Add enums

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-03-04 18:49:02 -08:00
parent 2b831cfe45
commit 73ad26168a
3 changed files with 43 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Translate(translateString, drawingsFromModule)
-- TODO Now --
-- Add $ special case.
-- Refactor Translate
-- Add documentation.
-- Update readme.
@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ import Translate(translateString, drawingsFromModule)
-- Move tests out of main.
-- TODO Later --
-- Add the correct number of commas for the tuple constructor.
-- Make constructors in patterns PatternColor.
-- Add function name and type to LambdaIcons.
-- Let each bool, value pair in Guard icon be flipped to reduce line crossings. Do the same for case.
-- Add text field to Apply. Also redraw text and icon when it is rotated so that the characters stay oriented.
@ -283,6 +286,13 @@ specialTests = [
"yyyyy = fffff xxxxx"
enumTests = [
"y = [1..]",
"y = [1,2..]",
"y = [0..10]",
"y = [0,1..10]"
tupleTests = [
"y = ()",
"(x, y) = (1,2)"
@ -382,11 +392,13 @@ otherTests = [
"y = f x",
"y = f (g x)",
"y = f (g x1 x2) x3",
"y = (f x1 x2) (g x1 x2)"
"y = (f x1 x2) (g x1 x2)",
"y ="
testDecls = mconcat [

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import TranslateCore(Reference, IconGraph(..), EvalContext, GraphAndRef,
-- The core functions and data types used in this module are in TranslateCore.
-- The TranslateCore also contains most/all of the translation functions that
-- do not use Language.Haskell.Exts.
-- * Please note that this files uses both DIA.Name from Diagrams.Prelude, and Name from Language.Haskell.Exts
nameToString :: Language.Haskell.Exts.Name -> String
nameToString (Ident s) = s
@ -78,24 +79,24 @@ evalPattern p = case p of
_ -> error $ "evalPattern: No pattern in case for " ++ show p
-- TODO: Other cases
--TODO: Consider making this have unique values.
-- strToGraphRef is not in TranslateCore, since it is only used by evalQName.
strToGraphRef :: EvalContext -> String -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
strToGraphRef c str = fmap mapper (makeBox str) where
mapper gr = if str `elem` c
then (mempty, Left str)
else fmap Right gr
evalQName :: QName -> EvalContext -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalQName (UnQual n) context = do
let nameString = nameToString n
--graph = iconGraphFromIcons [(DIA.toName nameString, TextBoxIcon nameString)]
graph <- makeBox nameString
pure $ if nameString `elem` context
then (mempty, Left nameString)
else fmap Right graph
-- TODO remove initialIdState
evalQName (Special Exts.UnitCon) _ = pure $ Right <$> evalState (makeBox "()") initialIdState
evalQName qName@(UnQual _) c = strToGraphRef c (qNameToString qName)
evalQName qName@(Qual _ _) c = strToGraphRef c (qNameToString qName)
evalQName (Special Exts.UnitCon) _ = fmap Right <$> makeBox "()"
evalQOp :: QOp -> EvalContext -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalQOp (QVarOp n) = evalQName n
evalQOp (QConOp n) = evalQName n
evalApp :: (Exp, [Exp]) -> EvalContext -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalApp (funExp, argExps) c = do
evalApp :: EvalContext -> (Exp, [Exp]) -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
evalApp c (funExp, argExps) = do
funVal <- evalExp c funExp
argVals <- mapM (evalExp c) argExps
applyIconName <- DIA.toName <$> getUniqueName "app0"
@ -189,6 +190,9 @@ getBoundVarName :: Decl -> [String]
-- TODO Should evalState be used here?
getBoundVarName (PatBind _ pat _ _) = namesInPattern $ evalState (evalPattern pat) initialIdState
getBoundVarName (FunBind (Match _ name _ _ _ _:_)) = [nameToString name]
-- TODO: Other cases
getBoundVarName TypeSig{} = []
getBoundVarName decl = error $ "getBoundVarName: No pattern in case for " ++ show decl
--TODO: Should this call makeEdges?
evalBinds :: EvalContext -> Binds -> State IDState (IconGraph, EvalContext)
@ -266,13 +270,17 @@ evalTuple c exps = do
applyIconName <- DIA.toName <$> getUniqueName "tupleApp"
pure $ makeApplyGraph False applyIconName (fmap Right funVal) argVals (length exps)
-- evalEnums is only used by evalExp
evalEnums :: EvalContext -> String -> [Exp] -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalEnums c s exps = fmap Right <$> evalApp c (Var . UnQual . Ident $ s, exps)
evalExp :: EvalContext -> Exp -> State IDState (IconGraph, Reference)
evalExp c x = case x of
Var n -> evalQName n c
Con n -> evalQName n c
Lit l -> fmap Right <$> evalLit l
InfixApp e1 op e2 -> fmap Right <$> evalInfixApp c e1 op e2
e@App{} -> fmap Right <$> evalApp (simplifyApp e) c
e@App{} -> fmap Right <$> evalApp c (simplifyApp e)
Lambda _ patterns e -> fmap Right <$> evalLambda c patterns e
Let bs e -> evalLet c bs e
If e1 e2 e3 -> fmap Right <$> evalIf c e1 e2 e3
@ -280,6 +288,12 @@ evalExp c x = case x of
-- TODO special tuple symbol
Tuple _ exps -> fmap Right <$> evalTuple c exps
Paren e -> evalExp c e
EnumFrom e -> evalEnums c "enumFrom" [e]
EnumFromTo e1 e2 -> evalEnums c "enumFromTo" [e1, e2]
EnumFromThen e1 e2 -> evalEnums c "enumFromThen" [e1, e2]
EnumFromThenTo e1 e2 e3 -> evalEnums c "enumFromThenTo" [e1, e2, e3]
-- TODO: Add other cases
_ -> error $ "evalExp: No pattern in case for " ++ show x
-- | First argument is the right hand side.
-- The second arugement is a list of strings that are bound in the environment.

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@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ import Icons(Icon(..))
-- This module has the core functions and data types used by Translate.
-- This module also contains most/all of the translation functions that
-- do not require Language.Haskell.Exts.
-- * Please note that type DIA.Name is not the Name from Language.Haskell.Exts
-- used in Translate.
type Reference = Either String NameAndPort
-- | An IconGraph is a normal Drawing (Icons, Edges, and sub Drawings) with two additional fields: