange :: Double -> Double
reduceAngleRange x = x - fromInteger (floor x)
-- Make an identity TransformableDia
identDiaFunc :: _ => QDiagram b V2 n m -> TransformableDia b V2 n m
identDiaFunc :: SpecialQDiagram b -> TransformableDia b
identDiaFunc dia _ _ = dia
--makeSymmetricTransDia :: _ => QDiagram b V2 n m -> nm -> Bool -> n -> QDiagram b V2 n m
--makeSymmetricTransDia dia nm reflect angle = nameDiagram nm $ rotateBy (if reflect then angle + (1/2) else angle) dia
diaFunc dia reflect angle = dia reflect angle
-- | Names the diagram and puts all sub-names in the namespace of the top level name.
nameDiagram :: (Floating n, Ord n, Semigroup m, Metric v, IsName nm) => nm -> QDiagram b v n m -> QDiagram b v n m
nameDiagram :: (SpecialBackend b, IsName nm) => nm -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
nameDiagram name dia = named name (name .>> dia)
-- | Make an port with an integer name. Always use <> to add a ports (not === or |||)
--- since mempty has no size and will not be placed where you want it.
makePort :: (Floating n, Ord n, Semigroup m, Metric v) => Int -> QDiagram b v n m
makePort :: Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
makePort x = mempty # named x
--makePort x = circle 0.2 # fc green # named x
-- Note, the version of makePort below seems to have a different type.
--makePort x = textBox (show x) # fc green # named x
--makePortDiagrams :: [P2 Double] -> Diagram B
--makePortDiagrams ::(Monoid a, Semigroup a, HasOrigin a, b ~ N a) => [P2 b] -> GeneralDiagram a
makePortDiagrams ::
(Floating n, Ord n, Semigroup m, Metric v) =>
[Point v n] -> QDiagram b v n m
makePortDiagrams points =
atPoints points (map makePort ([0,1..] :: [Int]))
defaultLineWidth :: (Fractional a) => a
defaultLineWidth = 0.15
@ -178,54 +155,23 @@ defaultLineWidth = 0.15
circleRadius :: (Fractional a) => a
circleRadius = 0.5
type GeneralDiagram b = (Transformable b, RealFloat (N b), Typeable (N b), HasStyle b, TrailLike b, V b ~ V2) => b
resultCircle ::
(RealFloat (N b), Typeable (N b), Transformable b, HasStyle b,
TrailLike b, V b ~ V2) =>
resultCircle = circle circleRadius # fc (apply0C colorScheme) # lw none
apply0Triangle ::
(Typeable (N b), Transformable b, HasStyle b, TrailLike b,
V b ~ V2) =>
apply0Triangle = eqTriangle (2 * circleRadius) # rotateBy (-1/12) # lw none
apply0Line ::
(Typeable (N b), HasStyle b, TrailLike b, V b ~ V2) => b
apply0Line = rect defaultLineWidth (2 * circleRadius) # fc lineCol # lw none
--apply0Dia :: (Juxtaposable a, Semigroup a) => GeneralDiagram a
applyA0Dia ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Monoid m, Semigroup m,
TrailLike (QDiagram b V2 n m)) =>
QDiagram b V2 n m
applyA0Dia = ((resultCircle ||| apply0Line ||| fc (apply0C colorScheme) apply0Triangle) <> makePortDiagrams apply0PortLocations) # reflectX # centerXY
apply0PortLocations :: Floating a => [P2 a]
apply0PortLocations = map p2 [
(circleRadius + defaultLineWidth + triangleWidth, 0),
triangleWidth = circleRadius * sqrt 3
lineCenter = circleRadius + (defaultLineWidth / 2.0)
portCircle :: (SpecialBackend b) => SpecialQDiagram b
portCircle = circle (circleRadius * 0.5) # fc lineCol # lw none
-- apply0N Icon--
-- applyA Icon--
-- | apply0N port locations:
-- Port 0: Function
-- Port 1: Result
-- Ports 2,3..: Arguments
coloredApplyADia ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Monoid m, Semigroup m,
TrailLike (QDiagram b V2 n m)) =>
Colour Double -> Int -> QDiagram b V2 n m
--applyADia 1 = applyA0Dia
(SpecialBackend b) =>
Colour Double -> Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
coloredApplyADia appColor n = finalDia # centerXY where
seperation = circleRadius * 1.5
trianglePortsCircle = hcat [
@ -238,18 +184,23 @@ coloredApplyADia appColor n = finalDia # centerXY where
topAndBottomLine = hrule topAndBottomLineWidth # lc appColor # lwG defaultLineWidth # alignL
finalDia = topAndBottomLine === allPorts === topAndBottomLine
applyADia :: SpecialBackend b => Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
applyADia = coloredApplyADia (apply0C colorScheme)
--textApplyADia :: _ => Int -> String -> QDiagram b V2 n m
textApplyADia :: _ =>
Int -> String -> TransformableDia b V2 Double Any
textApplyADia :: SpecialBackend b =>
Int -> String -> TransformableDia b
textApplyADia = generalTextAppDia (textBoxTextC colorScheme) (apply0C colorScheme)
pAppDia :: _ =>
Int -> String -> TransformableDia b V2 Double Any
pAppDia :: SpecialBackend b =>
Int -> String -> TransformableDia b
pAppDia = generalTextAppDia (patternTextC colorScheme) (patternC colorScheme)
generalTextAppDia :: _ => Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Int -> String -> Bool -> Double -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
--Get the decimal part of a float
reduceAngleRange :: Double -> Double
reduceAngleRange x = x - fromInteger (floor x)
generalTextAppDia :: SpecialBackend b =>
Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Int -> String -> Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b
generalTextAppDia textCol borderCol numArgs str reflect angle = rotateDia where
rotateDia = rotateBy textBoxRotation (reflectIfTrue reflect (coloredTextBox textCol (opaque borderCol) str)) |||
coloredApplyADia borderCol numArgs
@ -265,25 +216,19 @@ monoLetterWidthToHeightFraction = 0.61
textBoxHeightFactor :: (Fractional a) => a
textBoxHeightFactor = 1.1
textBox ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b,
Renderable (Text n) b) =>
String -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
textBox :: SpecialBackend b =>
String -> SpecialQDiagram b
textBox = coloredTextBox (textBoxTextC colorScheme) $ opaque (textBoxC colorScheme)
bindTextBox ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b,
Renderable (Text n) b) =>
String -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
bindTextBox :: SpecialBackend b =>
String -> SpecialQDiagram b
bindTextBox = coloredTextBox (bindTextBoxTextC colorScheme) $ opaque (bindTextBoxC colorScheme)
-- Since the normal SVG text has no size, some hackery is needed to determine
-- the size of the text's bounding box.
coloredTextBox ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b,
Renderable (Diagrams.TwoD.Text.Text n) b) =>
coloredTextBox :: SpecialBackend b =>
Colour Double
-> AlphaColour Double -> String -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
-> AlphaColour Double -> String -> SpecialQDiagram b
coloredTextBox textColor boxColor t =
text t # fc textColor # font "freemono" # bold # fontSize (local textBoxFontSize)
<> rect rectangleWidth (textBoxFontSize * textBoxHeightFactor) # lcA boxColor # lwG (0.6 * defaultLineWidth)
@ -293,67 +238,57 @@ coloredTextBox textColor boxColor t =
+ (textBoxFontSize * 0.2)
enclosure ::
(Floating n, Ord n, Typeable n, Monoid m, Semigroup m,
TrailLike (QDiagram b V2 n m)) =>
QDiagram b V2 n m -> QDiagram b V2 n m
enclosure :: SpecialBackend b =>
SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
enclosure dia = dia <> boundingRect (dia # frame 0.5) # lc (regionPerimC colorScheme) # lwG defaultLineWidth
-- Don't use === here to put the port under the text box since mempty will stay
-- at the origin of the text box.
lambdaIcon ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b,
Renderable (Diagrams.TwoD.Text.Text n) b) =>
Int -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
SpecialBackend b =>
Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
lambdaIcon x = coloredTextBox (lamArgResC colorScheme) transparent "λ" # alignB <> makePort x
-- | lambdaRegion takes as an argument the numbers of parameters to the lambda,
-- and draws the diagram inside a region with the lambda icons on top.
lambdaRegion ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b,
Renderable (Diagrams.TwoD.Text.Text n) b) =>
Int -> QDiagram b V2 n Any -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
lambdaRegion :: SpecialBackend b =>
Int -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
lambdaRegion n dia =
centerXY $ lambdaIcons # centerX === (enclosure dia # centerX)
where lambdaIcons = hsep 0.4 (take n (map lambdaIcon [0,1..]))
resultIcon ::
(Typeable (N b), HasStyle b, TrailLike b, V b ~ V2) => b
resultIcon :: SpecialBackend b => SpecialQDiagram b
resultIcon = unitSquare # lw none # fc (lamArgResC colorScheme)
branchIcon :: GeneralDiagram a
branchIcon :: SpecialBackend b => SpecialQDiagram b
branchIcon = circle circleRadius # fc lineCol # lc lineCol # lw none
guardSize :: (Fractional a) => a
guardSize = 0.7
guardTriangle ::
(Floating n, Ord n, Typeable n, Monoid m, Semigroup m,
TrailLike (QDiagram b V2 n m)) =>
Int -> QDiagram b V2 n m
guardTriangle :: SpecialBackend b =>
Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
guardTriangle x =
((triangleAndPort ||| (hrule (guardSize * 0.8) # lwG defaultLineWidth)) # alignR) <> makePort x # alignL
triangleAndPort = polygon (with & polyType .~ PolySides [90 @@ deg, 45 @@ deg] [guardSize, guardSize])
# rotateBy (1/8) # lwG defaultLineWidth # alignT # alignR
guardLBracket ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b) =>
Int -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
guardLBracket :: SpecialBackend b =>
Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
guardLBracket x = ell # alignT # alignL <> makePort x
ellShape = fromOffsets $ map r2 [(0, guardSize), (-guardSize,0)]
ell = ellShape # strokeLine # lc (boolC colorScheme) # lwG defaultLineWidth # lineJoin LineJoinRound
generalGuardIcon ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b) =>
Colour Double -> (Int -> QDiagram b V2 n Any) -> QDiagram b V2 n Any -> Int -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
generalGuardIcon :: SpecialBackend b =>
Colour Double -> (Int -> SpecialQDiagram b) -> SpecialQDiagram b -> Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
generalGuardIcon triangleColor lBracket bottomDia n = centerXY $ alignT (bottomDia <> makePort 1) <> alignB (bigVerticalLine <> guardDia <> makePort 0)
--guardTriangles = vsep 0.4 (take n (map guardTriangle [0,1..]))
@ -372,21 +307,18 @@ generalGuardIcon triangleColor lBracket bottomDia n = centerXY $ alignT (bottomD
-- Port 1: Bottom result port
-- Ports 3,5...: The left ports for the booleans
-- Ports 2,4...: The right ports for the values
guardIcon ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b) =>
Int -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
guardIcon :: SpecialBackend b =>
Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
guardIcon = generalGuardIcon lineCol guardLBracket mempty
-- TODO Improve design to be more than a circle.
caseResult :: (RealFloat n,
Typeable n,
Renderable (Path V2 n) b) => QDiagram b V2 n Any
caseResult :: SpecialBackend b =>
SpecialQDiagram b
caseResult = circle (circleRadius * 0.7) # fc caseCColor # lc caseCColor # lw none where
caseCColor = caseRhsC colorScheme
caseC :: (RealFloat n,
Typeable n,
Renderable (Path V2 n) b) => Int -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
caseC :: SpecialBackend b =>
Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
caseC n = caseResult <> makePort n
@ -395,15 +327,15 @@ caseC n = caseResult <> makePort n
-- Port 1: Bottom result port
-- Ports 3,5...: The left ports for the results
-- Ports 2,4...: The right ports for the patterns
caseIcon ::(RealFloat n,
Typeable n,
Renderable (Path V2 n) b) => Int -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
caseIcon :: SpecialBackend b =>
Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
caseIcon = generalGuardIcon (patternC colorScheme) caseC caseResult
-- | The ports of flatLambdaIcon are:
-- 0: Result icon
-- 1: The lambda function value
-- 2,3.. : The parameters
flatLambda :: SpecialBackend b => Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
flatLambda n = finalDia where
lambdaCircle = circle circleRadius # fc (regionPerimC colorScheme) # lc (regionPerimC colorScheme) # lwG defaultLineWidth
lambdaParts = (makePort 0 <> resultIcon) : (portIcons ++ [makePort 1 <> alignR lambdaCircle])

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@ -18,40 +18,31 @@ import Translate(translateString, drawingsFromModule)
-- Refactor Translate
-- Add documentation.
-- Update readme.
-- Test reference lookup in case rhs.
-- Have the file be a command line argument to main.
-- In evalPatBind, give the edge from the rhs to the pattern a special arrowhead.
-- Line intersections should have a small circle. This could probably be done with
-- a line ending.
-- Move tests out of main.
-- TODO Later --
-- Visual todos
-- Visual todos:
-- Give lines a black border to make line crossings easier to see.
-- Give lines that cross the border of a lambda function a special color.
-- Line intersections should have a small circle. This could probably be done with
-- a line ending.
-- Let each bool, value pair in Guard icon be flipped to reduce line crossings. Do the same for case.
-- Let lines connect to ports in multiple locations (eg. case value, or guard result)
-- Rotate icons based on the outgoing line's difference from ideal angle, not line distance.
-- Improve line routing. Draw curved lines with outgoing lines at fixed angles.
-- - connectPerim might be useful for this.
-- Translate todos:
-- Fix test case x of {0 -> 1; y -> y}.
-- Have icon rotation just rotate internal items, not the entire diagram.
-- Use a nested tree layout. A graph can take an optional (name, Icon) as filling a port.
-- Use clustered graphs. Make a test project.
-- Consider making lines between patterns Pattern Color when the line is a reference.
-- Consider using seperate parameter icons in functions.
-- Add function name and type to LambdaIcons.
-- Add proper RecConstr, and RecUpdate support.
-- Let each bool, value pair in Guard icon be flipped to reduce line crossings. Do the same for case.
-- Eliminate BranchIcon in Alts.
-- Eliminate BranchIcon for the identity funciton "y x = x"
-- otherwise Guard special case
-- Let lines connect to ports in multiple locations (eg. argument for Apply0Dia)
-- Add a small black border to lines to help distinguish line crossings.
-- todo: Find out how to hide unqualified names such that recursive drawings are connected correctly
-- todo: Find out and fix why connectinos to sub-icons need to be qualified twice (eg. "lam0" .> "arg" .> "arg")
-- todo: Rotate based on difference from ideal tangent angle, not line distance.
-- todo: Try using connectPerim for port to port connections. Hopefully this will draw a spline.
-- todo: layout and rotate considering external connections.
--Other todos:
-- Use a nested tree layout. A graph can take an optional (name, Icon) instead of a port.
(d0A, d0B, d0Res, d0Foo, d0Bar) = ("A", "B", "res", "foo", "bar")
d0Icons = toNames

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ module Rendering (
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz(mkGraph, getGraph, layoutGraph')
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text(Text)
--import Diagrams.Backend.SVG(B)
import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
@ -22,8 +21,9 @@ import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
--import Data.Word(Word16)
import Icons(colorScheme, Icon(..), iconToDiagram, nameDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..))
import Types(Edge(..), EdgeOption(..), Connection, Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..), NameAndPort(..))
import Icons(colorScheme, iconToDiagram, nameDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..))
import Types(Edge(..), Icon, EdgeOption(..), Connection, Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..),
NameAndPort(..), SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend)
import Util(fromMaybeError)
-- If the inferred types for these functions becomes unweildy,
@ -52,13 +52,7 @@ drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor = 0.15
-- | Convert a map of names and icons, to a list of names and diagrams.
-- The first argument is the subdiagram map used for the inside of lambdaIcons
-- The second argument is the map of icons that should be converted to diagrams.
--makeNamedMap :: IsName name => [(Name, Diagram B)] -> [(name, Icon)] -> [(name, Diagram B)]
-- makeNamedMap ::
-- (RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b,
-- Renderable (Diagrams.TwoD.Text.Text n) b, IsName nm) =>
-- [(Name, QDiagram b V2 n Any)]-> [(nm, Icon)] -> [(nm, QDiagram b V2 n Any)]
makeNamedMap :: SpecialBackend b => [(Name, SpecialQDiagram b)] -> [(t, Icon)] -> [(t, Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)]
makeNamedMap subDiagramMap =
map (\(name, icon) -> (name, iconToDiagram icon subDiagramMap))
@ -179,12 +173,11 @@ connectedPorts edges name = map edgeToPort $ filter nameInEdge edges
-- are minimized.
-- Precondition: the diagrams are already centered
-- todo: confirm precondition (or use a newtype)
rotateNodes ::
Semigroup m =>
rotateNodes :: SpecialBackend b =>
Map.Map Name (Point V2 Double)
-> [(Name, Bool -> Double -> QDiagram b V2 Double m)]
-> [(Name, Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)]
-> [Connection]
-> [(Name, QDiagram b V2 Double m)]
-> [(Name, SpecialQDiagram b)]
rotateNodes positionMap nameDiagramMap edges = map rotateDiagram nameDiagramMap
rotateDiagram (name, originalDia) = (name, nameDiagram name transformedDia)
@ -219,12 +212,11 @@ rotateNodes positionMap nameDiagramMap edges = map rotateDiagram nameDiagramMap
minAngle = angleWithMinDist (getFromMapAndScale positionMap name) portEdges
type LayoutResult a = Gr (GV.AttributeNode Name) (GV.AttributeNode a)
placeNodes ::
(Monoid m, Semigroup m) =>
placeNodes :: SpecialBackend b =>
LayoutResult a
-> [(Name, Bool -> Double -> QDiagram b V2 Double m)]
-> [(Name, Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)]
-> [Connection]
-> QDiagram b V2 Double m
-> SpecialQDiagram b
placeNodes layoutResult nameDiagramMap edges = mconcat placedNodes
(positionMap, _) = getGraph layoutResult
@ -234,12 +226,11 @@ placeNodes layoutResult nameDiagramMap edges = mconcat placedNodes
-- todo: Not sure if the diagrams should already be centered at this point.
placeNode (name, diagram) = place (diagram # centerXY) (scaleFactor *^ (positionMap Map.! name))
doGraphLayout ::
_ =>
doGraphLayout :: SpecialBackend b =>
Gr Name e
-> [(Name, Bool -> Double -> QDiagram b V2 Double m)]
-> [(Name, Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)]
-> [Connection]
-> IO (QDiagram b V2 Double m)
-> IO (SpecialQDiagram b)
doGraphLayout graph nameDiagramMap edges = do
layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato graph
-- layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Fdp graph
@ -272,19 +263,18 @@ doGraphLayout graph nameDiagramMap edges = do
--todo: Hack! Using (!!) here relies upon the implementation of Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz.mkGraph
-- to name the nodes in order
(_, unTransformedDia) = (nameDiagramMap !! nodeInt)
(_, unTransformedDia) = nameDiagramMap !! nodeInt
dia = unTransformedDia False 0
diaWidth = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * (width dia)
diaHeight = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * (height dia)
diaWidth = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * width dia
diaHeight = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * height dia
circleDiameter' = max diaWidth diaHeight
circleDiameter = if circleDiameter' <= 0.01 then error ("circleDiameter too small: " ++ show circleDiameter') else circleDiameter'
-- | Given a Drawing, produce a Diagram complete with rotated/flipped icons and
-- lines connecting ports and icons. IO is needed for the GraphViz layout.
renderDrawing ::
_ =>
renderDrawing :: SpecialBackend b =>
Drawing -> IO (QDiagram b V2 Double Any)
renderDrawing (Drawing nameIconMap edges subDrawings) = do
subDiagramMap <- traverse renderSubDrawing subDrawings

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@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ import Util(toNames, makeSimpleEdge, nameAndPort, justName, mapFst)
import Icons(Icon(..))
import TranslateCore(Reference, IconGraph(..), EvalContext, GraphAndRef,
iconGraphFromIcons, iconGraphFromIconsEdges, getUniqueName, combineExpressions,
edgesForRefPortList, iconGraphToDrawing, qualifyNameAndPort, makeApplyGraph,
namesInPattern, lookupReference, deleteBindings, makeEdges, makeEdgesCore,
edgesForRefPortList, iconGraphToDrawing, makeApplyGraph,
namesInPattern, lookupReference, deleteBindings, makeEdges,
coerceExpressionResult, makeBox, nTupleString, nListString)
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ evalQName qName@(UnQual _) c = strToGraphRef c (qNameToString qName)
evalQName qName@(Qual _ _) c = strToGraphRef c (qNameToString qName)
evalQName qName _ = fmap Right <$> makeBox (qNameToString qName)
evalQOp :: QOp -> EvalContext -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalQOp (QVarOp n) = evalQName n
evalQOp (QConOp n) = evalQName n
-- evalQOp :: QOp -> EvalContext -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
-- evalQOp (QVarOp n) = evalQName n
-- evalQOp (QConOp n) = evalQName n
qOpToString :: QOp -> String
qOpToString (QVarOp n) = qNameToString n
@ -308,10 +308,11 @@ evalTuple c exps = do
applyIconName <- DIA.toName <$> getUniqueName "tupleApp"
pure $ makeTextApplyGraph False applyIconName (nTupleString (length exps)) argVals (length exps)
makeVarExp :: String -> Exp
makeVarExp = Var . UnQual . Ident
evalListExp :: EvalContext -> [Exp] -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalListExp c [] = makeBox "[]"
evalListExp _ [] = makeBox "[]"
evalListExp c exps = evalApp c (makeVarExp . nListString . length $ exps, exps)
evalLeftSection :: EvalContext -> Exp -> QOp -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
@ -329,6 +330,7 @@ evalRightSection c op e = do
evalEnums :: EvalContext -> String -> [Exp] -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalEnums c s exps = fmap Right <$> evalApp c (Var . UnQual . Ident $ s, exps)
makeQVarOp :: String -> QOp
makeQVarOp = QVarOp . UnQual . Ident
desugarDo :: [Stmt] -> Exp
@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ desugarDo (LetStmt binds : stmts) = Let binds (desugarDo stmts)
-- TODO: Finish evalRecConstr
evalRecConstr :: EvalContext -> QName -> [Exts.FieldUpdate] -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalRecConstr c qName updates = evalQName qName c
evalRecConstr c qName _ = evalQName qName c
evalExp :: EvalContext -> Exp -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalExp c x = case x of
@ -364,7 +366,7 @@ evalExp c x = case x of
RightSection op e -> fmap Right <$> evalRightSection c op e
RecConstr n updates -> evalRecConstr c n updates
-- TODO: Do RecUpdate correcly
RecUpdate e updates -> evalExp c e
RecUpdate e _ -> evalExp c e
EnumFrom e -> evalEnums c "enumFrom" [e]
EnumFromTo e1 e2 -> evalEnums c "enumFromTo" [e1, e2]
EnumFromThen e1 e2 -> evalEnums c "enumFromThen" [e1, e2]
@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ generalEvalLambda context patterns rhsEvalFun = do
patternGraph = mconcat $ map fst patternVals
(patternEdges, newBinds) =
partitionEithers $ zipWith (makePatternEdges lambdaName) patternVals lambdaPorts
partitionEithers $ zipWith makePatternEdges patternVals lambdaPorts
numParameters = length patterns
-- TODO remove coerceExpressionResult here
(rhsRawGraph, rhsResult) <- rhsEvalFun rhsContext >>= coerceExpressionResult
@ -425,10 +427,10 @@ generalEvalLambda context patterns rhsEvalFun = do
-- TODO Like evalPatBind, this edge should have an indicator that it is the input to a pattern.
-- makePatternEdges creates the edges between the patterns and the parameter ports.
makePatternEdges :: String -> GraphAndRef -> NameAndPort -> Either Edge (String, Reference)
makePatternEdges lambdaName (_, Right patPort) lamPort =
makePatternEdges :: GraphAndRef -> NameAndPort -> Either Edge (String, Reference)
makePatternEdges (_, Right patPort) lamPort =
Left $ makeSimpleEdge (lamPort, patPort)
makePatternEdges _ (_, Left str) lamPort = Right (str, Right lamPort)
makePatternEdges (_, Left str) lamPort = Right (str, Right lamPort)
evalLambda :: EvalContext -> [Pat] -> Exp -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)

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@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ module TranslateCore(
@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ combineExpressions inPattern portExpPairs = mconcat $ fmap mkGraph portExpPairs
else IconGraph mempty mempty mempty [(str, port)] mempty
Right resultPort -> IconGraph mempty [Edge edgeOpts noEnds (resultPort, port)] mempty mempty mempty
qualifyNameAndPort :: String -> NameAndPort -> NameAndPort
qualifyNameAndPort s (NameAndPort n p) = NameAndPort (s DIA..> n) p
-- qualifyNameAndPort :: String -> NameAndPort -> NameAndPort
-- qualifyNameAndPort s (NameAndPort n p) = NameAndPort (s DIA..> n) p
iconGraphToDrawing :: IconGraph -> Drawing
iconGraphToDrawing (IconGraph icons edges subDrawings _ _) = Drawing icons edges subDrawings

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds #-}
module Types (
@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ module Types (
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude(Name)
import Diagrams.Prelude(Name, QDiagram, V2, Any, Renderable, Path)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text(Text)
import Control.Monad.State(State, state)
-- TYPES --
@ -48,6 +51,11 @@ data Drawing = Drawing [(Name, Icon)] [Edge] [(Name, Drawing)] deriving (Show)
-- | IDState is an Abstract Data Type that is used as a state whose value is a unique id.
newtype IDState = IDState Int deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Note that SpecialBackend is a constraint synonym, not a type synonym.
type SpecialBackend b = (Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Renderable (Text Double) b)
type SpecialQDiagram b = QDiagram b V2 Double Any
initialIdState :: IDState
initialIdState = IDState 0