Use applicatives for Angle arithmetic.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-12-02 13:06:30 -08:00
parent 0b81421971
commit 987a9b8869

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@ -147,7 +147,10 @@ findPortAngles (nodeName, nodeIcon) (NameAndPort diaName mPort) = case mPort of
pickClosestAngle :: Angle Double -> Angle Double -> Angle Double -> [Angle Double] -> Angle Double
pickClosestAngle emptyCase target shaftAngle angles = case angles of
[] -> emptyCase
_ -> ((fst (minimumBy (compare `on` snd) $ fmap angleDiff angles) ^. rad) - (shaftAngle ^. rad)) @@ rad
_ -> (-) <$>
fst (minimumBy (compare `on` snd) $ fmap angleDiff angles)
angleDiff angle = (angle, angleBetween (angleV target) (angleV angle))
@ -161,15 +164,15 @@ makeEdge graph dia (node0, node1, edge@(Edge _ _ (namePort0, namePort1))) =
node1label = fromMaybeError ("node0 is not in graph. node1: " ++ show node1) $
ING.lab graph node1
icon0Angle = pickClosestAngle (0 @@ turn) shaftAngle shaftAngle $ findPortAngles node0label namePort0
icon1Angle = pickClosestAngle (1/2 @@ turn) ((shaftAngle ^. rad) + ((1/2 @@ turn) ^. rad) @@ rad) shaftAngle $ findPortAngles node1label namePort1
shaftAnglePlusOneHalf = (+) <$> shaftAngle <*> (1/2 @@ turn)
icon1Angle = pickClosestAngle (1/2 @@ turn) shaftAnglePlusOneHalf shaftAngle $ findPortAngles node1label namePort1
diaNamePointMap = names dia
port0Point = getPortPoint $ nameAndPortToName namePort0
port1Point = getPortPoint $ nameAndPortToName namePort1
shaftVector = port1Point .-. port0Point
shaftAngle = signedAngleBetween shaftVector unitX
--fromAngle = icon0Angle - shaftAngle
--toAngle = icon1Angle - shaftAngle
getPortPoint n = head $ fromMaybeError
("makeEdge: port not found. Port: " ++ show n ++ ". Valid ports: " ++ show diaNamePointMap)