Give edges in patterns a special color.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-02-25 18:37:04 -08:00
parent ce31dfa29a
commit b2a9427e57
6 changed files with 50 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -54,10 +54,11 @@ colorOnBlackScheme = ColorStyle {
lamArgResC = lime,
regionPerimC = white,
caseRhsC = slightlyGreenYellow,
patternC = magenta
patternC = lightMagenta
slightlyGreenYellow = sRGB24 212 255 0
lightMagenta = sRGB24 255 94 255
whiteOnBlackScheme :: (Floating a, Ord a) => ColorStyle a
whiteOnBlackScheme = ColorStyle {

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@ -14,12 +14,14 @@ import Translate(translateString, drawingFromDecl, drawingsFromModule)
-- TODO Now --
-- Use special colors for lines/boxes/text in patterns.
-- Refactor Translate
-- Test reference lookup in case rhs.
-- Use special colors for lines/boxes/text in patterns.
-- Convert match to a PatBind with a lambda and a let.
-- Have the file be a command line argument to main.
-- In matchesToCase, don't tuple and untuple for a single argument.
-- In evalPatBind, give the edge from the rhs to the pattern a special arrowhead.
-- TODO Later --
-- Let each bool, value pair in Guard icon be flipped to reduce line crossings. Do the same for case.
@ -304,6 +306,7 @@ patternTests = [
"y (F x) = x",
"y = (\\(F x) -> x)",
"y = let {g = 3; F x y = h g} in x y",
"y = let {F x y = 3} in x y",
"y = let {g = 3; F x y = g} in x y",
"y = let F x y = g in x y",
"F x = g x",

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import Icons(colorScheme, Icon(..), iconToDiagram, nameDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..))
import Types(Edge(..), Connection, Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..), NameAndPort(..))
import Types(Edge(..), EdgeOption(..), Connection, Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..), NameAndPort(..))
import Util(fromMaybeError)
-- If the inferred types for these functions becomes unweildy,
@ -69,9 +69,10 @@ arg1ResT len _ = (circle (len / 2) # alignR, mempty)
arg1ResH :: (RealFloat n) => ArrowHT n
arg1ResH len _ = (circle (len / 2) # alignL, mempty)
getArrowOpts :: (RealFloat n, Typeable n) => (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd) -> ArrowOpts n
getArrowOpts (t, h) = arrowOptions
getArrowOpts :: (RealFloat n, Typeable n) => (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd) -> [EdgeOption]-> ArrowOpts n
getArrowOpts (t, h) opts = arrowOptions
shaftColor = if EdgeInPattern `elem` opts then patternC else lineC
ap1ArgTexture = solid (backgroundC colorScheme)
ap1ArgStyle = lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (apply1C colorScheme)
ap1ResultTexture = solid (apply1C colorScheme)
@ -90,24 +91,24 @@ getArrowOpts (t, h) = arrowOptions
with & arrowHead .~ noHead
& arrowTail .~ noTail
& lengths .~ global 0.75
& shaftStyle %~ lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (lineC colorScheme)
& shaftStyle %~ lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (shaftColor colorScheme)
& lookupTail t & lookupHead h
-- | Given an Edge, return a transformation on Diagrams that will draw a line.
connectMaybePorts ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b) =>
Edge -> QDiagram b V2 n Any -> QDiagram b V2 n Any
connectMaybePorts (Edge (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1)) ends) =
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1))) =
(getArrowOpts ends)
(getArrowOpts ends opts)
(icon0 .> port0)
(icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts (Edge (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1)) ends) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends) icon0 (icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts (Edge (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 Nothing) ends) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends) (icon0 .> port0) icon1
connectMaybePorts (Edge (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 Nothing) ends) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends) icon0 icon1
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 (Just port1))) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends opts) icon0 (icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 (Just port0), NameAndPort icon1 Nothing)) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends opts) (icon0 .> port0) icon1
connectMaybePorts (Edge opts ends (NameAndPort icon0 Nothing, NameAndPort icon1 Nothing)) =
connectOutside' (getArrowOpts ends opts) icon0 icon1
makeConnections ::
(RealFloat n, Typeable n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b) =>

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@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import Data.Either(partitionEithers, rights)
import Data.List(unzip4, partition)
import Control.Monad(replicateM)
import Types(Icon, Edge(..), Drawing(..), NameAndPort(..), IDState,
import Types(Icon, Edge(..), EdgeOption(..), Drawing(..), NameAndPort(..), IDState,
initialIdState, getId)
import Util(toNames, noEnds, nameAndPort, justName, mapFst)
import Util(toNames, makeSimpleEdge, noEnds, nameAndPort, justName, mapFst)
import Icons(Icon(..))
type Reference = Either String NameAndPort
@ -107,19 +107,21 @@ evalQOp (QConOp n) = evalQName n
-- TODO: Refactor with combineExpressions
edgesForRefPortList :: Bool -> [(Reference, NameAndPort)] -> IconGraph
edgesForRefPortList inPattern portExpPairs = mconcat $ fmap mkGraph portExpPairs where
edgeOptions = if inPattern then [EdgeInPattern] else []
mkGraph (ref, port) = case ref of
Left str -> if inPattern
then IconGraph mempty mempty mempty mempty [(str, Right port)]
else IconGraph mempty mempty mempty [(str, port)] mempty
Right resultPort -> IconGraph mempty [Edge (resultPort, port) noEnds] mempty mempty mempty
Right resultPort -> IconGraph mempty [Edge edgeOptions noEnds (resultPort, port)] mempty mempty mempty
combineExpressions :: Bool -> [(GraphAndRef, NameAndPort)] -> IconGraph
combineExpressions inPattern portExpPairs = mconcat $ fmap mkGraph portExpPairs where
edgeOptions = if inPattern then [EdgeInPattern] else []
mkGraph ((graph, ref), port) = graph <> case ref of
Left str -> if inPattern
then IconGraph mempty mempty mempty mempty [(str, Right port)]
else IconGraph mempty mempty mempty [(str, port)] mempty
Right resultPort -> IconGraph mempty [Edge (resultPort, port) noEnds] mempty mempty mempty
Right resultPort -> IconGraph mempty [Edge edgeOptions noEnds (resultPort, port)] mempty mempty mempty
makeApplyGraph :: Bool -> DIA.Name -> (IconGraph, Reference) -> [(IconGraph, Reference)] -> Int -> (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
makeApplyGraph inPattern applyIconName funVal argVals numArgs = (newGraph <> combinedGraph, nameAndPort applyIconName 1)
@ -271,7 +273,7 @@ makeEdgesCore sinks bindings = partitionEithers $ fmap renameOrMakeEdge sinks
renameOrMakeEdge :: (String, NameAndPort) -> Either (String, NameAndPort) Edge
renameOrMakeEdge orig@(s, destPort) = case lookup s bindings of
Just ref -> case lookupReference bindings ref of
(Right sourcePort) -> Right $ Edge (sourcePort, destPort) noEnds
(Right sourcePort) -> Right $ makeSimpleEdge (sourcePort, destPort)
(Left newStr) -> Left (newStr, destPort)
Nothing -> Left orig
@ -333,11 +335,12 @@ evalCase c e alts = do
makeCaseResult resultIconName rhsPort = iconGraphFromIconsEdges rhsNewIcons rhsNewEdges
rhsNewIcons = toNames [(resultIconName, CaseResultIcon)]
rhsNewEdges = [Edge (rhsPort, justName resultIconName) noEnds]
rhsNewEdges = [makeSimpleEdge (rhsPort, justName resultIconName)]
caseResultGraphs = mconcat $ zipWith makeCaseResult resultIconNames (fmap (fst . snd) connectedRhss)
filteredRhsEdges = mapFst Right $ fmap snd unConnectedRhss
caseEdgeGraph = edgesForRefPortList False $ expEdge : (patEdges <> filteredRhsEdges)
finalGraph = caseResultGraphs <> expGraph <> caseEdgeGraph <> caseGraph <> combindedAltGraph
patternEdgesGraph = edgesForRefPortList True patEdges
caseEdgeGraph = edgesForRefPortList False (expEdge : filteredRhsEdges)
finalGraph = mconcat [patternEdgesGraph, caseResultGraphs, expGraph, caseEdgeGraph, caseGraph, combindedAltGraph]
pure (finalGraph, nameAndPort caseIconName 1)
evalTuple :: EvalContext -> [Exp] -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
@ -397,9 +400,9 @@ evalPatBind c (PatBind _ pat rhs maybeWhereBinds) = do
(newEdges, newSinks, bindings) = case patRef of
(Left s) -> (mempty, mempty, [(s, rhsRef)])
(Right patPort) -> case rhsRef of
-- TODO This edge/sink should have a special arrow head to indicate an input to a pattern.
(Left rhsStr) -> (mempty, [(rhsStr, patPort)], mempty)
-- TODO: This edge should be special to indicate that one side is a pattern.
(Right rhsPort) -> ([Edge (rhsPort, patPort) noEnds], mempty, mempty)
(Right rhsPort) -> ([makeSimpleEdge (rhsPort, patPort)], mempty, mempty)
gr = IconGraph mempty newEdges mempty newSinks bindings
pure . makeEdges $ (gr <> rhsGraph <> patGraph)
@ -409,17 +412,18 @@ iconGraphToDrawing (IconGraph icons edges subDrawings _ _) = Drawing icons edges
makeRhsDrawing :: DIA.IsName a => a -> (IconGraph, NameAndPort) -> Drawing
makeRhsDrawing resultIconName (rhsGraph, rhsResult)= rhsDrawing where
rhsNewIcons = toNames [(resultIconName, ResultIcon)]
rhsNewEdges = [Edge (rhsResult, justName resultIconName) noEnds]
rhsNewEdges = [makeSimpleEdge (rhsResult, justName resultIconName)]
rhsGraphWithResult = rhsGraph <> iconGraphFromIconsEdges rhsNewIcons rhsNewEdges
rhsDrawing = iconGraphToDrawing rhsGraphWithResult
qualifyNameAndPort :: String -> NameAndPort -> NameAndPort
qualifyNameAndPort s (NameAndPort n p) = NameAndPort (s DIA..> n) p
-- TODO Like evalPatBind, this edge should have an indicator that it is the input to a pattern.
makePatternEdges :: String -> GraphAndRef -> NameAndPort -> Either IconGraph (String, Reference)
makePatternEdges lambdaName (_, Right patPort) lamPort =
Left $ iconGraphFromIconsEdges mempty
[Edge (lamPort, qualifyNameAndPort lambdaName patPort) noEnds]
[makeSimpleEdge (lamPort, qualifyNameAndPort lambdaName patPort)]
makePatternEdges _ (_, Left str) lamPort = Right (str, Right lamPort)
generalEvalLambda :: EvalContext -> [Pat] -> (EvalContext -> State IDState GraphAndRef) -> State IDState (IconGraph, NameAndPort)
@ -511,7 +515,7 @@ showTopLevelBinds gr@(IconGraph _ _ _ _ binds) = do
uniquePatName <- getUniqueName patName
icons = toNames [(uniquePatName, TextBoxIcon patName)]
edges = [Edge (justName uniquePatName, port) noEnds]
edges = [makeSimpleEdge (justName uniquePatName, port)]
edgeGraph = iconGraphFromIconsEdges icons edges
pure edgeGraph
newGraph <- mconcat <$> mapM addBind binds

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Types (
@ -29,9 +30,11 @@ data NameAndPort = NameAndPort Name (Maybe Int) deriving (Show)
type Connection = (NameAndPort, NameAndPort)
data EdgeOption = EdgeInPattern deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | An Edge has an name of the source icon, and its optional port number,
-- and the name of the destination icon, and its optional port number.
data Edge = Edge {edgeConnection :: Connection, edgeEnds :: (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd)}
data Edge = Edge {edgeOptions::[EdgeOption], edgeEnds :: (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd), edgeConnection :: Connection}
deriving (Show)
data EdgeEnd = EndAp1Result | EndAp1Arg | EndNone deriving (Show)

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Util (
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ import Control.Arrow(first)
import Diagrams.Prelude(IsName, toName, Name)
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Types(EdgeEnd(..), Edge(..), NameAndPort(..))
import Types(EdgeEnd(..), Edge(..), NameAndPort(..), Connection)
mapFst :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f (a, c) -> f (b, c)
mapFst f = fmap (first f)
@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ toNames = mapFst toName
noEnds :: (EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd)
noEnds = (EndNone, EndNone)
makeSimpleEdge :: Connection -> Edge
makeSimpleEdge = Edge [] noEnds
nameAndPort :: IsName a => a -> Int -> NameAndPort
nameAndPort n p = NameAndPort (toName n) (Just p)
@ -38,25 +42,25 @@ justName n = NameAndPort (toName n) Nothing
-- Edge constructors --
portToPort :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> Int -> b -> Int -> Edge
portToPort a b c d = Edge (nameAndPort a b, nameAndPort c d) noEnds
portToPort a b c d = makeSimpleEdge (nameAndPort a b, nameAndPort c d)
iconToPort :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> b -> Int -> Edge
iconToPort a c d = Edge (justName a, nameAndPort c d) noEnds
iconToPort a c d = makeSimpleEdge (justName a, nameAndPort c d)
iconToIcon :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> b -> Edge
iconToIcon a c = Edge (justName a, justName c) noEnds
iconToIcon a c = makeSimpleEdge (justName a, justName c)
-- If there are gaps between the arrow and the icon, try switching the first two arguments
-- with the last two arguments
iconToIconEnds :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> EdgeEnd -> b -> EdgeEnd -> Edge
iconToIconEnds a b c d = Edge (justName a, justName c) (b, d)
iconToIconEnds a b c d = Edge [] (b, d) (justName a, justName c)
-- iconHeadToPort :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> EdgeEnd -> b -> Int -> Edge
-- iconHeadToPort a endHead c d = Edge (justName a, nameAndPort c d) (EndNone, endHead)
iconTailToPort :: (IsName a, IsName b) => a -> EdgeEnd -> b -> Int -> Edge
iconTailToPort a endTail c d = Edge (justName a, nameAndPort c d) (endTail, EndNone)
iconTailToPort a endTail c d = Edge [] (endTail, EndNone) (justName a, nameAndPort c d)
fromMaybeError :: String -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybeError s = fromMaybe (error s)