Replace NamedIcons with NodeNames in some Icon constructors.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2019-06-28 23:10:20 -07:00
parent c1e1682b1d
commit b63cdef55e
8 changed files with 346 additions and 191 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ module GraphAlgorithms(
) where
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as ING
import Data.List(foldl', find)
import Data.Tuple(swap)
@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ import GHC.Stack(HasCallStack)
import Constants(pattern ResultPortConst, pattern InputPortConst)
import Types(SyntaxNode(..), IngSyntaxGraph, Edge(..),
CaseOrMultiIfTag(..), Port(..), NameAndPort(..), SgNamedNode(..)
, AnnotatedGraph, EmbedInfo(..), EmbedDirection(..))
, AnnotatedGraph, EmbedInfo(..), EmbedDirection(..), NodeInfo(..))
import Util(sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use record patterns" #-}
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable parentType syntaxNode mParentPort mChildPort
-- (LambdaParent, ApplyNode _ _ _) -> parentPortIsInput
-- (LambdaParent, LiteralNode _) -> parentPortIsInput
-- (LambdaParent, FunctionDefNode _ _)
-- (LambdaParent, FunctionDefNode _ _ _)
-- -> parentPortIsInput
(CaseParent, LiteralNode _) -> parentPortNotResult
@ -140,7 +139,8 @@ findEmbedDir gr fromNode toNode e = if
-> Just EdEmbedFrom
| otherwise -> Nothing
annotateGraph :: ING.DynGraph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> AnnotatedGraph gr
annotateGraph :: ING.DynGraph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> gr SgNamedNode (EmbedInfo Edge)
annotateGraph gr = ING.gmap edgeMapper gr
edgeMapper :: ING.Context SgNamedNode Edge
@ -166,12 +166,29 @@ findEdgeLabel graph node1 node2 = fmap fst matchingEdges where
matchingEdges = find ((== node2) . snd) labelledEdges
-- | Replace the a node's label
changeNodeLabel :: ING.DynGraph gr => gr a b -> ING.Node -> a -> gr a b
changeNodeLabel graph node newLabel = case ING.match node graph of
changeNodeLabel :: ING.DynGraph gr => ING.Node -> a -> gr a b -> gr a b
changeNodeLabel node newLabel graph = case ING.match node graph of
(Just (inEdges, _, _, outEdges), restOfTheGraph)
-> (inEdges, node, newLabel, outEdges) ING.& restOfTheGraph
(Nothing, _) -> graph
-- TODO Wrap the SyntaxNodes in an Embedder type so that this function does not
-- require pattern matching.
addChildrenToNodeLabel :: [(SgNamedNode, Edge)] -> SyntaxNode -> SyntaxNode
addChildrenToNodeLabel children oldSyntaxNode = case oldSyntaxNode of
ApplyNode flavor x existingNodes
-> ApplyNode flavor x
(children <> existingNodes)
CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x existingNodes
-> CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x
(children <> existingNodes)
FunctionDefNode labels existingNodes innerNodes
-> FunctionDefNode
(children <> existingNodes)
_ -> oldSyntaxNode
-- | Change the node label of the parent to be nested.
embedChildSyntaxNode :: ING.DynGraph gr =>
ING.Node -> ING.Node -> AnnotatedGraph gr -> AnnotatedGraph gr
@ -180,29 +197,26 @@ embedChildSyntaxNode parentNode childNode oldGraph = newGraph
mChildAndEdge =
(,) <$> ING.lab oldGraph childNode
<*> findEdgeLabel oldGraph parentNode childNode
childrenAndEdgesToParent = case mChildAndEdge of
Nothing -> []
Just childAndEdge -> [Arrow.second eiVal childAndEdge]
newGraph = case ING.lab oldGraph parentNode of
Nothing -> oldGraph
Just oldNodeLabel -> changeNodeLabel oldGraph parentNode newNodeLabel
SgNamedNode nodeName oldSyntaxNode = oldNodeLabel
newNodeLabel = SgNamedNode nodeName newSyntaxNode
newSyntaxNode = case oldSyntaxNode of
ApplyNode flavor x existingNodes
-> ApplyNode flavor x
(childrenAndEdgesToParent <> existingNodes)
CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x existingNodes
-> CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x
(childrenAndEdgesToParent <> existingNodes)
FunctionDefNode labels existingNodes innerNodes
-> FunctionDefNode
(childrenAndEdgesToParent <> existingNodes)
_ -> oldSyntaxNode
Nothing -> error "embedChildSyntaxNode: parentNode not found"
Just (NodeInfo isChild oldNodeLabel) ->
-- TODO Refactor with the Maybe Monad?
case mChildAndEdge of
Nothing -> error "embedChildSyntaxNode: childNode not found."
Just (NodeInfo _ childNodeLab, EmbedInfo _ edge)
-> changeNodeLabel childNode (NodeInfo True childNodeLab)
$ changeNodeLabel parentNode newNodeLabel oldGraph
SgNamedNode nodeName oldSyntaxNode = oldNodeLabel
= addChildrenToNodeLabel [(childNodeLab, edge)] oldSyntaxNode
newNodeLabel = NodeInfo isChild (SgNamedNode nodeName newSyntaxNode)
-- TODO This is buggy since it needs to transfer edges to the root ancestor, not
-- the immediate parent. Otherwise some edges will be between child nodes. Or
-- better yet, don't modify the graph edges, and change the bool in NodeInfo
-- to a Maybe Node which is the nodes parent. Use this info to find the root
-- ancestor when needed.
changeEdgeToParent :: ING.Node -> ING.Node -> ING.LEdge b -> ING.LEdge b
changeEdgeToParent parentNode childNode (fromNode, toNode, lab)
= (toParent fromNode, toParent toNode, lab)
@ -216,7 +230,7 @@ collapseEdge :: (HasCallStack, ING.DynGraph gr)
collapseEdge oldGraph (fromNode, toNode, e@(EmbedInfo mEmbedDir _))
= case mEmbedDir of
Nothing -> oldGraph
Just embedDir -> childDeletedGraph
Just embedDir -> graphWithEdgesTransferred
(parentNode, childNode) = parentAndChild embedDir (fromNode, toNode)
@ -228,13 +242,13 @@ collapseEdge oldGraph (fromNode, toNode, e@(EmbedInfo mEmbedDir _))
(ING.inn oldGraph childNode <> ING.out oldGraph childNode)
= ING.insEdges childEdgesToTransfer childEmbeddedGraph
childDeletedGraph = ING.delNode childNode graphWithEdgesTransferred
collapseAnnotatedGraph :: (HasCallStack, ING.DynGraph gr)
=> AnnotatedGraph gr
=> gr SgNamedNode (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> AnnotatedGraph gr
collapseAnnotatedGraph origGraph = newGraph
defaultNodeInfoGraph = ING.nmap (NodeInfo False) origGraph
-- TODO Check that there are no embedded edges left.
newGraph = foldl' collapseEdge origGraph (ING.labEdges origGraph)
newGraph = foldl' collapseEdge defaultNodeInfoGraph (ING.labEdges origGraph)

View File

@ -23,22 +23,24 @@ module Icons
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((&), (#), Name)
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.List(find)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, listToMaybe, isJust, fromJust)
import Data.Maybe(listToMaybe, isJust, fromJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import Constants(pattern InputPortConst, pattern ResultPortConst)
import DrawingColors(colorScheme, ColorStyle(..))
import Types(Icon(..), SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend, SpecialNum
, NodeName, Port(..), LikeApplyFlavor(..),
SyntaxNode(..), NamedIcon(..), Labeled(..))
, NodeName(..), Port(..), LikeApplyFlavor(..),
SyntaxNode(..), NamedIcon(..), Labeled(..), IconInfo)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use record patterns" #-}
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Unnecessary hiding" #-}
@ -72,19 +74,38 @@ lineCol = lineC colorScheme
-- BEGIN Exported icon functions --
iconToDiagram :: SpecialBackend b n => Icon -> TransformableDia b n
iconToDiagram icon = case icon of
findIconFromName :: IconInfo -> NodeName -> NamedIcon
findIconFromName icons name@(NodeName nameInt)
= NamedIcon name $ IM.findWithDefault
(error $ "findIconFromName: icon not found.\nicons="
<> show icons <> "\nname=" <> show name)
-- TODO Detect if we are in a loop (have called iconToDiagram on the same node
-- before)
iconToDiagram :: SpecialBackend b n
=> IconInfo
-> Icon
-> TransformableDia b n
iconToDiagram iconInfo icon = case icon of
TextBoxIcon s -> textBox s
BindTextBoxIcon s -> identDiaFunc $ bindTextBox s
MultiIfIcon n -> nestedMultiIfDia $ replicate (1 + (2 * n)) Nothing
CaseIcon n -> nestedCaseDia $ replicate (1 + (2 * n)) Nothing
MultiIfIcon n -> nestedMultiIfDia iconInfo $ replicate (1 + (2 * n)) Nothing
CaseIcon n -> nestedCaseDia iconInfo $ replicate (1 + (2 * n)) Nothing
CaseResultIcon -> identDiaFunc caseResult
LambdaIcon x bodyExp _ -> nestedLambda x bodyExp
NestedApply flavor headIcon args -> nestedApplyDia flavor headIcon args
LambdaIcon x bodyExp _
-> nestedLambda iconInfo x (findIconFromName iconInfo <$> bodyExp)
NestedApply flavor headIcon args
-> nestedApplyDia
(fmap (findIconFromName iconInfo) headIcon)
((fmap . fmap) (findIconFromName iconInfo) args)
NestedPApp constructor args
-> nestedPAppDia (repeat $ patternC colorScheme) constructor args
NestedCaseIcon args -> nestedCaseDia args
NestedMultiIfIcon args -> nestedMultiIfDia args
-> nestedPAppDia iconInfo (repeat $ patternC colorScheme) constructor args
NestedCaseIcon args -> nestedCaseDia iconInfo args
NestedMultiIfIcon args -> nestedMultiIfDia iconInfo args
-- BEGIN getPortAngles --
@ -109,38 +130,44 @@ multiIfPortAngles (Port port) = case port of
| even port = [0 @@ turn]
| otherwise = [1/2 @@ turn]
findNestedIcon :: NodeName -> Icon -> Maybe Icon
findNestedIcon name icon = case icon of
NestedApply _ headIcon args -> snd <$> findIcon name (headIcon : args)
findNestedIcon :: IconInfo -> NodeName -> Icon -> Maybe Icon
findNestedIcon iconInfo name icon = case icon of
NestedApply _ headIcon args
-> snd
<$> findIcon
((fmap . fmap) (findIconFromName iconInfo) (headIcon : args))
NestedPApp constructor args ->
snd <$> findIcon name (fmap laValue (constructor:args))
snd <$> findIcon iconInfo name (fmap laValue (constructor:args))
_ -> Nothing
findIcon :: NodeName -> [Maybe NamedIcon] -> Maybe (Int, Icon)
findIcon name args = icon where
findIcon :: IconInfo -> NodeName -> [Maybe NamedIcon] -> Maybe (Int, Icon)
findIcon iconInfo name args = icon where
numberedArgs = zip ([0,1..] :: [Int]) args
filteredArgs = Arrow.second fromJust <$> filter (isJust . snd) numberedArgs
nameMatches (_, NamedIcon n _) = n == name
icon = case find nameMatches filteredArgs of
Nothing -> listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ fmap findSubSubIcon filteredArgs
Nothing -> listToMaybe $ mapMaybe findSubSubIcon filteredArgs
Just (argNum, NamedIcon _ finalIcon) -> Just (argNum, finalIcon)
findSubSubIcon (argNum, NamedIcon _ subIcon)
= case findNestedIcon name subIcon of
= case findNestedIcon iconInfo name subIcon of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> Just (argNum, x)
generalNestedPortAngles :: SpecialNum n
=> (Port -> [Angle n])
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
generalNestedPortAngles defaultAngles headIcon args port maybeNodeName =
=> IconInfo
-> (Port -> [Angle n])
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
generalNestedPortAngles iconInfo defaultAngles headIcon args port maybeNodeName =
case maybeNodeName of
Nothing -> defaultAngles port
Just name -> case findIcon name (headIcon : args) of
Just name -> case findIcon iconInfo name (headIcon : args) of
Nothing -> []
Just (_, icon) -> getPortAngles icon port Nothing
Just (_, icon) -> getPortAngles iconInfo icon port Nothing
reflectXAngle :: SpecialNum n => Angle n -> Angle n
reflectXAngle x = reflectedAngle where
@ -148,14 +175,15 @@ reflectXAngle x = reflectedAngle where
reflectedAngle = (-) <$> halfTurn <*> normalizedAngle
-- TODO reflect the angles for the right side sub-icons
nestedMultiIfPortAngles :: SpecialNum n =>
[Maybe NamedIcon]
nestedMultiIfPortAngles :: SpecialNum n
=> IconInfo
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> Port
-> Maybe NodeName
-> [Angle n]
nestedMultiIfPortAngles args port maybeNodeName = case maybeNodeName of
nestedMultiIfPortAngles iconInfo args port maybeNodeName = case maybeNodeName of
Nothing -> multiIfPortAngles port
Just name -> case findIcon name args of
Just name -> case findIcon iconInfo name args of
Nothing -> []
-- TODO Don't use hardcoded numbers
-- The arguments correspond to ports [0, 2, 3, 4 ...]
@ -164,23 +192,37 @@ nestedMultiIfPortAngles args port maybeNodeName = case maybeNodeName of
then fmap reflectXAngle subAngles
else subAngles
subAngles = getPortAngles icon port Nothing
subAngles = getPortAngles iconInfo icon port Nothing
getPortAngles :: SpecialNum n => Icon -> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
getPortAngles icon port maybeNodeName = case icon of
getPortAngles :: SpecialNum n => IconInfo -> Icon -> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
getPortAngles iconInfo icon port maybeNodeName = case icon of
TextBoxIcon _ -> []
BindTextBoxIcon _ -> []
MultiIfIcon _ -> multiIfPortAngles port
CaseIcon _ -> multiIfPortAngles port
CaseResultIcon -> []
LambdaIcon _ _ _ -> applyPortAngles port
NestedApply _ headIcon args ->
generalNestedPortAngles applyPortAngles headIcon args port maybeNodeName
NestedPApp headIcon args ->
pAppPortAngles (laValue headIcon) (fmap laValue args) port maybeNodeName
NestedCaseIcon args -> nestedMultiIfPortAngles args port maybeNodeName
NestedMultiIfIcon args -> nestedMultiIfPortAngles args port maybeNodeName
NestedApply _ headIcon args
-> generalNestedPortAngles
-- TODO Refactor with iconToDiagram
(fmap (findIconFromName iconInfo) headIcon)
((fmap . fmap) (findIconFromName iconInfo) args)
NestedPApp headIcon args
-> generalNestedPortAngles
(laValue headIcon)
(fmap laValue args)
NestedCaseIcon args
-> nestedMultiIfPortAngles iconInfo args port maybeNodeName
NestedMultiIfIcon args
-> nestedMultiIfPortAngles iconInfo args port maybeNodeName
-- END getPortAngles --
@ -289,29 +331,32 @@ resultIcon = lw none $ fc (lamArgResC colorScheme) unitSquare
-- BEGIN Apply like icons
makeAppInnerIcon :: SpecialBackend b n =>
IconInfo ->
TransformParams n ->
Bool -> -- If False then add one to the nesting level.
Port -> -- Port number (if the NamedIcon is Nothing)
Labeled (Maybe NamedIcon) -> -- The icon
SpecialQDiagram b n
makeAppInnerIcon (TransformParams name _ reflect angle) _ portNum
makeAppInnerIcon _iconInfo (TransformParams name _ reflect angle) _ portNum
(Labeled Nothing str)
= centerX $ makeLabelledPort name reflect angle str portNum
makeAppInnerIcon (TransformParams _ nestingLevel reflect angle) func _
makeAppInnerIcon iconInfo (TransformParams _ nestingLevel reflect angle) func _
(Labeled (Just (NamedIcon iconNodeName icon)) _)
= iconToDiagram
(TransformParams iconNodeName innerLevel reflect angle)
innerLevel = if func then nestingLevel else nestingLevel + 1
makeTransformedText :: SpecialBackend b n =>
TransformParams n
makeTransformedText :: SpecialBackend b n
=> IconInfo
-> TransformParams n
-> Labeled (Maybe NamedIcon)
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
makeTransformedText tp maybeFunText = case laValue maybeFunText of
makeTransformedText iconInfo tp maybeFunText = case laValue maybeFunText of
Just _ ->
makeAppInnerIcon tp True InputPortConst maybeFunText
makeAppInnerIcon iconInfo tp True InputPortConst maybeFunText
Nothing -> mempty
appArgBox :: (HasStyle a, Typeable (N a)
@ -326,12 +371,14 @@ appArgBox borderCol topAndBottomLineWidth portHeight
verticalSeparation = circleRadius
nestedPAppDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
[Colour Double]
nestedPAppDia :: SpecialBackend b n
=> IconInfo
-> [Colour Double]
-> Labeled (Maybe NamedIcon)
-> [Labeled (Maybe NamedIcon)]
-> TransformableDia b n
@ -340,7 +387,7 @@ nestedPAppDia
$ centerY finalDia ||| beside' unitX transformedText resultCircleAndPort
borderCol = borderCols !! nestingLevel
transformedText = makeTransformedText tp maybeFunText
transformedText = makeTransformedText iconInfo tp maybeFunText
separation = circleRadius * 1.5
= makeQualifiedPort name ResultPortConst
@ -350,7 +397,7 @@ nestedPAppDia
= vsep separation $
rotate quarterTurn (apply0Triangle borderCol) :
zipWith (makeAppInnerIcon tp False) argPortsConst args
zipWith (makeAppInnerIcon iconInfo tp False) argPortsConst args
= makeQualifiedPort name InputPortConst <> alignT triangleAndPorts
argBox = alignT $ appArgBox
@ -369,12 +416,14 @@ beside' dir dia1 dia2 = juxtapose dir dia1 dia2 <> dia1
-- ResultPortConst: Result
-- Ports 2,3..: Arguments
generalNestedDia :: SpecialBackend b n
=> (Colour Double -> SpecialQDiagram b n)
-> [Colour Double]
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
=> IconInfo
-> (Colour Double -> SpecialQDiagram b n)
-> [Colour Double]
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
@ -383,11 +432,11 @@ generalNestedDia
= named name $ centerXY $ beside' unitX transformedText finalDia
borderCol = borderCols !! nestingLevel
transformedText = makeTransformedText tp (pure maybeFunText)
transformedText = makeTransformedText iconInfo tp (pure maybeFunText)
separation = circleRadius * 1.5
trianglePortsCircle = hsep separation $
reflectX (dia borderCol) :
zipWith (makeAppInnerIcon tp False) argPortsConst (fmap pure args) ++
zipWith (makeAppInnerIcon iconInfo tp False) argPortsConst (fmap pure args) ++
[makeQualifiedPort name ResultPortConst
<> alignR
(lc borderCol $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc borderCol
@ -403,14 +452,16 @@ generalNestedDia
nestedApplyDia :: SpecialBackend b n
=> LikeApplyFlavor
=> IconInfo
-> LikeApplyFlavor
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
nestedApplyDia flavor = case flavor of
ApplyNodeFlavor -> generalNestedDia apply0Triangle (nestingC colorScheme)
ComposeNodeFlavor ->
generalNestedDia composeSemiCircle (repeat $ apply1C colorScheme)
nestedApplyDia iconInfo flavor = case flavor of
-> generalNestedDia iconInfo apply0Triangle (nestingC colorScheme)
-> generalNestedDia iconInfo composeSemiCircle (repeat $ apply1C colorScheme)
-- END Apply like diagrams
@ -542,12 +593,13 @@ multiIfTriangle portDia =
-- odds -> left
-- evens -> right
generalNestedMultiIf :: SpecialBackend b n
=> Colour Double
=> IconInfo
-> Colour Double
-> (SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n)
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
generalNestedMultiIf triangleColor lBracket bottomDia inputAndArgs
generalNestedMultiIf iconInfo triangleColor lBracket bottomDia inputAndArgs
(TransformParams name nestingLevel reflect angle)
= named name $ case inputAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
@ -591,11 +643,14 @@ generalNestedMultiIf triangleColor lBracket bottomDia inputAndArgs
then reflectX dia
else dia
dia = iconToDiagram icon (TransformParams
(innerReflected /= reflect)
dia = iconToDiagram
(innerReflected /= reflect)
multiIfLBracket :: SpecialBackend b n =>
SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
@ -612,9 +667,10 @@ multiIfLBracket portDia = alignL (alignT ell) <> portDia
-- Ports 3,5...: The left ports for the booleans
-- Ports 2,4...: The right ports for the values
nestedMultiIfDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
[Maybe NamedIcon]
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
nestedMultiIfDia = generalNestedMultiIf lineCol multiIfLBracket mempty
nestedMultiIfDia iconInfo = generalNestedMultiIf iconInfo lineCol multiIfLBracket mempty
-- TODO Improve design to be more than a circle.
caseResult :: SpecialBackend b n =>
@ -632,8 +688,12 @@ caseC portDia = caseResult <> portDia
-- ResultPortConst: Bottom result port
-- Ports 3,5...: The left ports for the results
-- Ports 2,4...: The right ports for the patterns
nestedCaseDia :: SpecialBackend b n => [Maybe NamedIcon] -> TransformableDia b n
nestedCaseDia = generalNestedMultiIf (patternC colorScheme) caseC caseResult
nestedCaseDia :: SpecialBackend b n
=> IconInfo
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
nestedCaseDia iconInfo
= generalNestedMultiIf iconInfo (patternC colorScheme) caseC caseResult
-- END MultiIf and case icons
@ -642,10 +702,11 @@ nestedCaseDia = generalNestedMultiIf (patternC colorScheme) caseC caseResult
-- 1: The lambda function value
-- 2,3.. : The parameters
nestedLambda :: SpecialBackend b n
=> [String]
=> IconInfo
-> [String]
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> TransformableDia b n
nestedLambda paramNames mBodyExp (TransformParams name level reflect angle)
nestedLambda iconInfo paramNames mBodyExp (TransformParams name level reflect angle)
= centerXY $ bodyExpIcon ||| centerY (named name finalDia)
@ -661,6 +722,7 @@ nestedLambda paramNames mBodyExp (TransformParams name level reflect angle)
Nothing -> mempty
Just (NamedIcon bodyNodeName bodyIcon)
-> iconToDiagram
(TransformParams bodyNodeName level reflect angle)

View File

@ -21,13 +21,15 @@ import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz(mkGraph, getGraph, layoutGraph')
import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Arrow(first)
import Data.Function(on)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as ING
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.List(find, minimumBy)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, isNothing, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe(isNothing, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import GHC.Stack(HasCallStack)
@ -35,14 +37,14 @@ import GHC.Stack(HasCallStack)
--import Data.GraphViz.Commands
import Icons(colorScheme, iconToDiagram, defaultLineWidth, ColorStyle(..)
, getPortAngles, TransformParams(..), circleRadius)
, getPortAngles, TransformParams(..), circleRadius, findIconFromName)
import TranslateCore(nodeToIcon)
import Types(EmbedInfo(..), AnnotatedGraph, Edge(..)
, Drawing(..), NameAndPort(..)
, SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend, SpecialNum, NodeName(..)
, Port(..), NamedIcon(..), Icon(..))
, Port(..), NamedIcon(..), Icon(..), NodeInfo(..), IconInfo)
import Util(fromMaybeError, mapNodeInNamedNode, namedIconToTuple)
import Util(nodeNameToInt, fromMaybeError, mapNodeInNamedNode, namedIconToTuple)
-- If the inferred types for these functions becomes unweildy,
-- try using PartialTypeSignitures.
@ -127,14 +129,33 @@ connectMaybePorts :: SpecialBackend b n =>
connectMaybePorts portAngles
(EmbedInfo embedDir
(fromNamePort@(NameAndPort name0 mPort1), NameAndPort name1 mPort2)))
(fromNamePort@(NameAndPort name0 mPort1)
, NameAndPort name1 mPort2)))
-- In order to give arrows a "shadow" effect, draw a thicker semi-transparent
-- line shaft the same color as the background underneath the normal line
-- shaft.
= connectFunc normalOpts qPort0 qPort1
. connectFunc arrOptsShadow qPort0 qPort1
= -- if DIA.location (DIA.lookupName qPort0 origDia) == DIA.location (DIA.lookupName qPort1 origDia
-- if nameToPoint qPort0 == nameToPoint qPort1
-- then error "connectMaybePorts: fromNamePort equals toNamePort!"
case pointsTheSame of
Nothing -> origDia
Just True -> origDia
_ ->
(connectFunc normalOpts qPort0 qPort1
. connectFunc arrOptsShadow qPort0 qPort1) origDia
pointsTheSame = do
p0 <- nameToPoint qPort0
p1 <- nameToPoint qPort1
return $ p0 == p1
nameToPoint n = case DIA.lookupName n origDia of
--Nothing -> DIA.r2 (0, 0)--error "Name does not exist!"
Nothing -> Nothing-- error $ "Name does not exist! name=" <> show n <> "\neInfo=" <> show eInfo
Just subDia -> Just $ DIA.location subDia
lineWidth = 2 * defaultLineWidth
(baseArrOpts, shaftCol) = getArrowOpts portAngles fromNamePort
-- TODO Use a color from the color scheme for un-embedded shafts.
@ -152,19 +173,21 @@ connectMaybePorts portAngles
(Just port0, Nothing) -> (connectOutside', name0 .> port0, toName name1)
(_, _) -> (connectOutside', toName name0, toName name1)
-- START addEdges --
nameAndPortToName :: NameAndPort -> Name
nameAndPortToName (NameAndPort name mPort) = case mPort of
Nothing -> toName name
Just port -> name .> port
findPortAngles :: SpecialNum n => NamedIcon -> NameAndPort -> [Angle n]
findPortAngles (NamedIcon nodeName nodeIcon) (NameAndPort diaName mPort)
findPortAngles :: SpecialNum n
=> IconInfo -> NamedIcon -> NameAndPort -> [Angle n]
findPortAngles iconInfo (NamedIcon nodeName nodeIcon) (NameAndPort diaName mPort)
= case mPort of
Nothing -> []
Just port -> foundAngles where
mName = if nodeName == diaName then Nothing else Just diaName
foundAngles = getPortAngles nodeIcon port mName
foundAngles = getPortAngles iconInfo nodeIcon port mName
-- TODO Clean up the Angle arithmatic
pickClosestAngle :: SpecialNum n =>
@ -218,13 +241,14 @@ lookupNodeAngle rotationMap key
makeEdge :: (HasCallStack, SpecialBackend b n, ING.Graph gr) =>
String -- ^ Debugging information
-> IconInfo
-> gr NamedIcon (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
-> [(NamedIcon, (Bool, Angle n))]
-> ING.LEdge (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
makeEdge debugInfo graph dia rotationMap
makeEdge debugInfo iconInfo graph dia rotationMap
(node0, node1, edge@(EmbedInfo _ (Edge _ (namePort0, namePort1))))
= connectMaybePorts portAngles edge
@ -241,11 +265,13 @@ makeEdge debugInfo graph dia rotationMap
diaNodeNamePointMap = names dia
port0Point = getPortPoint $ nameAndPortToName namePort0
port1Point = getPortPoint $ nameAndPortToName namePort1
shaftVector = port1Point .-. port0Point
shaftVector = if port0Point == port1Point
then error "makeEdge: points are equal!"
else port1Point .-. port0Point
shaftAngle = signedAngleBetween shaftVector unitX
icon0PortAngle = pickClosestAngle node0Angle mempty shaftAngle shaftAngle
$ findPortAngles node0label namePort0
$ findPortAngles iconInfo node0label namePort0
shaftAnglePlusOneHalf = (+) <$> shaftAngle <*> (1/2 @@ turn)
icon1PortAngle = pickClosestAngle
@ -253,10 +279,11 @@ makeEdge debugInfo graph dia rotationMap
(1/2 @@ turn)
(findPortAngles node1label namePort1)
(findPortAngles iconInfo node1label namePort1)
getPortPoint n = case foundPoints of
[point] -> point
-- (p1:_) -> p1
_ -> error $ "Multiple points. Debug info: " <> debugInfo
<> "\nn: " <> show n
@ -271,13 +298,15 @@ makeEdge debugInfo graph dia rotationMap
-- | addEdges draws the edges underneath the nodes.
addEdges :: (HasCallStack, SpecialBackend b n, ING.Graph gr) =>
String -- ^ Debugging information
-> IconInfo
-> gr NamedIcon (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
-> [(NamedIcon, (Bool, Angle n))]
-> SpecialQDiagram b n
addEdges debugInfo graph dia rotationMap = applyAll connections dia
addEdges debugInfo iconInfo graph dia rotationMap = applyAll connections dia
connections = makeEdge debugInfo graph dia rotationMap <$> ING.labEdges graph
= makeEdge debugInfo iconInfo graph dia rotationMap <$> ING.labEdges graph
-- BEGIN rotateNodes --
@ -298,12 +327,13 @@ scoreAngle iconPosition edges reflected angle
angleDiff = smallestAngleDiff (reflected, angle) shaftAngle portAngles
bestAngleForIcon :: (HasCallStack, SpecialNum n, ING.Graph gr) =>
Map.Map NamedIcon (Point V2 n)
-> Map.Map NamedIcon (Point V2 n)
-> gr NamedIcon (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> NamedIcon
-> Bool
-> (Angle n, n)
bestAngleForIcon positionMap graph key@(NamedIcon (NodeName nodeId) _) reflected
bestAngleForIcon iconInfo positionMap graph key@(NamedIcon (NodeName nodeId) _) reflected
= minimumBy (compare `on` snd)
( (\angle -> (angle
, scoreAngle iconPosition edges reflected angle))
@ -322,7 +352,7 @@ bestAngleForIcon positionMap graph key@(NamedIcon (NodeName nodeId) _) reflected
nodeLabel = fromMaybeError
"getPositionAndAngles: node not found"
(ING.lab graph node)
portAngles = findPortAngles key nameAndPort
portAngles = findPortAngles iconInfo key nameAndPort
-- Edge points from id to otherNode
getSucEdge (otherNode, EmbedInfo _ edge) = (otherNode, nameAndPort) where
@ -333,31 +363,34 @@ bestAngleForIcon positionMap graph key@(NamedIcon (NodeName nodeId) _) reflected
(_, nameAndPort) = edgeConnection edge
findIconRotation :: (HasCallStack, SpecialNum n, ING.Graph gr) =>
Map.Map NamedIcon (Point V2 n)
-> Map.Map NamedIcon (Point V2 n)
-> gr NamedIcon (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> NamedIcon
-> (NamedIcon, (Bool, Angle n))
findIconRotation positionMap graph key = (key, (reflected, angle)) where
findIconRotation iconInfo positionMap graph key = (key, (reflected, angle)) where
-- Smaller scores are better
(reflectedAngle, reflectedScore) = bestAngleForIcon positionMap graph key True
(reflectedAngle, reflectedScore) = bestAngleForIcon iconInfo positionMap graph key True
(nonReflectedAngle, nonReflectedScore)
= bestAngleForIcon positionMap graph key False
= bestAngleForIcon iconInfo positionMap graph key False
reflected = reflectedScore < nonReflectedScore
angle = if reflected then reflectedAngle else nonReflectedAngle
rotateNodes :: (HasCallStack, SpecialNum n, ING.Graph gr) =>
Map.Map NamedIcon (Point V2 n)
-> Map.Map NamedIcon (Point V2 n)
-> gr NamedIcon (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> [(NamedIcon, (Bool, Angle n))]
rotateNodes positionMap graph
= findIconRotation positionMap graph <$> Map.keys positionMap
rotateNodes iconInfo positionMap graph
= findIconRotation iconInfo positionMap graph <$> Map.keys positionMap
-- END rotateNodes --
drawLambdaRegions :: forall b . SpecialBackend b Double =>
[(NamedIcon, SpecialQDiagram b Double)]
-> [(NamedIcon, SpecialQDiagram b Double)]
-> SpecialQDiagram b Double
drawLambdaRegions placedNodes
drawLambdaRegions iconInfo placedNodes
= mconcat $ fmap (drawRegion [] . fst) placedNodes
findDia :: NodeName -> SpecialQDiagram b Double
@ -372,7 +405,10 @@ drawLambdaRegions placedNodes
-> regionRect $ fmap findDia (parentNames <> enclosedNames)
NamedIcon parentName (NestedApply _ headIcon icons)
-> mconcat
$ drawRegion (parentName:parentNames) <$> catMaybes (headIcon:icons)
$ drawRegion (parentName:parentNames)
<$> mapMaybe
(fmap (findIconFromName iconInfo))
_ -> mempty
-- TODO Use something better than a rectangle
@ -389,16 +425,20 @@ drawLambdaRegions placedNodes
(3 * circleRadius)
placeNodes :: SpecialBackend b Double =>
Map.Map NamedIcon (P2 Double)
-> Map.Map NamedIcon (P2 Double)
-> [(NamedIcon, (Bool, Angle Double))]
-> [(NamedIcon, SpecialQDiagram b Double)]
placeNodes positionMap = fmap placeNode
placeNodes namedIcons positionMap = fmap placeNode
placeNode (key@(NamedIcon name icon), (reflected, angle))
= (key, place transformedDia diaPosition)
origDia = centerXY
$ iconToDiagram icon (TransformParams name 0 reflected angle)
$ iconToDiagram
(TransformParams name 0 reflected angle)
transformedDia = centerXY $ rotate angle
$ (if reflected then reflectX else id) origDia
diaPosition = graphvizScaleFactor *^ (positionMap Map.! key)
@ -426,20 +466,28 @@ customLayoutParams = GV.defaultParams{
renderIconGraph :: forall b.
SpecialBackend b Double =>
String -- ^ Debugging information
-> Gr NamedIcon (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> Gr (NodeInfo NamedIcon) (EmbedInfo Edge)
-> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
renderIconGraph debugInfo graph = do
layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato graph
renderIconGraph debugInfo fullGraphWithInfo = do
-- graph = ING.nmap niVal fullGraphWithInfo
layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato parentGraph
-- layoutResult <- layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Fdp graph
positionMap = fst $ getGraph layoutResult
rotationMap = rotateNodes positionMap graph
placedNodeList = placeNodes positionMap rotationMap
rotationMap = rotateNodes iconInfo positionMap parentGraph
placedNodeList = placeNodes iconInfo positionMap rotationMap
placedNodes = mconcat $ fmap snd placedNodeList
edges = addEdges debugInfo graph placedNodes rotationMap
placedRegions = drawLambdaRegions placedNodeList
edges = addEdges debugInfo iconInfo parentGraph placedNodes rotationMap
placedRegions = drawLambdaRegions iconInfo placedNodeList
pure (placedNodes <> edges <> placedRegions)
= ING.nmap niVal $ ING.labfilter (not . niIsChild) fullGraphWithInfo
fullGraph = ING.nmap niVal fullGraphWithInfo
iconInfo = IM.fromList
$ first nodeNameToInt . namedIconToTuple . snd
<$> ING.labNodes fullGraph
layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int NamedIcon e () NamedIcon
--layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int l el Int l
layoutParams = customLayoutParams{
@ -456,6 +504,7 @@ renderIconGraph debugInfo graph = do
-- type signiture has "forall b e."
dia :: SpecialQDiagram b Double
dia = iconToDiagram
(TransformParams (NodeName (-1)) 0 False mempty)
@ -473,9 +522,14 @@ renderDrawing :: SpecialBackend b Double
=> String -- ^ Debugging information
-> Drawing
-> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
renderDrawing debugInfo = renderIconGraph debugInfo . drawingToIconGraph
renderDrawing debugInfo drawing
= renderIconGraph debugInfo graph
graph = ING.nmap (NodeInfo False) . drawingToIconGraph $ drawing
renderIngSyntaxGraph :: (HasCallStack, SpecialBackend b Double)
=> String -> AnnotatedGraph Gr -> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
renderIngSyntaxGraph debugInfo gr
= renderIconGraph debugInfo $ ING.nmap (mapNodeInNamedNode nodeToIcon) gr
= renderIconGraph debugInfo
$ ING.nmap (fmap (mapNodeInNamedNode nodeToIcon)) gr
-- $ ING.labfilter (not . niIsChild) gr

View File

@ -297,6 +297,12 @@ makeArg args port = case find (findArg port) args of
Just (SgNamedNode argName argSyntaxNode, _)
-> Just $ NamedIcon argName (nodeToIcon argSyntaxNode)
makeArg' :: [(SgNamedNode, Edge)] -> Port -> Maybe NodeName
makeArg' args port = case find (findArg port) args of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (SgNamedNode argName _, _)
-> Just $ argName
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon :: LikeApplyFlavor
-> Int
-> [(SgNamedNode, Edge)]
@ -306,8 +312,8 @@ nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor numArgs args =
dummyNode = ApplyNode flavor numArgs []
argPorts = take numArgs (argumentPorts dummyNode)
headIcon = makeArg args (inputPort dummyNode)
argList = fmap (makeArg args) argPorts
headIcon = makeArg' args (inputPort dummyNode)
argList = fmap (makeArg' args) argPorts
nestedLambdaToIcon :: [String] -- labels
-> [(SgNamedNode, Edge)] -- embedded icons
@ -317,7 +323,7 @@ nestedLambdaToIcon labels embeddedNodes =
LambdaIcon labels embeddedBodyNode
dummyNode = FunctionDefNode [] [] []
embeddedBodyNode = makeArg embeddedNodes (inputPort dummyNode)
embeddedBodyNode = makeArg' embeddedNodes (inputPort dummyNode)
nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon ::

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module Types (
@ -24,14 +25,17 @@ module Types (
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude(QDiagram, V2, Any, Renderable, Path, IsName)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text(Text)
import Control.Applicative(Applicative(..))
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
newtype NodeName = NodeName Int deriving (Typeable, Eq, Ord, Show)
instance IsName NodeName
@ -48,7 +52,8 @@ instance Applicative Labeled where
pure x = Labeled x ""
(Labeled f fStr) <*> (Labeled x xStr) = Labeled (f x) (fStr <> xStr)
-- TYPES --
type IconInfo = IM.IntMap Icon
-- | A datatype that represents an icon.
-- The TextBoxIcon's data is the text that appears in the text box.
data Icon = TextBoxIcon String
@ -56,15 +61,15 @@ data Icon = TextBoxIcon String
Int -- Number of alternatives
| LambdaIcon
[String] -- Parameter labels
(Maybe NamedIcon) -- Function body expression
(Maybe NodeName) -- Function body expression
[NodeName] -- Nodes inside the lambda
| CaseIcon Int
| CaseResultIcon
| BindTextBoxIcon String
| NestedApply
LikeApplyFlavor -- apply or compose
(Maybe NamedIcon) -- The function for apply, or the argument for compose
[Maybe NamedIcon] -- list of arguments or functions
(Maybe NodeName) -- The function for apply, or the argument for compose
[Maybe NodeName] -- list of arguments or functions
| NestedPApp
(Labeled (Maybe NamedIcon)) -- Data constructor
[Labeled (Maybe NamedIcon)] -- Arguments
@ -144,4 +149,10 @@ data EmbedDirection =
data EmbedInfo a = EmbedInfo {eiEmbedDir :: Maybe EmbedDirection, eiVal :: a}
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
type AnnotatedGraph gr = gr SgNamedNode (EmbedInfo Edge)
type AnnotatedGraph gr = gr (NodeInfo SgNamedNode) (EmbedInfo Edge)
data NodeInfo a = NodeInfo {
niIsChild :: Bool
, niVal :: a
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Ord)

View File

@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ import VisualTranslateTests(visualTranslateTests)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Unnecessary hiding" #-}
drawingsAndNames :: [(String, IO (Diagram B))]
drawingsAndNames = [
("translate-tests", visualTranslateTests),
("render-tests", renderTests),
("collapse-tests", visualCollapseTests)
drawingsAndNames =
[ ("translate-tests", visualTranslateTests)
, ("render-tests", renderTests)
, ("collapse-tests", visualCollapseTests)
renderDrawings :: HasCallStack => [(String, IO (Diagram B))] -> IO ()

View File

@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz as DiaGV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as ING
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Types(SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend, SyntaxNode(..), NameAndPort(..)
, SgNamedNode(..), Edge(..))
, SgNamedNode(..), Edge(..), NodeInfo(..))
import Translate(translateStringToSyntaxGraph)
import TranslateCore(syntaxGraphToFglGraph)
import GraphAlgorithms(annotateGraph, collapseAnnotatedGraph)
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ collapseTestStrings = [
makeCollapseTest :: SpecialBackend b Double => String -> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
makeCollapseTest str = do
before <- renderFglGraph fglGraph
afterCollapse <- renderFglGraph collapsedGraph
afterCollapse <- renderFglGraph (ING.nmap niVal collapsedGraph)
pure $ vsep 1 [

View File

@ -7,17 +7,20 @@ import qualified Diagrams.Prelude as Dia
import Rendering (renderDrawing)
import Types (Labeled(..), NodeName(..), Drawing(..), Edge, Icon(..), Port(..)
, LikeApplyFlavor(..), SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend
, SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend
, NamedIcon(..))
import Util(iconToPort, tupleToNamedIcon)
-- TODO Fix these tests such that they test nested icons correctly. Will need to
-- change the Drawing type.
iconToIntPort :: NodeName -> NodeName -> Int -> Edge
iconToIntPort x y p = iconToPort x y (Port p)
n0, n1, n2, n3, _n4, n5, _n6, _n7, _n8, _n9, n10 :: NodeName
n0, n1, _n2, n3, _n4, n5, _n6, _n7, _n8, _n9, n10 :: NodeName
nodeNames :: [NodeName]
nodeNames@[n0, n1, n2, n3, _n4, n5, _n6, _n7, _n8, _n9, n10]
nodeNames@[n0, n1, _n2, n3, _n4, n5, _n6, _n7, _n8, _n9, n10]
= fmap NodeName [0..10]
ni0, ni1, ni2, ni3, ni4, ni5, ni6, ni7, ni8, ni9, ni10 :: Icon -> NamedIcon
@ -91,17 +94,19 @@ nestedPAppDia = Drawing icons []
[Labeled Nothing "bar"])
nestedApplyDia :: Drawing
nestedApplyDia = Drawing icons []
icons = [
(NodeName 1)
(Just $ NamedIcon (NodeName 1) (TextBoxIcon "foo"))
-- nestedApplyDia :: Drawing
-- nestedApplyDia = Drawing icons []
-- where
-- icons = [
-- NamedIcon
-- (NodeName 1)
-- (NestedApply
-- ApplyNodeFlavor
-- -- TODO Uncomment
-- -- (Just $ NamedIcon (NodeName 1) (TextBoxIcon "foo"))
-- (Just $ NodeName 2)
-- [])
-- ]
lambdaDia :: Drawing
lambdaDia = Drawing icons []
@ -112,17 +117,18 @@ lambdaDia = Drawing icons []
, ni2 $ MultiIfIcon 3
nestedLambdaDia :: Drawing
nestedLambdaDia = Drawing icons []
icons = [
ni0 $ LambdaIcon
["baz", "cat"]
(Just $ NamedIcon n2 (TextBoxIcon "foobar"))
[n0, n1]
, ni1 CaseResultIcon
, ni2 $ MultiIfIcon 3
-- TODO Uncomment
-- nestedLambdaDia :: Drawing
-- nestedLambdaDia = Drawing icons []
-- where
-- icons = [
-- ni0 $ LambdaIcon
-- ["baz", "cat"]
-- (Just $ NamedIcon n2 (TextBoxIcon "foobar"))
-- [n0, n1]
-- , ni1 CaseResultIcon
-- , ni2 $ MultiIfIcon 3
-- ]
--renderTests :: IO (Diagram B)
@ -132,13 +138,14 @@ renderTests = do
let vCattedDrawings = Dia.vsep 0.5 renderedDiagrams
pure vCattedDrawings
-- TODO Re-enable tests
allDrawings = [
, nestedMultiIfDrawing
, flatCaseDrawing
, flatMultiIfDrawing
, nestedPAppDia
, nestedApplyDia
-- , nestedApplyDia
, lambdaDia
, nestedLambdaDia
-- , nestedLambdaDia