
96 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
module VisualGraphAlgorithmTests (
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((#), (&))
import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz as DiaGV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as FGR
import Types(SpecialQDiagram, SpecialBackend, SyntaxNode(..), NameAndPort(..), SgNamedNode(..), Edge(..))
import Translate(translateStringToSyntaxGraph)
import TranslateCore(syntaxGraphToFglGraph)
import GraphAlgorithms(collapseNodes)
import Rendering(customLayoutParams)
import Icons(coloredTextBox)
prettyPrintSyntaxNode :: SyntaxNode -> String
prettyPrintSyntaxNode (NestedApplyNode _ _ namedNodesAndEdges) = concatMap printNameAndEdge namedNodesAndEdges
printNameAndEdge (namedNode, edge) = "(" ++ prettyPrintNamedNode namedNode ++ "," ++ printEdge edge ++ ")"
prettyPrintNamedNode (SgNamedNode name _) = show name -- "(" ++ show name ++ "," ++ prettyPrintSyntaxNode syntaxNode ++ ")"
printEdge (Edge _ _ (NameAndPort n1 _, NameAndPort n2 _)) = show (n1, n2)
prettyPrintSyntaxNode x = show x
renderFglGraph :: SpecialBackend b Double => FGR.Gr SgNamedNode Edge -> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
renderFglGraph fglGraph = do
layedOutGraph <- DiaGV.layoutGraph' layoutParams GVA.Neato fglGraph
pure $ DiaGV.drawGraph
--(\_ _ _ _ _ p -> lc white $ stroke p)
-- TODO Draw some type of arrow if point1 == point2
(\_ point1 _ point2 _ _ -> if point1 == point2
then mempty
else lcA (withOpacity white 0.5) $ arrowBetween (scaleFactor *^ point1) (scaleFactor *^ point2))
scaleFactor = 0.12
nodeFunc (SgNamedNode name syntaxNode) point =
place (coloredTextBox white (opaque white) (show name ++ prettyPrintSyntaxNode syntaxNode) {- :: Diagram B -})
(scaleFactor *^ point)
layoutParams :: GV.GraphvizParams Int v e () v
layoutParams = customLayoutParams{
GV.fmtNode = nodeAttribute
nodeAttribute :: (Int, l) -> [GV.Attribute]
nodeAttribute _ =
-- GVA.Width and GVA.Height have a minimum of 0.01
--[GVA.Width diaWidth, GVA.Height diaHeight]
[GVA.Width 0.01, GVA.Height 0.01]
collapseTestStrings :: [String]
collapseTestStrings = [
"y = x",
"y = 1.0",
"y = f x",
"y = f x1 x2",
"y = f (g x)",
"y = g (\\x -> x)",
"y = f $ g (\\x -> x)",
"y = foo (3 + bazOf2) (8 * bazOf2) where bazOf2 = baz 2",
"Foo x = 1",
"Foo (Bar x) = 1",
"Foo 1 x = 2",
"Foo (Bar x) = f x",
"y x = case x of {Just w -> (let (z,_) = w in z)}"
makeCollapseTest :: SpecialBackend b Double => String -> IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
makeCollapseTest str = do
before <- renderFglGraph fglGraph
afterCollapse <- renderFglGraph collapsedGraph
pure $ vsep 1 [
fglGraph = syntaxGraphToFglGraph $ translateStringToSyntaxGraph str
collapsedGraph = collapseNodes fglGraph
customTextBox = coloredTextBox white (opaque lime)
expressionText = alignL $ coloredTextBox white (opaque yellow) str -- :: Diagram B
beforeText = alignL $ customTextBox "Before:" -- :: Diagram B
afterText = alignL $ customTextBox "After:" -- :: Diagram B
-- TODO Make this work for many input strings
visualCollapseTests :: SpecialBackend b Double => IO (SpecialQDiagram b Double)
visualCollapseTests = do
drawings <- traverse makeCollapseTest collapseTestStrings
pure $ vsep 1 drawings