Integrated text for tuples and sections.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-03-21 19:11:19 -07:00
parent 692577138d
commit 3852a8a492
2 changed files with 9 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -358,14 +358,14 @@ caseIcon ::(RealFloat n,
caseIcon = generalGuardIcon (patternC colorScheme) caseC caseResult
-- | The ports of flatLambdaIcon are:
-- 0: Optional result icon
-- 0: Result icon
-- 1: The lambda function value
-- 2,3.. : The parameters
flatLambda n = finalDia where
lambdaCircle = circle circleRadius # fc (regionPerimC colorScheme) # lc (regionPerimC colorScheme) # lwG defaultLineWidth
lambdaParts = (makePort 0 <> resultIcon) : (portIcons ++ [makePort 1 <> (alignR lambdaCircle)])
lambdaParts = (makePort 0 <> resultIcon) : (portIcons ++ [makePort 1 <> alignR lambdaCircle])
portIcons = take n $ map (\x -> makePort x <> portCircle) [2,3..]
middle = alignL (hsep 0.5 lambdaParts)
topAndBottomLineWidth = width middle - circleRadius
topAndBottomLine = hrule topAndBottomLineWidth # lc (regionPerimC colorScheme) # lwG defaultLineWidth # alignL
finalDia = topAndBottomLine <> (alignB $ topAndBottomLine <> (middle # alignT))
finalDia = topAndBottomLine <> alignB (topAndBottomLine <> (middle # alignT))

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@ -104,6 +104,10 @@ evalQOp :: QOp -> EvalContext -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalQOp (QVarOp n) = evalQName n
evalQOp (QConOp n) = evalQName n
qOpToString :: QOp -> String
qOpToString (QVarOp n) = qNameToString n
qOpToString (QConOp n) = qNameToString n
makeTextApplyGraph :: Bool -> DIA.Name -> String -> [(IconGraph, Reference)] -> Int -> (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
makeTextApplyGraph inPattern applyIconName funStr argVals numArgs = (newGraph <> combinedGraph, nameAndPort applyIconName 1)
@ -301,9 +305,8 @@ evalCase c e alts = do
evalTuple :: EvalContext -> [Exp] -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalTuple c exps = do
argVals <- mapM (evalExp c) exps
funVal <- makeBox $ nTupleString (length exps)
applyIconName <- DIA.toName <$> getUniqueName "tupleApp"
pure $ makeApplyGraph False applyIconName (fmap Right funVal) argVals (length exps)
pure $ makeTextApplyGraph False applyIconName (nTupleString (length exps)) argVals (length exps)
makeVarExp = Var . UnQual . Ident
@ -317,11 +320,10 @@ evalLeftSection c e op = evalApp c (qOpToExp op, [e])
evalRightSection:: EvalContext -> QOp -> Exp -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalRightSection c op e = do
expVal <- evalExp c e
funVal <- evalQOp op c
applyIconName <- DIA.toName <$> getUniqueName "tupleApp"
-- TODO: A better option would be for makeApplyGraph to take the list of expressions as Maybes.
neverUsedPort <- Left <$> getUniqueName "unusedArgument"
pure $ makeApplyGraph False applyIconName funVal [(mempty, neverUsedPort), expVal] 2
pure $ makeTextApplyGraph False applyIconName (qOpToString op) [(mempty, neverUsedPort), expVal] 2
-- evalEnums is only used by evalExp
evalEnums :: EvalContext -> String -> [Exp] -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)