Add ingSyntaxGraphtoDrawing, and add case for NestedApplyNode to nodeToIcon.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-11-21 17:20:18 -08:00
parent deb999a71b
commit 69f6a6c4f2
2 changed files with 32 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ module TranslateCore(
) where
import Data.Semigroup(Semigroup, (<>))
@ -30,11 +31,13 @@ import Control.Monad.State(State)
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Control.Arrow(second)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as ING
import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz as DiaGV
import Data.List(find)
import Types(Icon, SyntaxNode(..), Edge(..), EdgeOption(..), Drawing(..),
NameAndPort(..), IDState, getId, SgNamedNode)
import Util(noEnds, nameAndPort, makeSimpleEdge, justName, fromMaybeError)
NameAndPort(..), IDState, getId, SgNamedNode, IngSyntaxGraph)
import Util(noEnds, nameAndPort, makeSimpleEdge, justName, fromMaybeError, maybeBoolToBool)
import Icons(Icon(..))
@ -173,6 +176,7 @@ nListString n = '[' : replicate (n -1) ',' ++ "]"
nodeToIcon :: SyntaxNode -> Icon
nodeToIcon (ApplyNode n) = ApplyAIcon n
nodeToIcon (NestedApplyNode x edges) = nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon x edges
nodeToIcon (PatternApplyNode s n) = PAppIcon n s
nodeToIcon (NameNode s) = TextBoxIcon s
nodeToIcon (LiteralNode s) = TextBoxIcon s
@ -182,6 +186,21 @@ nodeToIcon (CaseNode n) = CaseIcon n
nodeToIcon BranchNode = BranchIcon
nodeToIcon CaseResultNode = CaseResultIcon
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon :: Int -> [(SgNamedNode, Edge)] -> Icon
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon numArgs args = NestedApply argList where
-- argList should be of length numArgs + 1, since argList includes the function expression
-- port 0 is the function, ports 2..(numArgs+1) are the arguments
argList = fmap makeArg (0:[2..numArgs + 1])
makeArg port = case find (findArg port) args of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ((argName, argSyntaxNode), _) -> Just (argName, nodeToIcon argSyntaxNode)
findArg :: Int -> (SgNamedNode, Edge) -> Bool
findArg currentPort ((argName, _), Edge _ _ (NameAndPort fromName fromPort, NameAndPort toName toPort))
| argName == fromName = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap (== currentPort) toPort
| argName == toName = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap (== currentPort) fromPort
| otherwise = False -- This case should never happen
syntaxGraphToFglGraph :: SyntaxGraph -> FGR.Gr SgNamedNode Edge
syntaxGraphToFglGraph (SyntaxGraph nodes edges _ _) =
DiaGV.mkGraph nodes labeledEdges where
@ -199,4 +218,7 @@ syntaxGraphToDrawing (SyntaxGraph nodes edges sources sinks) =
Drawing icons edges [] where
icons = fmap (second nodeToIcon) nodes
-- TODO Add ingSyntaxGraphToDrawing :: IngSyntaxGraph gr -> Drawing
ingSyntaxGraphToDrawing :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> Drawing
ingSyntaxGraphToDrawing syntaxGraph = Drawing icons edges [] where
icons = ((second nodeToIcon) . snd) <$> ING.labNodes syntaxGraph
edges = ING.edgeLabel <$> ING.labEdges syntaxGraph

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@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ module Util (
import Control.Arrow(first)
@ -74,3 +75,7 @@ printSelf a = Debug.Trace.trace (show a ++ "\n\n") a
eitherToMaybes :: Either a b -> (Maybe a, Maybe b)
eitherToMaybes (Left x) = (Just x, Nothing)
eitherToMaybes (Right y) = (Nothing, Just y)
-- | (Just True) = True, Nothing = False
maybeBoolToBool :: Maybe Bool -> Bool
maybeBoolToBool = or