mirror of
synced 2024-11-27 03:02:44 +03:00
clean up main. Make arrows slightly smaller.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,24 +3,17 @@ module Main where
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz
import Data.GraphViz
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import Data.GraphViz.Commands
import Data.Map((!))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import Lib
import Icons(apply0Dia, apply0NDia, guardIcon, colorScheme, ColorStyle(..))
import Icons(guardIcon, colorScheme, ColorStyle(..))
import Rendering(toNames, portToPort, iconToPort, iconToIcon,
iconToIconEnds, iconHeadToPort, iconTailToPort, renderDrawing)
import Types(Icon(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..))
-- TODO Now --
-- todo: use constants for icon name strings in Main
-- todo: figure out how to deal with the difference between arrow heads and arrow tails
-- todo: consider moving portToPort etc. to a new file
@ -33,83 +26,58 @@ import Types(Icon(..), Drawing(..), EdgeEnd(..))
-- todo: layout and rotate considering external connections.
-- todo: figure out local vs. global icon positions
applyDia = apply0Dia
-- --apply0A = "A" .>> applyDia
-- apply0A = applyDia # nameDiagram "A"
-- apply0B = applyDia # nameDiagram "B"
-- result = resultIcon # named "res"
-- fooBox = textBox "foo" # named "foo"
-- barBox = textBox "bar" # named "bar"
-- ex1 = drawIconAndPorts apply0Icon
-- ex2 = drawIconsAndPortNumbers apply0Icon
--ex3 = atPoints (map p2 [(0,0), (3,0)]) [apply0A, apply0B]
-- fromAtoB = ex3 # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
--ex4 = apply0A ||| textBox "hello world" === textBox "1" === textBox "gpq" === textBox ['A'..'Z']
-- ex5 = resultIcon # named "res"||| hrule 1 ||| fromAtoB ||| hrule 1 ||| textBox "foo" # named "foo" === vrule 1 === textBox "bar" # named "bar"
-- ex6 = ex5 # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # centerXY
-- ex7 = ex6 # center # showOrigin # showEnvelope
-- ex8 = enclosure ex6
-- ex9 = lambdaRegion 3 ex6 "lam0"
-- ex10 = ex9 # connectPorts ("lam0" .> "A") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 0)
-- # connectPorts ("lam0" .> "B") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 2)
-- ex11 = connectIcons "lam0" "y" $ ex10 === vrule 2 === textBox "y" # named "y"
(d0A, d0B, d0Res, d0Foo, d0Bar) = ("A", "B", "res", "foo", "bar")
d0Icons = toNames
[("A", Apply0Icon),
("B", Apply0Icon),
("res", ResultIcon),
("foo", TextBoxIcon "foo"),
("bar", TextBoxIcon "bar")
[(d0A, Apply0Icon),
(d0B, Apply0Icon),
(d0Res, ResultIcon),
(d0Foo, TextBoxIcon d0Foo),
(d0Bar, TextBoxIcon d0Bar)
d0Edges =
portToPort "A" 0 "B" 2,
iconToPort "foo" "B" 0,
iconToPort "res" "A" 2,
iconToPort "foo" "B" 0,
iconToPort "bar" "B" 3,
iconToPort "bar" "A" 3
portToPort d0A 0 d0B 2,
iconToPort d0Foo d0B 0,
iconToPort d0Res d0A 2,
iconToPort d0Foo d0B 0,
iconToPort d0Bar d0B 3,
iconToPort d0Bar d0A 3
drawing0 = Drawing d0Icons d0Edges []
d0Name = toName "d0"
superEdges =
portToPort ("lam0" .> "A") 1 "lam0" 0,
iconToIcon "y" "lam0",
iconToIcon "z" "lam0",
iconToIcon "q" "lam0",
iconToIcon "A" "z",
iconToPort ("lam0" .> "foo" .> "foo") "lam0" 0
(s1Lam, s1y, s1z, s1q) = ("lam0", "y", "z", "q")
superIcons = toNames [
(s1Lam, LambdaRegionIcon 3 d0Name),
(s1y, TextBoxIcon s1y),
(s1z, TextBoxIcon s1z),
(s1q, TextBoxIcon s1q)
superIcons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 3 d0Name),
("y", TextBoxIcon "y"),
("z", TextBoxIcon "z"),
("q", TextBoxIcon "q")
superEdges =
portToPort (s1Lam .> d0A) 1 s1Lam 0,
iconToIcon s1y s1Lam,
iconToIcon s1z s1Lam,
iconToIcon s1q s1Lam,
iconToIcon d0A s1z,
iconToPort (s1Lam .> d0Foo .> d0Foo) s1Lam 0
--superDrawing = Drawing [((toName "lam0"), LambdaRegionIcon 3 (toName"d0"))] superEdges [((toName "d0"), drawing0)]
superDrawing = Drawing superIcons superEdges [(d0Name, drawing0)]
super2Icons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 1 d0Name),
(s1Lam, LambdaRegionIcon 1 d0Name),
--("y", TextBoxIcon "y"),
("lam1", LambdaRegionIcon 2 d0Name)
super2Edges =
iconToIcon "lam0" "lam1"
iconToIcon s1Lam "lam1"
--iconToIcon "y" "lam0"
@ -117,47 +85,50 @@ super2Drawing = Drawing super2Icons super2Edges [(d0Name, drawing0)]
super2Name = toName "s2"
super3Icons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 3 d1Name),
(s1Lam, LambdaRegionIcon 3 super2Name),
--("y", TextBoxIcon "y"),
("lam1", LambdaRegionIcon 4 d1Name)
("lam1", LambdaRegionIcon 4 super2Name)
super3Edges =
-- iconToIcon "lam0" "lam1",
iconToIcon "lam0" "A"
iconToIcon s1Lam "A"
d1Name = toName "d1"
super3Drawing = Drawing super3Icons super2Edges [(d1Name, super2Drawing)]
super3Drawing = Drawing super3Icons super2Edges [(super2Name, super2Drawing)]
(fG0, fOne, fEq0, fMinus1, fEq0Ap, fMinus1Ap, fTimes, fRecurAp, fTimesAp, fArg, fRes) =
("g0", "one", "eq0", "-1", "eq0Ap", "-1Ap", "*", "recurAp", "*Ap", "arg", "res")
fact0Icons = toNames
("g0", GuardIcon 2),
("one", TextBoxIcon "1"),
("eq0", TextBoxIcon "== 0"),
("-1", TextBoxIcon "-1"),
("eq0Ap", Apply0Icon),
("-1Ap", Apply0Icon),
("*", TextBoxIcon "*"),
("recurAp", Apply0Icon),
("*Ap", Apply0NIcon 2),
("arg", BranchIcon),
("res", ResultIcon)
(fG0, GuardIcon 2),
(fOne, TextBoxIcon "1"),
(fEq0, TextBoxIcon "== 0"),
(fMinus1, TextBoxIcon fMinus1),
(fEq0Ap, Apply0Icon),
(fMinus1Ap, Apply0Icon),
(fTimes, TextBoxIcon fTimes),
(fRecurAp, Apply0Icon),
(fTimesAp, Apply0NIcon 2),
(fArg, BranchIcon),
(fRes, ResultIcon)
fact0Edges = [
iconToPort "eq0" "eq0Ap" 0,
portToPort "eq0Ap" 2 "g0" 3,
iconToPort "-1" "-1Ap" 0,
iconToPort "*" "*Ap" 0,
iconToPort "one" "g0" 2,
portToPort "*Ap" 1 "g0" 4,
portToPort "recurAp" 2 "*Ap" 3,
iconToPort "arg" "eq0Ap" 1,
iconToPort "arg" "-1Ap" 1,
iconToPort "arg" "*Ap" 2,
portToPort "-1Ap" 2 "recurAp" 1,
iconToPort "res" "g0" 0
iconToPort fEq0 fEq0Ap 0,
portToPort fEq0Ap 2 fG0 3,
iconToPort fMinus1 fMinus1Ap 0,
iconToPort fTimes fTimesAp 0,
iconToPort fOne fG0 2,
portToPort fTimesAp 1 fG0 4,
portToPort fRecurAp 2 fTimesAp 3,
iconToPort fArg fEq0Ap 1,
iconToPort fArg fMinus1Ap 1,
iconToPort fArg fTimesAp 2,
portToPort fMinus1Ap 2 fRecurAp 1,
iconToPort fRes fG0 0
fact0Drawing = Drawing fact0Icons fact0Edges []
@ -169,8 +140,8 @@ factLam0Icons = toNames [
factLam0Edges = [
iconToPort ("lam0" .> "arg" .> "arg") "lam0" 0,
iconToPort "lam0" ("lam0" .> "recurAp") 0,
iconToPort ("lam0" .> fArg .> fArg) "lam0" 0,
iconToPort "lam0" ("lam0" .> fRecurAp) 0,
iconToIcon "lam0" "fac"
@ -178,42 +149,34 @@ factLam0Drawing = Drawing factLam0Icons factLam0Edges [(fact0Name, fact0Drawing)
fact1Icons = toNames
("g0", GuardIcon 2),
("one", TextBoxIcon "1"),
("eq0", TextBoxIcon "== 0"),
("-1", TextBoxIcon "-1"),
("*", TextBoxIcon "*"),
("recurAp", Apply0Icon),
("*Ap", Apply0NIcon 2),
("arg", BranchIcon),
("res", ResultIcon)
(fG0, GuardIcon 2),
(fOne, TextBoxIcon "1"),
(fEq0, TextBoxIcon "== 0"),
(fMinus1, TextBoxIcon fMinus1),
(fTimes, TextBoxIcon fTimes),
(fRecurAp, Apply0Icon),
(fTimesAp, Apply0NIcon 2),
(fArg, BranchIcon),
(fRes, ResultIcon)
fact1Edges = [
iconToIconEnds "arg" EndNone "eq0" EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort "eq0" EndAp1Result "g0" 3,
iconToIconEnds "arg" EndNone "-1" EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort "-1" EndAp1Result "recurAp" 1,
iconToPort "*" "*Ap" 0,
iconToPort "one" "g0" 2,
portToPort "*Ap" 1 "g0" 4,
portToPort "recurAp" 2 "*Ap" 3,
iconToPort "arg" "*Ap" 2,
iconToPort "res" "g0" 0
iconToIconEnds fArg EndNone fEq0 EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort fEq0 EndAp1Result fG0 3,
iconToIconEnds fArg EndNone fMinus1 EndAp1Arg,
iconTailToPort fMinus1 EndAp1Result fRecurAp 1,
iconToPort fTimes fTimesAp 0,
iconToPort fOne fG0 2,
portToPort fTimesAp 1 fG0 4,
portToPort fRecurAp 2 fTimesAp 3,
iconToPort fArg fTimesAp 2,
iconToPort fRes fG0 0
fact1Drawing = Drawing fact1Icons fact1Edges []
factLam1Drawing = Drawing factLam0Icons factLam0Edges [(fact0Name, fact1Drawing)]
-- This is left commented out for a future test of the manual connect functions.
-- connectNodes g =
-- g # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "A" (PortName 3)
--main1 = mainWith (ex11 # bgFrame 0.1 black)
main1 :: IO ()
main1 = do
placedNodes <- renderDrawing factLam1Drawing
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ getArrowOpts (t, h) = arrowOptions
arrowOptions =
with & arrowHead .~ noHead
& arrowTail .~ noTail
& lengths .~ large
& lengths .~ normalized 0.04
& shaftStyle %~ lwG defaultLineWidth . lc (lineC colorScheme)
& lookupEnd t & lookupEnd h
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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