Simplify and rename SyntaxNodes.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2019-02-25 01:48:17 -08:00
parent 21e0091743
commit 96be8aa835
7 changed files with 34 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable :: ParentType
-> Bool
syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable parentType n mParentPort _mChildPort
= case (parentType, n) of
(ApplyParent, LikeApplyNode _ _) -> parentPortNotResult
(ApplyParent, ApplyNode _ _ _) -> parentPortNotResult
(ApplyParent, LiteralNode _) -> parentPortNotResult
-- TODO Embedded FunctionDefNodes are missing their enclosures.
-- (ApplyParent, FunctionDefNode _ _)
-- -> isInput mParentPort && isResult mChildPort
(CaseParent, LiteralNode _) -> parentPortNotResult
(CaseParent, LikeApplyNode _ _)
(CaseParent, ApplyNode _ _ _)
-> parentPortNotResult && parentPortNotInput
(CaseParent, NestedPatternApplyNode _ _)
(CaseParent, PatternApplyNode _ _)
-> parentPortNotResult && parentPortNotInput
(MultiIfParent, LiteralNode _) -> parentPortNotResult
(MultiIfParent, LikeApplyNode _ _)
(MultiIfParent, ApplyNode _ _ _)
-> parentPortNotResult && parentPortNotInput
_ -> False
@ -75,12 +75,9 @@ syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable parentType n mParentPort _mChildPort
parentTypeForNode :: SyntaxNode -> ParentType
parentTypeForNode n = case n of
LikeApplyNode _ _ -> ApplyParent
NestedApplyNode _ _ _ -> ApplyParent
CaseNode _ -> CaseParent
MultiIfNode _ -> MultiIfParent
NestedCaseOrMultiIfNode CaseTag _ _ -> CaseParent
NestedCaseOrMultiIfNode MultiIfTag _ _ -> MultiIfParent
ApplyNode _ _ _ -> ApplyParent
CaseOrMultiIfNode CaseTag _ _ -> CaseParent
CaseOrMultiIfNode MultiIfTag _ _ -> MultiIfParent
_ -> NotAParent
lookupSyntaxNode :: ING.Graph gr =>
@ -181,18 +178,12 @@ embedChildSyntaxNode parentNode childNode oldGraph = newGraph
SgNamedNode nodeName oldSyntaxNode = oldNodeLabel
newNodeLabel = SgNamedNode nodeName newSyntaxNode
newSyntaxNode = case oldSyntaxNode of
LikeApplyNode flavor x
-> NestedApplyNode flavor x childrenAndEdgesToParent
NestedApplyNode flavor x existingNodes
-> NestedApplyNode flavor x
ApplyNode flavor x existingNodes
-> ApplyNode flavor x
(childrenAndEdgesToParent <> existingNodes)
CaseNode x
-> NestedCaseOrMultiIfNode CaseTag x childrenAndEdgesToParent
NestedCaseOrMultiIfNode tag x existingNodes
-> NestedCaseOrMultiIfNode tag x
CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x existingNodes
-> CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x
(childrenAndEdgesToParent <> existingNodes)
MultiIfNode x
-> NestedCaseOrMultiIfNode MultiIfTag x childrenAndEdgesToParent
_ -> oldSyntaxNode
changeEdgeToParent :: ING.Node -> ING.Node -> ING.LEdge b -> ING.LEdge b

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@ -211,13 +211,10 @@ multiIfBoolPorts = caseRhsPorts
argumentPorts :: SyntaxNode -> [Port]
argumentPorts n = case n of
LikeApplyNode _ _-> defaultPorts
NestedApplyNode _ _ _ -> defaultPorts
NestedPatternApplyNode _ _-> defaultPorts
ApplyNode _ _ _ -> defaultPorts
PatternApplyNode _ _-> defaultPorts
FunctionDefNode _ _ -> defaultPorts
NestedCaseOrMultiIfNode _ _ _-> defaultPorts
MultiIfNode _ -> defaultPorts
CaseNode _ -> defaultPorts
CaseOrMultiIfNode _ _ _-> defaultPorts
NameNode _ -> []
BindNameNode _ -> []
LiteralNode _ -> []

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@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ import TranslateCore(Reference, SyntaxGraph(..), EvalContext, GraphAndRef(..)
, getUniqueString, bindsToSyntaxGraph, SgBind(..)
, graphAndRefToGraph, initialIdState)
import Types(AnnotatedGraph, Labeled(..), NameAndPort(..), IDState,
Edge, SyntaxNode(..), NodeName, SgNamedNode(..),
Edge, SyntaxNode(..), NodeName, SgNamedNode(..),
LikeApplyFlavor(..), CaseOrMultiIfTag(..))
import Util(makeSimpleEdge, nameAndPort, justName)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use record patterns" #-}
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ makeNestedPatternGraph ::
-> (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeNestedPatternGraph applyIconName funStr argVals = nestedApplyResult
dummyNode = NestedPatternApplyNode "" []
dummyNode = PatternApplyNode "" []
= zip argVals $ map (nameAndPort applyIconName) $ argumentPorts dummyNode
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ makeNestedPatternGraph applyIconName funStr argVals = nestedApplyResult
combinedGraph = combineExpressions True unnestedArgsAndPort
pAppNode = NestedPatternApplyNode funStr argList
pAppNode = PatternApplyNode funStr argList
icons = [SgNamedNode applyIconName pAppNode]
asNameBinds = catMaybes $ fmap asNameBind argVals
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ evalCaseHelper numAlts caseIconName resultIconNames
(patRhsConnected, altGraphs, patRefs, rhsRefs, asNames) = unzip5 evaledAlts
combindedAltGraph = mconcat altGraphs
caseNode = CaseNode numAlts
caseNode = CaseOrMultiIfNode CaseTag numAlts []
icons = [SgNamedNode caseIconName caseNode]
caseGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons
expEdge = (expRef, nameAndPort caseIconName (inputPort caseNode))
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ translateStringToSyntaxGraph = translateDeclToSyntaxGraph . stringToSimpDecl
syntaxGraphToCollapsedGraph :: SyntaxGraph -> AnnotatedGraph FGR.Gr
= collapseAnnotatedGraph . annotateGraph . syntaxGraphToFglGraph
-- = annotateGraph . syntaxGraphToFglGraph
-- = annotateGraph . syntaxGraphToFglGraph
translateDeclToCollapsedGraph :: Show l => Exts.Decl l -> AnnotatedGraph FGR.Gr

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@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ makeApplyGraph numArgs applyFlavor inPattern applyIconName funVal argVals
, nameAndPort applyIconName (resultPort applyNode)
applyNode = LikeApplyNode applyFlavor numArgs
applyNode = ApplyNode applyFlavor numArgs []
= map (nameAndPort applyIconName) (argumentPorts applyNode)
functionPort = nameAndPort applyIconName (inputPort applyNode)
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ makeMultiIfGraph ::
makeMultiIfGraph numPairs multiIfName bools exps
= (newGraph, nameAndPort multiIfName (resultPort multiIfNode))
multiIfNode = MultiIfNode numPairs
multiIfNode = CaseOrMultiIfNode MultiIfTag numPairs []
expsWithPorts = zip exps $ map (nameAndPort multiIfName) multiIfRhsPorts
boolsWithPorts = zip bools $ map (nameAndPort multiIfName) multiIfBoolPorts
combindedGraph = combineExpressions False $ expsWithPorts <> boolsWithPorts
@ -278,20 +278,16 @@ nListString 1 = "[_]"
nListString n = '[' : replicate (n -1) ',' ++ "]"
nodeToIcon :: SyntaxNode -> Icon
nodeToIcon (LikeApplyNode flavor n)
= NestedApply flavor Nothing (replicate n Nothing)
nodeToIcon (NestedApplyNode flavor x edges)
nodeToIcon (ApplyNode flavor x edges)
= nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor x edges
nodeToIcon (NestedPatternApplyNode s children)
nodeToIcon (PatternApplyNode s children)
= nestedPatternNodeToIcon s children
nodeToIcon (NameNode s) = TextBoxIcon s
nodeToIcon (BindNameNode s) = BindTextBoxIcon s
nodeToIcon (LiteralNode s) = TextBoxIcon s
nodeToIcon (FunctionDefNode x names) = FlatLambdaIcon x names
nodeToIcon (MultiIfNode n) = MultiIfIcon n
nodeToIcon (CaseNode n) = CaseIcon n
nodeToIcon CaseResultNode = CaseResultIcon
nodeToIcon (NestedCaseOrMultiIfNode tag x edges)
nodeToIcon (CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x edges)
= nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon tag x edges
makeArg :: [(SgNamedNode, Edge)] -> Port -> Maybe NamedIcon
@ -307,7 +303,7 @@ nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon :: LikeApplyFlavor
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor numArgs args =
NestedApply flavor headIcon argList
dummyNode = LikeApplyNode flavor numArgs
dummyNode = ApplyNode flavor numArgs []
argPorts = take numArgs (argumentPorts dummyNode)
headIcon = makeArg args (inputPort dummyNode)
argList = fmap (makeArg args) argPorts
@ -321,7 +317,7 @@ nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon tag numArgs args = case tag of
CaseTag -> NestedCaseIcon argList
MultiIfTag -> NestedMultiIfIcon argList
dummyNode = CaseNode numArgs
dummyNode = CaseOrMultiIfNode CaseTag numArgs []
argPorts = take (2 * numArgs) $ argumentPorts dummyNode
argList = fmap (makeArg args) (inputPort dummyNode : argPorts)

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@ -84,23 +84,18 @@ data SgNamedNode = SgNamedNode {
-- TODO remove Ints from SyntaxNode data constructors.
data SyntaxNode =
-- Function application, composition, and applying to a composition
LikeApplyNode LikeApplyFlavor Int
-- NestedApplyNode is only created in GraphAlgorithms, not during translation.
-- Function application, composition, and applying to a composition
-- The list of nodes is unordered (replace with a map?)
| NestedApplyNode LikeApplyFlavor Int [(SgNamedNode, Edge)]
| NestedPatternApplyNode String [Labeled (Maybe SgNamedNode)]
ApplyNode LikeApplyFlavor Int [(SgNamedNode, Edge)]
| PatternApplyNode String [Labeled (Maybe SgNamedNode)]
| NameNode String -- Identifiers or symbols
| BindNameNode String
| LiteralNode String -- Literal values like the string "Hello World"
| FunctionDefNode -- Function definition (ie. lambda expression)
[String] -- Parameter labels
[NodeName] -- Nodes inside the lambda
| MultiIfNode
Int -- Number of alternatives
| CaseNode Int
| CaseResultNode -- TODO remove caseResultNode
| NestedCaseOrMultiIfNode CaseOrMultiIfTag Int [(SgNamedNode, Edge)]
| CaseOrMultiIfNode CaseOrMultiIfTag Int [(SgNamedNode, Edge)]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype Port = Port Int deriving (Typeable, Eq, Ord, Show)

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@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ maybeRenameNodeFolder (renamedNodes, nameMap, counter) mNode = case mNode of
renameSyntaxNode :: NameMap -> SyntaxNode -> Int -> (SyntaxNode, NameMap, Int)
renameSyntaxNode nameMap node counter = case node of
-- TODO Keep the Nothing subNodes
NestedPatternApplyNode s subNodes
-> (NestedPatternApplyNode s (reverse renamedSubNodes)
PatternApplyNode s subNodes
-> (PatternApplyNode s (reverse renamedSubNodes)
, newNameMap
, counter2)

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Icons(coloredTextBox)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Unnecessary hiding" #-}
prettyPrintSyntaxNode :: SyntaxNode -> String
prettyPrintSyntaxNode (NestedApplyNode _ _ namedNodesAndEdges)
prettyPrintSyntaxNode (ApplyNode _ _ namedNodesAndEdges)
= concatMap printNameAndEdge namedNodesAndEdges
printNameAndEdge (namedNode, edge)