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synced 2024-11-30 05:47:46 +03:00
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134 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import Diagrams.TwoD.GraphViz
import Data.GraphViz
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GVA
import Data.GraphViz.Commands
import Data.Map((!))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import Lib
import Icons
import Rendering
-- todo: Find out how to hide unqualified names such that recursive drawings are connected correctly
applyDia = apply0Dia
-- --apply0A = "A" .>> applyDia
-- apply0A = applyDia # nameDiagram "A"
-- apply0B = applyDia # nameDiagram "B"
-- result = resultIcon # named "res"
-- fooBox = textBox "foo" # named "foo"
-- barBox = textBox "bar" # named "bar"
-- ex1 = drawIconAndPorts apply0Icon
-- ex2 = drawIconsAndPortNumbers apply0Icon
--ex3 = atPoints (map p2 [(0,0), (3,0)]) [apply0A, apply0B]
-- fromAtoB = ex3 # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
--ex4 = apply0A ||| textBox "hello world" === textBox "1" === textBox "gpq" === textBox ['A'..'Z']
-- ex5 = resultIcon # named "res"||| hrule 1 ||| fromAtoB ||| hrule 1 ||| textBox "foo" # named "foo" === vrule 1 === textBox "bar" # named "bar"
-- ex6 = ex5 # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # centerXY
-- ex7 = ex6 # center # showOrigin # showEnvelope
-- ex8 = enclosure ex6
-- ex9 = lambdaRegion 3 ex6 "lam0"
-- ex10 = ex9 # connectPorts ("lam0" .> "A") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 0)
-- # connectPorts ("lam0" .> "B") (PortName 1) "lam0" (PortName 2)
-- ex11 = connectIcons "lam0" "y" $ ex10 === vrule 2 === textBox "y" # named "y"
d0Icons = toNames
[("A", Apply0Icon),
("B", Apply0Icon),
("res", ResultIcon),
("foo", TextBoxIcon "foo"),
("bar", TextBoxIcon "bar")
d0Edges =
portToPort "A" 0 "B" 2,
iconToPort "foo" "B" 0,
iconToPort "res" "A" 2,
iconToPort "foo" "B" 0,
iconToPort "bar" "B" 3,
iconToPort "bar" "A" 3
drawing0 = Drawing d0Icons d0Edges []
d0Name = toName "d0"
superEdges =
portToPort ("lam0" .> "A") 1 "lam0" 0,
iconToIcon "y" "lam0",
iconToIcon "z" "lam0",
iconToIcon "q" "lam0",
iconToIcon "A" "z"
superIcons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 3 d0Name),
("y", TextBoxIcon "y"),
("z", TextBoxIcon "z"),
("q", TextBoxIcon "q")
--superDrawing = Drawing [((toName "lam0"), LambdaRegionIcon 3 (toName"d0"))] superEdges [((toName "d0"), drawing0)]
superDrawing = Drawing superIcons superEdges [(d0Name, drawing0)]
super2Icons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 1 d0Name),
--("y", TextBoxIcon "y"),
("lam1", LambdaRegionIcon 2 d0Name)
super2Edges =
iconToIcon "lam0" "lam1"
--iconToIcon "y" "lam0"
super2Drawing = Drawing super2Icons super2Edges [(d0Name, drawing0)]
super2Name = toName "s2"
super3Icons = toNames [
("lam0", LambdaRegionIcon 3 d1Name),
--("y", TextBoxIcon "y"),
("lam1", LambdaRegionIcon 4 d1Name)
super3Edges =
-- iconToIcon "lam0" "lam1",
iconToIcon "lam0" "A"
d1Name = toName "d1"
super3Drawing = Drawing super3Icons super2Edges [(d1Name, super2Drawing)]
-- This is left commented out for a future test of the manual connect functions.
-- connectNodes g =
-- g # connectIconToPort "res" "A" (PortName 2) # connectIconToPort "foo" "B" (PortName 0)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "B" (PortName 3) # connectPorts "A" (PortName 0) "B" (PortName 2)
-- # connectIconToPort "bar" "A" (PortName 3)
--main1 = mainWith (ex11 # bgFrame 0.1 black)
main1 :: IO ()
main1 = do
placedNodes <- renderDrawing super2Drawing
mainWith (placedNodes # bgFrame 0.1 black)
main2 = mainWith (guardIcon 3 # bgFrame 0.1 black)
main :: IO ()
main = main2