2018-11-11 03:17:06 -08:00

408 lines
12 KiB

module UnitTests(
) where
import Test.HUnit
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as ING
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Data.List(foldl', sort, sortOn)
import Translate(translateStringToSyntaxGraph)
import TranslateCore(syntaxGraphToFglGraph, SyntaxGraph(..), SgBind(..))
import Types(Labeled(..), SgNamedNode(..), Edge(..), SyntaxNode(..),
IngSyntaxGraph, NodeName(..), LikeApplyFlavor(..), NameAndPort(..))
import qualified GraphAlgorithms
import Util(fromMaybeError)
-- Unit Test Helpers --
assertAllEqual :: (Eq a, Show a) => [a] -> Test
assertAllEqual items = case items of
[] -> TestCase $ assertFailure "assertAllEqual: argument is empty list"
(first : rest) -> TestList $ fmap (first ~=?) rest
-- TODO Remove the Lambda node's node list.
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs :: [String] -> Test
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs ls = assertAllEqual $ fmap (renameGraph . translateStringToSyntaxGraph) ls
-- BEGIN renameGraph --
type NameMap = [(NodeName, NodeName)]
:: NameMap -> Int -> SgNamedNode -> (SgNamedNode, NameMap, Int)
renameNode nameMap counter (SgNamedNode nodeName syntaxNode) = (newNamedNode, nameMap3, newCounter) where
newNodeName = NodeName counter
nameMap2 = (nodeName, newNodeName) : nameMap
(newSyntaxNode, nameMap3, newCounter) = renameSyntaxNode nameMap2 syntaxNode (counter + 1)
newNamedNode = SgNamedNode newNodeName newSyntaxNode
maybeRenameNodeFolder ::
([Labeled (Maybe SgNamedNode)], NameMap, Int)
-> Maybe SgNamedNode
-> ([Labeled (Maybe SgNamedNode)], NameMap, Int)
maybeRenameNodeFolder (renamedNodes, nameMap, counter) mNode = case mNode of
Nothing -> (pure Nothing : renamedNodes, nameMap, counter)
Just node -> (pure (Just newNamedNode) : renamedNodes, newNameMap, newCounter)
(newNamedNode, newNameMap, newCounter) = renameNode nameMap counter node
renameSyntaxNode :: NameMap -> SyntaxNode -> Int -> (SyntaxNode, NameMap, Int)
renameSyntaxNode nameMap node counter = case node of
-- TODO Keep the Nothing subNodes
NestedPatternApplyNode s subNodes
-> (NestedPatternApplyNode s (reverse renamedSubNodes)
, newNameMap
, counter2)
(renamedSubNodes, newNameMap, counter2)
= foldl'
([], nameMap, counter)
(fmap laValue subNodes)
_ -> (node, nameMap, counter)
renameNodeFolder :: ([SgNamedNode], NameMap, Int) -> SgNamedNode -> ([SgNamedNode], NameMap, Int)
renameNodeFolder state@(renamedNodes, nameMap, counter) node@(SgNamedNode nodeName _) = case lookup nodeName nameMap of
Nothing -> (newNamedNode:renamedNodes, newNameMap, newCounter) where
(newNamedNode, newNameMap, newCounter) = renameNode nameMap counter node
Just _ -> error $ "renameNode: node already in name map. State = " ++ show state ++ " Node = " ++ show node
renameNamePort :: NameMap -> NameAndPort -> NameAndPort
renameNamePort nameMap nameAndPort@(NameAndPort name port) = NameAndPort newName port where
newName = fromMaybeError errorStr $ lookup name nameMap
errorStr = "renameNamePort: name not found. name = " ++ show name ++ "\nNameAndPort = " ++ show nameAndPort ++ "\nNameMap = " ++ show nameMap
renameEdge :: NameMap -> Edge -> Edge
renameEdge nameMap (Edge options ends (np1, np2)) =
Edge options ends (renameNamePort nameMap np1, renameNamePort nameMap np2)
renameSource :: NameMap -> SgBind -> SgBind
renameSource nameMap (SgBind str ref) = SgBind str newRef where
newRef = case ref of
Left _ -> ref
Right namePort@(NameAndPort _ _) -> Right $ renameNamePort nameMap namePort
renameEmbed :: NameMap -> (NodeName, NodeName) -> (NodeName, NodeName)
renameEmbed nameMap (leftName, rightName) = (newLeftName, newRightName) where
newLeftName = fromMaybeError "renameEmbed: leftName not found" (lookup leftName nameMap)
newRightName = fromMaybeError "renameEmbed: RightName not found" (lookup rightName nameMap)
-- TODO May want to remove names for sub-nodes
removeNames :: SgNamedNode -> SyntaxNode
removeNames (SgNamedNode _ syntaxNode) = syntaxNode
-- TODO Rename sinks
-- TODO Add unit tests for renameGraph
renameGraph :: SyntaxGraph -> SyntaxGraph
renameGraph (SyntaxGraph nodes edges sinks sources embedMap) =
SyntaxGraph renamedNodes renamedEdges sinks renamedSources renamedEmbedMap
(renamedNodes, nameMap, _) = foldl' renameNodeFolder ([], [], 0) $ sortOn removeNames nodes
renamedEdges = sort $ fmap (renameEdge nameMap) edges
renamedSources = sort $ fmap (renameSource nameMap) sources
renamedEmbedMap = sort $ fmap (renameEmbed nameMap) embedMap
-- END renameGraph
-- END Unit Test Helpers --
-- 0:(toName "app02",ApplyNode 1)->[]
-- 1:(toName "f0",LiteralNode "f")->[(Edge {edgeOptions = [], edgeEnds = (EndNone,EndNone), edgeConnection = (NameAndPort (toName "f0") Nothing,NameAndPort (toName "app02") (Just 0))},0)]
-- 2:(toName "x1",LiteralNode "x")->[(Edge {edgeOptions = [], edgeEnds = (EndNone,EndNone), edgeConnection = (NameAndPort (toName "x1") Nothing,NameAndPort (toName "app02") (Just 2))},0)]
-- 3:(toName "y3",NameNode "y")->[(Edge {edgeOptions = [], edgeEnds = (EndNone,EndNone), edgeConnection = (NameAndPort (toName "y3") Nothing,NameAndPort (toName "app02") (Just 1))},0)]
singleApplyGraph :: FGR.Gr SgNamedNode Edge
singleApplyGraph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ translateStringToSyntaxGraph "y = f x"
makeTreeRootTest :: (String, [Maybe SgNamedNode], String) -> Test
makeTreeRootTest (testName, expected, haskellString) = TestCase $ assertEqual testName expected actual where
actual = fmap (ING.lab graph) treeRoots
graph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ translateStringToSyntaxGraph haskellString
treeRoots = GraphAlgorithms.findTreeRoots graph
treeRootTests :: Test
treeRootTests = TestList $ fmap makeTreeRootTest treeRootTestList where
treeRootTestList = [
("single apply", [Just $ SgNamedNode (NodeName 2) (LikeApplyNode ApplyNodeFlavor 1)], "y = f x"),
-- TODO Fix test below
("double apply", [Just $ SgNamedNode (NodeName 3) (LikeApplyNode ComposeNodeFlavor 2)], "y = f (g x)"),
("recursive apply", [Just $ SgNamedNode (NodeName 3) (LikeApplyNode ComposeNodeFlavor 2)], "y = f (g y)")
makeChildCanBeEmbeddedTest ::
ING.Graph gr =>
(String, IngSyntaxGraph gr, ING.Node, Bool) -> Test
makeChildCanBeEmbeddedTest (testName, graph, node, expected) =TestCase $ assertEqual testName expected canBeEmbedded where
canBeEmbedded = GraphAlgorithms.nodeWillBeEmbedded graph node
-- TODO Add more cases for childCanBeEmbeddedTests
-- TODO Fix these tests
childCanBeEmbeddedTests :: Test
= TestList $ fmap makeChildCanBeEmbeddedTest childCanBeEmbeddedList
childCanBeEmbeddedList = [
-- ("single apply, ap", singleApplyGraph, 0, False),
("single apply, f", singleApplyGraph, 1, True),
-- ("single apply, x", singleApplyGraph, 2, True),
("single apply, y", singleApplyGraph, 3, False)
collapseUnitTests :: Test
collapseUnitTests = TestList[
TestLabel "findTreeRoots" treeRootTests
, TestLabel "childCanBeEmbedded" childCanBeEmbeddedTests
-- Translate unit tests
applyTests :: Test
applyTests = TestList [
TestLabel "dollarTests1" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f x",
"y = f $ x"
TestLabel "dollarTests2" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f (g x)",
"y = f $ (g x)",
"y = f $ g $ x",
"y = f (g $ x)"
TestLabel "dollarTests3" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f 1 (g 2)",
"y = f 1 $ g 2"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f 3 4",
"y = (f 3) 4"
composeApplyTests :: Test
composeApplyTests = TestList [
TestLabel "composeApplyTests1" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f (g x)",
"y = (f . g) x",
"y = f . g $ x"
TestLabel "composeApplyTests2" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f3 (f2 (f1 x))",
"y = f3 . f2 . f1 $ x",
"y = (f3 . f2 . f1) x"
infixTests :: Test
infixTests = TestList [
TestLabel "infixTests1" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = (+) 1 2",
"y = ((+) 1) 2",
"y = 1 + 2",
"y = (1 +) 2"
TestLabel "infixTests2" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f (1 +) 2",
"y = f ((+) 1) 2"
letTests :: Test
letTests = TestList [
TestLabel "letTests1" $ assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f 1",
"y = let x = 1 in f x",
"y = let {b = a; a = 1} in f b"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = 2",
"y = let z = 2 in z",
"y = let {z = 2; z2 = z} in z2"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f y",
"y = let x = f x in x"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f 7 5",
"y = let {a = 7; b = f a 5} in b"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y x = x",
"y x = let z = x in z"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"fibs = let {y = cons 0 (cons 1 (zipWith (+) y (tail y)))} in y",
"fibs = cons 0 (cons 1 (zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)))"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y x = y x",
"y = let {z = (\\x -> y x)} in z",
"y = let {z x = y x} in z "
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f 3 y",
"y = x where x = f 3 y",
"y = let x = f 3 y in x"
-- TODO Fix this test. It fails due to the names in the lambda region (which
-- are not renamed
-- assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
-- "y x1 = f x1",
-- "y x1 = let {x2 = x1; x3 = x2; x4 = f x3} in x4"
-- ]
-- ,
-- TODO Fix this test. The second line has two apply icons instead of one.
-- See VisualTranslateTests/letTests
-- assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
-- "y x1 = (f x1) x1",
-- "y x1 = let x2 = f x1 in x2 x1"
-- ]
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y x = 3",
"y x = let x = 3 in x"
-- TODO Fix test. Second line should use compose apply.
-- See VisualTranslateTests/letTests
-- assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
-- "y = g $ f y",
-- "y = let {a = f b; b = g a} in b"
-- ]
negateTests :: Test
negateTests = TestList [
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = negate 1",
"y = -1"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = negate ((/) 1 2)",
"y = -1/2"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = negate x",
"y = -x"
enumTests :: Test
enumTests = TestList [
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = enumFrom 1",
"y = [1..]"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = enumFromThen 1 2",
"y = [1,2..]"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = enumFromTo 0 10",
"y = [0..10]"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = enumFromThenTo 0 1 10",
"y = [0,1..10]"
patternTests :: Test
patternTests = TestList [
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y (F x) = x",
"y = (\\(F x) -> x)"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = let {F x y = 3} in x y",
"y = let {g = 3; F x y = g} in x y"
lambdaTests :: Test
lambdaTests = TestList [
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y x = (\\z -> x)",
"y = (\\x -> (\\z -> x))"
-- TODO These tests fail since the lambda node has a " tempvar" param name.
-- assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
-- "y x = case x of {0 -> 1; 3 -> 5}",
-- "{y 0 = 1; y 3 = 5}"
-- ]
-- ,
-- assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
-- "y p = case p of {F x -> x; G x -> x}",
-- "{y (F x) = x; y (G x) = x}"
-- ]
-- ,
-- assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
-- -- TODO Since there are no patterns for z, this should just be "case p of"
-- "y p z = case (p, z) of {((F x), z') -> x z'; ((G x), z') -> z' x}",
-- "{y (F x) z = x z; y (G x) z = z x}"
-- ]
-- ,
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y x = f x y",
"y x = z where z = f x y"
fmapTests :: Test
fmapTests = TestList [
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = fmap f x",
"y = f <$> x"
assertEqualSyntaxGraphs [
"y = f1 (fmap f2 (f3 x))",
"y = f1 $ f2 <$> f3 x"
-- Yes, the commas get their own line
translateUnitTests :: Test
translateUnitTests = TestList [
TestLabel "fmapTest" fmapTests
TestLabel "applyTests" applyTests
TestLabel "composeApplyTests" composeApplyTests
TestLabel "infixTests" infixTests
, TestLabel "letTests" letTests
, TestLabel "negateTests" negateTests
, TestLabel "enumTests" enumTests
, TestLabel "patternTests" patternTests
, TestLabel "lambdaTests" lambdaTests
allUnitTests :: Test
allUnitTests = TestList[
TestLabel "collapseUnitTests" collapseUnitTests,
TestLabel "translateTests" translateUnitTests