Use motionNotifyEvent on the Layout for Drag.hs.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2020-06-29 04:39:45 -07:00
parent 121004d73e
commit bef1635245

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, OverloadedLabels, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Main where
@ -8,55 +9,77 @@ import Data.Text ()
-- import Debug.Trace (trace, traceIO)
-- import System.Environment (getProgName, getArgs)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef
import Data.GI.Base
import qualified GI.Gio as Gio
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import qualified GI.Gdk as Gdk
data AppState = AppState
{ _asMoveBtn :: Bool
activateApp :: Gtk.Application -> IO ()
activateApp app = do
state <- newIORef (AppState{_asMoveBtn=False})
w <- new Gtk.ApplicationWindow
[ #application := app
, #title := "Glance"
, #defaultWidth := 500
, #defaultHeight := 200
, #defaultHeight := 500
, #borderWidth := 0
scrolledWindow <- new Gtk.ScrolledWindow []
#add w scrolledWindow
layout <- new Gtk.Layout [#width := 500, #height := 200]
--Gtk.widgetAddEvents w [Gdk.EventMaskButtonPressMask]
layout <- new Gtk.Layout []
Gtk.widgetAddEvents layout
[ Gdk.EventMaskPointerMotionMask
, Gdk.EventMaskButtonPressMask]
#add scrolledWindow layout
btn0 <- new Gtk.Button [ #label := "_Hello World!", #useUnderline := True ]
motionCallback btn eventMotion
= do
moveBtn <- _asMoveBtn <$> readIORef state
if moveBtn
then (do
x <- get eventMotion #x
y <- get eventMotion #y
btnWidth <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth btn
btnHeight <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight btn
((truncate x) - (btnWidth `div` 2))
((truncate y) - (btnHeight `div` 2)))
else (pure ())
pure False
Gtk.layoutPut layout btn0 0 0
on layout #motionNotifyEvent (motionCallback btn0)
btn <- new Gtk.Button [ #label := "_Hello World!", #useUnderline := True ]
btnClicked btn
= do
modifyIORef state (\s@AppState{_asMoveBtn} -> s{_asMoveBtn=not _asMoveBtn})
btnWidth <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth btn
btnHeight <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight btn
btnAlloc <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocation btn
x <- get btnAlloc #x
y <- get btnAlloc #y
layoutWidth <- Gtk.getLayoutWidth layout
layoutHeight <- Gtk.getLayoutHeight layout
Gtk.setLayoutWidth layout (fromIntegral (x + btnWidth))
Gtk.setLayoutHeight layout (fromIntegral (y + btnHeight))
Gtk.layoutPut layout btn 0 0
let releaseBtn eventButton = do
btnWidth <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth btn
btnHeight <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight btn
putStrLn "button released"
btnAlloc <- Gtk.widgetGetAllocation btn
oldX <- Gdk.getRectangleX btnAlloc
oldY <- Gdk.getRectangleY btnAlloc
x <- Gdk.getEventButtonX eventButton
y <- Gdk.getEventButtonY eventButton
let newX = (oldX + (round x) - (btnWidth `div` 2))
let newY = (oldY + (round y) - (btnHeight `div` 2))
layoutWidth <- Gtk.getLayoutWidth layout
layoutHeight <- Gtk.getLayoutHeight layout
Gtk.setLayoutWidth layout (fromIntegral (newX + btnWidth))
Gtk.setLayoutHeight layout (fromIntegral (newY + btnHeight))
(oldX + (round x) - (btnWidth `div` 2))
(oldY + (round y) - (btnHeight `div` 2))
pure True
on btn #buttonReleaseEvent (releaseBtn)
-- buttonPressEvent and buttonReleaseEvent don't seem to be triggered by the
-- mneumonic.
on btn0 #clicked (btnClicked btn0)
on layout #buttonPressEvent $ \ _layout -> do
putStrLn "layout clicked, adding btn"
-- newBtn <- new Gtk.Button [ #label := "_New!", #useUnderline := True ]
-- Gtk.layoutPut layout newBtn 0 0
pure False
#showAll w
pure ()