Put code in gui/Main.hs. Use Cairo for graphics.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2020-07-19 15:07:47 -07:00
parent 42eafa4ba6
commit 7f55169766
4 changed files with 170 additions and 444 deletions

View File

@ -78,8 +78,9 @@ executable glance-gui
, text
, transformers
, old-time
, containers
default-language: Haskell2010
Other-modules: Drag
test-suite glance-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0

View File

@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, OverloadedLabels, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module Drag (mainDrag) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT)
import Data.IORef
import Data.GI.Base
import qualified GI.Cairo as GI.Cairo
import qualified GI.GLib as GLib
import qualified GI.Gdk as Gdk
import qualified GI.GdkPixbuf as GP
import qualified GI.Gio as Gio
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Internal (Render(runRender))
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Types (Cairo(Cairo))
data AppState = AppState
{ _asMovingNode :: Maybe Gtk.ListBox
, _asOutBtn :: Maybe Gtk.Button
, _asEdges :: [(Gtk.Button, Gtk.Button)]
renderCairo c r = withManagedPtr c $ \pointer ->
runReaderT (runRender r) (Cairo (castPtr pointer))
-- TODO Add type signature
getXandY event =
(\x y -> (x, y)) <$> get event #x <*> get event #y
-- updateCanvas :: WidgetClass widget => widget -> PangoLayout -> Render ()
drawLine (fromX, fromY) (toX, toY) = do
setSourceRGB 0 1 0
setLineWidth 5
moveTo fromX fromY
lineTo toX toY
updateBackground canvas state = do
width <- realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth canvas)
height <- realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight canvas)
-- TODO This should be moved into the setup phase
setSourceRGB 0 0 0
(btnX, btnY) <- liftIO $ do
mMoveBtn <- _asMovingNode <$> readIORef state
case mMoveBtn of
Nothing -> pure (0, 0)
Just btn -> (do
btnAlloc <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocation btn
(\(x, y) -> (realToFrac x, realToFrac y)) <$> getXandY btnAlloc)
--drawLine (0, 0) (width, height)
drawLine (0, 0) (btnX, btnY)
--drawLine (width, 0) (btnX, btnY)
-- setSourceRGB 0 1 0
-- setLineWidth 5
-- moveTo 0 0
-- lineTo width height
-- stroke
startApp :: Gtk.Application -> IO ()
startApp app = do
state <- newIORef (AppState{_asMovingNode=Nothing, _asOutBtn=Nothing, _asEdges=[]})
window <- new Gtk.ApplicationWindow
[ #application := app
, #title := "Glance"
, #defaultWidth := 500
, #defaultHeight := 500
, #borderWidth := 0
overlay <- new Gtk.Overlay []
backgroundArea <- new Gtk.DrawingArea []
layout <- new Gtk.Layout []
Gtk.widgetAddEvents layout
[ Gdk.EventMaskPointerMotionMask
, Gdk.EventMaskButtonPressMask]
#add window overlay
#add overlay backgroundArea
#addOverlay overlay layout
geometry <- new Gdk.Geometry [ #minWidth := 500, #minHeight := 500]
-- screen <- get window #screen
-- rgbaVisual <- #getRgbaVisual screen
-- #setVisual window rgbaVisual
-- No noticable change with setting this to GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
-- GLib.timeoutAdd GLib.PRIORITY_LOW 10 (#queueDraw backgroundArea >> pure True)
surfaceRef <- newIORef (Nothing)
_ <- on backgroundArea #draw (\context -> do
mSurface <- readIORef surfaceRef
surface <- case mSurface of
Nothing -> do
(width, height) <- #getSize window
surf <- createImageSurface
(fromIntegral width)
(fromIntegral height)
writeIORef surfaceRef $ Just $ surf
pure surf
Just surface -> pure surface
renderCairo context (updateBackground backgroundArea state)
-- #showAll backgroundArea
pure True)
-- #add scrolledWindow layout
-- #addOverlay overlay layout
motionCallback eventMotion
= do
mMoveNode <- _asMovingNode <$> readIORef state
case mMoveNode of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just node -> (do
(x, y) <- getXandY eventMotion
btnWidth <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth node
btnHeight <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight node
((truncate x) - (btnWidth `div` 2))
((truncate y) - (btnHeight `div` 2))
-- #queueDraw backgroundArea
pure ()
pure False
_ <- on layout #motionNotifyEvent motionCallback
moveBtnClicked node
= do
putStrLn "Move button clicked"
mMoveNode <- _asMovingNode <$> readIORef state
case mMoveNode of
Just _ ->
Gtk.widgetQueueDraw backgroundArea
_ -> pure ()
modifyIORef state
-> case _asMovingNode of
Nothing -> s{_asMovingNode=Just node}
_ -> s{_asMovingNode=Nothing}
-- nodeWidth <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth node
-- nodeHeight <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight node
-- nodeAlloc <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocation node
-- (x, y) <- getXandY nodeAlloc
-- layoutWidth <- Gtk.getLayoutWidth layout
-- layoutHeight <- Gtk.getLayoutHeight layout
-- Gtk.setLayoutWidth layout (max layoutWidth (fromIntegral (x + nodeWidth)))
-- Gtk.setLayoutHeight
-- layout
-- (max layoutHeight (fromIntegral (y + nodeHeight)))
-- buttonPressEvent and buttonReleaseEvent don't seem to be triggered by the
-- mneumonic.
_ <- on layout #buttonPressEvent $ \ eventButton ->
putStrLn "layout clicked"
mouseBtn <- get eventButton #button
-- button 3 is usally right mouse button
(when (mouseBtn == 3)
(x, y) <- getXandY eventButton
moveBtn <- new
Gtk.Button [ #label := "_Move", #useUnderline := True ]
outBtn <- new
Gtk.Button [ #label := "_Out", #useUnderline := True ]
inBtn <- new
Gtk.Button [ #label := "_In", #useUnderline := True ]
-- Gtk.widgetAddEvents newBtn
-- [ Gdk.EventMaskButtonPressMask]
listBox <- new Gtk.ListBox []
#add listBox inBtn
#add listBox moveBtn
#add listBox outBtn
(#showAll listBox)
(listBoxWidth, _) <- Gtk.widgetGetPreferredWidth listBox
(listBoxHeight, _) <- Gtk.widgetGetPreferredHeight listBox
((truncate x) - (listBoxWidth `div` 2))
((truncate y) - (listBoxHeight `div` 2))
_ <- on moveBtn #clicked (moveBtnClicked listBox)
-- Uncomment to stop right clicking on buttons from
-- creating new buttons at (0, 0). But buttonPressEvent
-- and buttonReleaseEvent don't seem to be triggered by
-- the mneumonic.
-- _ <- on newBtn #buttonPressEvent (\_btn -> moveBtnClicked
-- newBtn >> pure True)
(#showAll listBox)
pure ()))
pure False
#showAll window
pure ()
mainDrag :: IO ()
mainDrag = do
app <- new Gtk.Application []
_ <- on app #activate (startApp app)
status <- Gio.applicationRun app Nothing
putStrLn ("Application status is " <> show status)
pure ()

View File

@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, OverloadedLabels, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module Drag (mainDrag) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT)
import Data.IORef
import Data.GI.Base
import qualified GI.Cairo as GI.Cairo
import qualified GI.GLib as GLib
import qualified GI.Gdk as Gdk
import qualified GI.GdkPixbuf as GP
import qualified GI.Gio as Gio
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Internal (Render(runRender))
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Types (Cairo(Cairo))
data AppState = AppState
{ _asMoveBtn :: Maybe Gtk.Button
renderCairo c r = withManagedPtr c $ \pointer ->
runReaderT (runRender r) (Cairo (castPtr pointer))
-- TODO Add type signature
getXandY event =
(\x y -> (x, y)) <$> get event #x <*> get event #y
-- updateCanvas :: WidgetClass widget => widget -> PangoLayout -> Render ()
drawLine (fromX, fromY) (toX, toY) = do
setSourceRGB 0 1 0
setLineWidth 5
moveTo fromX fromY
lineTo toX toY
updateCanvas canvas state = do
width <- realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth canvas)
height <- realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight canvas)
-- setSourceRGB 0 0 0
-- paint
(btnX, btnY) <- liftIO $ do
mMoveBtn <- _asMoveBtn <$> readIORef state
case mMoveBtn of
Nothing -> pure (0, 0)
Just btn -> (do
btnAlloc <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocation btn
(\(x, y) -> (realToFrac x, realToFrac y)) <$> getXandY btnAlloc)
--drawLine (0, 0) (width, height)
drawLine (0, 0) (btnX, btnY)
--drawLine (width, 0) (btnX, btnY)
-- setSourceRGB 0 1 0
-- setLineWidth 5
-- moveTo 0 0
-- lineTo width height
-- stroke
startApp :: Gtk.Application -> IO ()
startApp app = do
state <- newIORef (AppState{_asMoveBtn=Nothing})
window <- new Gtk.ApplicationWindow
[ #application := app
, #title := "Glance"
, #defaultWidth := 500
, #defaultHeight := 500
, #borderWidth := 0
-- scrolledWindow <- new Gtk.ScrolledWindow [#minContentWidth := 800, #minContentHeight := 800]
-- #add window scrolledWindow
-- Gtk.overlayAddOverlay overlay scrolledWindow
overlay <- new Gtk.Overlay []
backgroundArea <- new Gtk.DrawingArea []
layout <- new Gtk.Layout []
Gtk.widgetAddEvents layout
[ Gdk.EventMaskPointerMotionMask
, Gdk.EventMaskButtonPressMask]
#add window overlay
#add overlay backgroundArea
#addOverlay overlay layout
geometry <- new Gdk.Geometry [ #minWidth := 500, #minHeight := 500]
-- screen <- get window #screen
-- rgbaVisual <- #getRgbaVisual screen
-- #setVisual window rgbaVisual
-- No noticable change with setting this to GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
GLib.timeoutAdd GLib.PRIORITY_LOW 200 (#queueDraw backgroundArea >> pure True)
surfaceRef <- newIORef (Nothing)
_ <- on backgroundArea #draw (\context -> do
mSurface <- readIORef surfaceRef
surface <- case mSurface of
Nothing -> do
(width, height) <- #getSize window
surf <- createImageSurface
(fromIntegral width)
(fromIntegral height)
writeIORef surfaceRef $ Just $ surf
pure surf
Just surface -> pure surface
renderCairo context (updateCanvas backgroundArea state)
-- #showAll backgroundArea
pure True)
-- #add scrolledWindow layout
-- #addOverlay overlay layout
motionCallback eventMotion
= do
mMoveBtn <- _asMoveBtn <$> readIORef state
case mMoveBtn of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just btn -> (do
(x, y) <- getXandY eventMotion
btnWidth <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth btn
btnHeight <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight btn
((truncate x) - (btnWidth `div` 2))
((truncate y) - (btnHeight `div` 2))
-- #queueDraw backgroundArea
pure ()
pure False
_ <- on layout #motionNotifyEvent motionCallback
btnClicked btn
= do
putStrLn "Button clicked"
modifyIORef state
-> case _asMoveBtn of
Nothing -> s{_asMoveBtn=Just btn}
_ -> s{_asMoveBtn=Nothing}
btnWidth <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth btn
btnHeight <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight btn
btnAlloc <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocation btn
(x, y) <- getXandY btnAlloc
layoutWidth <- Gtk.getLayoutWidth layout
layoutHeight <- Gtk.getLayoutHeight layout
Gtk.setLayoutWidth layout (max layoutWidth (fromIntegral (x + btnWidth)))
(max layoutHeight (fromIntegral (y + btnHeight)))
-- Gtk.widgetQueueDraw backgroundArea
-- buttonPressEvent and buttonReleaseEvent don't seem to be triggered by the
-- mneumonic.
_ <- on layout #buttonPressEvent $ \ eventButton ->
putStrLn "layout clicked"
mouseBtn <- get eventButton #button
-- button 3 is usally right mouse button
(when (mouseBtn == 3)
(x, y) <- getXandY eventButton
newBtn <- new
Gtk.Button [ #label := "_Node", #useUnderline := True ]
-- Gtk.widgetAddEvents newBtn
-- [ Gdk.EventMaskButtonPressMask]
(#show newBtn)
(btnWidth, _) <- Gtk.widgetGetPreferredWidth newBtn
(btnHeight, _) <- Gtk.widgetGetPreferredHeight newBtn
((truncate x) - (btnWidth `div` 2))
((truncate y) - (btnHeight `div` 2))
_ <- on newBtn #clicked (btnClicked newBtn)
-- Uncomment to stop right clicking on buttons from
-- creating new buttons at (0, 0). But buttonPressEvent
-- and buttonReleaseEvent don't seem to be triggered by
-- the mneumonic.
-- _ <- on newBtn #buttonPressEvent (\_btn -> btnClicked
-- newBtn >> pure True)
(#show newBtn)
pure ()))
pure False
#showAll window
pure ()
mainDrag :: IO ()
mainDrag = do
app <- new Gtk.Application []
_ <- on app #activate (startApp app)
status <- Gio.applicationRun app Nothing
putStrLn ("Application status is " <> show status)
pure ()

View File

@ -1,9 +1,172 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, OverloadedLabels, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module Main (main) where
import Drag (mainDrag)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.GI.Base
import qualified GI.Cairo as GI.Cairo
import qualified GI.GLib as GLib
import qualified GI.Gdk as Gdk
import qualified GI.GdkPixbuf as GP
import qualified GI.Gio as Gio
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Internal (Render(runRender))
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Types (Cairo(Cairo))
-- | A graphical element that can be clicked
data Element = Element
{ _elPosition :: !(Int, Int) -- ^ (x, y) of top left corner
, _elSize :: !(Int, Int) -- ^ (width, height)
, _elZ :: Int -- ^ Depth. Higher values are drawn on top
data AppState = AppState
{ _asMovingNode :: Maybe Int -- ^ _asElements key
, _asEdges :: [(Element, Element)]
, _asMouseXandY :: !(Double, Double)
, _asElements :: IntMap.IntMap Element
emptyAppState = AppState
{ _asMovingNode = Nothing
, _asEdges = []
, _asMouseXandY = (0, 0)
, _asElements = mempty
renderCairo c r = withManagedPtr c $ \pointer ->
runReaderT (runRender r) (Cairo (castPtr pointer))
-- TODO Add type signature
getXandY event =
(\x y -> (x, y)) <$> get event #x <*> get event #y
-- updateCanvas :: WidgetClass widget => widget -> PangoLayout -> Render ()
drawLine (fromX, fromY) (toX, toY) = do
setSourceRGB 0 1 0
setLineWidth 5
moveTo fromX fromY
lineTo toX toY
drawCircle (x, y) = do
-- setSourceRGB 1 0 0
setLineWidth 1
-- moveTo x y
let radius = 20
let tau = 2 * pi
arc x y radius 0 tau
updateBackground canvas state = do
width <- realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth canvas)
height <- realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight canvas)
-- TODO This should be moved into the setup phase
setSourceRGB 0 0 0
stateVal <- liftIO $ readIORef state
setSourceRGB 1 0 0
drawCircle (_asMouseXandY stateVal)
startApp :: Gtk.Application -> IO ()
startApp app = do
state <- newIORef emptyAppState
window <- new Gtk.ApplicationWindow
[ #application := app
, #title := "Glance"
, #defaultWidth := 500
, #defaultHeight := 500
, #borderWidth := 0
backgroundArea <- new Gtk.DrawingArea []
Gtk.widgetAddEvents backgroundArea
[ Gdk.EventMaskPointerMotionMask
, Gdk.EventMaskButtonPressMask]
#add window backgroundArea
geometry <- new Gdk.Geometry [ #minWidth := 500, #minHeight := 500]
-- screen <- get window #screen
-- rgbaVisual <- #getRgbaVisual screen
-- #setVisual window rgbaVisual
-- No noticable change with setting this to GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
-- GLib.timeoutAdd GLib.PRIORITY_LOW 1 (#queueDraw backgroundArea >> pure True)
surfaceRef <- newIORef (Nothing)
_ <- on backgroundArea #draw (\context -> do
mSurface <- readIORef surfaceRef
surface <- case mSurface of
Nothing -> do
(width, height) <- #getSize window
surf <- createImageSurface
(fromIntegral width)
(fromIntegral height)
writeIORef surfaceRef $ Just $ surf
pure surf
Just surface -> pure surface
renderCairo context (updateBackground backgroundArea state)
pure True)
timeoutCallback :: IO Bool
timeoutCallback = do
gdkWindow <- fromJust <$> #getWindow window
display <- fmap fromJust Gdk.displayGetDefault -- TODO unsafe
deviceManager <- fromJust <$> Gdk.displayGetDeviceManager display -- TODO deprecated
device <- Gdk.deviceManagerGetClientPointer deviceManager
gdkDevicePosition <- Gdk.windowGetDevicePositionDouble gdkWindow device
let (_, x, y, _) = gdkDevicePosition
print (x, y)
#queueDraw backgroundArea
pure True
GLib.timeoutAdd GLib.PRIORITY_LOW 1 (timeoutCallback)
motionCallback eventMotion = do
-- print "motion callback"
mousePosition <- getXandY eventMotion
-- print mousePosition
modifyIORef' state
-> s{_asMouseXandY=mousePosition}
pure False
_ <- on backgroundArea #motionNotifyEvent motionCallback
backgroundPress _ = do
putStrLn "backgroundPressed"
pure True
on backgroundArea #buttonPressEvent backgroundPress
#showAll window
pure ()
main :: IO ()
main = mainDrag
main = do
app <- new Gtk.Application []
_ <- on app #activate (startApp app)
status <- Gio.applicationRun app Nothing
putStrLn ("Application status is " <> show status)
pure ()