2019-07-25 00:45:20 -07:00

372 lines
13 KiB

module TranslateCore(
) where
import Control.Monad.State(State, state)
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Data.List(find)
import Data.Semigroup(Semigroup, (<>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Icons(inputPort, resultPort, argumentPorts, multiIfRhsPorts
, multiIfBoolPorts)
import Types(Labeled(..), Icon(..), SyntaxNode(..), Edge(..), EdgeOption(..)
, NameAndPort(..), IDState, SgNamedNode, NodeName(..), Port
, LikeApplyFlavor(..), CaseOrMultiIfTag(..), IDState(..)
, Embedder(..), mkEmbedder, Named(..)
, EmbedderSyntaxNode)
import Util(nameAndPort, makeSimpleEdge, justName, maybeBoolToBool
, nodeNameToInt)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use list comprehension" #-}
-- This module has the core functions and data types used by Translate.
-- This module also contains most/all of the translation functions that
-- do not require Language.Haskell.Exts.
type Reference = Either String NameAndPort
type EvalContext = [String]
data SgBind = SgBind String Reference deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data SgSink = SgSink String NameAndPort deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- TODO Replace lists with sets
-- | A SyntaxGraph is an abstract representation of Haskell syntax. SyntaxGraphs
-- are generated from the Haskell syntax tree and are used to generate Drawings.
data SyntaxGraph = SyntaxGraph {
sgNodes :: [SgNamedNode],
sgEdges :: [Edge],
sgSinks :: [SgSink],
sgBinds :: [SgBind],
-- sgEmbedMap keeps track of nodes embedded in other nodes. If (child, parent)
-- is in the Map, then child is embedded inside parent.
sgEmbedMap :: [(NodeName, NodeName)]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup SyntaxGraph where
(SyntaxGraph icons1 edges1 sinks1 sources1 map1)
(SyntaxGraph icons2 edges2 sinks2 sources2 map2)
= SyntaxGraph
(icons1 <> icons2)
(edges1 <> edges2)
(sinks1 <> sinks2)
(sources1 <> sources2)
(map1 <> map2)
instance Monoid SyntaxGraph where
mempty = SyntaxGraph mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
mappend = (<>)
data GraphAndRef = GraphAndRef SyntaxGraph Reference
-- BEGIN Constructors and Destructors
sgBindToString :: SgBind -> String
sgBindToString (SgBind s _) = s
sgBindToTuple :: SgBind -> (String, Reference)
sgBindToTuple (SgBind s r) = (s, r)
syntaxGraphFromNodes :: [SgNamedNode] -> SyntaxGraph
syntaxGraphFromNodes icons = SyntaxGraph icons mempty mempty mempty mempty
syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges :: [SgNamedNode] -> [Edge] -> SyntaxGraph
syntaxGraphFromNodesEdges icons edges
= SyntaxGraph icons edges mempty mempty mempty
bindsToSyntaxGraph :: [SgBind] -> SyntaxGraph
bindsToSyntaxGraph binds = SyntaxGraph mempty mempty mempty binds mempty
sinksToSyntaxGraph :: [SgSink] -> SyntaxGraph
sinksToSyntaxGraph sinks = SyntaxGraph mempty mempty sinks mempty mempty
edgesToSyntaxGraph :: [Edge] -> SyntaxGraph
edgesToSyntaxGraph edges = SyntaxGraph mempty edges mempty mempty mempty
graphAndRefToGraph :: GraphAndRef -> SyntaxGraph
graphAndRefToGraph (GraphAndRef g _) = g
-- END Constructors and Destructors
-- BEGIN IDState
initialIdState :: IDState
initialIdState = IDState 0
getId :: State IDState Int
getId = state incrementer where
incrementer (IDState x) = (x, IDState checkedIncrement) where
xPlusOne = x + 1
checkedIncrement = if xPlusOne > x
then xPlusOne
else error "getId: the ID state has overflowed."
getUniqueName :: State IDState NodeName
getUniqueName = fmap NodeName getId
-- TODO Should getUniqueString prepend an illegal character?
getUniqueString :: String -> State IDState String
getUniqueString base = fmap ((base ++). show) getId
-- END IDState
-- TODO: Refactor with combineExpressions
edgesForRefPortList :: Bool -> [(Reference, NameAndPort)] -> SyntaxGraph
edgesForRefPortList inPattern portExpPairs
= mconcat $ fmap makeGraph portExpPairs
edgeOpts = if inPattern then [EdgeInPattern] else []
makeGraph (ref, port) = case ref of
Left str -> if inPattern
then bindsToSyntaxGraph [SgBind str (Right port)]
else sinksToSyntaxGraph [SgSink str port]
Right resPort -> edgesToSyntaxGraph [Edge edgeOpts connection]
connection = if inPattern
-- If in a pattern, then the port on the case icon is
-- the data source.
then (port, resPort)
else (resPort, port)
combineExpressions :: Bool -> [(GraphAndRef, NameAndPort)] -> SyntaxGraph
combineExpressions inPattern portExpPairs
= mconcat $ fmap makeGraph portExpPairs
edgeOpts = if inPattern then [EdgeInPattern] else []
makeGraph (GraphAndRef graph ref, port) = graph <> case ref of
Left str -> if inPattern
then bindsToSyntaxGraph [SgBind str (Right port)]
else sinksToSyntaxGraph [SgSink str port]
Right resPort -> edgesToSyntaxGraph [Edge edgeOpts (resPort, port)]
makeApplyGraph ::
-> LikeApplyFlavor
-> Bool
-> NodeName
-> GraphAndRef
-> [GraphAndRef]
-> (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeApplyGraph numArgs applyFlavor inPattern applyIconName funVal argVals
= (newGraph <> combinedGraph
, nameAndPort applyIconName (resultPort applyNode)
applyNode = ApplyNode applyFlavor numArgs
= map (nameAndPort applyIconName) (argumentPorts applyNode)
functionPort = nameAndPort applyIconName (inputPort applyNode)
combinedGraph = combineExpressions inPattern
$ zip (funVal:argVals) (functionPort:argumentNamePorts)
icons = [Named applyIconName (mkEmbedder applyNode)]
newGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons
makeMultiIfGraph ::
-> NodeName
-> [GraphAndRef]
-> [GraphAndRef]
-> (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeMultiIfGraph numPairs multiIfName bools exps
= (newGraph, nameAndPort multiIfName (resultPort multiIfNode))
multiIfNode = CaseOrMultiIfNode MultiIfTag numPairs
expsWithPorts = zip exps $ map (nameAndPort multiIfName) multiIfRhsPorts
boolsWithPorts = zip bools $ map (nameAndPort multiIfName) multiIfBoolPorts
combindedGraph = combineExpressions False $ expsWithPorts <> boolsWithPorts
icons = [Named multiIfName (mkEmbedder multiIfNode)]
newGraph = syntaxGraphFromNodes icons <> combindedGraph
namesInPatternHelper :: GraphAndRef -> [String]
namesInPatternHelper (GraphAndRef graph ref) = case ref of
Left str -> [str]
Right _ -> sgBindToString <$> sgBinds graph
namesInPattern :: (GraphAndRef, Maybe String) -> [String]
namesInPattern (graphAndRef, mName) = case mName of
Nothing -> otherNames
Just n -> n : otherNames
otherNames = namesInPatternHelper graphAndRef
-- | Recursivly find the matching reference in a list of bindings.
-- TODO: Might want to present some indication if there is a reference cycle.
lookupReference :: [SgBind] -> Reference -> Reference
lookupReference _ ref@(Right _) = ref
lookupReference bindings ref@(Left originalS) = lookupHelper ref where
lookupHelper newRef@(Right _) = newRef
lookupHelper newRef@(Left s)= case lookup s (fmap sgBindToTuple bindings) of
Just r -> failIfCycle r $ lookupHelper r
Nothing -> newRef
failIfCycle r@(Left newStr) res = if newStr == originalS then r else res
failIfCycle _ res = res
deleteBindings :: SyntaxGraph -> SyntaxGraph
deleteBindings (SyntaxGraph a b c _ e) = SyntaxGraph a b c mempty e
makeEdgesCore :: [SgSink] -> [SgBind] -> ([SgSink], [Edge])
makeEdgesCore sinks bindings = partitionEithers $ fmap renameOrMakeEdge sinks
renameOrMakeEdge :: SgSink -> Either SgSink Edge
renameOrMakeEdge orig@(SgSink s destPort)
= case lookup s (fmap sgBindToTuple bindings) of
Just ref -> case lookupReference bindings ref of
Right sourcePort -> Right $ makeSimpleEdge (sourcePort, destPort)
Left newStr -> Left $ SgSink newStr destPort
Nothing -> Left orig
makeEdges :: SyntaxGraph -> SyntaxGraph
makeEdges (SyntaxGraph icons edges sinks bindings eMap) = newGraph where
(newSinks, newEdges) = makeEdgesCore sinks bindings
newGraph = SyntaxGraph icons (newEdges <> edges) newSinks bindings eMap
makeBox :: String -> State IDState (SyntaxGraph, NameAndPort)
makeBox str = do
name <- getUniqueName
let graph
= syntaxGraphFromNodes [Named name (mkEmbedder (LiteralNode str))]
pure (graph, justName name)
nTupleString :: Int -> String
nTupleString n = '(' : replicate (n -1) ',' ++ ")"
-- TODO Unit tests for this
nTupleSectionString :: [Bool] -> String
nTupleSectionString bools = '(' : (commas ++ ")") where
commas = case concatMap trueToUnderscore bools of
[] -> []
(_:xs) -> xs
trueToUnderscore x = if x
then ",_"
else ","
nListString :: Int -> String
-- TODO: Use something better than [_]
nListString 1 = "[_]"
nListString n = '[' : replicate (n -1) ',' ++ "]"
nodeToIcon :: EmbedderSyntaxNode -> Icon
nodeToIcon (Embedder embeddedNodes node) = case node of
(ApplyNode flavor x)
-> nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor x embeddedNodes
(PatternApplyNode s children)
-> nestedPatternNodeToIcon s children
(NameNode s) -> TextBoxIcon s
(BindNameNode s) -> BindTextBoxIcon s
(LiteralNode s) -> TextBoxIcon s
(FunctionDefNode labels bodyNodes)
-> nestedLambdaToIcon labels embeddedNodes bodyNodes
CaseResultNode -> CaseResultIcon
(CaseOrMultiIfNode tag x)
-> nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon tag x embeddedNodes
-- | Helper for makeArg
findArg :: Port -> (NodeName, Edge) -> Bool
findArg currentPort
, Edge _ (NameAndPort fromName fromPort, NameAndPort toName toPort))
| argName == fromName = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap (== currentPort) toPort
| argName == toName = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap (== currentPort) fromPort
| otherwise = False -- This case should never happen
makeArg :: Set.Set (NodeName, Edge) -> Port -> Maybe NodeName
makeArg args port = fst <$> find (findArg port) args
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon :: LikeApplyFlavor
-> Int
-> Set.Set (NodeName, Edge)
-> Icon
nestedApplySyntaxNodeToIcon flavor numArgs args =
NestedApply flavor headIcon argList
dummyNode = ApplyNode flavor numArgs
argPorts = take numArgs (argumentPorts dummyNode)
headIcon = makeArg args (inputPort dummyNode)
argList = fmap (makeArg args) argPorts
nestedLambdaToIcon :: [String] -- labels
-> Set.Set (NodeName, Edge) -- embedded icons
-> [NodeName] -- body nodes
-> Icon
nestedLambdaToIcon labels embeddedNodes =
LambdaIcon labels embeddedBodyNode
dummyNode = FunctionDefNode [] []
embeddedBodyNode = makeArg embeddedNodes (inputPort dummyNode)
nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon ::
-> Int
-> Set.Set (NodeName, Edge)
-> Icon
nestedCaseOrMultiIfNodeToIcon tag numArgs args = case tag of
CaseTag -> NestedCaseIcon argList
MultiIfTag -> NestedMultiIfIcon argList
dummyNode = CaseOrMultiIfNode CaseTag numArgs
argPorts = take (2 * numArgs) $ argumentPorts dummyNode
argList = fmap (makeArg args) (inputPort dummyNode : argPorts)
nestedPatternNodeToIcon :: String -> [Labeled (Maybe SgNamedNode)] -> Icon
nestedPatternNodeToIcon str children = NestedPApp
(pure (Just (Named (NodeName (-1)) (TextBoxIcon str))))
-- Why so many fmaps?
( (fmap . fmap . fmap . fmap) nodeToIcon children)
makeLNode :: SgNamedNode -> ING.LNode SgNamedNode
makeLNode namedNode@(Named (NodeName name) _) = (name, namedNode)
lookupInEmbeddingMap :: NodeName -> [(NodeName, NodeName)] -> NodeName
lookupInEmbeddingMap origName eMap = lookupHelper origName where
lookupHelper name = case lookup name eMap of
Nothing -> name
Just parent -> if parent == origName
then error $ "lookupInEmbeddingMap: Found cycle. Node = "
++ show origName ++ "\nEmbedding Map = " ++ show eMap
else lookupHelper parent
syntaxGraphToFglGraph :: SyntaxGraph -> FGR.Gr SgNamedNode Edge
syntaxGraphToFglGraph (SyntaxGraph nodes edges _ _ eMap) =
ING.mkGraph (fmap makeLNode nodes) labeledEdges where
labeledEdges = fmap makeLabeledEdge edges
makeLabeledEdge e@(Edge _ (NameAndPort name1 _, NameAndPort name2 _)) =
(nodeNameToInt $ lookupInEmbeddingMap name1 eMap
, nodeNameToInt $ lookupInEmbeddingMap name2 eMap
, e)