Evaluate Int literals.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-02-18 20:34:08 -08:00
parent 99109bb57e
commit 694f73650a
3 changed files with 27 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ lineCol :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Colour a
lineCol = lineC colorScheme
-- Optimization: The apply0NDia's can be memoized.
iconToDiagram ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b,
Renderable (Text n) b) =>

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@ -260,6 +260,8 @@ main3 = do
testDecls = [
"fact x = if ((==) 0 x) then 1 else (fact x ((-) 1 x))",
"y x = if x then (if z then q else x) else w",
"y x1 x2 x3 = if f x1 then g x2 else h x3",
"y x1 x2 x3 = if x1 then x2 else x3",
"y = if b then x else n",
@ -269,20 +271,20 @@ testDecls = [
"y = (\\x1 -> (\\x2 -> (\\x3 -> x1 x2 x3)))",
"y x = (\\z -> x)",
"y = (\\x -> (\\z -> x))",
"y x = x"
-- "y x = y x",
-- "y x = g y y",
-- "y f x = f x",
-- "y x = x y"
-- "y x1 x2 = f x1 x3 x2",
-- "y x1 x2 = f x1 x2",
-- "y x = f x1 x2",
-- "y2 = f x1 x2 x3 x4",
-- "y = x",
-- "y = f x",
-- "y = f (g x)",
-- "y = f (g x1 x2) x3",
-- "y = (f x1 x2) (g x1 x2)"
"y x = x",
"y x = y x",
"y x = g y y",
"y f x = f x",
"y x = x y",
"y x1 x2 = f x1 x3 x2",
"y x1 x2 = f x1 x2",
"y x = f x1 x2",
"y2 = f x1 x2 x3 x4",
"y = x",
"y = f x",
"y = f (g x)",
"y = f (g x1 x2) x3",
"y = (f x1 x2) (g x1 x2)"
translateStringToDrawing :: String -> IO (Diagram B)

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Diagrams.Prelude((<>))
import Language.Haskell.Exts(Decl(..), parseDecl,
Name(..), Pat(..), Rhs(..), Exp(..), QName(..), fromParseResult, Match(..)) --(parseFile, parse, ParseResult, Module)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Exts
import Control.Monad.State(State, evalState)
import Data.List(partition)
import qualified Control.Arrow
@ -90,6 +91,13 @@ evalIf c e1 e2 e3 = do
newGraph = IconGraph icons mempty mempty mempty <> combinedGraph
pure (newGraph, NameAndPort guardName (Just 0))
evalLit :: Exts.Literal -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalLit (Exts.Int x) = do
let str = show x
name <- DIA.toName <$> getUniqueName str
let graph = IconGraph [(DIA.toName name, TextBoxIcon str)] mempty mempty mempty
pure (graph, justName name)
evalExp :: EvalContext -> Exp -> State IDState (Either String (IconGraph, NameAndPort))
evalExp c x = case x of
Var n -> pure $ evalQName n c
@ -97,6 +105,7 @@ evalExp c x = case x of
Paren e -> evalExp c e
Lambda _ patterns e -> Right <$> evalLambda c patterns e
If e1 e2 e3 -> Right <$> evalIf c e1 e2 e3
Lit l -> Right <$> evalLit l
-- TODO other cases
-- | This is used by the rhs for identity (eg. y x = x)
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@ evalDecl d = iconGraphToDrawing $ evalState evaluatedDecl initialIdState where
FunBind matches -> evalMatches matches
-- TODO other cases
-- Profiling: about 1.5% of time.
translateString :: String -> (Drawing, Decl)
translateString s = (drawing, decl) where
parseResult = parseDecl s -- :: ParseResult Module