2020-12-18 21:01:46 -08:00

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-- This file is formatted with Ormolu
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | This module is the core of the GUI model and control. This module
-- does not interact with GUI libraries.
module GuiInternals
( Inputs (..),
AppState (..),
MouseButton (..),
KeyEvent (..),
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT)
import Data.Coerce (Coercible)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.GI.Base (withManagedPtr)
import Data.IORef (IORef, modifyIORef', readIORef, writeIORef)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import Data.List (find)
-- import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime (MkSystemTime))
import qualified Data.Tuple.Extra as Tuple
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import qualified GI.Cairo (Context (..))
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Internal (Render (runRender))
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Types (Cairo (Cairo))
-- Constants
minimumScale :: Double
minimumScale = 0.1
-- Types
-- | An Enum of mouse buttons, so order is important!
data MouseButton
= LeftMouseButton
| MiddleMouseButton
| RightMouseButton
| UnknownMouseButton
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
-- | What action should be taken when you press a key?
data KeyEvent
= UndoKey
| AbortKey
| TranslateKey
| UnknownKey Text
-- | This is not an enmum so that new types of nodes can be created at
-- runtime. Everything of type (Double, Double) is either (width,
-- height) or (x, y).
data NodeType = NodeType
{ _ntName :: !String,
_ntNumInitialPorts :: !Int,
-- | Returns which port was clicked on. If no port was clicked it
-- returns Nothing.
_ntPortClicked ::
!( (Double, Double) -> -- (x, y) in the node's coordinates.
Element -> -- Which element was clicked
Maybe Int
_ntDraw :: !(Transform -> (Int, Element) -> Render ()),
-- | Given the port number, return the location of that port in
-- the node's coordinates.
_ntPortLocations :: !(Int -> (Double, Double)),
-- | (x, y) position of the center of the handle.
_ntHandleLocation :: !(Double, Double),
-- ? Should the argument be Element instead?
-- | Given the number of ports, return the size of the node.
_ntSize :: !(Int -> (Double, Double))
-- | A simple 2d transformation. See transform below for
-- details.
data Transform = Transform
{ -- | Controls scaling. This is a scale factor, so the size of
-- visual elements are multiplied by this number. Thus a value of
-- one is no scale, values greater than 1 scales in, and values
-- between 0 and 1 scales out. Negative values result in undefined
-- behavior, although it would be cool if negative values
-- produced a flip across both the X and Y axes.
_tScale :: !Double,
-- | (x, y)
_tTranslate :: !(Double, Double)
-- TODO Add quick check tests that transform and unTransform are inverses
transform :: Transform -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
transform (Transform scale (deltaX, deltaY)) (x, y) =
( x * scale + deltaX,
y * scale + deltaY
unTransform :: Transform -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
unTransform (Transform scale (deltaX, deltaY)) (transformedX, transformedY) =
( (transformedX - deltaX) / scale,
(transformedY - deltaY) / scale
windowToElementCoordinates :: AppState -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
windowToElementCoordinates state = unTransform (_asTransform state)
newtype ElemId = ElemId {_unElemId :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Num)
-- | A graphical element that can be clicked
data Element = Element
{ -- | (x, y) of top left corner. These values are in Element
-- coordinates. Use the (transform _asTransform) function to
-- convert these to window coordinates and (unTransform
-- _asTransform) to convert window coordinates to _elPosition.
_elPosition :: !(Double, Double),
-- | Depth. Higher values are drawn on top
-- _elZ is currently ignored
_elZ :: !Int,
_elType :: !NodeType,
_elNumPorts :: !Int
-- | When the translation key is first pressed, these values contain
-- the mouse position and (_tTranslate . _asTransform) at that moment.
data Panning = Panning
{ _panMouse :: !(Double, Double),
_panTranslation :: !(Double, Double)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A specific port in a node.
data Port = Port
{ -- | The node this port is in.
_pNode :: ElemId,
-- | The port number of the port in the node.
_pPort :: Int
data Inputs = Inputs
{ -- | Raw mouse x and y position in window coordinates.
_inMouseXandY :: !(Double, Double),
_inTime :: !SystemTime,
_inPrevTime :: !SystemTime,
_inEvents :: ![InputEvent],
-- | If Something, then a translation is occuring.
_inTranslation :: !(Maybe Panning)
-- TODO Consider extracting History and UndoPosition into their own "object".
data AppState = AppState
{ -- | This is a key for _asElements
_asMovingNode :: !(Maybe ElemId),
-- TODO _asEdges is a set, so consider using a set data structure here.
-- | The connections between nodes. Currently the edges do not have a direction.
_asEdges :: ![(Port, Port)],
-- | Iff Just, an edge is currently being draw where the ElemId is
-- one end of the edge.
_asCurrentEdge :: !(Maybe Port),
_asElements :: !(IntMap.IntMap Element),
-- | FPS rounded down to nearest hundred if over 200 fps.
_asFPSr :: !Double,
-- | A full history of the state of the app. Use addHistoryEvent
-- to add new HistoryEvents, do not add events directly.
_asHistory :: ![Undoable HistoryEvent],
-- | A pointer into _asHistory. The undo command pops this
-- stack, undos the HistoryEvent, and pushes the inverse of the
-- popped HistoryEvent onto _asHistory.
_asUndoPosition :: ![Undoable HistoryEvent],
-- | The biggest ElemId used so far in the program. Not updated by undo.
_asBiggestID :: !ElemId,
-- | Controls scalaing (aka. zooming) and translation (aka. panning)
_asTransform :: !Transform
data InputEvent
= -- | Which node was clicked and the relative click position within a node.
!(Double, Double) -- relative mouse position
| AddNode !(Double, Double) -- where to add the node
| -- | Undo the last action.
| -- | Abort the current command (like C-g in Emacs).
| -- | The scale factor is multiplied by this number.
ScaleAdjustEvent !Double
data Undoable a = Do !a | Undo !a
-- NodeType instances
handleWidth :: Double
handleWidth = 50
portWidth :: Double
portWidth = 30
applyNodeHeight :: Double
applyNodeHeight = 30
-- | Draw an apply node. This function's type will probably change
-- since some of this could be done in drawNode.
drawApply :: Transform -> (Int, Element) -> Render ()
drawApply transformation (elemId, Element {..}) = do
-- TODO See if there's a way to scale the entire Cairo drawing.
let (x, y) = transform transformation _elPosition
scale = _tScale transformation
scaledPortWidth = scale * portWidth
scaledHeight = scale * applyNodeHeight
scaledHandleWidth = scale * handleWidth
drawPort portNum =
(x + scaledHandleWidth + scaledPortWidth * fromIntegral portNum)
Cairo.setSourceRGB 1 1 1
Cairo.setLineWidth (3 * scale)
-- Draw the handle
Cairo.rectangle x y scaledHandleWidth scaledHeight
Cairo.moveTo (x + 5) (y + snd (_ntHandleLocation _elType))
Cairo.showText (show elemId <> " " <> _ntName _elType)
Cairo.setSourceRGB 1 0 0
traverse_ drawPort [0 .. (_elNumPorts -1)]
applyPortClicked :: (Double, Double) -> Element -> Maybe Int
applyPortClicked (x, _) Element {_elNumPorts} =
let rectClicked = floor ((x - handleWidth) / portWidth)
in if x <= handleWidth
then Nothing
else Just rectClicked
applyPortLocations :: Int -> (Double, Double)
applyPortLocations port =
( handleWidth + (portWidth / 2) + (fromIntegral port * portWidth),
applyNodeHeight / 2
applySize :: Int -> (Double, Double)
applySize numPorts =
( handleWidth + portWidth * fromIntegral numPorts,
apply :: NodeType
apply =
{ _ntName = "apply",
_ntNumInitialPorts = 2,
_ntPortClicked = applyPortClicked,
_ntDraw = drawApply,
_ntPortLocations = applyPortLocations,
_ntHandleLocation = (handleWidth / 2, applyNodeHeight / 2),
_ntSize = applySize
-- | Flip a Do to an Undo, and an Undo to a Do.
invertUndoable :: Undoable a -> Undoable a
invertUndoable undoable = case undoable of
Do a -> Undo a
Undo a -> Do a
-- | Records actions so that they can be undone.
data HistoryEvent
= MovedNode -- TODO Record which node, and where the node was moved
-- from (and to).
| AddedNode ElemId (Double, Double) -- Id of node and position
deriving (Show, Eq)
emptyAppState :: AppState
emptyAppState =
{ _asMovingNode = Nothing,
_asEdges = [],
_asCurrentEdge = Nothing,
_asElements = mempty,
_asFPSr = 0,
_asHistory = [],
_asUndoPosition = [],
_asBiggestID = 0,
_asTransform = Transform 1 (0, 0)
emptyInputs :: Inputs
emptyInputs =
{ _inMouseXandY = (0, 0),
_inTime = MkSystemTime 0 0,
_inPrevTime = MkSystemTime 0 0,
_inEvents = mempty,
_inTranslation = Nothing
-- | Add a new HistoryEvent and reset _asUndoPosition.
addHistoryEvent :: HistoryEvent -> AppState -> AppState
addHistoryEvent event state@AppState {_asHistory, _asUndoPosition} =
let updatedHistory = Do event : _asHistory
in state
{ _asHistory = updatedHistory,
_asUndoPosition = updatedHistory
-- | Add an event to the event queue in Inputs.
addEvent :: InputEvent -> Inputs -> Inputs
addEvent event inputs@Inputs {_inEvents} = inputs {_inEvents = event : _inEvents}
-- | Uses the argument function to combine the tuples.
elementwiseOp :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, a) -> (b, b) -> (c, c)
elementwiseOp f (x0, x1) (y0, y1) =
(f x0 y0, f x1 y1)
renderCairo :: Coercible a GI.Cairo.Context => a -> Render c -> IO c
renderCairo c r = withManagedPtr c $ \pointer ->
runReaderT (runRender r) (Cairo (castPtr pointer))
drawLine :: Transform -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Render ()
drawLine Transform {_tScale} (fromX, fromY) (toX, toY) = do
Cairo.setSourceRGB 0 1 0
Cairo.setLineWidth (5 * _tScale)
Cairo.moveTo fromX fromY
Cairo.lineTo toX toY
_drawCircle :: (Double, Double) -> Render ()
_drawCircle (x, y) = do
-- setSourceRGB 1 0 0
Cairo.setLineWidth 1
-- moveTo x y
let radius = 20
let tau = 2 * pi
Cairo.arc x y radius 0 tau
drawNode :: Transform -> (Int, Element) -> Render ()
drawNode t (elemId, element) = _ntDraw (_elType element) t (elemId, element)
-- TODO This name should indicate that it's adding in the location of
-- the element.
portLocation :: Int -> Element -> (Double, Double)
portLocation port element =
(_elPosition element)
(_ntPortLocations (_elType element) port)
drawCurrentEdge :: (Double, Double) -> AppState -> Render ()
drawCurrentEdge mousePosition AppState {_asCurrentEdge, _asElements, _asTransform} =
case _asCurrentEdge of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just port -> case IntMap.lookup (_unElemId $ _pNode port) _asElements of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just element ->
(transform _asTransform (portLocation (_pPort port) element))
drawEdges :: AppState -> Render ()
drawEdges AppState {_asEdges, _asElements, _asTransform} =
traverse_ drawEdge _asEdges
drawEdge :: (Port, Port) -> Render ()
drawEdge (from, to) = case (lookupFrom, lookupTo) of
(Just fromElem, Just toElem) ->
(transform _asTransform (portLocation (_pPort from) fromElem))
(transform _asTransform (portLocation (_pPort to) toElem))
_ -> pure ()
lookupFrom = IntMap.lookup (_unElemId $ _pNode from) _asElements
lookupTo = IntMap.lookup (_unElemId $ _pNode to) _asElements
updateBackground :: p -> IORef Inputs -> IORef AppState -> Render ()
updateBackground _canvas inputsRef stateRef = do
-- width <- (realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedWidth canvas)
-- :: Render Double)
-- height <- (realToFrac <$> (liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetAllocatedHeight canvas)
-- :: Render Double)
-- TODO This should be moved into the setup phase
Cairo.setSourceRGB 0 0 0
state <- Cairo.liftIO $ readIORef stateRef
inputs <- Cairo.liftIO $ readIORef inputsRef
Cairo.setSourceRGB 1 1 1
Cairo.moveTo 10 10
Cairo.showText ("fps=" <> show (_asFPSr state))
drawCurrentEdge (_inMouseXandY inputs) state
drawEdges state
(drawNode (_asTransform state))
(IntMap.toList (_asElements state))
findElementByPosition ::
IntMap.IntMap Element -> (Double, Double) -> Maybe (Int, Element)
findElementByPosition elements (mouseX, mouseY) =
let mouseInElement (_elementId, Element {_elPosition, _elType, _elNumPorts}) =
let (x, y) = _elPosition
(width, height) = _ntSize _elType _elNumPorts
in mouseX >= x && mouseX <= (x + width)
&& mouseY >= y
&& mouseY <= (y + height)
in find mouseInElement (IntMap.toList elements)
getFps :: Inputs -> Double
getFps inputs =
let (MkSystemTime seconds nanoseconds) = _inTime inputs
(MkSystemTime oldSeconds oldNanoseconds) = _inPrevTime inputs
secondsDiff = seconds - oldSeconds
nanosecondDiff = nanoseconds - oldNanoseconds
fps =
if secondsDiff == 0
then fromIntegral (div (10 ^ (9 :: Int)) nanosecondDiff)
else 1 / fromIntegral secondsDiff
in if fps >= 200
then fromIntegral $ div (truncate fps) 100 * (100 :: Int)
else fps
clickOnNode ::
ElemId ->
(Double, Double) -> -- Click position where (0,0) is top left of element
AppState ->
clickOnNode elemId relativePosition oldState@AppState {_asMovingNode, _asHistory, _asElements, _asCurrentEdge, _asEdges} =
let portClicked = case IntMap.lookup (_unElemId elemId) _asElements of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just element ->
_ntPortClicked (_elType element) relativePosition element
in case _asMovingNode of
Nothing -> case portClicked of
Nothing -> oldState {_asMovingNode = Just elemId}
Just port -> case _asCurrentEdge of
Nothing -> oldState {_asCurrentEdge = Just $ Port {_pNode = elemId, _pPort = port}}
Just edgePort ->
{ _asEdges =
( edgePort,
Port {_pNode = elemId, _pPort = port}
) :
_asCurrentEdge = Nothing
Just _ ->
addHistoryEvent MovedNode $
oldState {_asMovingNode = Nothing}
-- | Add a node to the canvas at the given position in Element
-- coordinates with a known ID.
addNodeWithId :: ElemId -> (Double, Double) -> AppState -> AppState
state@AppState {_asElements, _asHistory, _asBiggestID} =
let applyNode =
{ _elPosition = addPosition,
_elZ = 0,
_elType = apply,
_elNumPorts = _ntNumInitialPorts apply
newElements =
IntMap.insert (_unElemId nodeId) applyNode _asElements
in addHistoryEvent (AddedNode nodeId addPosition) $
{ _asElements = newElements,
_asBiggestID = max _asBiggestID nodeId
-- | Add a node to the canvas at the given position.
addNode :: (Double, Double) -> AppState -> AppState
addNode addPosition state@AppState {_asBiggestID} =
addNodeWithId (1 + _asBiggestID) addPosition state
removeNode :: ElemId -> AppState -> AppState
removeNode nodeId oldState@AppState {_asElements} =
oldState {_asElements = IntMap.delete (_unElemId nodeId) _asElements}
undo :: AppState -> AppState
undo oldState@AppState {_asHistory, _asUndoPosition} = newState
newState = case _asUndoPosition of
[] -> oldState
historyEvent : restOfHistory ->
{ _asHistory = invertUndoable historyEvent : _asHistory,
_asUndoPosition = restOfHistory
undidState = case historyEvent of
Do MovedNode -> oldState -- TODO Implement undo move node.
Do (AddedNode nodeId _) -> removeNode nodeId oldState
Undo (AddedNode nodeId position) ->
addNodeWithId nodeId position oldState
Undo MovedNode -> oldState -- TODO Implement undo Undo move.
-- | Abort the current action. This includes resetting the _asUndoPosition.
abort :: AppState -> AppState
abort state@AppState {_asHistory, _asUndoPosition} =
state {_asUndoPosition = _asHistory}
-- | Adjust the scale factor.
adjustScale :: (Double, Double) -> Double -> AppState -> AppState
adjustScale mousePosition scaleAdjustment state@AppState {_asTransform} =
{ _asTransform =
{ _tScale = newScale,
_tTranslate = newTranslate
oldScale = _tScale _asTransform
adjustedScale = oldScale * scaleAdjustment
newScale =
if adjustedScale > minimumScale
then adjustedScale
else oldScale
-- When zooming, elements that are at the mouse position should
-- stay at the mouse position under the new transform. Elements at
-- the mouse position are at
-- unTransform _asTransform mousePosition
-- So
-- mousePosition =
-- transform newTransform (unTransform _asTransform mousePosision)
-- Which when solved for the new translation produces the code below.
unTransformedMousePosition = unTransform _asTransform mousePosition
newTranslate =
( Tuple.both
(* newScale)
processInput :: Inputs -> InputEvent -> AppState -> AppState
processInput Inputs {_inMouseXandY} inputEvent oldState =
case inputEvent of
ClickOnNode elemId relativePosition -> clickOnNode elemId relativePosition oldState
AddNode addPosition -> addNode addPosition oldState
UndoEvent -> undo oldState
AbortEvent -> abort oldState
ScaleAdjustEvent scaleAdjustment -> adjustScale _inMouseXandY scaleAdjustment oldState
processInputs :: Inputs -> AppState -> AppState
inputs@Inputs {_inEvents}
oldState@AppState {_asElements, _asMovingNode} =
let compose = foldr (.) id
in compose (fmap (processInput inputs) _inEvents) oldState
-- | Update the state based on the inputs and the old state.
updateState :: Inputs -> AppState -> AppState
inputs@Inputs {_inMouseXandY, _inEvents, _inTranslation}
oldState@AppState {_asElements, _asMovingNode, _asTransform} =
let -- Move the asMovingNode to MouseXandY
newElements = case _asMovingNode of
Nothing -> _asElements
Just nodeId ->
( \oldNode@Element {_elPosition, _elType} ->
let newPosition =
(unTransform _asTransform _inMouseXandY)
(_ntHandleLocation _elType)
in oldNode {_elPosition = newPosition}
(_unElemId nodeId)
newTransform =
case _inTranslation of
Nothing -> _asTransform
Just (Panning initialMousePosition initialTranslation) ->
{ _tTranslate =
(elementwiseOp (-) _inMouseXandY initialMousePosition)
in oldState
{ _asElements = newElements,
_asFPSr = getFps inputs,
_asTransform = newTransform
---------- Input Callbacks ---------------------------------
leftClickAction ::
IORef Inputs ->
IORef AppState ->
(Double, Double) ->
IO ()
leftClickAction inputsRef stateRef mousePosition =
state <- readIORef stateRef
let mElem = findElementByPosition (_asElements state) mousePosition
addClickEvent inputs@Inputs {_inEvents} =
case mElem of
Nothing -> inputs
Just (elemId, element) ->
( ClickOnNode
(ElemId elemId)
(elementwiseOp (-) mousePosition (_elPosition element))
rightClickAction ::
IORef Inputs ->
IORef AppState ->
(Double, Double) ->
IO ()
rightClickAction inputsRef _stateRef mousePosition =
(addEvent (AddNode mousePosition))
pure ()
backgroundPress ::
IORef Inputs ->
IORef AppState ->
MouseButton ->
(Double, Double) ->
IO ()
backgroundPress inputsRef stateRef mouseButton rawMousePosition = do
putStrLn ("Background pressed by " <> show mouseButton)
state <- readIORef stateRef
let mousePosition = windowToElementCoordinates state rawMousePosition
case mouseButton of
RightMouseButton -> rightClickAction inputsRef stateRef mousePosition
LeftMouseButton ->
leftClickAction inputsRef stateRef mousePosition
_ -> mempty
addUndoInputAction :: IORef Inputs -> IO ()
addUndoInputAction inputsRef = do
putStrLn "Undo"
modifyIORef' inputsRef (addEvent UndoEvent)
pure ()
addAbortAction :: IORef Inputs -> IO ()
addAbortAction inputsRef = do
putStrLn "Abort"
modifyIORef' inputsRef (addEvent AbortEvent)
pure ()
keyPress :: IORef Inputs -> IORef AppState -> KeyEvent -> IO ()
keyPress inputsRef stateRef keyEvent = do
state <- readIORef stateRef
inputs <- readIORef inputsRef
case keyEvent of
UndoKey -> addUndoInputAction inputsRef
AbortKey -> addAbortAction inputsRef
TranslateKey ->
| isNothing (_inTranslation inputs) ->
( inputs
{ _inTranslation =
( Panning
(_inMouseXandY inputs)
(_tTranslate (_asTransform state))
>> putStrLn "translate key pressed"
| otherwise -> pure ()
UnknownKey _ -> pure ()
pure ()
keyRelease :: IORef Inputs -> KeyEvent -> IO ()
keyRelease inputsRef keyEvent = do
case keyEvent of
TranslateKey ->
(\inputs -> inputs {_inTranslation = Nothing})
>> putStrLn "translate key released"
_ -> pure ()
addScaleAdjustAction ::
-- | Amount by which to change the scale factor
Double ->
IORef Inputs ->
IO ()
addScaleAdjustAction scaleDelta inputsRef = do
putStrLn ("Adjusting scale by " <> show scaleDelta)
modifyIORef' inputsRef (addEvent (ScaleAdjustEvent scaleDelta))
pure ()
scroll :: IORef Inputs -> Double -> IO ()
scroll inputsRef deltaY = do
-- scale in (zooming in) is negative (usually -1), scale out
-- (zooming out) is positive (usually 1)
if deltaY /= 0.0
then addScaleAdjustAction (1 - (0.2 * deltaY)) inputsRef
else pure ()
-- | Called by GtkGui.timeoutCallback
step ::
IORef Inputs ->
IORef AppState ->
SystemTime ->
(Double, Double) ->
IO a ->
IO a
step inputsRef stateRef newTime (mouseX, mouseY) drawCommand = do
( \inputs@Inputs {_inTime} ->
{ _inMouseXandY = (mouseX, mouseY),
_inTime = newTime,
_inPrevTime = _inTime
inputs <- readIORef inputsRef
modifyIORef' stateRef (updateState inputs . processInputs inputs)
modifyIORef' inputsRef (\i -> i {_inEvents = []}) -- Clear the event queue.