Use bezier curves for edges.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-12-01 20:46:24 -08:00
parent 334369afac
commit a250b479a5
5 changed files with 163 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ module Icons
@ -22,27 +22,31 @@ module Icons
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((&), (#))
import Data.List(find)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, listToMaybe)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
-- import Diagrams.Backend.SVG(B)
--import Diagrams.TwoD.Text(Text)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
--import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Types(Icon(..), SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend)
import DrawingColors(colorScheme, ColorStyle(..))
-- TYPES --
type TransformableDia b = (Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)
-- TODO Consider changing the order to
-- (Name -> Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b)
type TransformableDia b = (Bool -> Double -> Name -> SpecialQDiagram b)
-- COLORS --
lineCol :: Colour Double
lineCol = lineC colorScheme
-- Optimization: The apply0NDia's can be memoized.
iconToDiagram :: SpecialBackend b => Icon -> TransformableDia b
iconToDiagram (ApplyAIcon n) = identDiaFunc $ applyADia n
iconToDiagram (PAppIcon n str) = pAppDia n str
iconToDiagram (TextApplyAIcon n str) = textApplyADia n str
iconToDiagram ResultIcon = identDiaFunc resultIcon
iconToDiagram BranchIcon = identDiaFunc branchIcon
iconToDiagram (TextBoxIcon s) = textBox s
@ -54,9 +58,63 @@ iconToDiagram (FlatLambdaIcon n) = identDiaFunc $ flatLambda n
iconToDiagram (NestedApply args) = nestedApplyDia args
iconToDiagram (NestedPApp args) = nestedPAppDia args
applyPortAngles :: (Integral a, Floating n) => a -> [Angle n]
applyPortAngles x = case x of
0 -> [1/2 @@ turn]
1 -> [0 @@ turn]
_ -> fmap (@@ turn) [1/4, 3/4]
guardPortAngles :: (Integral a, Floating n) => a -> [Angle n]
guardPortAngles port = case port of
0 -> [1/4 @@ turn]
1 -> [3/4 @@ turn]
_ -> otherAngles where otherAngles
| even port = [0 @@ turn]
| otherwise = [1/2 @@ turn]
findNestedIcon :: Name -> Icon -> Maybe Icon
findNestedIcon name icon = case icon of
NestedApply args -> findIcon name args
NestedPApp args -> findIcon name args
_ -> Nothing
findIcon :: Name -> [Maybe (Name, Icon)] -> Maybe Icon
findIcon name args = icon where
filteredArgs = catMaybes args
nameMatches (n, _) = n == name
icon = case filteredArgs of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> case find nameMatches filteredArgs of
Nothing -> listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ fmap (findNestedIcon name . snd) filteredArgs
Just (_, finalIcon) -> Just finalIcon
nestedApplyPortAngles :: (Integral a, Floating n) => [Maybe (Name, Icon)] -> a -> Maybe Name -> [Angle n]
nestedApplyPortAngles args port maybeName = case maybeName of
Nothing -> applyPortAngles port
Just name -> case findIcon name args of
Nothing -> []
Just icon -> portAngles icon port Nothing
portAngles :: (Integral a, Floating n) => Icon -> a -> Maybe Name -> [Angle n]
portAngles icon port maybeName = case icon of
ApplyAIcon _ -> applyPortAngles port
PAppIcon _ _ -> applyPortAngles port
ResultIcon -> []
BranchIcon -> []
TextBoxIcon _ -> []
BindTextBoxIcon _ -> []
GuardIcon _ -> guardPortAngles port
CaseIcon _ -> guardPortAngles port
CaseResultIcon -> []
FlatLambdaIcon _ -> applyPortAngles port
NestedApply args -> nestedApplyPortAngles args port maybeName
NestedPApp args -> nestedApplyPortAngles args port maybeName
-- Make an identity TransformableDia
identDiaFunc :: SpecialQDiagram b -> TransformableDia b
identDiaFunc dia _ _ = dia
identDiaFunc dia _ _ name = nameDiagram name dia
-- | Names the diagram and puts all sub-names in the namespace of the top level name.
nameDiagram :: IsName nm => nm -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
@ -122,13 +180,13 @@ reduceAngleRange :: Double -> Double
reduceAngleRange x = x - fromInteger (floor x)
generalTextAppDia :: SpecialBackend b =>
Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Int -> String -> Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b
generalTextAppDia textCol borderCol numArgs str reflect angle = rotateDia where
Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Int -> String -> TransformableDia b
generalTextAppDia textCol borderCol numArgs str reflect angle name = nameDiagram name rotateDia where
rotateDia = transformCorrectedTextBox str textCol borderCol reflect angle |||
coloredApplyADia borderCol numArgs
transformCorrectedTextBox :: SpecialBackend b =>
String -> Colour Double -> Colour Double -> TransformableDia b
String -> Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Bool -> Double -> SpecialQDiagram b
transformCorrectedTextBox str textCol borderCol reflect angle =
rotateBy textBoxRotation (reflectIfTrue reflect (coloredTextBox textCol (opaque borderCol) str))
@ -146,10 +204,11 @@ nestedPAppDia = generalNestedDia (patternC colorScheme)
generalNestedDia :: SpecialBackend b =>
Colour Double -> [Maybe (Name, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b
generalNestedDia borderCol funcNameAndArgs reflect angle = case funcNameAndArgs of
generalNestedDia borderCol funcNameAndArgs reflect angle name = named name $ case funcNameAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
(maybeFunText:args) -> centerXY $ transformedText ||| centerY finalDia
makeQualifiedPort x = name .>> makePort x
transformedText = case maybeFunText of
Just _ -> makeInnerIcon 0 maybeFunText
Nothing -> mempty
@ -158,15 +217,15 @@ generalNestedDia borderCol funcNameAndArgs reflect angle = case funcNameAndArgs
trianglePortsCircle = hsep seperation $
reflectX (fc borderCol apply0Triangle) :
zipWith makeInnerIcon [2,3..] args ++
[makePort 1 <> alignR (lc borderCol $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc borderCol $ circle circleRadius)]
[makeQualifiedPort 1 <> alignR (lc borderCol $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc borderCol $ circle circleRadius)]
allPorts = makePort 0 <> alignL trianglePortsCircle
allPorts = makeQualifiedPort 0 <> alignL trianglePortsCircle
topAndBottomLineWidth = width allPorts - circleRadius
argBox = alignL $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc borderCol $ rect topAndBottomLineWidth (height allPorts + verticalSeperation)
finalDia = argBox <> allPorts
makeInnerIcon portNum Nothing = makePort portNum <> portCircle
makeInnerIcon _ (Just (iconName, icon)) = nameDiagram iconName $ iconToDiagram icon reflect angle
makeInnerIcon portNum Nothing = makeQualifiedPort portNum <> portCircle
makeInnerIcon _ (Just (iconName, icon)) = iconToDiagram icon reflect angle iconName
@ -179,7 +238,7 @@ textBoxHeightFactor = 1.1
textBox :: SpecialBackend b =>
String -> TransformableDia b
textBox t = transformCorrectedTextBox t (textBoxTextC colorScheme) $ textBoxC colorScheme
textBox t reflect rotate name = nameDiagram name $ transformCorrectedTextBox t (textBoxTextC colorScheme) (textBoxC colorScheme) reflect rotate
bindTextBox :: SpecialBackend b =>
String -> SpecialQDiagram b
@ -268,6 +327,11 @@ guardLBracket x = alignL (alignT ell) <> makePort x
ellShape = fromOffsets $ map r2 [(0, guardSize), (-guardSize,0)]
ell = lineJoin LineJoinRound $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc (boolC colorScheme) (strokeLine ellShape)
-- | generalGuardIcon port layout:
-- 0 -> top
-- 1 -> bottom
-- odds -> left
-- evens -> right
generalGuardIcon :: SpecialBackend b =>
Colour Double -> (Int -> SpecialQDiagram b) -> SpecialQDiagram b -> Int -> SpecialQDiagram b
generalGuardIcon triangleColor lBracket bottomDia n = centerXY $ alignT (bottomDia <> makePort 1) <> alignB (bigVerticalLine <> guardDia <> makePort 0)

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
--import qualified Debug.Trace
--import Data.Word(Word16)
import Icons(colorScheme, iconToDiagram, nameDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..), TransformableDia)
import Icons(colorScheme, iconToDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..), portAngles)
import TranslateCore(nodeToIcon)
import Types(Edge(..), Icon, EdgeOption(..), Connection, Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..),
NameAndPort(..), SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend, SyntaxNode)
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ bezierShaft angle1 angle2 = fromSegments [bezier3 c1 c2 x] where
c1 = rotate angle1 (scale scaleFactor unitX)
c2 = rotate angle2 (scale scaleFactor unitX) ^+^ x
getArrowOpts :: (RealFloat n, Typeable n) => (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd) -> [EdgeOption]-> ArrowOpts n
getArrowOpts (t, h) opts = arrowOptions
getArrowOpts :: (RealFloat n, Typeable n) => (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd) -> [EdgeOption] -> (Angle n, Angle n) -> ArrowOpts n
getArrowOpts (t, h) opts (fromAngle, toAngle) = arrowOptions
shaftColor = if EdgeInPattern `elem` opts then patternC else lineC
ap1ArgTexture = solid (backgroundC colorScheme)
@ -113,30 +113,72 @@ getArrowOpts (t, h) opts = arrowOptions
arrowOptions =
arrowHead .~ noHead $
arrowTail .~ noTail $
arrowShaft .~ bezierShaft fromAngle toAngle $
lengths .~ global 0.75 $
shaftStyle %~ (lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (shaftColor colorScheme)) $
shaftStyle %~ (lwG defaultLineWidth . lcA (withOpacity (shaftColor colorScheme) 0.7)) $
lookupHead h $ lookupTail t with
-- | Given an Edge, return a transformation on Diagrams that will draw a line.
connectMaybePorts :: SpecialBackend b =>
Edge -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1))) =
(getArrowOpts ends opts)
(icon0 .> port0)
(icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1))) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends opts) icon0 (icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 Nothing)) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends opts) (icon0 .> port0) icon1
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 Nothing)) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends opts) icon0 icon1
--connectMaybePorts :: SpecialBackend b =>
-- a -> Edge -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
connectMaybePorts :: (Floating n, SpecialBackend b) =>
(Angle Double, Angle Double)-> Edge -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
connectMaybePorts portAngles (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort name0 mPort1, NameAndPort name1 mPort2)) =
connectFunc (getArrowOpts ends opts portAngles) qPort0 qPort1 where
(connectFunc, qPort0, qPort1) = case (mPort1, mPort2) of
(Just port0, Just port1) -> (connect', name0 .> port0, name1 .> port1)
(Nothing, Just port1) -> (connectOutside', name0, name1 .> port1)
(Just port0, Nothing) -> (connectOutside', name0 .> port0, name1)
(_, _) -> (connectOutside', name0, name1)
makeConnections :: SpecialBackend b =>
[Edge] -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
makeConnections edges = applyAll connections
-- START addEdges --
nameAndPortToName (NameAndPort name mPort) = case mPort of
Nothing -> name
Just port -> name .> port
findPortAngles :: Floating n => (Name, Icon) -> NameAndPort -> [Angle n]
findPortAngles (nodeName, nodeIcon) (NameAndPort diaName mPort) = case mPort of
Nothing -> []
Just port -> foundAngles where
mName = if nodeName == diaName then Nothing else Just diaName
foundAngles = portAngles nodeIcon port mName
makeEdge :: (SpecialBackend b, ING.Graph gr) =>
gr (Name, Icon) Edge -> SpecialQDiagram b -> ING.LEdge Edge -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
makeEdge graph dia (node0, node1, edge@(Edge _ _ (namePort0, namePort1))) =
connectMaybePorts portAngles edge
connections = map connectMaybePorts edges
node0label = fromMaybeError ("node0 is not in graph. node0: " ++ show node0) $
ING.lab graph node0
node1label = fromMaybeError ("node0 is not in graph. node1: " ++ show node1) $
ING.lab graph node1
icon0Angle = case findPortAngles node0label namePort0 of
[] -> 0 @@ turn
(x:_) -> ((x ^. turn) - (shaftAngle ^. turn)) @@ turn
icon1Angle = case findPortAngles node1label namePort1 of
[] -> 1/2 @@ turn
(x:_) -> ((x ^. turn) - (shaftAngle ^. turn)) @@ turn
diaNamePointMap = names dia
port0Point = getPortPoint $ nameAndPortToName namePort0
port1Point = getPortPoint $ nameAndPortToName namePort1
shaftVector = port1Point .-. port0Point
shaftAngle = signedAngleBetween shaftVector unitX
--fromAngle = icon0Angle - shaftAngle
--toAngle = icon1Angle - shaftAngle
getPortPoint n = head $ fromMaybeError
("makeEdge: port not found. Port: " ++ show n ++ ". Valid ports: " ++ show diaNamePointMap)
(lookup n diaNamePointMap)
portAngles = (icon0Angle, icon1Angle)
addEdges :: (SpecialBackend b, ING.Graph gr) =>
gr (Name, Icon) Edge -> SpecialQDiagram b -> SpecialQDiagram b
addEdges graph dia = applyAll connections dia
connections = fmap (makeEdge graph dia) $ ING.labEdges graph
@ -198,14 +240,14 @@ rotateNodes :: SpecialBackend b =>
rotateNodes positionMap edges = map rotateDiagram (Map.keys positionMap)
positionMapNameKeys = Map.mapKeys fst positionMap
rotateDiagram key@(name, icon) = (key, nameDiagram name transformedDia)
rotateDiagram key@(name, icon) = (key, transformedDia)
originalDia = iconToDiagram icon
transformedDia = if flippedDist < unflippedDist
then rotateBy flippedAngle . reflectX $ originalDia True flippedAngle
else rotateBy unflippedAngle $ originalDia False unflippedAngle
(unflippedAngle, unflippedDist) = minAngleForDia (originalDia False 0)
(flippedAngle, flippedDist) = minAngleForDia (reflectX $ originalDia True 0)
then rotateBy flippedAngle . reflectX $ originalDia True flippedAngle name
else rotateBy unflippedAngle $ originalDia False unflippedAngle name
(unflippedAngle, unflippedDist) = minAngleForDia (originalDia False 0 name)
(flippedAngle, flippedDist) = minAngleForDia (reflectX $ originalDia True 0 name)
--minAngleForDia :: QDiagram b V2 Double m -> (Double, Double)
minAngleForDia dia = minAngle where
--ports = Debug.Trace.trace ((show $ names dia) ++ "\n") $ names dia
@ -235,14 +277,15 @@ type LayoutResult a b = Gr (GV.AttributeNode (Name, b)) (GV.AttributeNode a)
placeNodes :: SpecialBackend b =>
LayoutResult a Icon
-> [Connection]
-> [Edge]
-> SpecialQDiagram b
placeNodes layoutResult edges = mconcat placedNodes
connections = fmap edgeConnection edges
positionMap = fst $ getGraph layoutResult
rotatedNameDiagramMap = rotateNodes positionMap edges
placedNodes = map placeNode rotatedNameDiagramMap
--placedNodes = map placeNode nameDiagramMap
--rotatedNameDiagramMap = rotateNodes positionMap connections
--placedNodes = map placeNode rotatedNameDiagramMap
placedNodes = map placeNode $ (\key@(name, icon) -> (key, iconToDiagram icon False 0 name)) <$> Map.keys positionMap
-- todo: Not sure if the diagrams should already be centered at this point.
placeNode (name, diagram) = place (centerXY diagram) (graphvizScaleFactor *^ (positionMap Map.! name))
@ -265,15 +308,15 @@ customLayoutParams = GV.defaultParams{
GV.fmtEdge = const [GV.arrowTo GV.noArrow]
doGraphLayout :: forall b e.
doGraphLayout :: forall b.
SpecialBackend b =>
Gr (Name, Icon) e
-> [Connection]
Gr (Name, Icon) Edge
-> [Edge]
-> IO (SpecialQDiagram b)
doGraphLayout graph edges = do
layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato graph
-- layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Fdp graph
return $ placeNodes layoutResult edges
pure $ addEdges graph $ placeNodes layoutResult edges
layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int (Name,Icon) e () (Name,Icon)
--layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int l el Int l
@ -288,7 +331,7 @@ doGraphLayout graph edges = do
-- This type annotation (:: SpecialQDiagram b) requires Scoped Typed Variables, which only works if the function's
-- type signiture has "forall b e."
dia = iconToDiagram nodeIcon False 0 :: SpecialQDiagram b
dia = iconToDiagram nodeIcon False 0 (toName ""):: SpecialQDiagram b
diaWidth = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * width dia
diaHeight = drawingToGraphvizScaleFactor * height dia
@ -310,6 +353,4 @@ renderIngSyntaxGraph = renderIconGraph . ING.nmap (Control.Arrow.second nodeToIc
renderIconGraph :: SpecialBackend b => Gr (Name, Icon) Edge -> IO (SpecialQDiagram b)
renderIconGraph iconGraph = diagramAction where
edges = ING.edgeLabel <$> ING.labEdges iconGraph
connections = fmap edgeConnection edges
diagramAction = makeConnections edges <$>
doGraphLayout iconGraph connections
diagramAction = doGraphLayout iconGraph edges

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State(State, state)
-- subdrawing.
data Icon = ResultIcon | BranchIcon | TextBoxIcon String | GuardIcon Int
| FlatLambdaIcon Int | ApplyAIcon Int
| TextApplyAIcon Int String | PAppIcon Int String | CaseIcon Int | CaseResultIcon
| PAppIcon Int String | CaseIcon Int | CaseResultIcon
| BindTextBoxIcon String
-- TODO: NestedApply should have the type NestedApply (Maybe (Name, Icon)) [Maybe (Name, Icon)]
| NestedApply [Maybe (Name, Icon)]

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@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ translateTests :: IO (Diagram B)
translateTests = do
drawings <- traverse translateStringToDrawing testDecls
textDrawings = fmap (\t -> alignL $ textBox t False 0) testDecls
textDrawings = fmap (\t -> alignL $ textBox t False 0 (toName "")) testDecls
vCattedDrawings = vsep 1 $ zipWith (===) (fmap alignL drawings) textDrawings
pure vCattedDrawings

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@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
Fix the arrowheads being too big for SyntaxGraph darwings.
-- Visual todos:
Pick the best port angle
Fix the port angle of the function port of nested apply. It should be [1/4, 3/4], not [1/2]
-- Consider putting the function name in nested apply and pattern apply in a colored box.
-- Make an icon font/library with labeled ports. E.g. the apply icon would have text labels "function", "result", "arg 0", "arg 1", etc.
-- Fix rotation missing edges to nested diagrams.