Rewrite Translate.hs to use SimplifySyntax (#4)

* Create branch for in-progress SimplifySyntax work.

* Translate more simple syntax. Improve flat lambda icon. Remove function binds from simple syntax.

* Translate SeApp.

* Fix simplifyExp.

* Translate SpApp and SeCase.

* Translate SeGuard.

* Translate @ patterns and pattern wild cards.

* Transtlate list and tuple patterns.

* Translate tuple and list expressions.

* Translate left sections.

* Translate Do notation.

* Cleanup Translate.hs.

* Translate type signatures.

* More cleanup of Translate.hs.

* Translate negate function application and enum syntax.

* Rename functions in Translate.hs.
This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2019-01-03 15:41:34 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent d39e00e7a1
commit 3523e44399
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 254 additions and 453 deletions

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@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ flatLambda paramNames (TransformParams name _ reflect angle)
= zipWith (makeLabelledPort name reflect angle) paramNames argPortsConst
middle = alignL (hsep 0.5 lambdaParts)
topAndBottomLineWidth = width middle - circleRadius
topAndBottomLineWidth = width middle - (circleRadius + defaultLineWidth)
= alignL
$ lwG defaultLineWidth

View File

@ -1,14 +1,30 @@
module SimplifySyntax (
, SelectorAndVal(..)
, SimpAlt(..)
, SimpDecl(..)
, SimpPat(..)
, stringToSimpDecl
, qOpToExp
, qNameToString
, nameToString
, customParseDecl
, hsDeclToSimpDecl
) where
import Data.List(foldl')
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, isJust)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts
import TranslateCore(nTupleString)
import TranslateCore(nTupleSectionString, nTupleString, nListString)
-- TODO use a data constructor for the special case instead of using string
-- matching for tempvars.
-- There is a special case in Icons.hs/makeLabelledPort to exclude " tempvar"
tempVarPrefix :: String
tempVarPrefix = " tempvar"
-- A simplified Haskell syntax tree
-- rhs is now SimpExp
@ -40,8 +56,8 @@ data SimpAlt l = SimpAlt {
data SimpDecl l =
-- These don't have decl lists, since only lets have decl lists
SdFunBind l (Exts.Name l) [SimpPat l] (SimpExp l)
| SdPatBind l (SimpPat l) (SimpExp l)
SdPatBind l (SimpPat l) (SimpExp l)
| SdTypeSig l [Exts.Name l] (Exts.Type l)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SimpPat l =
@ -49,12 +65,22 @@ data SimpPat l =
| SpLit l (Exts.Sign l) (Exts.Literal l)
| SpApp l (Exts.QName l) [SimpPat l]
| SpAsPat l (Exts.Name l) (SimpPat l)
| SpWildCard l
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Helper functions
strToQName :: l -> String -> Exts.QName l
strToQName l = Exts.UnQual l . Exts.Ident l
makeVarExp :: l -> String -> Exts.Exp l
makeVarExp l = Exts.Var l . Exts.UnQual l . Exts.Ident l
makeVarExp l = Exts.Var l . strToQName l
makePatVar :: l -> String -> Exts.Pat l
makePatVar l = Exts.PVar l . Exts.Ident l
makeQVarOp :: l -> String -> Exts.QOp l
makeQVarOp l = Exts.QVarOp l . Exts.UnQual l . Exts.Ident l
qOpToExp :: Exts.QOp l -> Exts.Exp l
qOpToExp (Exts.QVarOp l n) = Exts.Var l n
@ -80,28 +106,23 @@ qNameToString q = error $ "Unsupported syntax in qNameToSrting: " <> show q
infixAppToSeApp :: Show a =>
a -> Exts.Exp a -> Exts.QOp a -> Exts.Exp a -> SimpExp a
infixAppToSeApp l e1 op e2 = case op of
Exts.QVarOp _ (Exts.UnQual _ (Exts.Symbol _ sym)) -> case sym of
"$" -> hsExpToSimpExp (Exts.App l e1 e2)
-- "." -> grNamePortToGrRef
-- <$> evalFunctionComposition c (e1 : compositionToList e2)
_ -> defaultCase
_ -> defaultCase
defaultCase = hsExpToSimpExp $ Exts.App l (Exts.App l (qOpToExp op) e1) e2
hsPatToSimpPat :: Show a => Exts.Pat a -> SimpPat a
hsPatToSimpPat p = case p of
Exts.PVar l n -> SpVar l n
Exts.PLit l sign lit -> SpLit l sign lit
Exts.PInfixApp l p1 qName p2 -> hsPatToSimpPat (Exts.PApp l qName [p1, p2])
Exts.PApp l name patts -> SpApp l name (fmap hsPatToSimpPat patts)
Exts.PTuple l _ patts -> SpApp
((strToQName l . nTupleString . length) patts)
(fmap hsPatToSimpPat patts)
Exts.PParen _ pat -> hsPatToSimpPat pat
Exts.PAsPat l name pat -> SpAsPat l name (hsPatToSimpPat pat)
-- TODO PTuple, PList, PWildCard
Exts.PWildCard l -> SpWildCard l
Exts.PList l patts -> SpApp
((strToQName l . nListString . length) patts)
(fmap hsPatToSimpPat patts)
_ -> error $ "Unsupported syntax in hsPatToSimpPat: " <> show p
whereToLet :: Show a => a -> Exts.Rhs a -> Maybe (Exts.Binds a) -> SimpExp a
@ -112,18 +133,21 @@ whereToLet l rhs maybeBinds = val
Nothing -> rhsExp
Just binds -> SeLet l (hsBindsToDecls binds) rhsExp
matchToFunBind :: Show a => Exts.Match a -> SimpDecl a
matchToFunBind (Exts.Match l name patterns rhs maybeWhereBinds)
= SdFunBind
matchToSimpDecl :: Show a => Exts.Match a -> SimpDecl a
matchToSimpDecl (Exts.Match l name patterns rhs maybeWhereBinds)
= SdPatBind
(SpVar l name)
(SeLambda l
(fmap hsPatToSimpPat patterns)
(whereToLet l rhs maybeWhereBinds)
matchToFunBind m = error $ "Unsupported syntax in matchToFunBind: " <> show m
(whereToLet l rhs maybeWhereBinds))
matchToSimpDecl m = error $ "Unsupported syntax in matchToSimpDecl: " <> show m
-- Only used by matchesToCase
matchToAlt :: Show l => Exts.Match l -> Exts.Alt l
matchToAlt (Exts.Match l _ mtaPats rhs binds) = Exts.Alt l altPattern rhs binds where
matchToAlt (Exts.Match l _ mtaPats rhs binds)
= Exts.Alt l altPattern rhs binds
altPattern = case mtaPats of
[onePat] -> onePat
_ -> Exts.PTuple l Exts.Boxed mtaPats
@ -135,10 +159,8 @@ matchesToCase match [] = match
matchesToCase firstMatch@(Exts.Match srcLoc funName pats _ _) restOfMatches = match
-- There is a special case in Icons.hs/makeLabelledPort to exclude " tempvar"
-- TODO use a data constructor for the special case instead of using string
-- matching for tempvars.
tempStrings = fmap (\x -> " tempvar" ++ show x) [0..(length pats - 1)]
tempPats = fmap (Exts.PVar srcLoc . Exts.Ident srcLoc) tempStrings
tempStrings = fmap (\x -> tempVarPrefix ++ show x) [0..(length pats - 1)]
tempPats = fmap (makePatVar srcLoc) tempStrings
tempVars = fmap (makeVarExp srcLoc) tempStrings
tuple = Exts.Tuple srcLoc Exts.Boxed tempVars
caseExp = case tempVars of
@ -154,10 +176,11 @@ matchesToCase firstMatch _
matchesToFunBind :: Show a => a -> [Exts.Match a] -> SimpDecl a
matchesToFunBind l matches = case matches of
[] -> error $ "Empty matches in matchesToFunBind. Label is :" <> show l
(m : ms) -> matchToFunBind (matchesToCase m ms)
(m : ms) -> matchToSimpDecl (matchesToCase m ms)
hsDeclToSimpDecl :: Show a => Exts.Decl a -> SimpDecl a
hsDeclToSimpDecl decl = case decl of
Exts.TypeSig l names typeForNames -> SdTypeSig l names typeForNames
Exts.FunBind l matches -> matchesToFunBind l matches
Exts.PatBind l pat rhs maybeBinds -> SdPatBind l (hsPatToSimpPat pat) expr
@ -198,13 +221,65 @@ ifToGuard l e1 e2 e3
otherwiseExp = SeName l "otherwise"
simplifyExp :: SimpExp l -> SimpExp l
simplifyExp e = case e of
-- Reduce applications of function compositions (e.g. (f . g) x -> f (g x))
SeApp l2 (SeApp l1 (SeApp _ (SeName _ ".") f1) f2) arg
-> SeApp l1 f1 $ simplifyExp (SeApp l2 f2 arg)
SeApp l (SeApp _ (SeName _ "$") exp1) exp2
-> SeApp l exp1 exp2
SeApp l1 (SeName l2 "<$>") arg
-> SeApp l1 (SeName l2 "fmap") arg
x -> x
deListifyApp :: Show l => l -> Exts.Exp l -> [Exts.Exp l] -> Exts.Exp l
deListifyApp l = foldl' (Exts.App l)
rewriteTupleSection :: Show l => l -> [Maybe (Exts.Exp l)] -> Exts.Exp l
rewriteTupleSection l mExprs = deListifyApp
(makeVarExp l $ nTupleSectionString expIsJustList)
exprs = catMaybes mExprs
expIsJustList = fmap isJust mExprs
-- Rewrite a right section as a lambda.
-- TODO Simplify this type of lambda to use unused ports.
rewriteRightSection :: Show l => l -> Exts.QOp l -> Exts.Exp l -> Exts.Exp l
rewriteRightSection l op expr = Exts.Lambda l [tempPat] appExpr
tempStr = tempVarPrefix <> "0"
tempPat = makePatVar l tempStr
tempVar = makeVarExp l tempStr
appExpr = Exts.App l (Exts.App l (qOpToExp op) tempVar) expr
-- TODO refactor desugarDo
desugarDo :: Show l => [Exts.Stmt l] -> Exts.Exp l
desugarDo [Exts.Qualifier _ e] = e
desugarDo (Exts.Qualifier l e : stmts)
= Exts.InfixApp l e thenOp (desugarDo stmts)
thenOp = makeQVarOp l ">>"
desugarDo (Exts.Generator l pat e : stmts) =
Exts.InfixApp l e (makeQVarOp l ">>=") (Exts.Lambda l [pat] (desugarDo stmts))
desugarDo (Exts.LetStmt l binds : stmts) = Exts.Let l binds (desugarDo stmts)
desugarDo stmts = error $ "Unsupported syntax in degugarDo: " <> show stmts
desugarEnums :: Show l => l -> String -> [Exts.Exp l] -> SimpExp l
desugarEnums l funcName exprs = hsExpToSimpExp $ deListifyApp l
(makeVarExp l funcName)
hsExpToSimpExp :: Show a => Exts.Exp a -> SimpExp a
hsExpToSimpExp x = case x of
hsExpToSimpExp x = simplifyExp $ case x of
Exts.Var l n -> SeName l (qNameToString n)
Exts.Con l n -> SeName l (qNameToString n)
Exts.Lit l n -> SeLit l n
Exts.InfixApp l e1 op e2 -> infixAppToSeApp l e1 op e2
Exts.InfixApp l e1 op e2 ->
hsExpToSimpExp $ Exts.App l (Exts.App l (qOpToExp op) e1) e2
Exts.App l f arg -> SeApp l (hsExpToSimpExp f) (hsExpToSimpExp arg)
Exts.NegApp l e -> hsExpToSimpExp $ Exts.App l (makeVarExp l "negate") e
Exts.Lambda l patterns e
-> SeLambda l (fmap hsPatToSimpPat patterns) (hsExpToSimpExp e)
Exts.Let l bs e -> SeLet l (hsBindsToDecls bs) (hsExpToSimpExp e)
@ -212,6 +287,22 @@ hsExpToSimpExp x = case x of
-> ifToGuard l (hsExpToSimpExp e1) (hsExpToSimpExp e2) (hsExpToSimpExp e3)
Exts.Case l e alts -> SeCase l (hsExpToSimpExp e) (fmap hsAltToSimpAlt alts)
Exts.Paren _ e -> hsExpToSimpExp e
Exts.List l exprs -> hsExpToSimpExp $ deListifyApp
(makeVarExp l $ nListString $ length exprs)
Exts.Tuple l _ exprs -> hsExpToSimpExp $ deListifyApp
(makeVarExp l $ nTupleString $ length exprs)
Exts.TupleSection l _ mExprs -> hsExpToSimpExp $ rewriteTupleSection l mExprs
Exts.LeftSection l expr op -> hsExpToSimpExp $ Exts.App l (qOpToExp op) expr
Exts.RightSection l op expr -> hsExpToSimpExp $ rewriteRightSection l op expr
Exts.Do _ stmts -> hsExpToSimpExp $ desugarDo stmts
Exts.EnumFrom l e -> desugarEnums l "enumFrom" [e]
Exts.EnumFromTo l e1 e2 -> desugarEnums l "enumFromTo" [e1, e2]
Exts.EnumFromThen l e1 e2 -> desugarEnums l "enumFromThen" [e1, e2]
Exts.EnumFromThenTo l e1 e2 e3 -> desugarEnums l "enumFromThenTo" [e1, e2, e3]
_ -> error $ "Unsupported syntax in hsExpToSimpExp: " ++ show x
-- Parsing

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ module Translate(
) where
@ -16,28 +15,25 @@ import Control.Monad.State(State, evalState)
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Data.List(unzip5, partition, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts
import Language.Haskell.Exts(
Decl(..), Name(..), Pat(..), Rhs(..),
Exp(..), QName(..), Match(..), QOp(..), GuardedRhs(..),
Stmt(..), Binds(..), Alt(..), Module(..), prettyPrint)
import GraphAlgorithms(collapseNodes)
import Icons(inputPort, resultPort, argumentPorts, caseRhsPorts,
import SimplifySyntax(qOpToExp, qNameToString, nameToString, customParseDecl)
import TranslateCore(
Reference, SyntaxGraph(..), EvalContext, GraphAndRef(..), SgSink(..),
syntaxGraphFromNodes, syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges, getUniqueName,
edgesForRefPortList, makeApplyGraph, makeGuardGraph, combineExpressions,
namesInPattern, lookupReference, deleteBindings, makeEdges,
makeBox, nTupleString, nTupleSectionString, nListString,
syntaxGraphToFglGraph, getUniqueString, bindsToSyntaxGraph,
SgBind(..), graphAndRefToGraph,
import SimplifySyntax(SimpAlt(..), stringToSimpDecl, SimpExp(..), SimpPat(..)
, qOpToExp
, qNameToString, nameToString, customParseDecl
, SimpDecl(..), hsDeclToSimpDecl, SelectorAndVal(..))
import TranslateCore(Reference, SyntaxGraph(..), EvalContext, GraphAndRef(..)
, SgSink(..), syntaxGraphFromNodes
, syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges, getUniqueName
, edgesForRefPortList, makeApplyGraph, makeGuardGraph
, combineExpressions, namesInPattern, lookupReference
, deleteBindings, makeEdges, makeBox, syntaxGraphToFglGraph
, getUniqueString, bindsToSyntaxGraph, SgBind(..)
, graphAndRefToGraph, initialIdState)
import Types(Labeled(..), NameAndPort(..), IDState,
Edge, SyntaxNode(..), IngSyntaxGraph, NodeName, SgNamedNode(..),
@ -52,12 +48,6 @@ import Util(makeSimpleEdge, nameAndPort, justName)
-- BEGIN Helper Functions --
makeVarExp :: l -> String -> Exp l
makeVarExp l = Var l . UnQual l . Ident l
makeQVarOp :: l -> String -> QOp l
makeQVarOp l = QVarOp l . UnQual l . Ident l
-- | Make a syntax graph that has the bindings for a list of "as pattern" (@)
-- names.
makeAsBindGraph :: Reference -> [Maybe String] -> SyntaxGraph
@ -71,19 +61,20 @@ makeAsBindGraph ref asNames
grNamePortToGrRef :: (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort) -> GraphAndRef
grNamePortToGrRef (graph, np) = GraphAndRef graph (Right np)
-- TODO Find a better name for bindOrAltHelper
bindOrAltHelper :: Show l =>
-> Pat l
-> Rhs l
-> Maybe (Binds l)
-> SimpPat l
-> SimpExp l
-> State IDState ((GraphAndRef, Maybe String), GraphAndRef)
bindOrAltHelper c pat rhs maybeWhereBinds = do
bindOrAltHelper c pat e = do
patGraphAndRef <- evalPattern pat
rhsContext = namesInPattern patGraphAndRef <> c
rhsGraphAndRef <- rhsWithBinds maybeWhereBinds rhs rhsContext
rhsGraphAndRef <- evalExp rhsContext e
pure (patGraphAndRef, rhsGraphAndRef)
patternName :: (GraphAndRef, Maybe String) -> String
patternName (GraphAndRef _ ref, mStr) = fromMaybe
(case ref of
@ -193,8 +184,8 @@ makeNestedPatternGraph applyIconName funStr argVals = nestedApplyResult
evalPApp :: Show l =>
QName l
-> [Pat l]
Exts.QName l
-> [SimpPat l]
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalPApp name patterns = case patterns of
[] -> makeBox constructorName
@ -204,6 +195,7 @@ evalPApp name patterns = case patterns of
pure $ makeNestedPatternGraph patName constructorName evaledPatterns
constructorName = qNameToString name
-- END evalPApp
-- BEGIN evalPLit
@ -229,7 +221,7 @@ evalPLit sign l = case sign of
-- END evalPLit
evalPAsPat :: Show l =>
Name l -> Pat l -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, Maybe String)
Exts.Name l -> SimpPat l -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, Maybe String)
evalPAsPat n p = do
(GraphAndRef evaledPatGraph evaledPatRef, mInnerName) <- evalPattern p
@ -243,26 +235,14 @@ makePatternResult :: Functor f =>
= fmap (\(graph, namePort) -> (GraphAndRef graph (Right namePort), Nothing))
evalPattern :: Show l => Pat l -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, Maybe String)
evalPattern :: Show l => SimpPat l -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, Maybe String)
evalPattern p = case p of
PVar _ n -> pure (GraphAndRef mempty (Left $ nameToString n), Nothing)
PLit _ s l -> makePatternResult $ evalPLit s l
PInfixApp l p1 qName p2 -> evalPattern (PApp l qName [p1, p2])
PApp _ name patterns -> makePatternResult $ evalPApp name patterns
-- TODO special tuple handling.
PTuple l _ patterns ->
makePatternResult $ evalPApp
(Exts.UnQual l . Ident l . nTupleString . length $ patterns)
PList l patterns ->
makePatternResult $ evalPApp
(Exts.UnQual l . Ident l . nListString . length $ patterns)
PParen _ pat -> evalPattern pat
PAsPat _ n subPat -> evalPAsPat n subPat
PWildCard _ -> makePatternResult $ makeBox "_"
_ -> error $ "evalPattern: No pattern in case for " ++ show p
-- TODO: Other cases
SpVar _ n -> pure (GraphAndRef mempty (Left $ nameToString n), Nothing)
SpLit _ sign lit -> makePatternResult $ evalPLit sign lit
SpApp _ name patterns -> makePatternResult $ evalPApp name patterns
SpAsPat _ name pat -> evalPAsPat name pat
SpWildCard _ -> makePatternResult $ makeBox "_"
-- _ -> error ("evalPattern todo: " <> show p)
-- END evalPattern
@ -275,43 +255,14 @@ strToGraphRef c str = fmap mapper (makeBox str) where
then GraphAndRef mempty (Left str)
else grNamePortToGrRef gr
evalQName :: Show l => QName l -> EvalContext -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalQName qName c = case qName of
UnQual _ _ -> graphRef
Qual _ _ _ -> graphRef
_ -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> makeBox qNameString
qNameString = qNameToString qName
graphRef = strToGraphRef c qNameString
-- END evalQName
-- TODO Delete these commented out functions.
-- evalQOp :: QOp l -> EvalContext -> State IDState GraphAndRef
-- evalQOp (QVarOp n) = evalQName n
-- evalQOp (QConOp n) = evalQName n
-- qOpToString :: QOp l -> String
-- qOpToString (QVarOp n) = qNameToString n
-- qOpToString (QConOp n) = qNameToString n
--findReferencedIcon :: Reference -> [(NodeName, Icon)] -> Maybe (Name, Icon)
-- findReferencedIcon :: Either t NameAndPort -> [(NodeName, t1)] -> Maybe (NodeName, t1)
-- findReferencedIcon (Left str) _ = Nothing
-- findReferencedIcon (Right (NameAndPort name _)) nameIconMap = (\x -> (name, x)) <$> lookup name nameIconMap
-- BEGIN apply and compose helper functions
removeParen :: Exp l -> Exp l
removeParen e = case e of
Paren _ x -> removeParen x
_ -> e
evalFunExpAndArgs :: Show l =>
-> LikeApplyFlavor
-> (Exp l, [Exp l])
-> (SimpExp l, [SimpExp l])
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalFunExpAndArgs c flavor (funExp, argExps) = do
funVal <- evalExp c funExp
@ -322,10 +273,8 @@ evalFunExpAndArgs c flavor (funExp, argExps) = do
-- END apply and compose helper functions
-- BEGIN evalInfixApp
evalFunctionComposition :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [Exp l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
EvalContext -> [SimpExp l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalFunctionComposition c functions = do
let reversedFunctios = reverse functions
evaluatedFunctions <- mapM (evalExp c) reversedFunctios
@ -340,47 +289,18 @@ evalFunctionComposition c functions = do
-- | Turn (a . b . c) into [a, b, c]
compositionToList :: Exp l -> [Exp l]
compositionToList e = case removeParen e of
(InfixApp _ exp1 (QVarOp _ (UnQual _ (Symbol _ "."))) exp2)
-> exp1 : compositionToList exp2
compositionToList :: SimpExp l -> [SimpExp l]
compositionToList e = case e of
(SeApp _ (SeApp _ (SeName _ ".") f1) f2)
-> f1 : compositionToList f2
x -> [x]
-- | In the general case, infix is converted to prefix.
-- Special cases:
-- a $ b is converted to (a b)
-- (a . b . c) uses the compose apply icon with no argument
evalInfixApp :: Show l =>
l -> EvalContext -> Exp l -> QOp l -> Exp l -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalInfixApp l c e1 op e2 = case op of
QVarOp _ (UnQual _ (Symbol _ sym)) -> case sym of
"$" -> evalExp c (App l e1 e2)
"." -> grNamePortToGrRef
<$> evalFunctionComposition c (e1 : compositionToList e2)
_ -> defaultCase
_ -> defaultCase
defaultCase = evalExp c $ App l (App l (qOpToExp op) e1) e2
-- END evalInfixApp
-- BEGIN evaluateAppExpression
simplifyExp :: Exp l -> Exp l
simplifyExp e = case removeParen e of
InfixApp l exp1 (QVarOp _ (UnQual _ (Symbol _ "$"))) exp2 -> App l exp1 exp2
-- Don't convert compose to apply
InfixApp _ _ (QVarOp _ (UnQual _ (Symbol _ "."))) _ -> e
App l (Var _ (UnQual _ (Symbol _ "<$>"))) arg
-> App l (makeVarExp l "fmap") arg
InfixApp l exp1 op exp2 -> App l (App l (qOpToExp op) exp1) exp2
LeftSection l exp1 op -> App l (qOpToExp op) exp1
x -> x
-- | Given two expressions f and x, where f is applied to x,
-- return the nesting depth if (f x) is rendered with
-- the (normal apply icon, compose apply icon)
applyComposeScoreHelper :: Exp l -> Exp l -> (Int, Int)
applyComposeScoreHelper :: SimpExp l -> SimpExp l -> (Int, Int)
applyComposeScoreHelper exp1 exp2 = (appScore, compScore) where
(e1App, e1Comp) = applyComposeScore exp1
(e2App, e2Comp) = applyComposeScore exp2
@ -395,96 +315,77 @@ applyComposeScoreHelper exp1 exp2 = (appScore, compScore) where
compScore = max leftComp rightComp
-- TODO Consider putting this logic in a separate "simplifyExpression" function.
-- | Returns the amount of nesting if the App is converted to
-- (applyNode, composeNode)
applyComposeScore :: Exp l -> (Int, Int)
applyComposeScore e = case simplifyExp e of
App _ exp1 exp2 -> applyComposeScoreHelper exp1 exp2
applyComposeScore :: SimpExp l -> (Int, Int)
applyComposeScore e = case e of
SeApp _ exp1 exp2 -> applyComposeScoreHelper exp1 exp2
_ -> (0, 0)
-- Todo add test for this function
-- | Given an App expression, return
-- (function, list of arguments)
appExpToFuncArgs :: Exp l -> (Exp l, [Exp l])
appExpToFuncArgs e = case simplifyExp e of
App _ exp1 exp2 -> (funExp, args <> [exp2])
appExpToFuncArgs :: SimpExp l -> (SimpExp l, [SimpExp l])
appExpToFuncArgs e = case e of
SeApp _ exp1 exp2 -> (funExp, args <> [exp2])
(funExp, args) = appExpToFuncArgs exp1
x -> (x, [])
-- | Given and App expression, return
-- (argument, list composed functions)
appExpToArgFuncs :: Exp l -> (Exp l, [Exp l])
appExpToArgFuncs e = case simplifyExp e of
App _ exp1 exp2 -> (argExp, funcs <> [exp1])
appExpToArgFuncs :: SimpExp l -> (SimpExp l, [SimpExp l])
appExpToArgFuncs e = case e of
SeApp _ exp1 exp2 -> (argExp, funcs <> [exp1])
(argExp, funcs) = appExpToArgFuncs exp2
simpleExp -> (simpleExp, [])
removeCompose :: l -> Exp l -> Exp l -> Exp l
removeCompose l f x = case removeParen f of
(InfixApp _ f1 (QVarOp _ (UnQual _ (Symbol _ "."))) f2)
-> App l f1 $ removeCompose l f2 x
_ -> App l f x
-- TODO Refactor this and all sub-expressions
evalApp :: Show l =>
l -> EvalContext -> Exp l -> Exp l -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalApp l c f e = if appScore <= compScore
then evalFunExpAndArgs c ApplyNodeFlavor (appExpToFuncArgs noComposeExp)
else evalFunExpAndArgs c ComposeNodeFlavor (appExpToArgFuncs noComposeExp)
EvalContext -> SimpExp l
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalApp c expr = case expr of
-- TODO This pattern for "." appears at least twice in this file. Refactor?
(SeApp _ (SeApp _ (SeName _ ".") _) _)
-> evalFunctionComposition c (compositionToList expr)
_ -> if appScore <= compScore
then evalFunExpAndArgs c ApplyNodeFlavor (appExpToFuncArgs expr)
else evalFunExpAndArgs c ComposeNodeFlavor (appExpToArgFuncs expr)
noComposeExp = removeCompose l f e
(appScore, compScore) = applyComposeScore noComposeExp
(appScore, compScore) = applyComposeScore expr
-- END evaluateAppExpression
evalIf :: Show l =>
-> Exp l
-> Exp l
-> Exp l
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalIf c boolExp trueExp falseExp = makeGuardGraph 2
-- Use (pure <$>) to put the evaluated expression in a single item list
(pure <$> evalExp c boolExp)
mapM (evalExp c) [trueExp, falseExp]
-- BEGIN evalGeneralLet
getBoundVarName :: Show l => Decl l -> [String]
-- TODO Should evalState be used here?
getBoundVarName (PatBind _ pat _ _)
= namesInPattern $ evalState (evalPattern pat) initialIdState
getBoundVarName (FunBind _ (Match _ name _ _ _:_)) = [nameToString name]
-- TODO: Other cases
getBoundVarName (TypeSig _ _ _) = []
getBoundVarName decl
= error $ "getBoundVarName: No pattern in case for " ++ show decl
getBoundVarName :: Show l => SimpDecl l -> [String]
getBoundVarName d = case d of
SdPatBind _ pat _ -> namesInPattern
-- TODO Should evalState be used here?
$ evalState (evalPattern pat) initialIdState
SdTypeSig _ _ _ -> []
evalBinds :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> Binds l -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, EvalContext)
evalBinds c (BDecls _ decls) =
evalDecls :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [SimpDecl l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, EvalContext)
evalDecls c decls =
boundNames = concatMap getBoundVarName decls
augmentedContext = boundNames <> c
(,augmentedContext) . mconcat <$> mapM (evalDecl augmentedContext) decls
evalBinds _ binds = error $ "Unsupported syntax in evalBinds: " <> show binds
evalGeneralLet :: Show l =>
(EvalContext -> State IDState GraphAndRef)
-> EvalContext
-> Binds l
evalLet :: Show l =>
-> [SimpDecl l]
-> SimpExp l
-> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalGeneralLet expOrRhsEvaler c bs = do
(bindGraph, bindContext) <- evalBinds c bs
expVal <- expOrRhsEvaler bindContext
evalLet c decls expr = do
(bindGraph, bindContext) <- evalDecls c decls
expVal <- evalExp bindContext expr
GraphAndRef expGraph expResult = expVal
newGraph = deleteBindings . makeEdges $ expGraph <> bindGraph
@ -493,30 +394,17 @@ evalGeneralLet expOrRhsEvaler c bs = do
-- END evalGeneralLet
evalLet :: Show l => EvalContext -> Binds l -> Exp l-> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalLet context binds e = evalGeneralLet (`evalExp` e) context binds
evalSelectorAndVal :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> SelectorAndVal l -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, GraphAndRef)
evalSelectorAndVal c SelectorAndVal{svSelector=sel, svVal=val}
= (,) <$> evalExp c sel <*> evalExp c val
-- BEGIN rhsWithBinds
evalStmt :: Show l => EvalContext -> Stmt l -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalStmt c (Qualifier _ e) = evalExp c e
evalStmt _ q = error $ "Unsupported syntax in evalStmt: " <> show q
evalStmts :: Show l => EvalContext -> [Stmt l] -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalStmts c [stmt] = evalStmt c stmt
evalStmts _ stmts = error $ "Unsupported syntax in evalStmts: " <> show stmts
evalGuardedRhs :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> GuardedRhs l -> State IDState (GraphAndRef, GraphAndRef)
evalGuardedRhs c (GuardedRhs _ stmts e)
= (,) <$> evalStmts c stmts <*> evalExp c e
evalGuardedRhss :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [GuardedRhs l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalGuardedRhss c rhss = let
evaledRhss = unzip <$> mapM (evalGuardedRhs c) rhss
evalGuard :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [SelectorAndVal l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalGuard c selectorsAndVals = let
evaledRhss = unzip <$> mapM (evalSelectorAndVal c) selectorsAndVals
makeGuardGraph (length rhss)
makeGuardGraph (length selectorsAndVals)
@ -524,33 +412,18 @@ evalGuardedRhss c rhss = let
fmap snd evaledRhss
-- | First argument is the right hand side.
-- The second arugement is a list of strings that are bound in the environment.
evalRhs :: Show l => EvalContext -> Rhs l -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalRhs c (UnGuardedRhs _ e) = evalExp c e
evalRhs c (GuardedRhss _ rhss) = grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalGuardedRhss c rhss
rhsWithBinds :: Show l =>
Maybe (Binds l) -> Rhs l -> EvalContext -> State IDState GraphAndRef
rhsWithBinds maybeWhereBinds rhs rhsContext = case maybeWhereBinds of
Nothing -> evalRhs rhsContext rhs
Just b -> evalGeneralLet (`evalRhs` rhs) rhsContext b
-- END rhsWithBinds
-- BEGIN evalCase
-- TODO patRhsAreConnected is sometimes incorrectly true if the pat is just a
-- name
evalPatAndRhs :: Show l =>
-- returns (combined graph, pattern reference, rhs reference)
evalAlt :: Show l =>
-> Pat l
-> Rhs l
-> Maybe (Binds l)
-> SimpAlt l
-> State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, Reference, Maybe String)
evalPatAndRhs c pat rhs maybeWhereBinds = do
evalAlt c (SimpAlt pat rhs) = do
((GraphAndRef patGraph patRef, mPatAsName), GraphAndRef rhsGraph rhsRef) <-
bindOrAltHelper c pat rhs maybeWhereBinds
bindOrAltHelper c pat rhs
grWithEdges = makeEdges (rhsGraph <> patGraph)
lookedUpRhsRef = lookupReference (sgBinds grWithEdges) rhsRef
@ -567,13 +440,6 @@ evalPatAndRhs c pat rhs maybeWhereBinds = do
, lookedUpRhsRef
, mPatAsName)
-- returns (combined graph, pattern reference, rhs reference)
evalAlt :: Show l =>
-> Exts.Alt l
-> State IDState (Bool, SyntaxGraph, Reference, Reference, Maybe String)
evalAlt c (Exts.Alt _ pat rhs maybeBinds) = evalPatAndRhs c pat rhs maybeBinds
evalCaseHelper ::
-> NodeName
@ -624,7 +490,8 @@ evalCaseHelper numAlts caseIconName resultIconNames
evalCase :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> Exp l -> [Alt l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
EvalContext -> SimpExp l -> [SimpAlt l]
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalCase c e alts =
numAlts = length alts
@ -641,104 +508,27 @@ evalCase c e alts =
-- END evalCase
evalTuple :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [Exp l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalTuple c exps =
numExps = length exps
makeApplyGraph numExps ApplyNodeFlavor False
(grNamePortToGrRef <$> makeBox (nTupleString numExps))
mapM (evalExp c) exps
evalTupleSection :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [Maybe (Exp l)] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalTupleSection c mExps =
exps = catMaybes mExps
expIsJustList = fmap isJust mExps
makeApplyGraph (length exps) ApplyNodeFlavor False
(grNamePortToGrRef <$> makeBox (nTupleSectionString expIsJustList))
mapM (evalExp c) exps
evalListExp :: Show l =>
l -> EvalContext -> [Exp l] -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalListExp _ _ [] = makeBox "[]"
evalListExp l c exps = evalFunExpAndArgs
(makeVarExp l . nListString . length $ exps, exps)
evalLeftSection :: Show l =>
l -> EvalContext -> Exp l -> QOp l -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalLeftSection l c e op = evalExp c $ App l (qOpToExp op) e
evalRightSection :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> QOp l -> Exp l -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalRightSection c op e =
makeApplyGraph 2 ApplyNodeFlavor False
evalExp c (qOpToExp op)
((\x y -> [x, y]) <$>
-- TODO: A better option would be for makeApplyGraph to take the list of
-- expressions as Maybes.
fmap (GraphAndRef mempty . Left) (getUniqueString "unusedArgument")
evalExp c e
-- evalEnums is only used by evalExp
evalEnums :: Show l =>
l -> EvalContext -> String -> [Exp l] -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalEnums l c s exps
= grNamePortToGrRef
<$> evalFunExpAndArgs c ApplyNodeFlavor (makeVarExp l s, exps)
desugarDo :: Show l => [Stmt l] -> Exp l
desugarDo [Qualifier _ e] = e
desugarDo (Qualifier l e : stmts) = InfixApp l e thenOp (desugarDo stmts)
where thenOp = makeQVarOp l ">>"
desugarDo (Generator l pat e : stmts) =
InfixApp l e (makeQVarOp l ">>=") (Lambda l [pat] (desugarDo stmts))
desugarDo (LetStmt l binds : stmts) = Let l binds (desugarDo stmts)
desugarDo stmts = error $ "Unsupported syntax in degugarDo: " <> show stmts
-- TODO: Finish evalRecConstr
evalRecConstr :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> QName l -> [Exts.FieldUpdate l] -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalRecConstr c qName _ = evalQName qName c
-- BEGIN generalEvalLambda
-- TODO Returning a SyntaxGraph is probably not very efficient
asBindGraphZipper :: Maybe String -> NameAndPort -> SyntaxGraph
asBindGraphZipper asName nameNPort = makeAsBindGraph (Right nameNPort) [asName]
generalEvalLambda :: Show l
=> EvalContext
-> [Pat l]
-> (EvalContext -> State IDState GraphAndRef)
-- TODO Refactor evalLambda
evalLambda :: Show l
=> l
-> EvalContext
-> [SimpPat l]
-> SimpExp l
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
generalEvalLambda context patterns rhsEvalFun = do
evalLambda _ context patterns expr = do
lambdaName <- getUniqueName
patternValsWithAsNames <- mapM evalPattern patterns
patternVals = fmap fst patternValsWithAsNames
patternStrings = concatMap namesInPattern patternValsWithAsNames
rhsContext = patternStrings <> context
GraphAndRef rhsRawGraph rhsRef <- rhsEvalFun rhsContext
GraphAndRef rhsRawGraph rhsRef <- evalExp rhsContext expr
paramNames = fmap patternName patternValsWithAsNames
enclosedNodeNames = snnName <$> sgNodes combinedGraph
@ -777,99 +567,23 @@ generalEvalLambda context patterns rhsEvalFun = do
-- END generalEvalLambda
evalLambda :: Show l =>
EvalContext -> [Pat l] -> Exp l -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalLambda c patterns e = generalEvalLambda c patterns (`evalExp` e)
evalExp :: Show l => EvalContext -> Exp l -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalExp :: Show l => EvalContext -> SimpExp l -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalExp c x = case x of
Var _ n -> evalQName n c
Con _ n -> evalQName n c
Lit _ l -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalLit l
InfixApp l e1 op e2 -> evalInfixApp l c e1 op e2
App l f arg -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalApp l c f arg
NegApp l e -> evalExp c (App l (makeVarExp l "negate") e)
Lambda _ patterns e -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalLambda c patterns e
Let _ bs e -> evalLet c bs e
If _ e1 e2 e3 -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalIf c e1 e2 e3
Case _ e alts -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalCase c e alts
Do _ stmts -> evalExp c (desugarDo stmts)
-- TODO special tuple symbol
Tuple _ _ exps -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalTuple c exps
TupleSection _ _ mExps -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalTupleSection c mExps
List l exps -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalListExp l c exps
Paren _ e -> evalExp c e
LeftSection l e op -> evalLeftSection l c e op
RightSection _ op e -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalRightSection c op e
RecConstr _ n updates -> evalRecConstr c n updates
-- TODO: Do RecUpdate correcly
RecUpdate _ e _ -> evalExp c e
EnumFrom l e -> evalEnums l c "enumFrom" [e]
EnumFromTo l e1 e2 -> evalEnums l c "enumFromTo" [e1, e2]
EnumFromThen l e1 e2 -> evalEnums l c "enumFromThen" [e1, e2]
EnumFromThenTo l e1 e2 e3 -> evalEnums l c "enumFromThenTo" [e1, e2, e3]
-- TODO: Add the type signiture to ExpTypeSig.
ExpTypeSig _ e _ -> evalExp c e
-- TODO: Add other cases
_ -> error $ "evalExp: No pattern in case for " ++ show x
SeName _ s -> strToGraphRef c s
SeLit _ lit -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalLit lit
SeApp _ _ _ -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalApp c x
SeLambda l patterns e -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalLambda l c patterns e
SeLet _ decls expr -> evalLet c decls expr
SeCase _ expr alts -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalCase c expr alts
SeGuard _ selectorsAndVals -> grNamePortToGrRef <$> evalGuard c selectorsAndVals
-- BEGIN evalDecl
-- BEGIN evalMatches
-- Only used by matchesToCase
matchToAlt :: Show l => Match l -> Alt l
matchToAlt (Match l _ mtaPats rhs binds) = Alt l altPattern rhs binds where
altPattern = case mtaPats of
[onePat] -> onePat
_ -> PTuple l Exts.Boxed mtaPats
matchToAlt match = error $ "Unsupported syntax in matchToAlt: " <> show match
matchesToCase :: Show l => Match l -> [Match l] -> Match l
matchesToCase match [] = match
matchesToCase firstMatch@(Match srcLoc funName pats _ _) restOfMatches = match
-- There is a special case in Icons.hs/makeLabelledPort to exclude " tempvar"
-- TODO use a data constructor for the special case instead of using string
-- matching for tempvars.
tempStrings = fmap (\x -> " tempvar" ++ show x) [0..(length pats - 1)]
tempPats = fmap (PVar srcLoc . Ident srcLoc) tempStrings
tempVars = fmap (makeVarExp srcLoc) tempStrings
tuple = Tuple srcLoc Exts.Boxed tempVars
caseExp = case tempVars of
[oneTempVar] -> Case srcLoc oneTempVar alts
_ -> Case srcLoc tuple alts
rhs = UnGuardedRhs srcLoc caseExp
match = Match srcLoc funName tempPats rhs Nothing
allMatches = firstMatch:restOfMatches
alts = fmap matchToAlt allMatches
matchesToCase firstMatch _
= error $ "Unsupported syntax in matchesToCase: " <> show firstMatch
evalMatch :: Show l => EvalContext -> Match l -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalMatch c (Match _ name patterns rhs maybeWhereBinds) = do
matchFunNameString = nameToString name
newContext = matchFunNameString : c
(lambdaGraph, lambdaPort) <-
generalEvalLambda newContext patterns (rhsWithBinds maybeWhereBinds rhs)
= bindsToSyntaxGraph [SgBind matchFunNameString (Right lambdaPort)]
pure $ makeEdges (newBinding <> lambdaGraph)
evalMatch _ match = error $ "Unsupported syntax in evalMatch: " <> show match
evalMatches :: Show l => EvalContext -> [Match l] -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalMatches _ [] = pure mempty
evalMatches c (firstMatch:restOfMatches)
= evalMatch c $ matchesToCase firstMatch restOfMatches
-- END evalMatches
evalPatBind :: Show l => EvalContext -> Decl l -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalPatBind c (PatBind _ pat rhs maybeWhereBinds) = do
evalPatBind :: Show l =>
l -> EvalContext -> SimpPat l -> SimpExp l -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalPatBind _ c pat e = do
((GraphAndRef patGraph patRef, mPatAsName), GraphAndRef rhsGraph rhsRef) <-
bindOrAltHelper c pat rhs maybeWhereBinds
bindOrAltHelper c pat e
(newEdges, newSinks, bindings) = case patRef of
(Left s) -> (mempty, mempty, [SgBind s rhsRef])
@ -879,12 +593,13 @@ evalPatBind c (PatBind _ pat rhs maybeWhereBinds) = do
asBindGraph = makeAsBindGraph rhsRef [mPatAsName]
gr = asBindGraph <> SyntaxGraph mempty newEdges newSinks bindings mempty
pure . makeEdges $ (gr <> rhsGraph <> patGraph)
evalPatBind _ decl = error $ "Unsupported syntax in evalPatBind: " <> show decl
-- Pretty printing the entire type sig results in extra whitespace in the middle
-- TODO May want to trim whitespace from (prettyPrint typeForNames)
evalTypeSig :: Show l => Decl l -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalTypeSig (TypeSig _ names typeForNames) = makeBox
evalTypeSig :: Show l =>
[Exts.Name l] -> Exts.Type l
-> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
evalTypeSig names typeForNames = makeBox
(intercalate "," (fmap prettyPrintWithoutNewlines names)
++ " :: "
++ prettyPrintWithoutNewlines typeForNames)
@ -892,17 +607,12 @@ evalTypeSig (TypeSig _ names typeForNames) = makeBox
-- TODO Make custom version of prettyPrint for type signitures.
-- Use (unwords . words) to convert consecutive whitspace characters to one
-- space.
prettyPrintWithoutNewlines = unwords . words . prettyPrint
evalTypeSig decl
= error $ "Unsupported syntax in evalTypeSig: " <> show decl
prettyPrintWithoutNewlines = unwords . words . Exts.prettyPrint
evalDecl :: Show l => EvalContext -> Decl l -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalDecl :: Show l => EvalContext -> SimpDecl l -> State IDState SyntaxGraph
evalDecl c d = case d of
PatBind _ _ _ _ -> evalPatBind c d
FunBind _ matches -> evalMatches c matches
TypeSig _ _ _ -> fst <$> evalTypeSig d
--TODO: Add other cases here
_ -> pure mempty
SdPatBind l pat e -> evalPatBind l c pat e
SdTypeSig _ names typeForNames -> fst <$> evalTypeSig names typeForNames
-- END evalDecl
@ -923,32 +633,32 @@ showTopLevelBinds gr = do
newGraph <- mconcat <$> mapM addBind binds
pure $ newGraph <> gr
translateDeclToSyntaxGraph :: Show l => Decl l -> SyntaxGraph
translateDeclToSyntaxGraph :: Show l => SimpDecl l -> SyntaxGraph
translateDeclToSyntaxGraph d = graph where
evaluatedDecl = evalDecl mempty d >>= showTopLevelBinds
graph = evalState evaluatedDecl initialIdState
-- | Convert a single function declaration into a SyntaxGraph
translateStringToSyntaxGraph :: String -> SyntaxGraph
translateStringToSyntaxGraph = translateDeclToSyntaxGraph . customParseDecl
translateStringToSyntaxGraph = translateDeclToSyntaxGraph . stringToSimpDecl
syntaxGraphToCollapsedGraph :: SyntaxGraph -> IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr
syntaxGraphToCollapsedGraph = collapseNodes . syntaxGraphToFglGraph
translateDeclToCollapsedGraph :: Show l => Decl l -> IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr
translateDeclToCollapsedGraph :: Show l => Exts.Decl l -> IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr
= syntaxGraphToCollapsedGraph . translateDeclToSyntaxGraph
= syntaxGraphToCollapsedGraph . translateDeclToSyntaxGraph . hsDeclToSimpDecl
-- Profiling: At one point, this was about 1.5% of total time.
translateStringToCollapsedGraphAndDecl ::
String -> (IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr, Decl Exts.SrcSpanInfo)
String -> (IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr, Exts.Decl Exts.SrcSpanInfo)
translateStringToCollapsedGraphAndDecl s = (drawing, decl) where
decl = customParseDecl s -- :: ParseResult Module
drawing = translateDeclToCollapsedGraph decl
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs :: Show l =>
Module l -> [IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr]
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs (Module _ _ _ _ decls)
Exts.Module l -> [IngSyntaxGraph FGR.Gr]
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs (Exts.Module _ _ _ _ decls)
= fmap translateDeclToCollapsedGraph decls
translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs moduleSyntax
= error $ "Unsupported syntax in translateModuleToCollapsedGraphs: "