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synced 2024-11-26 17:14:21 +03:00
Clean up graphviz stuff.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Icons
@ -36,17 +37,26 @@ nameDiagram name dia = name .>> (dia # named name)
arrowOptions = with & arrowHead .~ noHead & shaftStyle %~ lwG defaultLineWidth . lc white
connectPorts icon0 port0 icon1 port1 =
connectMaybePorts icon0 (Just port0) icon1 (Just port1) =
(icon0 .> port0)
(icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts icon0 Nothing icon1 (Just port1) =
connectOutside' arrowOptions icon0 (icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts icon0 (Just port0) icon1 Nothing =
connectOutside' arrowOptions (icon0 .> port0) icon1
connectMaybePorts icon0 Nothing icon1 Nothing =
connectOutside' arrowOptions icon0 icon1
connectPorts icon0 port0 icon1 port1 =
connectMaybePorts icon0 (Just port0) icon1 (Just port1)
connectIconToPort icon0 icon1 port1 =
connectOutside' arrowOptions icon0 (icon1 .> port1)
connectMaybePorts icon0 (Nothing :: Maybe PortName) icon1 (Just port1)
connectIcons =
connectOutside' arrowOptions
connectIcons icon0 icon1 =
connectMaybePorts icon0 (Nothing:: Maybe PortName) icon1 (Nothing :: Maybe PortName)
-- | Draw the icon with circles where the ports are
drawIconAndPorts :: Icon B -> Diagram B
@ -14,69 +14,101 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Lib
import Icons
-- todo: refactor and clean up
ex1 = drawIconAndPorts apply0Icon
ex2 = drawIconsAndPortNumbers apply0Icon
-- todo: Put
applyDia = iconDia apply0Icon
--apply0A = "A" .>> applyDia
apply0A = applyDia # nameDiagram "A"
apply0B = applyDia # nameDiagram "B"
result = resultIcon # named "res"
fooBox = textBox "foo" # named "foo"
barBox = textBox "bar" # named "bar"
-- --apply0A = "A" .>> applyDia
-- apply0A = applyDia # nameDiagram "A"
-- apply0B = applyDia # nameDiagram "B"
-- result = resultIcon # named "res"
-- fooBox = textBox "foo" # named "foo"
-- barBox = textBox "bar" # named "bar"
graph = mkGraph ["A", "B", "res", "foo", "bar"]
[("A", "B", ()),
("res", "A", ()),
("bar", "B", ()),
("foo", "B", ())
-- ex1 = drawIconAndPorts apply0Icon
-- ex2 = drawIconsAndPortNumbers apply0Icon
--ex3 = atPoints (map p2 [(0,0), (3,0)]) [apply0A, apply0B]
-- fromAtoB = ex3 # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
--ex4 = apply0A ||| textBox "hello world" === textBox "1" === textBox "gpq" === textBox ['A'..'Z']
-- ex5 = resultIcon # named "res"||| hrule 1 ||| fromAtoB ||| hrule 1 ||| textBox "foo" # named "foo" === vrule 1 === textBox "bar" # named "bar"
-- ex6 = ex5 # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # centerXY
-- ex7 = ex6 # center # showOrigin # showEnvelope
-- ex8 = enclosure ex6
-- ex9 = lambdaRegion 3 ex6 "lam0"
-- ex10 = ex9 # connectPorts ("lam0" .> "A") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 0)
-- # connectPorts ("lam0" .> "B") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 2)
-- ex11 = connectIcons "lam0" "y" $ ex10 === vrule 2 === textBox "y" # named "y"
makeNamedMap :: (IsName a) => [(a, Diagram B)] -> [(a, Diagram B)]
makeNamedMap =
map (\(label, dia) -> (label, dia # nameDiagram label))
labelDiagramMap = makeNamedMap
[("A", applyDia ),
("B", applyDia),
("res", resultIcon),
("foo", textBox "foo"),
("bar", textBox "bar")
labelToDiagram =
[("A", apply0A),
("B", apply0B),
("res", result),
("foo", fooBox),
("bar", barBox)
labels = map fst labelDiagramMap
portToPort a b c d = (a, Just $ PortName b, c, Just $ PortName d)
iconToPort a c d = (a, Nothing, c, Just $ PortName d)
iconToIcon a c = (a, Nothing, c, Nothing)
edges =
portToPort "A" 0 "B" 2,
iconToPort "foo" "B" 0,
iconToPort "res" "A" 2,
iconToPort "foo" "B" 0,
iconToPort "bar" "B" 3,
iconToPort "bar" "A" 3
ex3 = atPoints (map p2 [(0,0), (3,0)]) [apply0A, apply0B]
edgesToGraph labels edges = mkGraph labels simpleEdges
simpleEdges = map (\(a, _, c, _) -> (a, c, ())) edges
fromAtoB = ex3 # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
ex4 = apply0A ||| textBox "hello world" === textBox "1" === textBox "gpq" === textBox ['A'..'Z']
graph = edgesToGraph labels edges
ex5 = resultIcon # named "res"||| hrule 1 ||| fromAtoB ||| hrule 1 ||| textBox "foo" # named "foo" === vrule 1 === textBox "bar" # named "bar"
ex6 = ex5 # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
# connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # centerXY
uncurry4 f (a, b, c, d) = f a b c d
ex7 = ex6 # center # showOrigin # showEnvelope
ex8 = enclosure ex6
ex9 = lambdaRegion 3 ex6 # nameDiagram "lam0"
ex10 = ex9 # connectPorts ("lam0" .> "A") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 0)
# connectPorts ("lam0" .> "B") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 2)
ex11 = connectIcons "lam0" "y" $ ex10 === vrule 2 === textBox "y" # named "y"
makeConnections edges = applyAll connections
connections = map (uncurry4 connectMaybePorts) edges
placeNodes layoutResult = mconcat placedNodes
placeNodes scaleFactor layoutResult labelDiagramMap = mconcat placedNodes
(positionMap, _) = getGraph layoutResult
placedNodes = map (\label -> place (fromMaybe mempty $ lookup label labelToDiagram) (0.04 * positionMap ! label)) $ map fst labelToDiagram
placedNodes = map mapper labels
mapper label = placedNode
maybeDiagram = lookup label labelDiagramMap
placedNode = place
(fromMaybe (error "placeNodes: label not in map") maybeDiagram)
(scaleFactor * positionMap ! label)
connectNodes g =
g # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
# connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
-- This is left commented out for a future test of the manual connect functions.
-- connectNodes g =
-- g # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "A" (PortName 3)
doGraphLayout :: IO (Diagram B)
doGraphLayout = do
connectNodes = makeConnections edges
doGraphLayout graph labelDiagramMap connectNodes = do
layoutResult <- layoutGraph Neato graph
return $ placeNodes layoutResult # connectNodes
return $ placeNodes 0.04 layoutResult labelDiagramMap # connectNodes
main1 = mainWith (ex11 # bgFrame 0.1 black)
--main1 = mainWith (ex11 # bgFrame 0.1 black)
main0 = do
placedNodes <- doGraphLayout
placedNodes <- doGraphLayout graph labelDiagramMap connectNodes
mainWith (placedNodes # bgFrame 0.1 black)
main :: IO ()
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ executable glance-exe
, diagrams-svg
, diagrams-graphviz
, graphviz
, containers
default-language: Haskell2010
Other-modules: Icons
Reference in New Issue
Block a user