Refactor the NestedApply Icon.

This commit is contained in:
Robbie Gleichman 2018-10-28 02:16:17 -07:00
parent 4b99c862a7
commit ccee42c23e
4 changed files with 47 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -57,8 +57,10 @@ lineCol = lineC colorScheme
iconToDiagram :: SpecialBackend b n => Icon -> TransformableDia b n
iconToDiagram icon = case icon of
ApplyAIcon n -> nestedApplyDia ApplyNodeFlavor $ replicate (1 + n) Nothing
ComposeIcon n -> nestedApplyDia ComposeNodeFlavor $ replicate (1 + n) Nothing
ApplyAIcon n ->
nestedApplyDia ApplyNodeFlavor Nothing $ replicate (1 + n) Nothing
ComposeIcon n ->
nestedApplyDia ComposeNodeFlavor Nothing $ replicate (1 + n) Nothing
PAppIcon n str -> generalTextAppDia (patternTextC colorScheme) (patternC colorScheme) n str
TextBoxIcon s -> textBox s
BindTextBoxIcon s -> identDiaFunc $ bindTextBox s
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ iconToDiagram icon = case icon of
CaseIcon n -> nestedCaseDia $ replicate (1 + (2 * n)) Nothing
CaseResultIcon -> identDiaFunc caseResult
FlatLambdaIcon x -> flatLambda x
NestedApply flavor args -> nestedApplyDia flavor args
NestedApply flavor headIcon args -> nestedApplyDia flavor headIcon args
NestedPApp args -> nestedPAppDia (repeat $ patternC colorScheme) args
NestedCaseIcon args -> nestedCaseDia args
NestedGuardIcon args -> nestedGuardDia args
@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ guardPortAngles (Port port) = case port of
findNestedIcon :: NodeName -> Icon -> Maybe Icon
findNestedIcon name icon = case icon of
NestedApply _ args -> snd <$> findIcon name args
NestedApply _ headIcon args -> snd <$> findIcon name (headIcon : args)
NestedPApp args -> snd <$> findIcon name (fmap fst args)
_ -> Nothing
@ -113,11 +115,15 @@ findIcon name args = icon where
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> Just (argNum, x)
generalNestedPortAngles :: SpecialNum n =>
(Port -> [Angle n]) -> [Maybe NamedIcon] -> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
generalNestedPortAngles defaultAngles args port maybeNodeName = case maybeNodeName of
generalNestedPortAngles :: SpecialNum n
=> (Port -> [Angle n])
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
generalNestedPortAngles defaultAngles headIcon args port maybeNodeName =
case maybeNodeName of
Nothing -> defaultAngles port
Just name -> case findIcon name args of
Just name -> case findIcon name (headIcon : args) of
Nothing -> []
Just (_, icon) -> getPortAngles icon port Nothing
@ -152,8 +158,11 @@ getPortAngles icon port maybeNodeName = case icon of
CaseIcon _ -> guardPortAngles port
CaseResultIcon -> []
FlatLambdaIcon _ -> applyPortAngles port
NestedApply _ args -> generalNestedPortAngles applyPortAngles args port maybeNodeName
NestedPApp args -> generalNestedPortAngles pAppPortAngles (fmap fst args) port maybeNodeName
NestedApply _ headIcon args ->
generalNestedPortAngles applyPortAngles headIcon args port maybeNodeName
NestedPApp (headIcon : args) ->
pAppPortAngles (fst headIcon) (fmap fst args) port maybeNodeName
NestedCaseIcon args -> nestedGuardPortAngles args port maybeNodeName
NestedGuardIcon args -> nestedGuardPortAngles args port maybeNodeName
@ -322,12 +331,15 @@ nestedPAppDia borderCols funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = n
makeInnerIcon func _ (Just (NamedIcon iconNodeName icon), _) = iconToDiagram icon iconNodeName innerLevel reflect angle where
innerLevel = if func then nestingLevel else nestingLevel + 1
generalNestedDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
(Colour Double -> SpecialQDiagram b n) -> [Colour Double] -> [Maybe NamedIcon] -> TransformableDia b n
generalNestedDia dia borderCols funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = named name $ case funcNodeNameAndArgs of
generalNestedDia :: SpecialBackend b n
=> (Colour Double -> SpecialQDiagram b n)
-> [Colour Double]
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
generalNestedDia dia borderCols maybeFunText funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = named name $ case funcNodeNameAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
(maybeFunText:args) -> centerXY $ transformedText ||| centerY finalDia
args -> centerXY $ transformedText ||| centerY finalDia
borderCol = borderCols !! nestingLevel
@ -351,8 +363,11 @@ generalNestedDia dia borderCols funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect an
makeInnerIcon func _ (Just (NamedIcon iconNodeName icon)) = iconToDiagram icon iconNodeName innerLevel reflect angle where
innerLevel = if func then nestingLevel else nestingLevel + 1
nestedApplyDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
LikeApplyFlavor -> [Maybe NamedIcon] -> TransformableDia b n
nestedApplyDia :: SpecialBackend b n
=> LikeApplyFlavor
-> Maybe NamedIcon
-> [Maybe NamedIcon]
-> TransformableDia b n
nestedApplyDia flavor = case flavor of
ApplyNodeFlavor -> generalNestedDia apply0Triangle (nestingC colorScheme)
ComposeNodeFlavor -> generalNestedDia composeSemiCircle (repeat $ apply1C colorScheme)

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@ -265,12 +265,17 @@ makeArg args port = case find (findArg port) args of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (SgNamedNode argName argSyntaxNode, _) -> Just $ NamedIcon argName (nodeToIcon argSyntaxNode)
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon :: LikeApplyFlavor -> Int -> [(SgNamedNode, Edge)] -> Icon
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor numArgs args = NestedApply flavor argList where
-- argList should be of length numArgs + 1, since argList includes the function expression
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon :: LikeApplyFlavor
-> Int
-> [(SgNamedNode, Edge)]
-> Icon
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor numArgs args =
NestedApply flavor headIcon argList
dummyNode = LikeApplyNode flavor numArgs
argPorts = take numArgs (argumentPorts dummyNode)
argList = fmap (makeArg args) (inputPort dummyNode : argPorts)
headIcon = makeArg args (inputPort dummyNode)
argList = fmap (makeArg args) argPorts
nestedCaseOrGuardNodeToIcon :: CaseOrGuardTag -> Int -> [(SgNamedNode, Edge)] -> Icon
nestedCaseOrGuardNodeToIcon tag numArgs args = case tag of

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@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ data Icon = TextBoxIcon String | GuardIcon Int
| FlatLambdaIcon [String] | ApplyAIcon Int | ComposeIcon Int
| PAppIcon Int String | CaseIcon Int | CaseResultIcon
| BindTextBoxIcon String
-- TODO: NestedApply should have the type NestedApply (Maybe NamedIcon) [Maybe NamedIcon]
| NestedApply
LikeApplyFlavor -- apply or compose
(Maybe NamedIcon) -- The function for apply, or the argument for compose
[Maybe NamedIcon] -- list of arguments or functions
| NestedPApp [(Maybe NamedIcon, String)]
| NestedCaseIcon [Maybe NamedIcon]

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@ -158,39 +158,6 @@ arrowTestDrawing = Drawing arrowTestIcons arrowTestEdges where
iconToIconEnds arr1 EndAp1Arg arr4 EndAp1Arg
nestedTextDrawing :: Drawing
nestedTextDrawing = Drawing nestedTestIcons nestedTestEdges where
[n1, t1, t2, inner, t, n2, n3, foo, in1, n4] = fmap NodeName [0..9]
nestedTestIcons = fmap tupleToNamedIcon [
(n1, NestedApply ApplyNodeFlavor args),
(t1, TextBoxIcon "T1"),
(t2, TextBoxIcon "t2")
innerArgs = fmap (fmap tupleToNamedIcon) [
Just (inner, TextBoxIcon "inner"),
Just (t, TextBoxIcon "t"),
Just (n2,
(fmap (fmap tupleToNamedIcon) [Just (n4, TextBoxIcon "N4"), Nothing]))
args = fmap (fmap tupleToNamedIcon) [
Just (n3, TextBoxIcon "n3"),
Just (foo, TextBoxIcon "3"),
Just (in1, NestedApply ApplyNodeFlavor innerArgs)
nestedTestEdges = [
iconToIntPort t1 n1 2,
--iconToIntPort "t1" "in" 1,
--iconToIntPort "t2" ("n1" .> "in") 3,
--iconToIntPort "t2" ("n1" .> "in" .> "n2") 2
-- TODO This edge is not drawn currently. See todo in drawingToIconGraph in Rendering.
iconToIntPort t2 n2 2
-- TODO refactor these Drawings
nestedCaseDrawing :: Drawing
nestedCaseDrawing = Drawing icons [] where
@ -255,7 +222,6 @@ renderTests = do