Add NegExp, List patterns, changes for bootstrapping.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-03-05 22:26:03 -08:00
parent 1de078336e
commit 5818f286e6
3 changed files with 39 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Translate(translateString, drawingsFromModule)
-- Consider using seperate parameter icons in functions.
-- Make constructors in patterns PatternColor.
-- Add function name and type to LambdaIcons.
-- Add proper RecConstr, and RecUpdate support.
-- Let each bool, value pair in Guard icon be flipped to reduce line crossings. Do the same for case.
-- Add text field to Apply. Also redraw text and icon when it is rotated so that the characters stay oriented.
-- Eliminate BranchIcon in Alts.
@ -286,6 +287,12 @@ specialTests = [
"yyyyy = fffff xxxxx"
negateTests = [
"y = -1",
"y = -1/2",
"y = -x"
doTests = [
"y = do {x1}",
"y = do {x1; x2}",
@ -313,7 +320,11 @@ listTests = [
"y = []",
"y = [1]",
"y = [1,2]",
"y = [1,2,3]"
"y = [1,2,3]",
"[x] = 1",
"[x, y] = 2",
"[x, y, z] = 3"
-- TODO: Add this test "(x:y) = 3"
caseTests = [
@ -348,7 +359,8 @@ patternTests = [
"y = let {t@(_,_) = (3,4)} in t + 3",
"y = let {(x, y) = (1,2)} in x + y",
-- TODO: Fix so that lines between patterns are Pattern Color.
"y = let {(x, y) = (1,2); (z, w) = x; (m, g) = y} in foo x y z w m g"
"y = let {(x, y) = (1,2); (z, w) = x; (m, g) = y} in foo x y z w m g",
"(x:y) = 2"
lambdaTests = [
@ -423,7 +435,8 @@ otherTests = [
testDecls = mconcat [
@ -431,7 +444,7 @@ testDecls = mconcat [
, listTests
@ -464,7 +477,6 @@ main5 :: IO ()
main5 = do
parseResult <- Exts.parseFileWithExts [Exts.EnableExtension Exts.MultiParamTypeClasses, Exts.EnableExtension Exts.FlexibleContexts]
parsedModule = Exts.fromParseResult parseResult
drawings = drawingsFromModule parsedModule

View File

@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ getArrowOpts (t, h) opts = arrowOptions
with & arrowHead .~ noHead
& arrowTail .~ noTail
& lengths .~ global 0.75
& shaftStyle %~ lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (shaftColor colorScheme)
-- this parenthesis "%~ (lwG .. colorScheme))" is necessary for haskell-src-exts to parse the file.
& shaftStyle %~ (lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (shaftColor colorScheme))
& lookupTail t & lookupHead h
-- | Given an Edge, return a transformation on Diagrams that will draw a line.

View File

@ -70,17 +70,20 @@ evalPAsPat n p = do
(evaledPatGraph, evaledPatRef) <- evalPattern p
newBind = [(nameToString n, evaledPatRef)]
newGraph = mempty{igBindings = newBind}
newGraph = IconGraph mempty mempty mempty mempty newBind
pure (newGraph <> evaledPatGraph, evaledPatRef)
evalPattern :: Pat -> State IDState GraphAndRef
evalPattern p = case p of
PVar n -> pure (mempty, Left $ nameToString n)
PLit s l -> fmap Right <$> evalPLit s l
PInfixApp p1 qName p2 -> evalPattern (PApp qName [p1, p2])
PApp name patterns -> fmap Right <$> evalPApp name patterns
-- TODO special tuple handling.
PTuple _ patterns ->
fmap Right <$> evalPApp (Exts.UnQual . Ident . nTupleString . length $ patterns) patterns
PList patterns ->
fmap Right <$> evalPApp (Exts.UnQual . Ident . nListString . length $ patterns) patterns
PParen pat -> evalPattern pat
PAsPat n subPat -> evalPAsPat n subPat
PWildCard -> fmap Right <$> makeBox "_"
@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ getBoundVarName :: Decl -> [String]
getBoundVarName (PatBind _ pat _ _) = namesInPattern $ evalState (evalPattern pat) initialIdState
getBoundVarName (FunBind (Match _ name _ _ _ _:_)) = [nameToString name]
-- TODO: Other cases
getBoundVarName TypeSig{} = []
getBoundVarName (TypeSig _ _ _) = []
getBoundVarName decl = error $ "getBoundVarName: No pattern in case for " ++ show decl
--TODO: Should this call makeEdges?
@ -279,9 +282,11 @@ evalTuple c exps = do
applyIconName <- DIA.toName <$> getUniqueName "tupleApp"
pure $ makeApplyGraph False applyIconName (fmap Right funVal) argVals (length exps)
makeVarExp = Var . UnQual . Ident
evalListExp :: EvalContext -> [Exp] -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalListExp c [] = makeBox "[]"
evalListExp c exps = evalApp c (Var . UnQual . Ident . nListString . length $ exps, exps)
evalListExp c exps = evalApp c (makeVarExp . nListString . length $ exps, exps)
evalLeftSection :: EvalContext -> Exp -> QOp -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalLeftSection c e op = evalApp c (qOpToExp op, [e])
@ -309,13 +314,18 @@ desugarDo (Generator srcLoc pat e : stmts) =
InfixApp e (makeQVarOp ">>=") (Lambda srcLoc [pat] (desugarDo stmts))
desugarDo (LetStmt binds : stmts) = Let binds (desugarDo stmts)
-- TODO: Finish evalRecConstr
evalRecConstr :: EvalContext -> QName -> [Exts.FieldUpdate] -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalRecConstr c qName updates = evalQName qName c
evalExp :: EvalContext -> Exp -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalExp c x = case x of
Var n -> evalQName n c
Con n -> evalQName n c
Lit l -> fmap Right <$> evalLit l
InfixApp e1 op e2 -> fmap Right <$> evalInfixApp c e1 op e2
e@App{} -> fmap Right <$> evalApp c (simplifyApp e)
e@(App _ _) -> fmap Right <$> evalApp c (simplifyApp e)
NegApp e -> evalExp c (App (makeVarExp "negate") e)
Lambda _ patterns e -> fmap Right <$> evalLambda c patterns e
Let bs e -> evalLet c bs e
If e1 e2 e3 -> fmap Right <$> evalIf c e1 e2 e3
@ -327,10 +337,15 @@ evalExp c x = case x of
Paren e -> evalExp c e
LeftSection e op -> fmap Right <$> evalLeftSection c e op
RightSection op e -> fmap Right <$> evalRightSection c op e
RecConstr n updates -> evalRecConstr c n updates
-- TODO: Do RecUpdate correcly
RecUpdate e updates -> evalExp c e
EnumFrom e -> evalEnums c "enumFrom" [e]
EnumFromTo e1 e2 -> evalEnums c "enumFromTo" [e1, e2]
EnumFromThen e1 e2 -> evalEnums c "enumFromThen" [e1, e2]
EnumFromThenTo e1 e2 e3 -> evalEnums c "enumFromThenTo" [e1, e2, e3]
-- TODO: Add the type signiture to ExpTypeSig.
ExpTypeSig _ e _ -> evalExp c e
-- TODO: Add other cases
_ -> error $ "evalExp: No pattern in case for " ++ show x
@ -452,7 +467,7 @@ evalMatches c (firstMatch:restOfMatches) = matchesToCase firstMatch restOfMatche
evalDecl :: EvalContext -> Decl -> State IDState IconGraph
evalDecl c d = evaluatedDecl where
evaluatedDecl = case d of
pat@PatBind{} -> evalPatBind c pat
pat@(PatBind _ _ _ _) -> evalPatBind c pat
FunBind matches -> evalMatches c matches
--TODO: Add other cases here
_ -> pure mempty