2020-08-09 15:49:26 -07:00

32 lines
802 B

to run:
Using Atom, in a terminal run
cd app
stack exec glance-exe -- -l -s Main.hs -o ../output.svg
or if that does not work
stack build --exec "glance-exe -o output.svg -w 500"
View circle.svg with svg-preview plug-in.
To use ghci for the main executable:
stack ghci glance
To use ghci with the test modules:
stack ghci glance:test:glance-test
For all warnings (some warnings duplicated):
stack clean
stack build --test --no-run-tests --ghc-options -Wall
To open documentation for other libraries:
stack haddock --open <package-name>
To build and run in a loop
watch -n2 stack build --exec \"glance-exe examples/fact.hs examples/fact.svg 500\"
To build the GUI, first install the system dependencies (follow the directions