Add ability to draw edges.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2020-12-08 21:06:17 -08:00
parent d2880e8279
commit bbd2a73eed

View File

@ -157,7 +157,10 @@ data Inputs = Inputs
data AppState = AppState
{ -- | This is a key for _asElements
_asMovingNode :: !(Maybe ElemId),
_asEdges :: ![(Element, Element)],
_asEdges :: ![(ElemId, ElemId)],
-- | Iff Just, an edge is currently being draw where the ElemId is
-- one end of the edge.
_asCurrentEdge :: !(Maybe ElemId),
_asElements :: !(IntMap.IntMap Element),
-- | FPS rounded down to nearest hundred if over 200 fps.
_asFPSr :: !Double,
@ -252,6 +255,7 @@ emptyAppState =
{ _asMovingNode = Nothing,
_asEdges = [],
_asCurrentEdge = Nothing,
_asElements = mempty,
_asFPSr = 0,
_asHistory = [],
@ -299,10 +303,10 @@ getXandY ::
getXandY event =
(\x y -> (x, y)) <$> Gdk.getEventButtonX event <*> Gdk.getEventButtonY event
_drawLine :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Render ()
_drawLine (fromX, fromY) (toX, toY) = do
drawLine :: Transform -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Render ()
drawLine Transform {_tScale} (fromX, fromY) (toX, toY) = do
Cairo.setSourceRGB 0 1 0
Cairo.setLineWidth 5
Cairo.setLineWidth (5 * _tScale)
Cairo.moveTo fromX fromY
Cairo.lineTo toX toY
@ -321,8 +325,36 @@ _drawCircle (x, y) = do
drawNode :: Transform -> (Int, Element) -> Render ()
drawNode t (elemId, element) = _ntDraw (_elType element) t (elemId, element)
updateBackground :: p -> IORef AppState -> Render ()
updateBackground _canvas stateRef = do
drawCurrentEdge :: (Double, Double) -> AppState -> Render ()
drawCurrentEdge mousePosition AppState {_asCurrentEdge, _asElements, _asTransform} =
case _asCurrentEdge of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just elemId -> case IntMap.lookup (_unElemId elemId) _asElements of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just element ->
(transform _asTransform (_elPosition element))
drawEdges :: AppState -> Render ()
drawEdges AppState {_asEdges, _asElements, _asTransform} =
traverse_ drawEdge _asEdges
drawEdge :: (ElemId, ElemId) -> Render ()
drawEdge (from, to) = case (lookupFrom, lookupTo) of
(Just fromElem, Just toElem) ->
(transform _asTransform (_elPosition fromElem))
(transform _asTransform (_elPosition toElem))
_ -> pure ()
lookupFrom = IntMap.lookup (_unElemId from) _asElements
lookupTo = IntMap.lookup (_unElemId to) _asElements
updateBackground :: p -> IORef Inputs -> IORef AppState -> Render ()
updateBackground _canvas inputsRef stateRef = do
-- width <- (realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth canvas)
-- :: Render Double)
-- height <- (realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight canvas)
@ -332,14 +364,16 @@ updateBackground _canvas stateRef = do
Cairo.setSourceRGB 0 0 0
stateVal <- Cairo.liftIO $ readIORef stateRef
state <- Cairo.liftIO $ readIORef stateRef
inputs <- Cairo.liftIO $ readIORef inputsRef
Cairo.setSourceRGB 1 1 1
Cairo.moveTo 10 10
Cairo.showText ("fps=" <> show (_asFPSr stateVal))
Cairo.setSourceRGB 1 0 0
Cairo.showText ("fps=" <> show (_asFPSr state))
drawCurrentEdge (_inMouseXandY inputs) state
drawEdges state
(drawNode (_asTransform stateVal))
(IntMap.toList (_asElements stateVal))
(drawNode (_asTransform state))
(IntMap.toList (_asElements state))
findElementByPosition ::
IntMap.IntMap Element -> (Double, Double) -> Maybe (Int, Element)
@ -705,7 +739,7 @@ startApp app = do
( \context ->
renderCairo context (updateBackground backgroundArea stateRef)
renderCairo context (updateBackground backgroundArea inputsRef stateRef)
>> pure Gdk.EVENT_STOP