Initial work for collapseNodes using graphs.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-11-02 14:49:29 -07:00
parent 971a8ee50b
commit 7ceb5977e4
4 changed files with 161 additions and 4 deletions

app/GraphAlgorithms.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
module GraphAlgorithms(
) where
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import Types(SgNamedNode, Edge, SyntaxNode(..), sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode)
import Data.Maybe(listToMaybe)
collapseNodes :: (ING.DynGraph gr) => gr SgNamedNode Edge -> gr SgNamedNode Edge
collapseNodes initialGraph = ING.ufold folder ING.empty initialGraph where
folder context accumGraph = newGraph where
| not (willBeEmbedded context initialGraph) = context ING.& accumGraph
| otherwise = accumGraph
-- | True if the node in the context will be embedded in another node
willBeEmbedded :: (ING.Graph gr) => ING.Context SgNamedNode Edge -> gr SgNamedNode Edge-> Bool
willBeEmbedded context gr = currentNodeEmbeddable && parentCanEmbed where
currentNode = ING.labNode' context
currentNodeEmbeddable = nodeIsEmbeddable (extractSyntaxNode currentNode)
parentCanEmbed = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap (nodeCanEmbed . sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode) (nodesParent gr context)
-- | (Just True) = True, Nothing = False
maybeBoolToBool :: Maybe Bool -> Bool
maybeBoolToBool = or
-- TODO make this work with pattern apply also
nodesParent :: (ING.Graph gr) => gr a b -> ING.Context a b -> Maybe a
nodesParent gr context = listToMaybe (ING.pre' context) >>= ING.lab gr
-- | A nodeIsEmbeddable if it can be collapsed into another node
nodeIsEmbeddable :: SyntaxNode -> Bool
nodeIsEmbeddable n = case n of
ApplyNode _ -> True
PatternApplyNode _ _ -> True
NameNode _ -> True
LiteralNode _ -> True
FunctionDefNode _ -> False
GuardNode _ -> False
CaseNode _ -> False
BranchNode -> False
CaseResultNode -> False
-- Don't use a catch all (i.e. irrefutable) pattern here so that if other
-- SyntaxNodes are added we will get a warning here.
-- | A nodeCanEmbed if it can contain other nodes
nodeCanEmbed :: SyntaxNode -> Bool
nodeCanEmbed n = case n of
ApplyNode _ -> True
PatternApplyNode _ _ -> True
NameNode _ -> False
LiteralNode _ -> False
FunctionDefNode _ -> False
GuardNode _ -> False
CaseNode _ -> False
BranchNode -> False
CaseResultNode -> False
-- Don't use a catch all (i.e. irrefutable) pattern here so that if other
-- SyntaxNodes are added we will get a warning here.
extractSyntaxNode :: ING.LNode SgNamedNode -> SyntaxNode
extractSyntaxNode = snd . snd

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ executable glance-exe
, mtl
, semigroups
default-language: Haskell2010
Other-modules: Icons, Rendering, Types, Util, Translate, TranslateCore, DrawingColors
Other-modules: Icons, Rendering, Types, Util, Translate, TranslateCore, DrawingColors, GraphAlgorithms
test-suite glance-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ test-suite glance-test
, semigroups
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
default-language: Haskell2010
Other-modules: Icons, Rendering, Types, Util, Translate, TranslateCore, DrawingColors
Other-modules: Icons, Rendering, Types, Util, Translate, TranslateCore, DrawingColors, GraphAlgorithms
source-repository head

graph_algs.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
-- Pseudocode for collapsing a syntax graph.
-- To make the problem simpler, collapseNodes just cares about the
collapseNodes :: SyntaxGraph -> SyntaxGraph
collapseNodes inGraph = graphFold foldFunc initialOutputGraph inGraph where
initialOutputGraph = emptyGraph
foldFunc :: SyntaxGraph -> Context -> SyntaxGraph
foldFunc oldGraph context = let node = nodeInContext context in
-- The node can not be embedded, and can not embed other nodes, so it is by itself.
-- We thus just add it to the accumulator graph.
-- willEmbed is true iff the current node will embed other nodes in the graph
| not (willBeEmbedded context inGraph) && not (willEmbed context inGraph) = context & oldGraph
-- willBeEmbedded checks to see if the parent of the current node will embed the current node
-- In this case the current node will be embedded, and does not embed other node.
-- We do not add the current node since it will be embedded in its parent.
-- This case is not necessary. If the current node were to be added, it would simply be
-- removed again from the accumulation graph.
| willBeEmbedded context inGraph && not (willEmbed context) = oldGraph
-- This node will embed other nodes.
-- First we find our children that will be embedded. If the child is in the
-- oldGraph, then we also need to remove the child from the oldGraph.
-- If the child is not yet in the oldGraph, then we just embed it.
| willEmbed context inGraph =
newGraph where
(oldGraphChildren, oldGraphWithChildrenRemoved) = findAndRemoveChildren oldGraph context
remainingChildrem = getRemainingChildren oldGraphChildren inGraph context
embeddedNode = makeEmbeddedNode context oldGraphChildren remainingChildren
newGarph = embeddedNode & oldGraphWithChildrenRemoved

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@ -3,15 +3,20 @@ import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((#), (&))
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG (renderSVG)
import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz as DiaGV
import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Icons(textBox, colorScheme, ColorStyle(..), coloredTextBox)
import Rendering(renderDrawing)
import Util(toNames, portToPort, iconToPort, iconToIcon,
iconToIconEnds, iconTailToPort)
import Types(Icon(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..))
import Types(Icon(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..), SgNamedNode, Edge)
import Translate(translateString, stringToSyntaxGraph)
import TranslateCore(syntaxGraphToFglGraph)
import GraphAlgorithms(collapseNodes)
(d0A, d0B, d0Res, d0Foo, d0Bar) = ("A", "B", "res", "foo", "bar")
d0Icons = toNames
@ -399,6 +404,7 @@ translateTests = do
vCattedDrawings = vsep 1 $ zipWith (===) (fmap alignL drawings) textDrawings
pure vCattedDrawings
-- TODO Remove graphTests
graphTests :: IO (Diagram B)
graphTests = do
layedOutGraph <- DiaGV.layoutGraph GVA.Neato fglGraph
@ -411,12 +417,59 @@ graphTests = do
nodeFunc (name, syntaxNode) =
place (coloredTextBox white (opaque white) (show syntaxNode) :: Diagram B)
-- TODO Refactor with doGraphLayout in Rendering.hs
renderFglGraph :: FGR.Gr SgNamedNode Edge -> IO (Diagram B)
renderFglGraph fglGraph = do
layedOutGraph <- DiaGV.layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato fglGraph
pure $ DiaGV.drawGraph
(\_ _ _ _ _ p -> lc white $ stroke p)
nodeFunc (name, syntaxNode) =
place (coloredTextBox white (opaque white) (show syntaxNode) :: Diagram B)
layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int v e () v
layoutParams = GV.defaultParams{
GV.globalAttributes = [
GV.NodeAttrs [GVA.Shape GVA.BoxShape]
--GV.NodeAttrs [GVA.Shape GVA.Circle]
, GV.GraphAttrs
--GVA.Overlap GVA.KeepOverlaps,
--GVA.Overlap GVA.ScaleOverlaps,
GVA.Overlap $ GVA.PrismOverlap (Just 5000),
GVA.Splines GVA.LineEdges,
GVA.OverlapScaling 8,
--GVA.OverlapScaling 4,
GVA.OverlapShrink True
GV.fmtEdge = const [GV.arrowTo GV.noArrow],
GV.fmtNode = nodeAttribute
nodeAttribute :: (Int, l) -> [GV.Attribute]
nodeAttribute (nodeInt, _) =
-- GVA.Width and GVA.Height have a minimum of 0.01
--[GVA.Width diaWidth, GVA.Height diaHeight]
[GVA.Width 0.01, GVA.Height 0.01]
-- TODO Make this work for many input strings
collapseTests :: IO (Diagram B)
collapseTests = do
--DiaGV.simpleGraphDiagram GVA.Neato fglGraph
before <- renderFglGraph fglGraph
after <- renderFglGraph collapsedGraph
pure (before === after)
fglGraph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph "y = f x"
collapsedGraph = collapseNodes fglGraph
drawingsAndNames :: [(String, IO (Diagram B))]
drawingsAndNames = [
("translate-tests", translateTests),
("render-tests", renderTests),
("graph-tests", graphTests)
("graph-tests", graphTests),
("collapse-tests", collapseTests)
renderDrawings :: [(String, IO (Diagram B))] -> IO ()
@ -426,5 +479,17 @@ renderDrawings = mapM_ saveDrawing where
-- TODO Replace string concatenation with proper path manipulation functions.
renderSVG ("test/test-output/" ++ name ++ ".svg") (mkWidth 700) (bgFrame 1 (backgroundC colorScheme) dia)
-- TODO Clean up this function
testCollapse :: IO ()
testCollapse = do
fglIn = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph "y = f x"
fglOut = collapseNodes fglIn
putStrLn "fglIn:"
ING.prettyPrint fglIn
putStrLn "\nfglOut:"
ING.prettyPrint fglOut
main :: IO ()
main = renderDrawings drawingsAndNames
--main = testCollapse