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module GraphAlgorithms(
) where
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as ING
import Data.List(foldl', find)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, isJust, fromMaybe)
--import qualified Debug.Trace
import Types(SyntaxNode(..), sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode, IngSyntaxGraph)
import Util(maybeBoolToBool)
--import Util(printSelf)
-- See graph_algs.txt for pseudocode
data ParentType = ApplyParent | NotAParent
-- START HELPER functions --
-- | A syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable if it can be collapsed into another node
syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable :: ParentType -> SyntaxNode -> Bool
syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable parentType n = case (parentType, n) of
(ApplyParent, ApplyNode _) -> True
(ApplyParent, LiteralNode _) -> True
_ -> False
-- | A syntaxNodeCanEmbed if it can contain other nodes
syntaxNodeCanEmbed :: SyntaxNode -> Bool
syntaxNodeCanEmbed n = case n of
ApplyNode _ -> True
NestedApplyNode _ _ -> True -- This case should not happen
_ -> False
parentTypeForNode :: SyntaxNode -> ParentType
parentTypeForNode n = case n of
ApplyNode _ -> ApplyParent
NestedApplyNode _ _ -> ApplyParent
-- The NotAParent case should never occur.
_ -> NotAParent
findParents :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> [ING.Node]
findParents graph node = filter parentFilter $ ING.suc graph node where
parentFilter parentNode = parentNode /= node
findChildren :: ING.Graph gr => gr a b -> ING.Node -> [ING.Node]
findChildren = ING.pre
-- | graphNodeCanEmbed returns true if the label (SyntaxNode) associated with the
-- node can be embedded in other SyntaxNodes (i.e. nodeCanEmbed is True)
graphNodeCanEmbed :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Bool
graphNodeCanEmbed graph node = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap syntaxNodeCanEmbed (lookupSyntaxNode graph node)
graphNodeIsEmbeddable :: ING.Graph gr => ParentType -> IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Bool
graphNodeIsEmbeddable parentType graph node = maybeBoolToBool $ fmap (syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable parentType) (lookupSyntaxNode graph node)
lookupSyntaxNode :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Maybe SyntaxNode
lookupSyntaxNode gr node = sgNamedNodeToSyntaxNode <$> ING.lab gr node
lookupParentType :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> ParentType
lookupParentType graph node = fromMaybe NotAParent $ parentTypeForNode <$> lookupSyntaxNode graph node
-- | filterNodes returns a list of the nodes in the graph
-- where the filter function is true.
filterNodes :: ING.DynGraph gr => (ING.Node -> Bool) -> gr a b -> [ING.Node]
filterNodes condition gr = ING.nodes $ ING.nfilter condition gr
-- | Replace the a node's label
changeNodeLabel :: ING.DynGraph gr => gr a b -> ING.Node -> a -> gr a b
changeNodeLabel graph node newLabel = case ING.match node graph of
(Just (inEdges, _, _, outEdges), restOfTheGraph) -> (inEdges, node, newLabel, outEdges) ING.& restOfTheGraph
(Nothing, _) -> graph
findEdgeLabel :: ING.Graph gr => gr a b -> ING.Node -> ING.Node -> Maybe b
findEdgeLabel graph node1 node2 = fmap fst matchingEdges where
labelledEdges = ING.lneighbors graph node1
matchingEdges = find ((== node2) . snd) labelledEdges
findParentsThatCanEmbed :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> [ING.Node]
findParentsThatCanEmbed graph child = filter parentFilter (findParents graph child) where
parentFilter parentNode = graphNodeCanEmbed graph parentNode && graphNodeIsEmbeddable parentType graph child where
parentType = lookupParentType graph parentNode
-- TODO Return nothing if the child has other edges that connect to the same port as the parent.
findParentThatWillEmbed :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Maybe ING.Node
findParentThatWillEmbed graph child =
case findParentsThatCanEmbed graph child of
[x] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
-- END helper functions --
collapseNodes :: (ING.DynGraph gr) => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> IngSyntaxGraph gr
collapseNodes originalGraph = finalGraph where
-- findTreeRoots returns a list of nodes that will embed other nodes, but are not embedded themselves.
-- These nodes are thus each a root of a collapsed node tree.
treeRoots = findTreeRoots originalGraph
-- Now collapse each tree of nodes
finalGraph = collapseRoots originalGraph originalGraph treeRoots
-- START findTreeRoots functions --
-- |findTreeRoots returns a list of nodes that might embed other nodes, but are not embedded themselves.
-- These nodes are thus each a root of a collapsed node tree.
-- A node is a treeRoot if all of these conditions are true:
-- 1. The SyntaxNode can embed other nodes (i.e. syntaxNodeCanEmbed is true)
-- 2. The node will not be embedded.
-- Note: A treeRoot may not actually have any embeddable children, since collapseTree will do nothing in that case.
findTreeRoots :: ING.DynGraph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> [ING.Node]
findTreeRoots graph = filterNodes isTreeRoot graph where
isTreeRoot node = graphNodeCanEmbed graph node && not (nodeWillBeEmbedded graph node)
nodeWillBeEmbedded :: ING.Graph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Bool
nodeWillBeEmbedded graph node = isJust $ findParentThatWillEmbed graph node
-- END findTreeRoots functions
-- START collapseRoots functions
collapseRoots :: ING.DynGraph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> IngSyntaxGraph gr -> [ING.Node] -> IngSyntaxGraph gr
collapseRoots originalGraph = foldl' (collapseTree originalGraph)
collapseTree :: ING.DynGraph gr => IngSyntaxGraph gr -> IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> IngSyntaxGraph gr
collapseTree originalGraph oldGraph rootNode = case childrenToEmbed of
[] -> oldGraph
_ -> finalGraph
-- Need to use the original graph for finding children, otherwise a node can be embedded when it is used twice in
-- what will be a single embedding node. Examples:
-- "y = foo (3 + bazOf2) bazOf2 where bazOf2 = baz 2",
-- "y = foo (3 + bazOf2) (8 * bazOf2) where bazOf2 = baz 2"
childrenToEmbed = findChildrenToEmbed rootNode originalGraph
-- Recursively collapse the children nodes
graphWithCollapsedChildren = collapseRoots originalGraph oldGraph childrenToEmbed
-- Modify the rootNode label (i.e. SyntaxNode) to incorporate the children it is embedding
graphWithEmbeddedChildren = embedChildSyntaxNodes rootNode childrenToEmbed graphWithCollapsedChildren
-- Transfer the edges of the children to rootNode
childEdgesToTransfer = findChildEdgesToTransfer rootNode childrenToEmbed graphWithEmbeddedChildren
graphWithEdgesTransferred = ING.insEdges childEdgesToTransfer graphWithEmbeddedChildren
-- Delete the children that have been embedded (and any or their remaining edges)
finalGraph = deleteChildren childrenToEmbed graphWithEdgesTransferred
-- | findChildrenToEmbed returns a list of the node's children that can be embedded
-- A child can be embedded iff all of these conditions are true:
-- 1. The node is not a treeRoot (otherwise a cycle of embedding could occur)
-- 2. The SyntaxNode is embeddable (i.e. syntaxNodeIsEmbeddable is True)
-- 3. The node has exactly one parent that can embed (i.e. nodeCanEmbed is True for one parent)
findChildrenToEmbed :: ING.Graph gr => ING.Node -> IngSyntaxGraph gr -> [ING.Node]
findChildrenToEmbed node graph = if graphNodeCanEmbed graph node
then childrenToEmbed
else []
childrenToEmbed = filter (childCanBeEmbedded node graph) (findChildren graph node)
childCanBeEmbedded :: ING.Graph gr => ING.Node -> IngSyntaxGraph gr -> ING.Node -> Bool
childCanBeEmbedded parentNode graph child =
maybeBoolToBool $ (== parentNode) <$> findParentThatWillEmbed graph child
findChildEdgesToTransfer :: ING.Graph gr => ING.Node -> [ING.Node] -> gr a b-> [ING.LEdge b]
findChildEdgesToTransfer parentNode nodes graph = concatMap makeLabelledGraphEdges nodes where
makeLabelledGraphEdges childNode = changeEdgeToParent parentNode childNode <$>
ING.inn graph childNode
filter (not. edgeGoesToParent parentNode) (ING.out graph childNode)
edgeGoesToParent :: ING.Node -> ING.LEdge b -> Bool
edgeGoesToParent parentNode (fromNode, toNode, _)
| parentNode == fromNode = True
| parentNode == toNode = True
| otherwise = False
changeEdgeToParent :: ING.Node -> ING.Node -> ING.LEdge b -> ING.LEdge b
changeEdgeToParent parentNode childNode lEdge@(fromNode, toNode, edgeLabel)
| childNode == fromNode = (parentNode, toNode, edgeLabel)
| childNode == toNode = (fromNode, parentNode, edgeLabel)
| otherwise = lEdge
-- | Change the node label of the parent to be nested.
embedChildSyntaxNodes :: ING.DynGraph gr => ING.Node -> [ING.Node] -> IngSyntaxGraph gr -> IngSyntaxGraph gr
embedChildSyntaxNodes parentNode childrenNodes oldGraph = case childrenNodes of
[] -> oldGraph
_ -> newGraph
maybeOldNodeLabel = ING.lab oldGraph parentNode
newGraph = case maybeOldNodeLabel of
Nothing -> oldGraph
Just oldNodeLabel -> changeNodeLabel oldGraph parentNode newNodeLabel
(nodeName, oldSyntaxNode) = oldNodeLabel
newNodeLabel = (nodeName, newSyntaxNode)
newSyntaxNode = case oldSyntaxNode of
ApplyNode x -> NestedApplyNode x childrenAndEdgesToParent
_ -> oldSyntaxNode
childrenAndEdgesToParent = catMaybes $ fmap findChildAndEdge childrenNodes
findChildAndEdge childNode =
(,) <$> ING.lab oldGraph childNode <*> findEdgeLabel oldGraph parentNode childNode
deleteChildren :: ING.Graph gr => [ING.Node] -> IngSyntaxGraph gr -> IngSyntaxGraph gr
deleteChildren = ING.delNodes
-- END collapseRoots functions