Extract the TransformableDia parameters to TransformParams.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2018-11-02 01:52:26 -07:00
parent 7a854d9679
commit 6f18d5f96d
4 changed files with 257 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module Icons
@ -36,10 +37,19 @@ import DrawingColors(colorScheme, ColorStyle(..))
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use record patterns" #-}
-- TYPES --
-- | A TransformableDia is a function that returns a diagram for an icon when given
-- the icon's name, its nesting depth, whether it will be reflected, and by what
-- angle it will be rotated.
type TransformableDia b n = NodeName -> Int -> Bool -> Angle n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
data TransformParams n = TransformParams {
tpName :: NodeName -- The icon's name
, tpNestingDepth :: Int -- The icon's nesting depth
, tpIsReflected :: Bool -- If the icon will be reflected
, tpAngle :: Angle n -- By what angle will the icon be rotated
-- | A TransformableDia is a function that returns a diagram for an icon when
-- given the icon's name, its nesting depth, whether it will be reflected, and
-- by what angle it will be rotated.
type TransformableDia b n = TransformParams n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
defaultLineWidth :: (Fractional a) => a
@ -61,7 +71,8 @@ iconToDiagram icon = case icon of
nestedApplyDia ApplyNodeFlavor Nothing $ replicate (1 + n) Nothing
ComposeIcon n ->
nestedApplyDia ComposeNodeFlavor Nothing $ replicate (1 + n) Nothing
PAppIcon n str -> generalTextAppDia (patternTextC colorScheme) (patternC colorScheme) n str
PAppIcon n str ->
generalTextAppDia (patternTextC colorScheme) (patternC colorScheme) n str
TextBoxIcon s -> textBox s
BindTextBoxIcon s -> identDiaFunc $ bindTextBox s
GuardIcon n -> nestedGuardDia $ replicate (1 + (2 * n)) Nothing
@ -111,7 +122,8 @@ findIcon name args = icon where
Nothing -> listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ fmap findSubSubIcon filteredArgs
Just (argNum, NamedIcon _ finalIcon) -> Just (argNum, finalIcon)
findSubSubIcon (argNum, NamedIcon _ subIcon) = case findNestedIcon name subIcon of
findSubSubIcon (argNum, NamedIcon _ subIcon)
= case findNestedIcon name subIcon of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> Just (argNum, x)
@ -133,7 +145,11 @@ reflectXAngle x = reflectedAngle where
reflectedAngle = (-) <$> halfTurn <*> normalizedAngle
-- TODO reflect the angles for the right side sub-icons
nestedGuardPortAngles :: SpecialNum n => [Maybe NamedIcon] -> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
nestedGuardPortAngles :: SpecialNum n =>
[Maybe NamedIcon]
-> Port
-> Maybe NodeName
-> [Angle n]
nestedGuardPortAngles args port maybeNodeName = case maybeNodeName of
Nothing -> guardPortAngles port
Just name -> case findIcon name args of
@ -223,14 +239,19 @@ argumentPorts n = case n of
-- | Make an identity TransformableDia
identDiaFunc :: SpecialNum n => SpecialQDiagram b n -> TransformableDia b n
identDiaFunc dia name _ _ _ = nameDiagram name dia
identDiaFunc dia transformParams = nameDiagram (tpName transformParams) dia
-- | Names the diagram and puts all sub-names in the namespace of the top level name.
nameDiagram :: SpecialNum n => NodeName -> SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
-- | Names the diagram and puts all sub-names in the namespace of the top level
-- name.
nameDiagram :: SpecialNum n =>
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
nameDiagram name dia = named name (name .>> dia)
-- | Make an port with an integer name. Always use <> to add a ports (not === or |||)
--- since mempty has no size and will not be placed where you want it.
-- | Make an port with an integer name. Always use <> to add a ports
-- (not === or |||) since mempty has no size and will not be placed where you
-- want it.
makePort :: SpecialNum n => Port -> SpecialQDiagram b n
makePort x = named x mempty
--makePort x = circle 0.2 # fc green # named x
@ -259,10 +280,12 @@ makeLabelledPort name reflect angle str portNum = case str of
-- BEGIN Sub-diagrams --
apply0Triangle :: SpecialBackend b n => Colour Double -> SpecialQDiagram b n
apply0Triangle col = fc col $ lw none $ rotateBy (-1/12) $ eqTriangle (2 * circleRadius)
apply0Triangle col
= fc col $ lw none $ rotateBy (-1/12) $ eqTriangle (2 * circleRadius)
composeSemiCircle :: SpecialBackend b n => Colour Double -> SpecialQDiagram b n
composeSemiCircle col = lc col $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ wedge circleRadius yDir halfTurn
composeSemiCircle col
= lc col $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ wedge circleRadius yDir halfTurn
portCircle :: SpecialBackend b n => SpecialQDiagram b n
portCircle = lw none $ fc lineCol $ circle (circleRadius * 0.5)
@ -285,27 +308,48 @@ coloredApplyADia ::
Colour Double -> Int -> SpecialQDiagram b n
coloredApplyADia appColor n = centerXY finalDia where
trianglePortsCircle = hcat [
reflectX (apply0Triangle appColor),
hcat $ take n $ map (\x -> makePort x <> portCircle <> strutX (circleRadius * 1.5)) argPortsConst,
makePort resultPortConst <> alignR (lc appColor $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc appColor $ circle circleRadius)
reflectX (apply0Triangle appColor)
, hcat $ take n
$ map
(\x -> makePort x <> portCircle <> strutX (circleRadius * 1.5))
, makePort resultPortConst
<> alignR
(lc appColor $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc appColor $ circle circleRadius)
allPorts = makePort inputPortConst <> alignL trianglePortsCircle
topAndBottomLineWidth = width allPorts - circleRadius
topAndBottomLine = alignL $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc appColor $ hrule topAndBottomLineWidth
= alignL $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc appColor $ hrule topAndBottomLineWidth
finalDia = topAndBottomLine === allPorts === topAndBottomLine
generalTextAppDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Int -> String -> TransformableDia b n
generalTextAppDia textCol borderCol numArgs str name _ reflect angle = nameDiagram name rotateDia where
rotateDia = transformCorrectedTextBox str textCol borderCol reflect angle |||
(TransformParams name _ reflect angle)
= nameDiagram name rotateDia
rotateDia =
transformCorrectedTextBox str textCol borderCol reflect angle
coloredApplyADia borderCol numArgs
-- TODO Refactor with generalNestedDia
nestedPAppDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
[Colour Double] -> [(Maybe NamedIcon, String)] -> TransformableDia b n
nestedPAppDia borderCols funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = named name $ case funcNodeNameAndArgs of
(TransformParams name nestingLevel reflect angle)
= named name $
case funcNodeNameAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
(maybeFunText:args) -> centerXY $ centerY finalDia ||| transformedText ||| resultCircleAndPort
(maybeFunText:args) ->
centerXY $ centerY finalDia ||| transformedText ||| resultCircleAndPort
borderCol = borderCols !! nestingLevel
@ -314,21 +358,43 @@ nestedPAppDia borderCols funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = n
(Nothing, _) -> mempty
separation = circleRadius * 1.5
verticalSeparation = circleRadius
resultCircleAndPort = makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst <> alignR (lc borderCol $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc borderCol $ circle circleRadius)
= makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst
<> alignR
(lc borderCol
$ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc borderCol $ circle circleRadius)
triangleAndPorts = vsep separation $
rotate quarterTurn (apply0Triangle borderCol) :
zipWith (makeInnerIcon False) argPortsConst args
allPorts = makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst <> alignT triangleAndPorts -- alignL (strutX separation ||| trianglePortsCircle)
= makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst <> alignT triangleAndPorts
-- alignL (strutX separation ||| trianglePortsCircle)
topAndBottomLineWidth = width allPorts
-- boxHeight = height
argBox = alignT $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc borderCol $ roundedRect topAndBottomLineWidth (height allPorts + verticalSeparation) (circleRadius * 0.5)
= alignT $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc borderCol
$ roundedRect
(height allPorts + verticalSeparation)
(circleRadius * 0.5)
finalDia = argBox <> allPorts
makeInnerIcon _ portNum (Nothing, str) = centerX $ makeLabelledPort name reflect angle str portNum
makeInnerIcon True _ (Just (NamedIcon _ (TextBoxIcon t)), _) = transformCorrectedTextBox t (textBoxTextC colorScheme) borderCol reflect angle
makeInnerIcon func _ (Just (NamedIcon iconNodeName icon), _) = iconToDiagram icon iconNodeName innerLevel reflect angle where
makeInnerIcon _ portNum (Nothing, str)
= centerX $ makeLabelledPort name reflect angle str portNum
makeInnerIcon True _ (Just (NamedIcon _ (TextBoxIcon t)), _)
= transformCorrectedTextBox
(textBoxTextC colorScheme)
makeInnerIcon func _ (Just (NamedIcon iconNodeName icon), _)
= iconToDiagram
(TransformParams iconNodeName innerLevel reflect angle)
innerLevel = if func then nestingLevel else nestingLevel + 1
generalNestedDia :: SpecialBackend b n
@ -337,7 +403,13 @@ generalNestedDia :: SpecialBackend b n
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
generalNestedDia dia borderCols maybeFunText funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = named name $ case funcNodeNameAndArgs of
(TransformParams name nestingLevel reflect angle)
= named name $ case funcNodeNameAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
args -> centerXY $ transformedText ||| centerY finalDia
@ -351,16 +423,37 @@ generalNestedDia dia borderCols maybeFunText funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLev
trianglePortsCircle = hsep seperation $
reflectX (dia borderCol) :
zipWith (makeInnerIcon False) argPortsConst args ++
[makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst <> alignR (lc borderCol $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc borderCol $ circle circleRadius)]
[makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst
<> alignR
(lc borderCol $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc borderCol
$ circle circleRadius)
allPorts = makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst <> alignL trianglePortsCircle
= makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst <> alignL trianglePortsCircle
topAndBottomLineWidth = width allPorts - circleRadius
argBox = alignL $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc borderCol $ roundedRect topAndBottomLineWidth (height allPorts + verticalSeperation) (circleRadius * 0.5)
= alignL $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc borderCol
$ roundedRect
(height allPorts + verticalSeperation)
(circleRadius * 0.5)
finalDia = argBox <> allPorts
makeInnerIcon _ portNum Nothing = makeQualifiedPort name portNum <> portCircle
makeInnerIcon True _ (Just (NamedIcon _ (TextBoxIcon t))) = transformCorrectedTextBox t (textBoxTextC colorScheme) borderCol reflect angle
makeInnerIcon func _ (Just (NamedIcon iconNodeName icon)) = iconToDiagram icon iconNodeName innerLevel reflect angle where
makeInnerIcon _ portNum Nothing
= makeQualifiedPort name portNum <> portCircle
makeInnerIcon True _ (Just (NamedIcon _ (TextBoxIcon t)))
= transformCorrectedTextBox
(textBoxTextC colorScheme)
makeInnerIcon func _ (Just (NamedIcon iconNodeName icon))
= iconToDiagram
(TransformParams iconNodeName innerLevel reflect angle)
innerLevel = if func then nestingLevel else nestingLevel + 1
nestedApplyDia :: SpecialBackend b n
@ -370,7 +463,8 @@ nestedApplyDia :: SpecialBackend b n
-> TransformableDia b n
nestedApplyDia flavor = case flavor of
ApplyNodeFlavor -> generalNestedDia apply0Triangle (nestingC colorScheme)
ComposeNodeFlavor -> generalNestedDia composeSemiCircle (repeat $ apply1C colorScheme)
ComposeNodeFlavor ->
generalNestedDia composeSemiCircle (repeat $ apply1C colorScheme)
-- END Apply like diagrams
@ -402,7 +496,8 @@ textFont = "monospace"
rectForText :: (InSpace V2 n t, TrailLike t) => Int -> t
rectForText n = rect rectangleWidth (textBoxFontSize * textBoxHeightFactor)
rectangleWidth = (fromIntegral n * textBoxFontSize * monoLetterWidthToHeightFraction)
= (fromIntegral n * textBoxFontSize * monoLetterWidthToHeightFraction)
+ (textBoxFontSize * 0.3)
-- END Text helper functions
@ -410,7 +505,10 @@ rectForText n = rect rectangleWidth (textBoxFontSize * textBoxHeightFactor)
commentTextArea :: SpecialBackend b n =>
Colour Double -> String -> SpecialQDiagram b n
commentTextArea textColor t =
alignL $ fontSize (local textBoxFontSize) (font textFont $ fc textColor $ topLeftText t)
$ fontSize
(local textBoxFontSize)
(font textFont $ fc textColor $ topLeftText t)
<> alignTL (lw none $ rectForText (length t))
multilineComment :: SpecialBackend b n =>
@ -426,30 +524,53 @@ coloredTextBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
Colour Double
-> AlphaColour Double -> String -> SpecialQDiagram b n
coloredTextBox textColor boxColor t =
fontSize (local textBoxFontSize) (bold $ font textFont $ fc textColor $ text t)
<> lwG (0.6 * defaultLineWidth) (lcA boxColor $ fcA (withOpacity (backgroundC colorScheme) 0.5) $ rectForText (length t))
(local textBoxFontSize)
(bold $ font textFont $ fc textColor $ text t)
<> lwG
(0.6 * defaultLineWidth)
(lcA boxColor
$ fcA (withOpacity (backgroundC colorScheme) 0.5) $ rectForText (length t))
transformCorrectedTextBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
String -> Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Bool -> Angle n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
-> Colour Double
-> Colour Double
-> Bool
-> Angle n
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
transformCorrectedTextBox str textCol borderCol reflect angle =
rotateBy textBoxRotation (reflectIfTrue reflect (coloredTextBox textCol (opaque borderCol) str))
(reflectIfTrue reflect (coloredTextBox textCol (opaque borderCol) str))
-- If normalizeAngle is slow, the commented out function reduceAngleRange might be faster
-- If normalizeAngle is slow, the commented out function reduceAngleRange
-- might be faster.
reducedAngle = normalizeAngle angle ^. turn
textBoxRotation = if (reducedAngle > (1/4)) && (reducedAngle < (3/4)) then 1 / 2 else 0
reflectIfTrue shouldReflect dia = if shouldReflect then reflectX dia else dia
= if (reducedAngle > (1/4)) && (reducedAngle < (3/4)) then 1 / 2 else 0
reflectIfTrue shouldReflect dia
= if shouldReflect then reflectX dia else dia
transformableBindTextBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
String -> Bool -> Angle n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
transformableBindTextBox str = transformCorrectedTextBox str (bindTextBoxTextC colorScheme) (bindTextBoxC colorScheme)
transformableBindTextBox str
= transformCorrectedTextBox
(bindTextBoxTextC colorScheme)
(bindTextBoxC colorScheme)
bindTextBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
String -> SpecialQDiagram b n
bindTextBox = coloredTextBox (bindTextBoxTextC colorScheme) $ opaque (bindTextBoxC colorScheme)
= coloredTextBox (bindTextBoxTextC colorScheme)
$ opaque (bindTextBoxC colorScheme)
textBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
String -> TransformableDia b n
textBox t name _ reflect angle = nameDiagram name $ transformCorrectedTextBox t (textBoxTextC colorScheme) (textBoxC colorScheme) reflect angle
textBox t (TransformParams name _ reflect angle)
= nameDiagram name $ transformCorrectedTextBox
t (textBoxTextC colorScheme) (textBoxC colorScheme) reflect angle
-- END Text boxes and icons
@ -460,10 +581,14 @@ guardSize = 0.7
guardTriangle :: SpecialBackend b n =>
SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
guardTriangle portDia =
alignL $ alignR (triangleAndPort ||| lwG defaultLineWidth (hrule (guardSize * 0.8))) <> portDia
$ alignR (triangleAndPort ||| lwG defaultLineWidth (hrule (guardSize * 0.8)))
<> portDia
triangleAndPort = alignR $ alignT $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ rotateBy (1/8) $
polygon (polyType .~ PolySides [90 @@ deg, 45 @@ deg] [guardSize, guardSize] $ with)
(polyType .~ PolySides [90 @@ deg, 45 @@ deg] [guardSize, guardSize]
$ with)
-- | generalNestedGuard port layout:
-- 0 -> top
@ -476,7 +601,9 @@ generalNestedGuard :: SpecialBackend b n
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
generalNestedGuard triangleColor lBracket bottomDia inputAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = named name $ case inputAndArgs of
generalNestedGuard triangleColor lBracket bottomDia inputAndArgs
(TransformParams name nestingLevel reflect angle)
= named name $ case inputAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
input : args -> centerXY finalDia where
finalDia = alignT (bottomDia <> makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst)
@ -491,19 +618,26 @@ generalNestedGuard triangleColor lBracket bottomDia inputAndArgs name nestingLev
port = makeQualifiedPort name (Port portNum)
(lBrackets, trianglesWithPorts) = partitionEithers $ zipWith iconMapper argPortsConst args
(lBrackets, trianglesWithPorts)
= partitionEithers $ zipWith iconMapper argPortsConst args
trianglesAndBrackets =
zipWith zipper trianglesWithPorts lBrackets
zipper thisTriangle lBrack = verticalLine === (alignR (extrudeRight guardSize lBrack) <> lc triangleColor (alignL thisTriangle))
zipper thisTriangle lBrack
= verticalLine
(alignR (extrudeRight guardSize lBrack)
<> lc triangleColor (alignL thisTriangle))
verticalLine = strutY 0.4
inputIcon = makeInnerIcon False input
guardDia = vcat (alignT trianglesAndBrackets)
bigVerticalLine = alignT $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc triangleColor $ vrule (height guardDia)
= alignT
$ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc triangleColor $ vrule (height guardDia)
makeInnerIcon innerReflected mNameAndIcon = case mNameAndIcon of
Nothing -> mempty
@ -511,21 +645,29 @@ generalNestedGuard triangleColor lBracket bottomDia inputAndArgs name nestingLev
then reflectX dia
else dia
dia = iconToDiagram icon iconNodeName nestingLevel (innerReflected /= reflect) angle
dia = iconToDiagram icon (TransformParams
(innerReflected /= reflect)
guardLBracket :: SpecialBackend b n =>
SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
guardLBracket portDia = alignL (alignT ell) <> portDia
ellShape = fromOffsets $ map r2 [(0, guardSize), (-guardSize, 0)]
ell = lineJoin LineJoinRound $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc (boolC colorScheme) (strokeLine ellShape)
= lineJoin LineJoinRound
$ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc (boolC colorScheme) (strokeLine ellShape)
-- | The ports of the guard icon are as follows:
-- inputPortConst: Top result port (not used)
-- resultPortConst: Bottom result port
-- Ports 3,5...: The left ports for the booleans
-- Ports 2,4...: The right ports for the values
nestedGuardDia :: SpecialBackend b n => [Maybe NamedIcon] -> TransformableDia b n
nestedGuardDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
[Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
nestedGuardDia = generalNestedGuard lineCol guardLBracket mempty
-- TODO Improve design to be more than a circle.
@ -554,14 +696,27 @@ nestedCaseDia = generalNestedGuard (patternC colorScheme) caseC caseResult
-- 1: The lambda function value
-- 2,3.. : The parameters
flatLambda :: SpecialBackend b n => [String] -> TransformableDia b n
flatLambda paramNames name _ reflect angle = named name finalDia where
lambdaCircle = lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc (regionPerimC colorScheme) $ fc (regionPerimC colorScheme) $ circle (1.5 * circleRadius)
lambdaParts = (makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst <> resultIcon) : (portIcons ++ [makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst <> alignR lambdaCircle])
flatLambda paramNames (TransformParams name _ reflect angle)
= named name finalDia
= lwG defaultLineWidth
$ lc (regionPerimC colorScheme)
$ fc (regionPerimC colorScheme) $ circle (1.5 * circleRadius)
= (makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst <> resultIcon)
++ [makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst <> alignR lambdaCircle])
portIcons = zipWith (makeLabelledPort name reflect angle) paramNames argPortsConst
= zipWith (makeLabelledPort name reflect angle) paramNames argPortsConst
middle = alignL (hsep 0.5 lambdaParts)
topAndBottomLineWidth = width middle - circleRadius
topAndBottomLine = alignL $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc (regionPerimC colorScheme) $ hrule topAndBottomLineWidth
= alignL
$ lwG defaultLineWidth
$ lc (regionPerimC colorScheme) $ hrule topAndBottomLineWidth
finalDia = topAndBottomLine <> alignB (topAndBottomLine <> alignT middle)
-- END Main icons

View File

@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
--import qualified Debug.Trace
--import Data.Word(Word16)
import Icons(colorScheme, iconToDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..), getPortAngles)
import Icons(colorScheme, iconToDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..)
, getPortAngles, TransformParams(..))
import TranslateCore(nodeToIcon)
import Types(Edge(..), Icon, EdgeOption(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..),
NameAndPort(..), SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend, SpecialNum, NodeName(..), Port(..),
@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ placeNodes layoutResult graph = (mconcat placedNodes, rotationMap)
-- todo: Not sure if the diagrams should already be centered at this point.
placeNode (key@(NamedIcon name icon), (reflected, angle)) = place transformedDia diaPosition where
origDia = iconToDiagram icon name 0 reflected angle
origDia = iconToDiagram icon (TransformParams name 0 reflected angle)
transformedDia = centerXY $ rotate angle $ (if reflected then reflectX else id) origDia
diaPosition = graphvizScaleFactor *^ (positionMap Map.! key)
@ -338,7 +339,10 @@ doGraphLayout graph = do
-- This type annotation (:: SpecialQDiagram b n) requires Scoped Typed Variables, which only works if the function's
-- type signiture has "forall b e."
dia = iconToDiagram nodeIcon (NodeName (-1)) 0 False mempty :: SpecialQDiagram b Double
dia :: SpecialQDiagram b Double
dia = iconToDiagram
(TransformParams (NodeName (-1)) 0 False mempty)
diaWidth = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * width dia
diaHeight = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * height dia

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ View circle.svg with svg-preview plug-in.
To use ghci for the main executable:
stack ghci glance
To use ghci with the test file:
To use ghci with the test modules:
stack ghci glance:test:glance-test
For all warnings (some warnings duplicated):

View File

@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import Data.List(intercalate)
import Types(SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend, NodeName(..))
import Translate(translateStringToCollapsedGraphAndDecl, translateStringToSyntaxGraph)
import Translate(translateStringToCollapsedGraphAndDecl
, translateStringToSyntaxGraph)
import TranslateCore(syntaxGraphToFglGraph, SyntaxGraph(..))
import Rendering(renderIngSyntaxGraph)
import Icons(textBox)
import Icons(textBox, TransformParams(..))
prettyShowList :: Show a => [a] -> String
@ -255,7 +256,9 @@ testDecls = mconcat [
translateStringToDrawing :: SpecialBackend b Double => String -> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
translateStringToDrawing :: SpecialBackend b Double =>
-> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
translateStringToDrawing s = do
putStrLn $ "Translating string: " ++ s
@ -280,6 +283,10 @@ visualTranslateTests :: SpecialBackend b Double => IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
visualTranslateTests = do
drawings <- traverse translateStringToDrawing testDecls
textDrawings = fmap (\t -> alignL $ textBox t (NodeName (-1)) 0 False mempty) testDecls
= fmap
(\t ->
alignL $ textBox t (TransformParams (NodeName (-1)) 0 False mempty))
vCattedDrawings = vsep 1 $ zipWith (===) (fmap alignL drawings) textDrawings
pure vCattedDrawings