Add unit tests for findTreeRoots. Fix findTreeRoots. Improve renderFglGraph.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2016-11-17 15:50:58 -08:00
parent 2788bdf4f2
commit b36ffd400a
2 changed files with 41 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module GraphAlgorithms(
) where
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ collapseNodes originalGraph = originalGraph where
-- These nodes are thus each a root of a collapsed node tree.
-- A node is a treeRoot if all of these conditions are true:
-- 1. The SyntaxNode can embed other nodes (i.e. syntaxNodeCanEmbed is true)
-- 2. The node has at least one parent that can not embed (i.e. the node has a parent where syntaxNodeCanEmbed is false.)
-- 2. The node has no parents that can embed it
-- TODO These rules should be revised to allow cycles to be embedded.
-- Note: A treeRoot may not actually have any embeddable children, since collapseTree will do nothing in that case.
findTreeRoots :: ING.DynGraph gr => SyntaxGraph gr -> [ING.Node]
findTreeRoots graph = filterNodes (isTreeRoot graph) graph
@ -37,9 +39,10 @@ filterNodes :: ING.DynGraph gr => (ING.Node -> Bool) -> gr a b -> [ING.Node]
filterNodes pred gr = ING.nodes $ ING.nfilter pred gr
isTreeRoot :: ING.Graph gr => SyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Bool
isTreeRoot graph node = graphNodeCanEmbed graph node && hasAParentThatCannotEmbed where
hasAParentThatCannotEmbed = not $ null parentsThatCannotEmbed
parentsThatCannotEmbed = filter (not . graphNodeCanEmbed graph) (findParents graph node)
isTreeRoot graph node = graphNodeCanEmbed graph node && noParentsCanEmbed where
noParentsCanEmbed = null parentsThatCanEmbed
parentsThatCanEmbed = filter (graphNodeCanEmbed graph) parents
parents = findParents graph node
findParents :: ING.Graph gr => gr a b -> ING.Node -> [ING.Node]
-- TODO, may need to use ING.pre or ING.neighbors instead of ING.suc'

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@ -9,14 +9,17 @@ import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Test.HUnit
import Icons(textBox, colorScheme, ColorStyle(..), coloredTextBox)
import Rendering(renderDrawing, customLayoutParams)
import Util(toNames, portToPort, iconToPort, iconToIcon,
iconToIconEnds, iconTailToPort)
import Types(Icon(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..), SgNamedNode, Edge)
import Types(Icon(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..), SgNamedNode, Edge, SyntaxNode(..))
import Translate(translateString, stringToSyntaxGraph)
import TranslateCore(syntaxGraphToFglGraph)
import GraphAlgorithms(collapseNodes)
import qualified GraphAlgorithms
(d0A, d0B, d0Res, d0Foo, d0Bar) = ("A", "B", "res", "foo", "bar")
d0Icons = toNames
@ -417,17 +420,20 @@ graphTests = do
nodeFunc (name, syntaxNode) =
place (coloredTextBox white (opaque white) (show syntaxNode) :: Diagram B)
-- For Neato
scaleFactor = 0.12
renderFglGraph :: FGR.Gr SgNamedNode Edge -> IO (Diagram B)
renderFglGraph fglGraph = do
layedOutGraph <- DiaGV.layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato fglGraph
pure $ DiaGV.drawGraph
(\_ _ _ _ _ p -> lc white $ stroke p)
--(\_ _ _ _ _ p -> lc white $ stroke p)
(\_ p _ p _ p -> lcA (withOpacity white 0.5) $ arrowBetween (scaleFactor *^ p) (scaleFactor *^ p))
nodeFunc (name, syntaxNode) =
place (coloredTextBox white (opaque white) (show syntaxNode) :: Diagram B)
nodeFunc (name, syntaxNode) point =
place (coloredTextBox white (opaque white) (show name ++ show syntaxNode) :: Diagram B) (scaleFactor *^ point)
layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int v e () v
layoutParams = customLayoutParams{
GV.fmtNode = nodeAttribute
@ -443,7 +449,8 @@ collapseTestStrings = [
"y = x",
"y = 1.0",
"y = f x",
"y = f x1 x2"
"y = f x1 x2",
"y = f (g x)"
makeCollapseTest :: String -> IO (Diagram B)
@ -472,9 +479,9 @@ collapseTests = do
drawingsAndNames :: [(String, IO (Diagram B))]
drawingsAndNames = [
("translate-tests", translateTests),
("render-tests", renderTests),
("graph-tests", graphTests),
-- ("translate-tests", translateTests),
-- ("render-tests", renderTests),
-- ("graph-tests", graphTests),
("collapse-tests", collapseTests)
@ -496,6 +503,23 @@ testCollapse = do
putStrLn "\nfglOut:"
ING.prettyPrint fglOut
makeTreeRootTest (testName, expected, haskellString) = TestCase $ assertEqual testName expected actual where
actual = (fmap (ING.lab graph) treeRoots) where
graph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ stringToSyntaxGraph haskellString
treeRoots = GraphAlgorithms.findTreeRoots graph
treeRootTests = TestList $ fmap makeTreeRootTest treeRootTestList where
treeRootTestList = [
("single apply", [Just (toName "app02", ApplyNode 1)], "y = f x"),
("double apply", [Just (toName "app04", ApplyNode 1)], "y = f (g x)")
collapseUnitTests = TestList[TestLabel "findTreeRoots" treeRootTests]
main :: IO ()
main = renderDrawings drawingsAndNames
--main = print "Hello world"
main = do
renderDrawings drawingsAndNames
runTestTT collapseUnitTests
pure ()
--main = testCollapse