
543 lines
21 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Icons
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((&), (#), Name)
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.List(find)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, listToMaybe, isJust, fromJust)
import Types(Icon(..), SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend, SpecialNum, NodeName, Port(..), LikeApplyFlavor(..),
import DrawingColors(colorScheme, ColorStyle(..))
-- TYPES --
-- | A TransformableDia is a function that returns a diagram for an icon when given
-- the icon's name, its nesting depth, whether it will be reflected, and by what
-- angle it will be rotated.
type TransformableDia b n = NodeName -> Int -> Bool -> Angle n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
defaultLineWidth :: (Fractional a) => a
defaultLineWidth = 0.15
circleRadius :: (Fractional a) => a
circleRadius = 0.5
-- COLORS --
lineCol :: Colour Double
lineCol = lineC colorScheme
-- BEGIN Exported icon functions --
iconToDiagram :: SpecialBackend b n => Icon -> TransformableDia b n
iconToDiagram icon = case icon of
ApplyAIcon n -> nestedApplyDia ApplyNodeFlavor $ replicate (1 + n) Nothing
ComposeIcon n -> nestedApplyDia ComposeNodeFlavor $ replicate (1 + n) Nothing
PAppIcon n str -> generalTextAppDia (patternTextC colorScheme) (patternC colorScheme) n str
TextBoxIcon s -> textBox s
BindTextBoxIcon s -> identDiaFunc $ bindTextBox s
GuardIcon n -> nestedGuardDia $ replicate (1 + (2 * n)) Nothing
CaseIcon n -> nestedCaseDia $ replicate (1 + (2 * n)) Nothing
CaseResultIcon -> identDiaFunc caseResult
FlatLambdaIcon x -> flatLambda x
NestedApply flavor args -> nestedApplyDia flavor args
NestedPApp args -> nestedPAppDia (repeat $ patternC colorScheme) args
NestedCaseIcon args -> nestedCaseDia args
NestedGuardIcon args -> nestedGuardDia args
-- BEGIN getPortAngles --
applyPortAngles :: Floating n => Port -> [Angle n]
applyPortAngles (Port x) = fmap (@@ turn) $ case x of
0 -> [3/8, 1/2, 5/8] -- TODO Don't use angle of 1/2 for nested icons here
--1 -> [1/8, 7/8, 0]
1 -> [0]
_ -> [1/4, 3/4]
pAppPortAngles :: Floating n => Port -> [Angle n]
pAppPortAngles (Port x) = fmap (@@ turn) $ case x of
0 -> [1/4]
1 -> [0]
_ -> [1/2]
guardPortAngles :: Floating n => Port -> [Angle n]
guardPortAngles (Port port) = case port of
0 -> [1/4 @@ turn]
1 -> [3/4 @@ turn]
_ -> otherAngles where otherAngles
| even port = [0 @@ turn]
| otherwise = [1/2 @@ turn]
findNestedIcon :: NodeName -> Icon -> Maybe Icon
findNestedIcon name icon = case icon of
NestedApply _ args -> snd <$> findIcon name args
NestedPApp args -> snd <$> findIcon name (fmap fst args)
_ -> Nothing
findIcon :: NodeName -> [Maybe (NodeName, Icon)] -> Maybe (Int, Icon)
findIcon name args = icon where
numberedArgs = zip ([0,1..] :: [Int]) args
filteredArgs = Arrow.second fromJust <$> filter (isJust . snd) numberedArgs
nameMatches (_, (n, _)) = n == name
icon = case find nameMatches filteredArgs of
Nothing -> listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ fmap findSubSubIcon filteredArgs
Just (argNum, (_, finalIcon)) -> Just (argNum, finalIcon)
findSubSubIcon (argNum, (_, subIcon)) = case findNestedIcon name subIcon of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> Just (argNum, x)
generalNestedPortAngles :: SpecialNum n =>
(Port -> [Angle n]) -> [Maybe (NodeName, Icon)] -> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
generalNestedPortAngles defaultAngles args port maybeNodeName = case maybeNodeName of
Nothing -> defaultAngles port
Just name -> case findIcon name args of
Nothing -> []
Just (_, icon) -> getPortAngles icon port Nothing
reflectXAngle :: SpecialNum n => Angle n -> Angle n
reflectXAngle x = reflectedAngle where
normalizedAngle = normalizeAngle x
reflectedAngle = (-) <$> halfTurn <*> normalizedAngle
-- TODO reflect the angles for the right side sub-icons
nestedGuardPortAngles :: SpecialNum n => [Maybe (NodeName, Icon)] -> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
nestedGuardPortAngles args port maybeNodeName = case maybeNodeName of
Nothing -> guardPortAngles port
Just name -> case findIcon name args of
Nothing -> []
-- TODO Don't use hardcoded numbers
-- The arguments correspond to ports [0, 2, 3, 4 ...]
Just (argNum, icon) -> if odd argNum && argNum >= 1
-- The icon will be reflected
then fmap reflectXAngle subAngles
else subAngles
subAngles = getPortAngles icon port Nothing
getPortAngles :: SpecialNum n => Icon -> Port -> Maybe NodeName -> [Angle n]
getPortAngles icon port maybeNodeName = case icon of
ApplyAIcon _ -> applyPortAngles port
ComposeIcon _ -> applyPortAngles port
PAppIcon _ _ -> applyPortAngles port
TextBoxIcon _ -> []
BindTextBoxIcon _ -> []
GuardIcon _ -> guardPortAngles port
CaseIcon _ -> guardPortAngles port
CaseResultIcon -> []
FlatLambdaIcon _ -> applyPortAngles port
NestedApply _ args -> generalNestedPortAngles applyPortAngles args port maybeNodeName
NestedPApp args -> generalNestedPortAngles pAppPortAngles (fmap fst args) port maybeNodeName
NestedCaseIcon args -> nestedGuardPortAngles args port maybeNodeName
NestedGuardIcon args -> nestedGuardPortAngles args port maybeNodeName
-- END getPortAngles --
-- BEGIN Port numbers
inputPortConst :: Port
inputPortConst = Port 0
resultPortConst :: Port
resultPortConst = Port 1
argPortsConst :: [Port]
argPortsConst = fmap Port [2,3..]
-- TODO It's a bit strange that the parameter is a SyntaxNode, not an Icon.
inputPort :: SyntaxNode -> Port
inputPort = const inputPortConst
resultPort :: SyntaxNode -> Port
resultPort = const resultPortConst
caseRhsPorts :: [Port]
caseRhsPorts = fmap Port [3,5..]
casePatternPorts :: [Port]
casePatternPorts = fmap Port [2,4..]
guardRhsPorts :: [Port]
guardRhsPorts = casePatternPorts
guardBoolPorts :: [Port]
guardBoolPorts = caseRhsPorts
argumentPorts :: SyntaxNode -> [Port]
argumentPorts n = case n of
LikeApplyNode _ _-> defaultPorts
NestedApplyNode _ _ _ -> defaultPorts
PatternApplyNode _ _-> defaultPorts
NestedPatternApplyNode _ _-> defaultPorts
FunctionDefNode _ -> defaultPorts
NestedCaseOrGuardNode _ _ _-> defaultPorts
GuardNode _ -> defaultPorts
CaseNode _ -> defaultPorts
NameNode _ -> []
BindNameNode _ -> []
LiteralNode _ -> []
CaseResultNode -> []
defaultPorts = argPortsConst
-- END Port numbers
-- END Exported icon functions --
-- BEGIN Diagram helper functions --
-- | Make an identity TransformableDia
identDiaFunc :: SpecialNum n => SpecialQDiagram b n -> TransformableDia b n
identDiaFunc dia name _ _ _ = nameDiagram name dia
-- | Names the diagram and puts all sub-names in the namespace of the top level name.
nameDiagram :: SpecialNum n => NodeName -> SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
nameDiagram name dia = named name (name .>> dia)
-- | Make an port with an integer name. Always use <> to add a ports (not === or |||)
--- since mempty has no size and will not be placed where you want it.
makePort :: SpecialNum n => Port -> SpecialQDiagram b n
makePort x = named x mempty
--makePort x = circle 0.2 # fc green # named x
-- Note, the version of makePort below seems to have a different type.
--makePort x = textBox (show x) # fc green # named x
makeQualifiedPort :: SpecialNum n => NodeName -> Port -> SpecialQDiagram b n
makeQualifiedPort n x = n .>> makePort x
makeLabelledPort :: SpecialBackend b n =>
NodeName -> Bool -> Angle n -> String -> Port -> SpecialQDiagram b n
makeLabelledPort name reflect angle str portNum = case str of
-- Don't display " tempvar" from Translate.hs/matchesToCase
(' ':_) -> portAndCircle
(_:_:_) -> portAndCircle ||| label
_ -> portAndCircle
portAndCircle = makeQualifiedPort name portNum <> portCircle
label = transformableBindTextBox str reflect angle
-- END Diagram helper functions
-- BEGIN Icons --
-- BEGIN Sub-diagrams --
apply0Triangle :: SpecialBackend b n => Colour Double -> SpecialQDiagram b n
apply0Triangle col = fc col $ lw none $ rotateBy (-1/12) $ eqTriangle (2 * circleRadius)
composeSemiCircle :: SpecialBackend b n => Colour Double -> SpecialQDiagram b n
composeSemiCircle col = lc col $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ wedge circleRadius yDir halfTurn
portCircle :: SpecialBackend b n => SpecialQDiagram b n
portCircle = lw none $ fc lineCol $ circle (circleRadius * 0.5)
resultIcon :: SpecialBackend b n => SpecialQDiagram b n
resultIcon = lw none $ fc (lamArgResC colorScheme) unitSquare
-- END Sub-diagrams
-- BEGIN Main icons
-- BEGIN Apply like icons
-- | apply port locations:
-- inputPortConst: Function
-- resultPortConst: Result
-- Ports 2,3..: Arguments
coloredApplyADia ::
(SpecialBackend b n) =>
Colour Double -> Int -> SpecialQDiagram b n
coloredApplyADia appColor n = centerXY finalDia where
trianglePortsCircle = hcat [
reflectX (apply0Triangle appColor),
hcat $ take n $ map (\x -> makePort x <> portCircle <> strutX (circleRadius * 1.5)) argPortsConst,
makePort resultPortConst <> alignR (lc appColor $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc appColor $ circle circleRadius)
allPorts = makePort inputPortConst <> alignL trianglePortsCircle
topAndBottomLineWidth = width allPorts - circleRadius
topAndBottomLine = alignL $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc appColor $ hrule topAndBottomLineWidth
finalDia = topAndBottomLine === allPorts === topAndBottomLine
generalTextAppDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Int -> String -> TransformableDia b n
generalTextAppDia textCol borderCol numArgs str name _ reflect angle = nameDiagram name rotateDia where
rotateDia = transformCorrectedTextBox str textCol borderCol reflect angle |||
coloredApplyADia borderCol numArgs
-- TODO Refactor with generalNestedDia
nestedPAppDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
[Colour Double] -> [(Maybe (NodeName, Icon), String)] -> TransformableDia b n
nestedPAppDia borderCols funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = named name $ case funcNodeNameAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
(maybeFunText:args) -> centerXY $ centerY finalDia ||| transformedText ||| resultCircleAndPort
borderCol = borderCols !! nestingLevel
transformedText = case maybeFunText of
(Just _, _) -> makeInnerIcon True inputPortConst maybeFunText
(Nothing, _) -> mempty
separation = circleRadius * 1.5
verticalSeparation = circleRadius
resultCircleAndPort = makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst <> alignR (lc borderCol $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc borderCol $ circle circleRadius)
triangleAndPorts = vsep separation $
rotate quarterTurn (apply0Triangle borderCol) :
zipWith (makeInnerIcon False) argPortsConst args
allPorts = makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst <> alignT triangleAndPorts -- alignL (strutX separation ||| trianglePortsCircle)
topAndBottomLineWidth = width allPorts
-- boxHeight = height
argBox = alignT $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc borderCol $ roundedRect topAndBottomLineWidth (height allPorts + verticalSeparation) (circleRadius * 0.5)
finalDia = argBox <> allPorts
makeInnerIcon _ portNum (Nothing, str) = centerX $ makeLabelledPort name reflect angle str portNum
makeInnerIcon True _ ((Just (_, TextBoxIcon t)), _) = transformCorrectedTextBox t (textBoxTextC colorScheme) borderCol reflect angle
makeInnerIcon func _ ((Just (iconNodeName, icon)), _) = iconToDiagram icon iconNodeName innerLevel reflect angle where
innerLevel = if func then nestingLevel else nestingLevel + 1
generalNestedDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
(Colour Double -> SpecialQDiagram b n) -> [Colour Double] -> [Maybe (NodeName, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b n
generalNestedDia dia borderCols funcNodeNameAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = named name $ case funcNodeNameAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
(maybeFunText:args) -> centerXY $ transformedText ||| centerY finalDia
borderCol = borderCols !! nestingLevel
transformedText = case maybeFunText of
Just _ -> makeInnerIcon True inputPortConst maybeFunText
Nothing -> mempty
seperation = circleRadius * 1.5
verticalSeperation = circleRadius
trianglePortsCircle = hsep seperation $
reflectX (dia borderCol) :
zipWith (makeInnerIcon False) argPortsConst args ++
[makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst <> alignR (lc borderCol $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ fc borderCol $ circle circleRadius)]
allPorts = makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst <> alignL trianglePortsCircle
topAndBottomLineWidth = width allPorts - circleRadius
argBox = alignL $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc borderCol $ roundedRect topAndBottomLineWidth (height allPorts + verticalSeperation) (circleRadius * 0.5)
finalDia = argBox <> allPorts
makeInnerIcon _ portNum Nothing = makeQualifiedPort name portNum <> portCircle
makeInnerIcon True _ (Just (_, TextBoxIcon t)) = transformCorrectedTextBox t (textBoxTextC colorScheme) borderCol reflect angle
makeInnerIcon func _ (Just (iconNodeName, icon)) = iconToDiagram icon iconNodeName innerLevel reflect angle where
innerLevel = if func then nestingLevel else nestingLevel + 1
nestedApplyDia :: SpecialBackend b n =>
LikeApplyFlavor -> [Maybe (NodeName, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b n
nestedApplyDia flavor = case flavor of
ApplyNodeFlavor -> generalNestedDia apply0Triangle (nestingC colorScheme)
ComposeNodeFlavor -> generalNestedDia composeSemiCircle (repeat $ apply1C colorScheme)
-- END Apply like diagrams
-- BEGIN Text boxes and icons --
-- Text constants --
textBoxFontSize :: (Num a) => a
textBoxFontSize = 1
monoLetterWidthToHeightFraction :: (Fractional a) => a
monoLetterWidthToHeightFraction = 0.61
textBoxHeightFactor :: (Fractional a) => a
textBoxHeightFactor = 1.4
textFont :: String
textFont = "monospace"
-- BEGIN Text helper functions --
-- This may be a faster implementation of normalizeAngle
--Get the decimal part of a float
-- reduceAngleRange :: SpecialNum a => a -> a
-- reduceAngleRange x = x - fromInteger (floor x)
-- | Given the number of letters in a textbox string, make a rectangle that will
-- enclose the text box. Since the normal SVG text has no size, some hackery is
-- needed to determine the size of the text's bounding box.
rectForText :: (InSpace V2 n t, TrailLike t) => Int -> t
rectForText n = rect rectangleWidth (textBoxFontSize * textBoxHeightFactor)
rectangleWidth = (fromIntegral n * textBoxFontSize * monoLetterWidthToHeightFraction)
+ (textBoxFontSize * 0.3)
-- END Text helper functions
commentTextArea :: SpecialBackend b n =>
Colour Double -> String -> SpecialQDiagram b n
commentTextArea textColor t =
alignL $ fontSize (local textBoxFontSize) (font textFont $ fc textColor $ topLeftText t)
<> alignTL (lw none $ rectForText (length t))
multilineComment :: SpecialBackend b n =>
Colour Double
-> AlphaColour Double -> String -> SpecialQDiagram b n
multilineComment textColor boxColor t = lwG (0.6 * defaultLineWidth) textDia
textLines = lines t
textAreas = map (commentTextArea textColor) textLines
textDia = vcat textAreas
coloredTextBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
Colour Double
-> AlphaColour Double -> String -> SpecialQDiagram b n
coloredTextBox textColor boxColor t =
fontSize (local textBoxFontSize) (bold $ font textFont $ fc textColor $ text t)
<> lwG (0.6 * defaultLineWidth) (lcA boxColor $ fcA (withOpacity (backgroundC colorScheme) 0.5) $ rectForText (length t))
transformCorrectedTextBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
String -> Colour Double -> Colour Double -> Bool -> Angle n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
transformCorrectedTextBox str textCol borderCol reflect angle =
rotateBy textBoxRotation (reflectIfTrue reflect (coloredTextBox textCol (opaque borderCol) str))
-- If normalizeAngle is slow, the commented out function reduceAngleRange might be faster
reducedAngle = normalizeAngle angle ^. turn
textBoxRotation = if (reducedAngle > (1/4)) && (reducedAngle < (3/4)) then 1 / 2 else 0
reflectIfTrue shouldReflect dia = if shouldReflect then reflectX dia else dia
transformableBindTextBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
String -> Bool -> Angle n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
transformableBindTextBox str = transformCorrectedTextBox str (bindTextBoxTextC colorScheme) (bindTextBoxC colorScheme)
bindTextBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
String -> SpecialQDiagram b n
bindTextBox = coloredTextBox (bindTextBoxTextC colorScheme) $ opaque (bindTextBoxC colorScheme)
textBox :: SpecialBackend b n =>
String -> TransformableDia b n
textBox t name _ reflect angle = nameDiagram name $ transformCorrectedTextBox t (textBoxTextC colorScheme) (textBoxC colorScheme) reflect angle
-- END Text boxes and icons
-- BEGIN Guard and case icons --
guardSize :: (Fractional a) => a
guardSize = 0.7
guardTriangle :: SpecialBackend b n =>
SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
guardTriangle portDia =
alignL $ alignR (triangleAndPort ||| lwG defaultLineWidth (hrule (guardSize * 0.8))) <> portDia
triangleAndPort = alignR $ alignT $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ rotateBy (1/8) $
polygon (polyType .~ PolySides [90 @@ deg, 45 @@ deg] [guardSize, guardSize] $ with)
-- | generalNestedGuard port layout:
-- 0 -> top
-- 1 -> bottom
-- odds -> left
-- evens -> right
generalNestedGuard :: SpecialBackend b n =>
Colour Double -> (SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n) -> SpecialQDiagram b n -> [Maybe (NodeName, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b n
generalNestedGuard triangleColor lBracket bottomDia inputAndArgs name nestingLevel reflect angle = named name $ case inputAndArgs of
[] -> mempty
input : args -> centerXY finalDia where
finalDia = alignT (bottomDia <> makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst) <> alignB (inputIcon === (bigVerticalLine <> guardDia <> makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst))
iconMapper (Port portNum) arg
| even portNum = Right $ guardTriangle port ||| makeInnerIcon True arg
| otherwise = Left $ makeInnerIcon False arg ||| lBracket port
port = makeQualifiedPort name (Port portNum)
(lBrackets, trianglesWithPorts) = partitionEithers $ zipWith iconMapper argPortsConst args
trianglesAndBrackets =
zipWith zipper trianglesWithPorts lBrackets
zipper thisTriangle lBrack = verticalLine === (alignR (extrudeRight guardSize lBrack) <> lc triangleColor (alignL thisTriangle))
verticalLine = strutY 0.4
inputIcon = makeInnerIcon False input
guardDia = vcat (alignT trianglesAndBrackets)
bigVerticalLine = alignT $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc triangleColor $ vrule (height guardDia)
makeInnerIcon innerReflected mNameAndIcon = case mNameAndIcon of
Nothing -> mempty
Just (iconNodeName, icon) -> if innerReflected
then reflectX dia
else dia
dia = iconToDiagram icon iconNodeName nestingLevel (innerReflected /= reflect) angle
guardLBracket :: SpecialBackend b n =>
SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
guardLBracket portDia = alignL (alignT ell) <> portDia
ellShape = fromOffsets $ map r2 [(0, guardSize), (-guardSize,0)]
ell = lineJoin LineJoinRound $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc (boolC colorScheme) (strokeLine ellShape)
-- | The ports of the guard icon are as follows:
-- inputPortConst: Top result port (not used)
-- resultPortConst: Bottom result port
-- Ports 3,5...: The left ports for the booleans
-- Ports 2,4...: The right ports for the values
nestedGuardDia :: SpecialBackend b n => [Maybe (NodeName, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b n
nestedGuardDia = generalNestedGuard lineCol guardLBracket mempty
-- TODO Improve design to be more than a circle.
caseResult :: SpecialBackend b n =>
SpecialQDiagram b n
caseResult = lw none $ lc caseCColor $ fc caseCColor $ circle circleRadius
caseCColor = caseRhsC colorScheme
caseC :: SpecialBackend b n =>
SpecialQDiagram b n -> SpecialQDiagram b n
caseC portDia = caseResult <> portDia
-- | The ports of the case icon are as follows:
-- inputPortConst: Top input port
-- resultPortConst: Bottom result port
-- Ports 3,5...: The left ports for the results
-- Ports 2,4...: The right ports for the patterns
nestedCaseDia :: SpecialBackend b n => [Maybe (NodeName, Icon)] -> TransformableDia b n
nestedCaseDia = generalNestedGuard (patternC colorScheme) caseC caseResult
-- END Guard and case icons
-- | The ports of flatLambdaIcon are:
-- 0: Result icon
-- 1: The lambda function value
-- 2,3.. : The parameters
flatLambda :: SpecialBackend b n => [String] -> TransformableDia b n
flatLambda paramNames name _ reflect angle = named name finalDia where
lambdaCircle = lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc (regionPerimC colorScheme) $ fc (regionPerimC colorScheme) $ circle (1.5 * circleRadius)
lambdaParts = (makeQualifiedPort name inputPortConst <> resultIcon) : (portIcons ++ [makeQualifiedPort name resultPortConst <> alignR lambdaCircle])
portIcons = zipWith (makeLabelledPort name reflect angle) paramNames argPortsConst
middle = alignL (hsep 0.5 lambdaParts)
topAndBottomLineWidth = width middle - circleRadius
topAndBottomLine = alignL $ lwG defaultLineWidth $ lc (regionPerimC colorScheme) $ hrule topAndBottomLineWidth
finalDia = topAndBottomLine <> alignB (topAndBottomLine <> alignT middle)
-- END Main icons
-- END Icons